The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1)
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"King Hal!" Queen Mary stood her appearance less than immaculate; her dress frayed and dirty and her hair down on her shoulders. She curtseyed.

"Queen Mary."

"Queen Mary?" exclaimed a guard. "We didn't know," he explained to Hal, softly.

"I am not Queen anymore, you know that. You are king and I am one of your subjects. Just call me Mary."

Hal bowed to her, thinking over the ramifications of her presence. "So be it. How did you manage to reach Far Greening alone? I understood that Sonia Oswald was conducting your escape."

Mary frowned. "Wasn't the best planned escape. Anyway, I was lucky to meet this fellow, a former prisoner of your father's. He helped me northward. We had little trouble on the road."

Hal looked the man over. He dressed as a Masine, but his pale skin said he was from somewhere else.

"There are far more prisoners than I knew about and why they were kept is just as fuzzy. We did not use slave labor to my knowledge."

"He was my husband and I did not know what he was doing. King Hal, may I present to you, D'siderin, an artist from Masina. He guided and protected me during the journey." D'siderin bowed low.

"Masina? You are welcome here, D'siderin. I assume you are aware of the situation in Masina."

"Yes, your Highness. That is why I asked Queen Mary to bring me here; where I can be of help. Or at least be allowed to push northward into Nuneland. Masina is finished. To be frank, I did not think I would make it south through Edward's lands and north was my only choice."

"You are an artist? How did you end up in my father's dungeons? Surely, you were not a threat to the kingdom?"

"That is a story I will tell at another time, if it pleases your Majesty. I can tell you the slaves were used for nothing that I know. I sat in my cell for years. Every month or so, I walked outside under guard. At times the tall wizard would come and look at us."

"Lockwell? He knew of this?"

"He seemed to be in charge. I heard guards speak of orders coming from 'the wizard.' He looked us over and at times, he chose a prisoner to go with him. To my knowledge, these prisoners did not return. It was unnerving the way he stared. I felt he was looking through my skin and contemplated my insides. I admit just his presence unnerved me. From what I could see of the other prisoners they were pale like me. I do not know my complete heritage but I felt a kinship with the others."

"What did Lockwell need them for?" asked Hal. No one could answer him. He left Mary and D'siderin to finish their repast. He sat in a courtyard, lost in thought.

Sir Plucker joined Hal.

"Queen Mary would make a useful hostage," said Plucker.

"She came here to join us of her own free will,"

"Cane doesn't have to know that. We could force him to withdraw."

Hal looked at the old soldier. "You aren't all brawn, are you?"

"Thank you, Sire," said Plucker. "I believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Well, I am King now, so don't get used to it. Ah John, how can I use people like that? Does a king pay no attention to the fate of common folk? Was my father like that?"

"I'm sorry Sire, but yes, Henry was very good at using all his resources."


Horns sounded, heralding the return of Prince James. He dismounted and hurried to his father. The people stopped to watch the young giant as he moved among them waving and smiling. He bowed before Hal, kissed his mother and hugged Queen Mary. Sena walked up to them. D'siderin nodded to her and she acknowledged his greeting.

"Father, this is Sena, my guest. She is Nunari. She has lately been a slave at Riverdowns." Sena bowed before Hal.

"As has D'siderin here. I tell you, James, I do not like what I am learning about my father. I hope I will have a chance to think and come to some settlement of thought about him." He turned to James' companion and smiled.

"Sena, you are welcome here. There is something about you that stirs my memory, but I cannot recall it."

"It will come to you in time, Father." James grinned and went up to the tower and presented Sena to his mother.

"Any friend of my son's is welcome. Be at peace, for a little while, Sena."

"Thank you, Queen Elizabeth. I am in your debt."

"Nonsense. You are a free person and bound to none."

Sena looked at James and back to Elizabeth. "I am not sure."

"Father, the refugees from Riverdowns are numerous. Will they hamper our defense?"

"I hope not, but I cannot turn them away. They are our people."

"I agree, but they will tax our supplies. Will they fight? How will they fight?"

"We are making weapons as fast as we can. Arrows, swords, pikes, knives; we will have them armed. I don't know how effective they will be."

