The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1) (8 page)

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Chapter Thirteen


No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

Isaiah 54:17

King James Version






     The senator arrived on the scene before Amelia did. Bradley’s father wasted no time in attacking his son.

     “Boy, you’ve really done it now. I wonder how much money this is going to cost me to cover all this up and keep it quiet.”

     “Father, I’m innocent. I didn’t do this. I didn’t attack that girl. She attacked me. Don’t you believe me?”

     “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time this sort of thing happened. It’s not the first mess you’ve made that I’ve had to clean up.”

     “Look, I know this looks bad, and I know I’ve screwed up in the past, but I’m not lying. I didn’t hurt that girl. She was mad at me because I broke up with her. She attacked me. Then she lied and said I tried to rape her.”

     “It’s of no consequence. I’ll pay the family to shut the girl up and you’ll come home with me. I can’t believe you’ve been expelled from another school.”

     It had been years since the senator suffered from those awful migraines. He rubbed his temples and felt the stirrings of one beginning now. It seemed the headaches only came on when he was with his son.

     Azelius had given the senator a quick reminder of what a pain the boy had become before he flitted to another room.

     Lynn sat with her head on her father’s shoulder, crying. “Oh, Daddy, please take me home. I never want to see this place again. It is just too scary for me here. Please say you will. I’ll just die if I have to stay here where that awful boy did such terrible things to me.”

     “There, there precious, we’re going to get all this sorted out.” The old general patted her shoulder in an attempt to soothe his daughter. “The superintendent tells me that the boy will be expelled. You’ll never have to see him again.”

     These were not the words she wanted to hear. Her goal was to get out of the military academy and marry a rich man and then never have to work again. Her father was not being cooperative.

     She turned her tears up a notch. “You don’t know what he did to me. It was awful, he touched me in places. He hurt me and it makes me sick to think about it.”

     Temptation, Hate and Rebellion remainedattached to the girl. Their goal was to use her to strike at Bradley. They cared nothing for what the girl actually wanted, only that she discredit and dishonor Bradley.

     Azelius came into the room to watch the

water works as the three demons worked hard on the girl to get her to say terrible things about Bradley. Good, Azelius thought. “Keep her talking,” he ordered the lesser demons. 

     The superintendent joined them. “The boy’s father has arrived. He would like to speak with you alone, General. What shall I tell him?” The man was nervous. If word of this sort of thing got out, it would not look good for the school. He wanted both of these children gone, if possible, and then things would return to normal.

     “Oh, I have plenty to say to that man,” the  general replied. “Find us a private room where we can talk.” The superintendent left to do as the general asked.

     Amelia arrived with her own personal attorney and at present, engaged in arguing with the secretary to the Superintendent.

     “You listen to me, young lady. I want to see my nephew this instant. I pay his tuition and I’ve made substantial contributions to this school. I will sue for the return of such money, since I paid in good faith to keep my nephew safe and well-educated here. Do you hear me? Take me to Bradley right now.”

     The attorney handed the secretary papers showing the amounts of several contributions made to the school, as well as a letter of demand for the return of the money and intentions to sue.

     The flustered secretary didn’t know what to do. Her boss was in a meeting with the girl and her father at the moment. Surely, it would not hurt to take this woman to the boy; his father was with him already.

     “Yes, Ma’am. Please come this way.” Amelia and the attorney followed her to the room where Bradley and his father waited. The senator glared at Amelia.

     “What are you doing here?”

     “Nice to see you too, Brad.” Amelia replied. “Let’s not forget who pays the bills around here. Besides, Bradley called for me.”

     Bradley ran to his aunt, hugged her tight and quickly brought her up to speed on the situation.

     “And just like always, you think you can throw some money on this and just make it go away, Brad?”

     The senator remained silent.

     “My nephew is innocent. He requires a proper defense to clear his good name.”

     The senator found his voice and he disagreed.

     “Amelia, that will make things public. People will talk. I will not have my name thrown about in a another scandal.”

