The Girlflesh Institute (Nexus) (6 page)

BOOK: The Girlflesh Institute (Nexus)
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Miss Kyle tilted the rack flat and lowered it until Vanessa’s head was level with her bare, pouting pubic mound and the deep fold that clove it. Unfastening the wire cups that confined Vanessa’s breasts, Miss Kyle kissed the burning welts that crossed them and then sucked her sore, hard nipples. Vanessa groaned and squirmed in her bonds.

‘Have you ever had sex with another girl before?’ Miss Kyle asked huskily.

‘Once, Miss … at college,’ she added, feeling compelled to be truthful. ‘It … wasn’t very good.’

‘This will be better,’ Miss Kyle promised.

She moved to the head of the rack, bent over and kissed Vanessa on the lips, grasping her hair to hold her still. Vanessa’s lips parted under the force of her kiss and the insistence of the older woman’s mobile, questing tongue. Miss Kyle tasted sweet and her breath was fresh and hot. Reaching out with her other hand, she cupped Vanessa’s pubic delta and her fingers began to probe her furrow.

To Vanessa’s shame she felt aroused. The pulse grew stronger in her loins, her lubrication flowed and her clitoris rose under the skilful teasing of Miss Kyle’s fingers. She couldn’t help herself. Despite knowing what Miss Kyle was, she was responding to her like a lover.

Miss Kyle mounted Vanessa’s face, lifting one leg to straddle her head and then, her toes still lightly
on the floor, lying across her body so that she could bestow a kiss on her pubic bush. Soft strong thighs closed about Vanessa’s cheeks as the woman’s weight bore down, pressing her naked scented pudenda into her face. Her slit gaped wide as though to swallow Vanessa whole, sucking her in to share its secrets. Miss Kyle’s tongue teased Vanessa’s clit, demanding she respond in kind. Helplessly, Vanessa did so.

The hot slippery sex-pouch ground across her nose and mouth as Miss Kyle rode her face, with Vanessa kissing and licking every fleshy fold. With utter abandon her tongue delved into the tunnel of Miss Kyle’s vagina and furled around the hard bud of her clitoris. In a corner of her mind, pushed aside by the instinct that seemed to be ruling her body, she cursed Miss Kyle for being right. This was better sex than she’d had before, far better. How could that be?

With a sigh and shudder and clenching of her thighs, Miss Kyle came, drenching Vanessa with her fragrant discharge. For a few moments she lay limp across Vanessa, then she climbed off her reluctant lover.

Vanessa’s face was glistening and sticky, blushing with desire, her cuffed and strapped body trembling with unfulfilled need. ‘Please, Miss … I beg you,’ she gasped, knowing how pitiful she sounded but unable to stop herself, ‘I haven’t come yet … finish me off!’

Miss Kyle smiled, her own cheeks happily flushed. ‘But this hasn’t been about your pleasure. You’ve been serving me, remember? Maybe you’ll come while the men are using you. Think of it as motivation …’

As Vanessa watched in an agony of frustration, Miss Kyle used the hose gun to wash and dry her own pubes, then dressed once again in her outrageous costume.

‘Sandra will freshen you up for Josh and Harry. I’m sure you’ll do your best to please them. But then, you’ve really no other choice.’ She kissed Vanessa affectionately on the forehead and ruffled her hair as one might a pet. ‘That’s what makes it so exciting …’ And she left.

Sandra, who had been perfectly still all this time, now moved. Working blindly but surely, she produced a moist, lightly scented cloth from a store under the rack and wiped Miss Kyle’s drying juices from Vanessa’s face. Then she unhooked the hose gun, slid her hands over Vanessa’s taut splayed body until she found her pouting, sticky cleft, parted the puffy, flushed lips and inserted the rubber nozzle. Warm water flushed Vanessa’s passage clean, followed by cold to cool her flesh and tighten up her internal muscles. Finally a squirt of lubrication was deposited in her vagina and anus to ensure she would be easy to enter.

It was so intimately but deftly done that Vanessa automatically murmured, ‘Thank you.’

Sandra bobbed her head in acknowledgement, replaced the hose gun and resumed her position on her mat, leaving Vanessa to her thoughts.

They were trying to break her down with pain, pleasure and shame. She must not forget that, however good some bits might seem. It was all meant to confuse and discredit her when the time came to let her go. She had to stick to her principles and stay focused.

