The Girlflesh Institute (Nexus) (7 page)

BOOK: The Girlflesh Institute (Nexus)
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‘You will receive instructions through the earphones. The bars of the earrings contain optical fibre lenses connected to a camera and transmitter with a range of several kilometres. We shall be able to see what you are doing at all times.’

Next came a thin metal-strap choker band. Contacts on the inside of the band pressed against Vanessa’s skin just under her Adam’s apple. At the
it locked into the same metal plate as the camera and earphones.

‘The band incorporates both external and throat microphones, so that we can hear you even if you whisper or sub-vocalise. It can also control your speech, but we’ll come to that in a moment …’

Miss Kyle held up what looked like a normal underwired white bra. But inside at the apex of the cups were bare metal rings. As Miss Kyle fitted the bra on to her, Vanessa bit her lip as small sprung points concealed within the rings pricked against the sides of her erect nipples.

‘The contacts can deliver various forms of stimulation,’ Shiller said, confirming Vanessa’s worst fears.

The last item was a white hipster thong to match the bra. But what caused Vanessa to gulp in dismay were the two dildo-like projections that extended from the inside of the crotch. They were moulded of black rubber with metal strips set into their sides. The rear prong was somewhat bulbous with a tapered neck, the forward more lifelike.

‘The phalluses contain the system batteries and other control devices,’ Shiller explained.

She trembled as Miss Kyle pulled the thong on to her, gasping as the dildos plugged her front and rear. Her anus stretched almost painfully wide until the bulbous anterior dildo slipped inside her and her muscle ring could close over its narrower neck with relief. Despite appearances, the thong was not elasticated, so she could not simply slide it off. It was locked in place by the integral clip in the back strap.

‘Apart from other functions, the phalluses will remind you at all times that we control the most intimate and vulnerable parts of your body,’ Shiller said. ‘It will be easier for you if you remember that.’

Vanessa gulped.

Miss Kyle plugged a flat, segmented metal cable into a socket at the back of the thong. The cable hugged the curve of Vanessa’s spine, connecting in turn to the bra, choker and earphone camera plate.

‘All the casings are titanium and the fabric itself is reinforced by titanium mesh,’ Shiller explained. ‘It is a hard metal and cannot be cut by ordinary tools. All the fastenings are electronically activated. You will only be able to remove the devices when we allow.’

Shiller seated herself on the bench, rested a laptop on her knees and plugged in a headset and microphone.

Miss Kyle unfastened the ankle cuff that had secured Vanessa to the wall. For the first time in hours she was free of any obvious physical restraint. But she knew that freedom was an illusion.

‘I, or whoever is controlling you remotely through this system, will be referred to as “Monitor”, and you will be known as “Puppet”,’ Shiller said. ‘All we require is that you obey your orders without question. Obedience will be rewarded, insubordination will be punished, like so …’ She touched a control on the laptop.

Vanessa tensed, but felt only a light tingling, first about her nipples, then the soft flesh of her anus, then deep inside her cleft. The sensation moved about her like an intimate caress. It was unexpectedly warming and arousing, and she began to respond, squirming and wriggling helplessly.

‘That was a reward. But if you are unco-operative …’

It felt as if hot needles were stabbing through her nipples, vagina and rectum. With a shriek she fell to the ground, clawing futilely at the torturing underwear.

Then the pain was gone, leaving behind only a lingering ache. Vanessa sobbed and gasped with
. She had thought what she had already suffered had been severe, but it had been nothing so intense, so intimate as this.

‘Stand up!’ the Director commanded.

Vanessa sprang to her feet and stood to attention, shivering with fear.

‘That was close to maximum stimulation,’ the Director said. ‘I trust I will not have to use it again?’

‘No, Director,’ Vanessa said, hating herself even as she spoke.

‘Good. Shortly you will phone Mr Enwright. Despite this demonstration, you might think it worthwhile to give him some sort of warning. This will not be permitted. The choker you wear senses your speech patterns and compares them to whatever words you are being instructed to say. Any significant deviation will be detected and cut short like this …’

Vanessa felt a stabbing sensation in her throat that locked her vocal cords and made her gasp.

‘… followed by whatever disciplinary stimulus is judged appropriate. Do you understand?’