     “That’s really all you care about, isn’t it, your public image. What about your son? What about his good name! Shouldn’t he be able to defend himself? Be a good father for once in your life, Brad. Stand up for your son! Make these people know he’s innocent and stands falsely accused. Threaten them; make them do a thorough investigation. At least have them look into the girl’s past to see if she’s done this kind of thing before.”

     As Amelia and the senator exchanged words, Liam arrived to find a host of angels already waiting for him. Gemma’s and Bradley’s prayers had summoned them. The angels reported what was happening in both rooms with the boy and the girl. Liam knew what he had to do. They must stop the girl’s lying tongue.

      “How many demons are with the girl now?”

     “There are only four in the room now, but there are many others lurking about,” an angel reported to Liam.

     “OK, this is what we will do. How many in our numbers are here right now?” Liam, ever the strategist had a plan.

     “At least fifty, commander,” another angel replied.

     “I will need ten of our strongest to go in. The rest of you will cover the building. Allow no more demons inside until our business concludes. Is that understood?”

     He dispatched the angelic warriors to cover the building except the ones chosen to go in with Liam.

     The chosen ten went into the building and found the girl with her father. The superintendent had just returned to take the general to meet with the senator.

     As the eleven angels filled the room, Azelius let out a battle cry. It was a high-pitched scream, designed to call all the demons in the area to his defense.

     Outside the forty angelic warriors picked off demon after demon who tried to answer the call of their Prince. It did not take Azelius long to realize that no help was coming. He pointed his long sword at Liam.

     “This is not over, Liam,” he threatened before vanishing. Hate and Rebellion followed suit and ran.

     Temptation found himself alone to face the angels. He wanted this girl and he would fight to keep her. She was an easy pawn and could make him stronger. He sunk his talons deeper into her mind and hung on. Eleven swords pointed at him, their tips ready. As he screamed, so did the girl.

     The general stopped. “What is it, dearest? I’ll be right back, I promise.”

     “No, don’t leave me, Daddy. I am so scared. Please stay.”

     As Temptation wailed, so wailed the girl. There was no way he would let her go. He wanted her too much, and she, with her lying scheming nature, would not let him go either.

      The general rushed back to his daughter’s side as the superintendent waited for him at the door.

     Liam pricked the demon with the tip of his sword. “Make her tell the truth right now, demon.”

     “No, no, stop,” the demon cried.

     “No, no, stop,” the girl echoed.

      More pokes from more swords and the demon

made the girl cry out again.

     “Alright! I lied. I lied about Bradley. I only wanted to hurt him because he wanted to break up with me, Daddy.” The general and the superintendent looked at each other with slack jaws, and then at Lynn.

     “You what? This whole story, the rape charges, it’s a lie? You branded a fellow cadet as a rapist without cause!” The general’s voice thundered across the room as he glanced from the superintendent to his daughter and back. “Are you telling me you are a liar?” For a moment, it seemed as though he would strike her.

     “Yes, Daddy. I, yes! The whole thing is a lie, Bradley never touched me! I take it all back. I only said it because I was mad at him. Now please make them leave me alone.”

     The superintendent stared at his desk and the papers before him and began to stutter. “You brought… false witness, dear God. Against a senator’s son.”

He faltered and turned icy blue eyes on the girl who refused to meet his stare, and then to her father.  

     “She has brought false charges against an innocent boy!

     She told a most heinous and monstrous lie,

deliberately designed to destroy a young life. What a cowardly … indeed, what a truly depraved and despicable thing to do. I have no choice but to expel her and release Bradley Steel. With our most abject apologies. Consider yourself lucky if the senator doesn’t sue you to within an inch of your life. General.”

     Lynn, heard the only word that mattered and she didn’t care how it came about. Expelled. She was expelled! Hardly able to contain herself, so full of relief she wanted to shout, she finished, “I know you have to expel me for lying, Superintendent. My lies… I could have ruined his life and I know that’s wrong. I’m just so angry with him. I still am! He wanted to break up with me. Me! Still, I’ve done a terrible thing and I accept the expulsion from the academy.”