But it was so hard!

A large man entered the cell room. Immediately a broad grin spread across his face as he saw Vanessa displayed on the rack. He was the taller of the two security guards who had caught her … how long ago? A couple of hours, or a lifetime?

He loomed over Vanessa, standing between her spread legs and closely looking her naked and bound body up and down. A fresh shiver of arousal coursed through her as she saw a bulge growing in the front of his trousers. It was really happening. He was going to fuck her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. A wet trickle ran out of her cleft and down to the dark tight pucker of her anus. She could smell her own excitement.

‘Not so much fight in you now, girl, is there?’ he said.

‘No, sir,’ Vanessa said in a tiny voice.

He unzipped his trousers and pulled out a thick, purple-tipped erection, which he cupped in his hand for her to see.

‘Think you can take this up you?’

‘I’ll … have to, sir.’

‘Too right you will. But which hole’s going to be the more fun?’

‘Either, sir. I’ll … try my best to please you, sir. You’ll enjoy both. Just fuck me, sir, please fuck me!’

She was appalled by her own words, which seemed to flow from her without conscious thought. Was she desperate to get the ordeal over, or eager to get it started?

There was no foreplay. He simply braced himself against her waist with one hand and fed the head of his hard cock into the gaping tunnel of her vagina with the other. Then, taking firm hold of her hips, he rammed into her.

Vanessa gave a choking cry as he filled her passage to the hilt, withdrew a little way and then plunged in again. She squirmed and strained at her bonds, even as her internal muscles contracted about the rod of flesh reaming out her insides. There was nothing left for her to do but to respond naturally to her violation. The world had become a wonderfully
place. She just accepted whatever was done to her. She had been mastered and now she must serve.

The guard was pumping into her faster and faster, thudding into her pubic mound without any thought for her comfort. His thrusts were making the frame of the rack shake and setting her breasts trembling. His eyes were half closed and his face contorted with concentration, focusing entirely on his own pleasure. But that was what she was there for: to give pleasure.

With a groan of dismay, she felt his sperm burst within her. Not again! She still hadn’t come. His hips jerked spasmodically, ejecting the last few drops. For a few seconds he stood hunched over her, breathing heavily, a faraway look of perfect satisfaction on his face. Then he slowly withdrew his glistening shaft from her reluctant passage and zipped himself up.

Vanessa ached with doubly unsatisfied need. She’d no idea denial could be such torture. She wanted to beg him to bring her off with his fingers, but knew it would do no good. What she wanted didn’t matter.

‘Thank you, sir,’ she choked out.

He grinned. ‘Hope we meet again.’ Then he turned and left the cell. It had all taken less than ten minutes.

As Sandra dutifully cleansed her once more, Vanessa wrestled with her disjointed thoughts.

She’d just had sex with a strange man while tied to a rack. Had it been rape? No, she’d begged him like a slut on heat. It had been her choice, in a way. Was this better than hours of public exposure before the perverts outside? Her choice, but look where it had got her. Why had Sir Harvey chosen her of all people to investigate Shiller? Why had she been so clever getting herself inside but not out again? Dare she ever write about how she felt right now?

She twisted her head round to look at Sandra, mute and hooded, placidly seated beside the rack.
could the girl be so perfectly calm, so … peaceful? Had the fight been driven out of her? If she was kept here long enough, would that happen to her?

Ten minutes later the stouter of the two guards entered her cell. Was he Josh or Harry? Did it matter?

He closed the door and immediately started undressing. In a minute he was naked, a slight paunch overhanging his swelling, protruding, purple-veined penis.

He circled the rack, examining Vanessa intently from all angles. She twisted her head to follow him with wide, anxious eyes, but she said nothing. The sense of utter helplessness combined with mounting excitement grew within her once more. Her nipples, which had softened slightly with waiting, now hardened again. Her hot, gaping holes ached to be filled. She was nothing but a slut on heat who needed serving.

The man stepped nearer and gently touched her cheek, then her shoulder. He rubbed the soft hollow of her armpit, he squeezed her pectorals, circled her abused breasts with his fingertips, pinched and rolled her nipples, kneaded the trembling flesh of her stomach and ran his palms over her widespread inner thighs. With the satisfaction of a connoisseur he cupped her wet cleft mound, tugged her pubic hair and ground his thumb into the hard bud of her clitoris.

