The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1)
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     The Ba al’ summoned Azelius to appear before them. They were not just one demon, but a group, a clique of powerful demons called Legion that answered only to Lucifer. The Ba al’ held enormous power that they used either to bless or torment humanity as they saw fit and however it suited their purposes or their plan for the moment.

     Azelius, as a Prince over a certain location and group of humans, in turn answered to them. The guru Bathomet’s cult worshiped the Ba al’ directly and having the guru with him gave Azelius an advantage of access to the power of the Ba al’.

     The Ba al’ approved of his work with the senator. To have such access to the White House through the senator would be a great coup for the demons and certain doom for mankind.



     The Ba al’ gathered in a dark corner of the world, an ancient deserted castle in the Netherlands. The demons that made up the powerful and ruling council were great in number. They stood tall and large girthed, some more than ten feet in height. All were clothed in royal red cloaks with hoods over their heads. While the hoods were a sign of their great and powerful status, it also hid their terribly hideous forms. They stood in a semi-circle as Azelius knelt in their midst.

     The Ba al’ spoke in unison as they addressed Azelius, who appeared before them on bended knee.

     “Will the senator soon announce his plans to run for the presidency?”

     “Yes, my Lords. He will announce his intent to run for election as president in the next several days. All has been put in place,” Azelius replied, keeping his head bowed.

     “We want to know of the senator’s son. He has turned to the one who holds power over heaven and earth, has he not?”

      “Yes, my Lords, the senator’s son remains a problem. He is covered by a host of angelic warriors and they have blocked my every attempt to strike at the boy.”

     “The boy is now a man. We have word he plans to join the military. It would be strategic to take him out before the presidential elections.” Azelius knew they meant to kill the senator’s son.

     “How would you have me carry out this act, my Lords?”

     “We will take care of him. You will continue to work on gaining favor for the senator in all sects of America. Use the guru and the power his worship brings you to gain this favor.”

     “As you wish, my Lords” With that Azelius departed, pleased that soon he would not be plagued by the senator’s son and his endless prayers for his father.



























Chapter Seventeen


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—for your love is more delightful than wine.

The Song of Solomon 1:2

New International Version






     It was in the fall of their senior year of college that Senator Bradley Malcolm Steel, Jr. announced his intention to run for the presidency of the United States. He was seeking the Democratic nomination to run against the incumbent Republican, President George Doyle. He and his entourage were in full campaign mode, and on the campaign trail.

     It wasn’t long before reporters looking for a story began to stalk Bradley everywhere he went. Soon his standard ‘no comment’ started to arouse even more interest in the estranged relationship of the senator and his son.

     Amelia finally had to intervene on Bradley’s behalf and hired a team of bodyguards to keep the paparazzi away.

     Bradley would be accepting his tour of duty the summer following graduation from Harvard. Because of his extensive military training and education, they gave him his pick of assignments.

     This also gave him his choice of duties. With his minor in seminary arts, his dream of becoming a chaplain was about to become reality. He’d opted to go to Afghanistan, the most dangerous place in the world at the time.

     Marta begged him not to do it. He loved her dearly, but this was his calling. They’d maintained a close platonic relationship throughout their years at Harvard.

     One evening when Bradley felt trapped and shut in, Marta showed up at his door with his favorite pizza and a CD of Pride and Prejudice. While delighted to see her, he labeled her choice of movies as total chick flick. They stayed up late into the night talking and eating pizza; the movie received little attention.

     Marta felt her friend slipping away from her before their time to part had come. The emotion made her consider what she felt about Bradley in a different light. Startled to realize she was in love with him, and not wanting to lose him, she hesitated, afraid to reveal her true feelings.

     He thought of her as a close friend, a sister of sorts, and she didn’t want to ruin her friendship with him by complicating their relationship.

     Somehow, during their long conversation, they ended up holding hands. A look passed between them and all conversation ceased. This was her chance and she had to give it her best before she lost him altogether.

     She leaned into the distance between them and kissed his lips.

     He did not resist and pulled her into a tight embrace. This is it, my Marta, my dear, sweet girl. You’re the only one for me. He knew he would do right by her and she would him.

     The kiss was a passionate one that left them breathless and wanting more. Also, it frightened them both just a little. Considering their past, even though completely forgiven, dared they take this relationship any further?