     The general slumped, his chin on his chest. His daughter must have lost her mind. “So that’s it then? She’s expelled?”

     “What other choice do I have, sir? This behavior, it’s simply unacceptable in society. Lies like this told for spite? This is a atrocious act. Just think about it! An innocent boy expelled with a permanent mark against him, or worse, criminal charges. The word rape is not taken lightly, sir!”

     “I’ll just go and pack my things.” Lynn rose from her chair and glanced at her father. “I’ll be ready to leave in twenty minutes.” She left the room, Temptation still firmly attached to her. The weakened demon held onto his prize for dear life.

     Liam and the angels rejoiced in the just and righteous verdict that cleared Bradley’s name. However, Lynn’s refusal to release Temptation saddened them. They all agreed to find saints to pray for her.

     The superintendent’s secretary informed Bradley, his father, and his aunt of the sudden changes. With all the charges dropped, and the accuser expelled for lying and false witness, Bradley was free to resume his studies.

     The senator made his excuses and left quickly, citing a terrible headache from the whole ordeal. He told his son that he was glad the truth had come out and that it had ended well for Bradley.

     Amelia hugged Bradley to her. “Well, as long as I’m here, let’s go get something to eat, and then you can show me around a bit, alright?”

     Bradley was so relieved he hugged his aunt right back and said, “Aunt Amelia, there’s nothing I’d rather do. I know just the place.”













Chapter Fourteen


For nothing is secret, that shall not be maden manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Luke 8:17

King James Version


There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light.

Luke 8:17

International Standard Version






     Graduation day is a most bittersweet day. Emily took a last glance in the mirrorthat hung on her aunt’s closet door.

     Their school colors were gold and maroon. The girls wore the gold, which seemed more like buttercup yellow to Emily, and the boys wore the maroon. Emily thought the color flattering to her and so did her aunt.

     Gemma cried as she looked at her niece in her cap and gown. The color brought out the deep red of her long curls and made her green eyes shine even brighter.

     A large and prestigious Bible college in Oklahoma had accepted Emily, and Mr. Perry paid her entire tuition as a graduation present. She would be leaving Perry House in just two short months.

     Mr. Perry was nearing eighty now and Emily worried about him. She thought his gift was too extravagant and tried not to accept it and in doing so, nearly broke the old man’s heart. He explained that she, Gemma and Liam were his only family. Emily was the granddaughter he never had and he wanted to treat her that way.

     Since she now had her driver’s license, she also had the keys to the shiny silver Porsche that Liam had used to take her to school when she first came to live here at Perry House. She loved that old car, and there was no way she could turn it down.

     Emily and Marta would soon be parting ways as well. Marta was going Ivy League as she put it. Her parents were very proud of her for being accepted. Emily fanned her eyes as tears brimmed on her lashes. She and Marta had the whole summer to say their good-byes. She would not think of their parting on what should be one of the happiest days of her life.

     “Oh, Daddy, I know you’re watching from heaven. I wish you could be here just for this one day.” Emily glanced in the mirror as Gemma watched her from the doorway.

     The time was nearing when Gemma would have to reveal some of her secrets to Emily. Soon the girl would go out into the world and leave the protected grounds of Perry House, but that was not

this day. Today was for celebrating life, Emily’s life and future.

     As class valedictorian, Marta gave the final speech at the graduation ceremony. She read Emily’s favorite scripture about putting on the whole armor of God. Emily clapped the loudest when she finished wishing everyone success in whatever the future held for them.

     Mr. Perry hosted a party held in their honor nwith most of their friends and family in attendance.

Emily danced with everyone including each of Marta’s brothers, all of whom were a little sweet on her. The live band played all their favorites and she

danced until she was hot and out of breath.