"The threat of numbers should help us. If we send out soldiers and the walls are still full of defenders it may give Cane pause. I will attack again after Lan Tagjet has arrived."

"Go and find food for yourself. Rest a bit while you can.


Horns sounded. The Nunari approached from the far side of the river. Lan Tagjet walked in front with Per Tagjet beside him. The nomads brought over fifty men and two Daerlan to join Hal. The people of Far Greening cheered.

Hal welcomed Lan Tagjet and offered gifts and food. Lan Tagjet accepted them. Hal announced his guests to the people gathered and they set forth a thunderous cheer. Hal led his guests into the great hall of the castle where he sat on his chair and Lan Tagjet sat next to him.

"Your welcome is most gracious but I am in an evil mood," said Lan Tagjet. "My youngest son was killed on his naming day, a day he would have become a man in our tribe. This has filled me with foreboding. How do I tell the difference between Eslendians? Who will offer me hospitality and who will offer a sword? The men who killed my son were hired by Cane. You might hire those same men some day or maybe they used to be your men. I cannot trust Eslendians but I can turn nowhere else.

"The Daerlan have requested that I search for a weapon from ancient times. King Hal, I need your help, but I do not fully trust you. We cannot do this alone. My people must be moved to safer areas to protect them from Howard Cane. Your brother allows him all the freedom he needs to kill my people. This I cannot allow, yet I cannot be with them, I must find this legendary weapon. I cannot spare any of my Bearclaws; there are too few and are needed to protect my people. I ask you to send soldiers to aid me. Will you do this?"

"Tell me more. Why is this weapon needed?"

"The Daerlan claim that the Menaloch is real and drives the Turucks northward to destroy the Daerlan."

"The Menaloch? This is not a fireside tale?"

"No, it is real," said Elthar. "We fought the Menaloch in our old home, Arda. The last Daerlan King to wield the Kaliga was Navir. But there has been no trace of it since that ancient time."

"The Kaliga spear is a weapon of magic used to kill creatures such as the Menaloch," said Lan Tagjet. "It was in the possession of my ancestors when it was lost. The Daerlan are insistent that we find it. They have sent Elthar and Gaerhan to aid us, but it is not enough. Will you help us?"

"I will," said Hal. He looked at James. "In fact, I shall send James with you."

James' head jerked around.

"Father, am I not needed here?"

"You are needed where I send you. Your men are trained well; they will continue to follow your commands while you are gone. I would go myself, but the throne is in question. Without my presence, Edward will solidify his position. I must stay and fight. But I will send my best soldier and captain with Lan Tagjet for the continued friendship of our peoples."

"I am honored," said Lan Tagjet. "All have heard of your prowess, Prince James. I can leave forty men to assist you to replace those who accompany me. We are not fighters, but we will do what we can. I am sorry I cannot leave more."

"It is more than enough," said Hal. "For I will only send James and Jed Turlane and their Blueswords. It is a small company of fifteen but they are fighters unlike any you would find elsewhere. Forty for fifteen may not seem equitable, but I assure you it is."

"Then I shall take your word on it. I believe I will leave my best Bearclaw, Ank Rak, at Far Greening to help defend your home since you have offered such warriors to me."

"Thank you, Lan Tagjet," said James. "If I may be bold, I have a friend who desires to dance the Nunari mourning dance for your son, Kal." Lan Tagjet's expression was unguarded for a moment and his pain flowed through his eyes.

"You honor me," he said, his voice breaking.

The voice started soft and low building up as the dancer moved into view. Lan Tagjet's intake of breath was audible. All could see the dancer's white hair with its red streak as she paced out the Nuneland Mourning Dance. James' watched Lan Tagjet's face as the paleness left and color flowed upward.

"How is this possible?" he whispered. "She is dead ten years."

"The tale does not reflect well on Eslenda," said James, softly. "You shall hear it in full later. But your daughter is returned to you, if you will have her. She offers only the mourning dance for her brother. She does not request your acceptance of the person she has become, but I do so on her behalf."