Vanessa nodded.

The Director held up Vanessa’s phone, which was now connected to a small black box displaying a glowing green light. ‘This relay will enable the phone to operate down here. Now we will rehearse with you repeating my words exactly …’

Ten minutes later, Vanessa rang Enwright.

‘Mr Enwright? It’s Vanessa.’

‘Vanessa! Are you all right? It’s nearly twelve. I was getting worried …’

Vanessa heard Shiller’s words in her ear and repeated them obediently. ‘I’m fine, but I can’t talk for long. I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary yet, but I think I’ve found a way to do a proper investigation on Shiller from the inside. Be waiting to
me up about five-thirty and I’ll tell you if it worked out. Bye …’

She rang off.

Shiller smiled and Vanessa felt a pleasant tingle course through her loins. She had been rewarded. An electronic pat on the head for an obedient dog performing a trick to order. She felt sick.

‘Good,’ Shiller said. ‘We have a few more hours of grace. Next we will check the system functions remotely. Go outside and I’ll direct you further …’

Miserably, Vanessa crossed to the cell door. Although she was now at least half-dressed, she recoiled at facing the shadowy figures she had sensed earlier peering in on her humiliating exposure. But like any puppet, she had no choice.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the mews.


full of naked slave-girls.

There were a few older men and women in office shirt-sleeves, standing out amid the display of bare flesh, but quite unconcernedly the slave-girls flowed around them, chattering among themselves and peering into windows like shoppers in any town arcade. They had different-coloured collars round their necks; some were barefoot while others wore sandals or even high-heels. Bracelets and bangles hung round wrists and ankles, while rings sparkled about ears, nipples and labia. They carried purses and ribbons festooned their hair. But they were undeniably slaves.

What they did not have, as far as Vanessa could see, was any other visible means of restraint apart from their collars. No chains, leashes or whips. She could not make sense of it.

‘Turn left, Puppet,’ Shiller’s voice sounded in Vanessa’s ear, snapping her out of her confusion.

She received a few curious glances as she walked along the mews in her new underwear. Everybody else was either fully dressed or bare. But nobody said anything or obstructed her.

Some of the cells had raised their one-way mirror windows and put out stands on which papers and magazines, fruits and sweets, perfume and ribbons,
and jewellery were on display. They looked almost like any other small shop, except none she had ever seen had a naked slave-girl serving behind the counter. Each illuminated cell had its own helpless captive on show.

Vanessa’s mind spun as she tried to take in the contrast. Naked abused flesh next door to newspapers. Or was pretty, bound flesh merely another kind of produce to be bought and sold down here in this perverted underworld?

The cells attracted almost as much attention from the slaves promenading along the mews as the sweets and jewellery. But the girls peering in showed no sign of outrage at what was being done. Instead they pointed and laughed or winced in good-natured sympathy at the suffering of their sisters.

The clothed office workers were also inspecting the captives in their cells. Vanessa saw a pair of slave-girls lower their eyes and move aside deferentially for a balding man in a blue shirt. He entered a cell containing a young woman secured in a set of stocks and pulled the curtains. The pair of girls outside grinned knowingly to each other.

What was going on?

Vanessa reached the far end of the mews, where it was crossed by another alleyway. The junction was decorated with more of the large potted shrubs, some the size of small trees. Among them was a pot with a slave-girl planted in it.

She was buried up to her ankles in the stone chippings that filled the pot. A large, forked dry branch, stripped of its bark and polished smooth, had been sunk into the pot behind her, and it was to this she had been bound with lengths of artificial ivy, her arms outstretched along the spreading limbs. Black rubber straps held circular pads over her eyes and a
in her mouth. Her skin was pale and freckled and a cap of close-cropped auburn hair covered her head.

‘Go over to her, Puppet,’ Shiller commanded.

Vanessa realised with a shiver that the Director could see everything she was looking at through her camera earrings. Reluctantly, she stepped up to the grotesquely bound girl.

Her breasts were full, smooth and pale, capped by large brown nipples. A fluffy russet pubic bush blossomed from between her thighs. She wore a pale-purple collar, from which hung a metal tag with the inscription ‘Bethany 5 Lavender’ stamped on it.