     She walked out to the pool area for some fresh air and wondered where the years had gone. It seemed like just yesterday she’d turned fourteen and was having a ball at her surprise birthday party.

     Marta came to sit beside her at the pool, picked up her hand, and just held it. Emily was tall at five foot ten, and thin as a reed. Marta was a petite brunette with sparkling eyes, and a sharp, quick wit. Her hair had grown in darker and thicker, and she kept it trimmed in a fringed frame around her pixie face. She was adorable.

     Gone were their girlish looks. Both young women were stunning in their own ways with the light of God shining in their hearts and souls. For a long while, they sat together, holding hands, content just to be silent in each other’s company.


     Bradley spent his entire senior year in boot camp. He wasn’t allowed to fraternize with the opposite sex, and adhered to a rigid regime of classes and drills. He excelled in all he did, graduating with honors.

     Both his father and aunt attended the graduation ceremony. For the senator it was a huge photo opportunity since the press constantly surrounded him.

     It was a well-known fact that the senator planned to make a run for the White House. His reps and assistants might deny it all they wanted, but the signs were there, and the press, as always, looked for dirt.

     College-bound, Bradley was also going Ivy League. He would complete his military sciences degree and go from there. As most of his friends had done, Bradley enlisted in the United States Army.

     Because his boot camp training was part of his last year at the academy, he’d be allowed to finish his college education before being deployed on a tour of duty. He agreed he would leave for tour as soon as he graduated.

     Bradley set his course to become a career army officer. His advisors held high hopes for him, and expected him to do well.

     He thought he might like to work as a chaplain someday, but for now, just getting through college would be enough.

     After the ceremony, the senator shook his hand and patted him on the back as cameras flashed all around them. The son was a younger version of his distinguished father. The press had a field day with the photo opportunity.

     Both men were very handsome blonds. Bradley’s was close shaved in military style, and due to his rigid military training, he was in top physical form. The senator was still handsome, with a hundred watt smile. The two of them stood together, picture perfect on a happy day.

     Azelius left the senator alone for the day. He needed the appearance of a happy American family if he was going to get the senator in a true position of power. The senator talked about taking Bradley on a European tour, but quickly changed his mind. His hectic schedule would not allow for a vacation right now.

     Bradley was relieved that he wouldn’t have to turn his father down because all he wanted to do this summer was hang out at the penthouse with Amelia. Some of his friends were going on a cruise to celebrate, but Bradley turned their invitations down. He wanted to get some rest before heading off to college.


     The summer passed far too quickly for Emily as she packed and repacked. What she couldn’t jam into the Porsche would be shipped. She scurried around the cottage gathering her things as her aunt watched her in silence.

     She had the strangest feeling that Gemma wanted to talk to her, but was holding back for some reason. She finished labeling the last box and stared at her silent aunt.

     “What? Why are you just sitting there?” Emily signed. “I promise to be home for Christmas.” Gemma signed back, “Come, walk with me. I have something to show you.” She took her hand and led her out into the forest behind the cottage. Emily wondered what was wrong with her aunt. She was acting strange.

     They walked hand in hand until they came to a fallen log. Gemma sat down on the log, patted the place beside her and signaled Emily to join her.

     “My dearest child, I have a secret to share with you. It’s a secret that only one other person on this Earth ever knew about me, and that was your father. I’m telling you this now because you’re about to leave the protection that Perry House has afforded you. Perry house is a special place. It’s known in the spiritual realm as an angelic stronghold.”

     When Emily tried to question, her aunt held up her hand. “Let me finish, there is much to tell.” Gemma began her story with the first time she saw Staniel.

     “He helped the Lord save Harold and me from being separated as children. I first saw him with my own eyes when I was four. Harold was praying to the Lord not to send us to different places, and this little angel appeared to comfort him. I had seen angels and even demons before, but this was the first time one of them actually spoke to me. Staniel has been at my side since that day. I’ve learned much from him and the other angels here at Perry House. They’ve led me to pray and use my abilities to see and talk to them for the Lord’s advantage. It is no coincidence that I came to live at Perry house. Because I can see into the spiritual realm, I have the ability to pray effectively against the dark forces in this world. I’m a real threat to the demons, but I’m fully protected here. I’ve been told that one day you will also have this ability.”