Sena danced, slowly, each movement a measured emotion. Her voice soared from a soft whisper to a caress of pain as she danced Kal's life. Silence floated around her as the Eslendians offered their respect to the solemnity of the ceremony. Adult and child alike watched each movement, heard each sound and felt the comfort of the Nunari mourning dance. Most felt honored to be in attendance. Hal felt the impact of Kal's life and again wondered how he could lead his people without suffering each death with them during the coming battles.

Lan Tagjet took a tentative step forward, and then stopped, unsure of what to do. Per Tagjet, however, felt no indecision. He boldly walked to his sister and joined her in the dance. They moved awkwardly together at first and then slowly the tension left them and graceful now was the dance. His voice joined hers and they sang and danced while Hal and his people watched in respectful silence.

Finally, Lan Tagjet moved forward and joined his children in the Mourning Dance. The slow movements wove together the life of the Nunari and the song in their language tugged at the heart even without understanding the words. No one was unmoved. Elizabeth cried openly and Hal wiped his eyes.

When it was done, the three dancers hugged amidst tears.

Hal called a council meeting to discuss the details of the quest.

"Lan Tagjet is leading a company to search for the Kaliga, a legendary weapon of the Daerlan. Those who accompany him are charged with the task of bringing the Kaliga back to strike at the Menaloch, a creature of evil controlling the Turucks. It may not be your task to strike at the Menaloch, but the Kaliga must be found and brought here even to the cost of your own lives.

"It is my task to defend this castle against Howard Cane and the Turucks, if they get this far. No one knows how long the search may take. Do you have a general area to begin?"

"Yes," said Onyax Lor. "The last stories of our people tell of it being near our northern coast. There used to be a trading settlement there and Navir spent some winters there."

"Very well. If Far Greening has fallen when you return, follow your best judgment as to your next step. It would be difficult to reach Tag Makk without an army and impossible to reach the Menaloch. However, we must not lose hope. While one of us remains to defy the Menaloch, hope lives."

Those around him nodded.

"While you journey northward we will prepare to defend Far Greening and to meet Cane on the field. But we must keep in mind the threat of the Turucks moving north from Masina toward Riverdowns. If Edward stands with only Tucker and May at his side, he will certainly fail. Edward is a devilish fighter on his own but he is no war leader. He needs Cane at his side, yet Cane is a scant league from Far Greening in the midst of civil war. How then can Eslenda stand against its enemies? We need allies such as the Nunari. No man can stand solitary in this world. We are not immortal; there is no time for men to ponder the leaves and the waves on the shore. We must act, and act decisively while we still live.

"Lan Tagjet, may you and I create a new relationship between Nuneland and Eslenda. Let us raise a cup to success and then bend our backs to the task."

"Fairly spoken, King Hal," said Lan Tagjet. "I pledge that it will be so."

They drank and clasped hands. Then Lan Tagjet and his company left to prepare for the quest. James saluted his father and hugged him. They parted without words for none were needed. Hal returned to the wall of the city where he stood the night watch, sleep eluding him.

Chapter 17


The quest was ready to begin. Hal saluted them at their dawn departure. His words were few and following he spoke to James in a whisper. Hal clasped hands with Lan Tagjet and wished them speed and luck. He watched them ferry across the river and disappear into the northern forest. The trees parted for them and swallowed them whole, even the sound of their passage. Hal stared for another precious moment, and then a messenger came to him from the field.

Per Tagjet and the Daerlan led the party of thirty-five. Lan Tagjet spoke softly with his daughter, unburdening himself of his grief and apologizing for not finding her. Sena kissed his beard and asked him to speak no more of her missing years.

"I am here now, Father. I do not want to be the creature I was. I am a Nunari and free."

"You are my daughter. You are one of us again. We will not speak of darkness, only the light of your returning which has eased my grief at Kal's death. Bittersweet, but I embrace you once more, as I never expected in this lifetime. You will be welcome in my tent when we return to the tribe. We will hunt and feast in your honor."

He kept looking at her in surprise as if he expected her image to vanish. He grinned and hummed to himself.

Sena walked close to James who was accompanied by Jed Turlane, the Blueswords brought up the rear. Lan Tagjet looked at the tall warriors walking with them and nodded his head to his son Per.

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