They parted ways that night with promises to talk again about where they wanted their relationship to go. The next day after they both slept on the idea of it, they could discuss various options.


     Emily and Seth grew close and fell in love slowly as months turned to years. Dedicated Christians first and foremost, they decided early on that their relationship would be a Christ-centered one and they spent many hours quietly enjoying each other’s company and praying together.

     As their college day’s neared completion, Emily feared that he would want to get married. She wasn’t sure if her calling was to be that of a preacher’s wife and while she loved Seth dearly, she had a purpose or rather a destiny to fulfill before she got married. She made a last minute decision not go home with Seth for spring break to meet his parents.

     He was disappointed, but she explained that she wanted this time apart from him to fast and pray. He understood the need to pray and told her he would do the same while they were apart.

     Emily spent the better part of spring break alone in the huge church sanctuary fasting and praying prostate before the Lord. It was on the fourth day that an angel appeared before her with a message. She had not seen another angelic being since that day in the forest with Gemma.

     This angel was no stranger. Liam in angelic form stood almost twelve feet tall and his glorious, enormous bright white wings stretched another four feet above his head. He wore a spotless white robe. An even larger, dark skinned angel stood at his side.

     “Liam,” Emily cried. “What? How is this

possible? You’re an angel?”

     “Yes. I am Mr. Perry’s guardian, and therefore, the estate as well. This is Terrence. He has been your guardian since the day you left Perry House. He has ever been at your side these past four years. Emily, we haven’t much time. I bring you sad tidings. Mr. Perry is dying. It is his last wish to see you before he passes. You must return to the estate quickly, as his time to leave draws near.”

     “Yes, of course. I’ll return as soon as I can get a flight out.” Before she could thank Liam, he and Terrence disappeared.

     Ten hours later, Emily arrived at Perry House. Gemma met her at the door to the main house. Emily saw her aunt had been crying, and appeared as if she hadn’t slept in days.

     Liam was there in human form and he escorted Emily and her aunt to Mr. Perry. She was astonished at the change in him. Thin and translucent, he was but a ghost of his former self. A private hospice nurse sat outside his doorway to administer his medications and keep him comfortable as he neared the end of his journey from this world.

     “Emily, child, you are here at last.”

     She sat beside him and reached for his hand. It was apparent he’d been waiting for her.

     “Yes, my grandfather, I am here.” Emily had never addressed him as grandfather before, but it seemed appropriate to do so now, as she knew he thought of her as his granddaughter.

     “Yes child, you are my granddaughter in every way in my heart. It is my greatest desire that you will always think of me and speak of me as your grandfather. I have things I must tell you and your aunt. Will you sign to her as I speak? I am too weak to do so.”

     “Of course I will, but surely this can wait. You need to rest, and then we can talk in the morning.” Emily searched for a way to keep him with them as long as possible.

     “No, child, I must tell you these things now while I still have the strength to do so.”

     Heart heavy, Emily nodded. “I am ready.” She motioned for her aunt to stand in front of her as she prepared to sign the old man’s last words to them.

     “As I have no other living relatives, I am leaving Perry House and all of its possessions to you both, as well as any monies I have invested in trust and in accounts at various banking institutions.” Emily cried as she signed these words to her aunt, who also cried. Mr. Perry had a coughing fit, and the nurse came in and gave him some kind of liquid drops to help calm his breathing.

     As his breathing eased, he continued, “My will is complete with this information as well as other instructions. My attorneys will take care of everything when I’m gone. I left no room for any contestation of my final wishes. This is what I want, to know that you will continue to live here in comfort. You have brought so much joy to my life.

     Also, Emily, I want you to have my research. Do you remember the day I showed you and your friend the papers from my cabinet in the library?”

     “Yes,” Emily murmured, her throat aching with unshed tears.

     “Good. Your aunt has keys to everything in the house, including my private cabinets. I trust the Lord will lead you in what to do with the documents when you’re ready.”

     Emily finished signing out the words to her aunt.

     “But what of Liam, grandfather? Will you leave nothing for him?”

     A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “Emily, surely by now you know what we all know here at Perry House. Liam is not what he appears to be, and what do angels need besides prayers? He knows that he will always have a place at Perry House.”