     Gemma paused to gage Emily’s reaction to what she had just shared with her. Emily felt like her aunt’s revelation should surprise her, but somehow she knew deep in her spirit that her aunt told the truth. She’d always known her aunt was special, but could it be that she was also gifted?

     “So, you can see angels and demons and even talk to them?”

     Gemma pulled her into a tight embrace and began to pray over the girl. Soon Emily prayed with her. As they prayed, a small ball of light formed in front of them. The light grew bigger and brighter until Staniel appeared to the both of them.

     Emily gasped. “Oh, Staniel! I can see you.” She turned to Gemma and smiled. “Isn’t he just


     “Indeed, he is. Beautiful.”



     Bradley was packed and ready to leave for Harvard. His aunt had asked him to save some time so they could discuss several things. He assumed she wanted to go over details of his trust fund or other financial matters before he left for college. They met in her office.

     “Bradley, I have some things to tell you about your mother and how she died. You may not like what I have to say, but you’re grown now, and it’s time you knew the truth.”

     Thirty minutes later, Bradley stormed out of his aunt’s penthouse, caught a cab to the airport, booked a flight to DC, and hoped on a plane with no luggage. He needed to see his father. He wanted to hear the truth from his father’s own lips.

     It was early in the morning when Bradley let himself into his father’s DC townhouse. He was nine the last time he’d been there. Everything still looked the same, but something wasn’t right. His spirit warred inside of him. There was an evil stench surrounding the entire home. It felt as if the house itself had drawn every evil and vile spirit it could find inside.

     He found his father in an empty room filled with nothing but flickering candles. His father lay face down on the floor chanting. The guru, Bathomet, beside him.

     “What madness is this? Are you dealing in witchcraft now?”

     Bradley’s voice rose to a screech as he stared at his father. The senator was not easily aroused from his worship, but at the sound of Bradley’s voice, he looked up.

     Bathomet shrieked in horror. “It is the evil one. He has returned. Make him leave. Make him leave at once.”

     “Cease your ramblings, evil spirit. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.”

     Bathomet ran past Bradley and out of the room.

     Azelius, taken by surprise, was not prepared to deal with the boy and the angels that surrounded him. He could not call any of his minions to his aid. By invoking the name of Jesus, Bradley had rendered all the demons in the area helpless and immobile.

     “Bradley, son what are you doing here? I was not expecting a visit from you.” Senator came around enough to speak.

     “I want to know the truth about how my mother died. Did she kill herself or did you do it for her?”

     “What does it matter now? I see your crazy aunt put more poison in your head.”

     The senator rose from the floor and again assumed his authoritative role again.

     No longer intimidated by his father, Bradley pressed on. “I asked you a question, and I want the truth. How did my mother die?”

     “She killed herself. Your mother was a weak and drug addicted woman who couldn’t deal with her own life; she killed herself with her pills. They were her only true love, you know.”

      “You are such a liar! She killed herself because of you. You cheated on her, beat her, and made her life hell.”

     “Oh, is that what your aunt told you? Did she tell you everything, I wonder?”

     “She told me enough.” Bradley had his answers, and he no longer wanted to be anywhere near his father. By the looks of things, he was into something evil that Bradley wanted no part of.

     “You disgust me, Father. I want nothing more to do with you or any of your evil ways, but I’ll pray for you.”

     As Bradley turned to leave, his father began to laugh. It was a crazy, insane laugh filled with malice. It sent a chill into Bradley’s soul.

     “Lord, only you can deal with this madness. I lift my father up to you, and I ask you to help me forgive him.”

     Bradley prayed as he walked down the street under the early morning sun.














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