‘Touch her,’ Shiller commanded. ‘Cup and squeeze her breasts.’

‘What?’ Vanessa said. ‘No way – ahhh!’ A needle of pain had stabbed through her nipples, making her wince. The red-haired girl raised her head curiously as she heard her gasp.

‘Obey me, Puppet!’

Vanessa gritted her teeth. ‘Haven’t you degraded her enough without making me hurt her any more – eeek!’

Her vagina throbbed with fire.

‘You will obey and you will also respond to commands as instructed,’ Shiller said ominously.

Blinking back her tears, Vanessa replied miserably: ‘I obey … Monitor.’

She cupped the girl’s breasts in her hands and gave them a token squeeze. They were warm, perfectly pliant and heavy.

The girl sighed behind her gag and strained at her bonds, lifting her chest to press her breasts harder into Vanessa’s palms.

Shiller said: ‘You see, Puppet, Bethany wants to be touched. She knows she is there to be enjoyed, to be
at, to be stroked and fondled. She is offering herself up for your pleasure …’

‘I hate doing this, Monitor!’ Vanessa hissed.

‘Why? Is she unpleasant to touch?’

‘No, but …’

‘Look at her nipples swelling. She’s responding to you, asking for more. Do you insult her by denying her gift?’

It took an effort to shape her response in measured words and not the expletives she wanted to use. ‘What you’re doing to her is wrong, Monitor!’

‘How do you know? Have you asked Bethany? Have you yet asked any slave here what she feels about her situation? Did any of the girls you have just passed look unhappy?’

‘They … they don’t have any choice, Monitor. You’ve forced them to behave that way.’

‘Perhaps we’ve just given them the opportunity to behave as they wish.’

‘I’ll never believe that, Monitor!’

‘We shall see, Puppet. Now kiss Bethany’s nipples and thank her for the pleasure she has given you.’

‘This hasn’t given me any pleasure – owww!’ Her anal plug stabbed her rectum with electric fire.

‘The monitor system incorporates basic biometric feedback,’ Shiller said tersely. ‘Your nipples are erect and your vagina is lubricating. Do not lie to me or insult Bethany!’

Blushing with shame and anger, Vanessa took a deep breath, bent forwards and kissed Bethany’s tumescent nubs of flesh, each as hard as India rubber.

‘Thank you,’ she whispered.

Bethany lowered her head and sank back against the branch, looking perfectly relaxed in her bonds once more.

‘Continue on your way, Puppet,’

Vanessa walked on. She noticed another of the one-way mirror windows was set in the wall on her left.

‘You may look through the observation window if you wish,’ Shiller said.

Vanessa went up to the window. On the other side was an enclosed yard, larger than the stables, and laid out with a variety of posts, racks and frames, all of which were hung about with cuffs and chains. But even more disturbing were the dozen dog kennels arrayed along one wall. The entrance to each was large enough to admit a person crawling on all-fours, and was closed by a sturdy barred gate.

‘This is the training area for new recruits,’ Shiller explained.

Vanessa could not keep the contempt from her voice. ‘Is that what you call them, Monitor?’

‘That is what they are, Puppet. Perhaps you will have a chance to judge for yourself quite soon. Now continue on …’

The alley opened out near the top end of the running track the pony-girl carriage had used.

‘Begin jogging,’ Shiller commanded. ‘I want to check the connections are secure …’

Vanessa set off around the track.

More shrub-filled pots and planters lined each side of the track, many curving over her head and virtually hiding the false concrete sky, so that it was almost like jogging through a leafy tunnel. Observation windows and the mouths of other alleys peeped out from between them. Every effort had clearly been made to create a pleasant environment in this secret subterranean slave camp. She realised bitterly that the building plans she had studied had only shown what any normal inspection would reveal. Somehow this whole level had been left off them. How much had it
Whatever it was, she reminded herself, it would ultimately be the girls themselves who paid.

It felt good to move, working out the lingering aches from her time on the rack. However, the motion made her even more conscious of the phalluses filling her passages and the contacts ringing her nipples. It was a relentless stimulation centred on the most intimate parts of her body and, despite herself, she was responding to it. But how could she become aroused in such circumstances?

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