     Gemma walked to the other side of the bed and held Mr. Perry’s hand to her tear streaked cheek. She gazed upon the face of the kindest man she’d ever known. I’ll miss you, my dear and precious friend, she signed.

    “And I you.”

     They stayed with him like that until he took his last breath a few minutes later.

     Emily saw Liam shift into his shimmering angelic form, his wings spread and uplifted. He reached down and raised Mr. Perry’s spirit from his body and together, hand-in-hand, they disappeared into a bright light.

     Tears streamed down Emily’s face. “Be blessed in heaven my dear grandfather. We will all be together again soon.”

     Liam did not return for the funeral. Neither was he at the reading of the will. Marta’s parents attended the funeral and the wake at Perry House afterwards. They offered Marta’s condolences. She was in the throes of preparing for final exams and unable to make the funeral.

     Emily and Gemma, heartbroken at the loss of this beloved man, were overwhelmed with his generosity. Everything went as Mr. Perry instructed.

     They inherited the entire estate, including the money accounts, in joint ownership. No questions asked.

     Emily called Seth to let him know she’d return to school the following week. She missed him very much and looked forward to being with him at school again, yet she knew that before the end of the school year, she would break his heart and her own.

     Marriage was not in her immediate future. The Holy Spirit was guiding her in another direction, and she must be obedient to Him first, before all others.

     Before she returned to school, she made her aunt promise to attend her graduation ceremony. She arranged for her to fly with Marta for the ceremony. Marta and Bradley would be graduating the weekend before Emily. Marta was thrilled to escort Gemma to Oklahoma for Emily’s graduation.



     After some long discussions, Marta and Bradley decided together they would take their relationship to the next level slowly, and as such, planned to keep it to themselves until after the graduation ceremonies.

     Bradley didn’t send his father an invitation to the graduation ceremony, but the senator sent his regrets anyway, citing that he could not leave the campaign trail. He had received the democratic party’s nomination and was vying hard for the presidency. He sent an elaborate gift though, a bright red Bentley. It was a showy thing to do, and Bradley did not appreciate it. He sent the car with a hired driver back to the townhouse in DC with no message, but instructions to the driver to leave it there with the keys in it.

     The press, even more intent on keeping tabs and taking unsolicited photos of Bradley, followed everywhere he went. Determined to keep Marta out of this, he only met with her in secret. He spent graduation day with Amelia, and Marta spent her day with her family. They arranged to fly separately to New York and meet at his aunt’s penthouse for a few days before Marta and Gemma went to Oklahoma for Emily’s graduation.

     Amelia was delighted to meet Marta. “Why, she is just lovely, Bradley.”

     She positively cooed over Marta and made her feel right at home.

     “I am so glad you like her, Aunt Amelia, because I love her and I want to marry her.”

Marta gasped as Bradley got down on one knee. “I love you more than my own life. Please do me the great honor of becoming my wife and sharing my life with me for the rest of it, as long as it may be.” He opened a box containing a large marquis shaped diamond engagement ring.

     The three of them held their breaths. Marta was in shock.

     “Well, are you going to keep me on my knees forever?” Bradley asked, breaking the silence. Marta’s lips moved, but nothing came out. At last she shouted, “Yes, yes, Bradley Steel. I will marry you and I will love you forever with all my heart.” He slipped the ring on her finger and sealed the deal with a kiss.

      “Well, so much for taking things slowly.” Marta said with a big smile on her face.


     Miles away in Oklahoma, Emily rejected her own marriage proposal. Seth was understandably upset and wanted to know why. He deserved an explanation, and she tried her best to give one.

     “Seth, I love you. It’s just that I am not ready for the commitment that a good marriage takes, at least not yet. I feel the Lord has something really important for me to do first, I just don’t know what it is. You’re a wonderful man of God. Please pray about this, Seth. I am sure that in time you will see that this is not the right time for me.”

     “So, what next? You’re asking me to wait for you?”

     “Of course not, I’d never do that. You have your own destiny and your own calling. I’d never keep you from it.”

     Seth, hurt and confused, turned and left Emily standing there. He walked away from her and did not look back.

     Emily collapsed on a bench behind her. She let him go because to call him back would only cause both of them more pain. She’d done the right thing, but why was her heart breaking so? She loved Seth, and could be happy married to him, just not right now.

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