His erection was standing out rock-hard now, and Vanessa saw a drop of natural lubrication glistening on its tip. She knew that rod of flesh would soon be inside her.

His thumb slid down her cleft and into the dripping mouth of her vagina, while his forefinger slipped easily past the sphincter of her greased anus and
the soft elastic tunnel within. She was so open, so ready. Vanessa closed her eyes and groaned in ecstasy at his teasing touch. Yes, he would bring her the release she craved. It was wonderful …


Vanessa gave a shriek of surprise at the band of fire that exploded across her bottom. She opened her eyes to find the man had taken a cane from the wall rack and lashed it across her taut buttocks and bulging mound of Venus. A second and third blow followed in quick succession. She jerked at her bonds, the tendons of her inner thighs standing out as she tried futilely to close them.

After six cuts, the man threw the cane aside, positioned himself between Vanessa’s scarlet buttocks and rammed his cock into the dark pit of her bottom.

Vanessa gasped as the piston of flesh parted her tight orifice. She’d never had proper anal sex. The rubber dildo had not prepared her for the feel of a real penis forcing its way up her most intimate entrance. She felt shamed, disgusted, violated … and more excited and aroused than she had ever known.

Desperately she jerked her hips the few centimetres her straps allowed and clenched her anal ring in a forlorn attempt to keep him inside her forever. His sperm pumped into her entrails as her own orgasm erupted, sending her body into a wild spasm.

‘Thank you …’ she screamed aloud.

When Vanessa became aware of her surroundings again through her post-orgasmic haze, the man was gone and Sandra was flushing his sperm out of her rectum.

But this time, before returning to her mat, Sandra gently stroked and patted Vanessa’s stinging thighs, her swollen pudenda and tender bottom cheeks.
was puzzled by the unexpected gesture. Was it meant as commiseration or encouragement? Perhaps both. Shortly afterwards, Miss Kyle arrived and Sandra was led away. Vanessa wondered whether she would see her again or ever know what she looked like under that mask.

Miss Kyle released the straps and clamps that had held her so firmly to the rack and tilted it upright. Unsupported, Vanessa slithered to the floor with a groan of pain. Her limbs were locked in the position she had been bound in. Miss Kyle chuckled as Vanessa twitched and squirmed painfully. ‘Don’t worry, girl, you’ll get over it.’

She then clamped Vanessa’s ankle with a metal cuff from which trailed a length of chain. As life gradually returned to Vanessa’s limbs, Miss Kyle made her crawl to a corner of the room where a rubber mat had been laid out, locking the end of the chain to a ring in the wall. Numbed and aching, hugging her sore groin, Vanessa curled up in a ball and fell into an exhausted sleep.

‘Wake up, Vanessa …’

Vanessa jerked suddenly into shocking alertness. Memory flooded back and her cheeks reddened with shame. It hadn’t been a dream. Shiller and Miss Kyle were standing over her. She shrank back into the corner, instinctively trying to cover her breasts and pubes, causing Miss Kyle to smile.

‘It’s half past eleven,’ the Director said briskly. ‘Shortly you will contact your editor, assure him you are well and that there is no need to call the police. You will arrange to meet him in person later this afternoon and he will drive you back to your flat.’ She saw the expression of hope on Vanessa’s face. ‘Naturally, we shall take precautions to ensure you
not reveal what you have discovered.’ She pointed to the bench on which an odd assortment of items had been laid out. ‘Our research department has some experience in producing specialised devices to control the activities of young women. They will ensure you say and do only what we allow …’

‘On your feet, girl!’ Miss Kyle ordered.

Vanessa was made to stand with her legs spread, back straight, breasts thrust out and hands clasped behind her head, lifting her thick mane of hair off her shoulders. The Director looked her over, noting the fading cane marks on her breasts and buttocks. Despite the punishment they had undergone, Vanessa felt her teats swelling and hardening painfully under her gaze. She hung her head in shame at her display, but the Director merely smiled.

‘First, we must be able to monitor your actions at a distance and communicate with you in turn …’

Miss Kyle pressed a slim, contoured metal plate to the nape of Vanessa’s neck just below the hairline. From each end of the box thin transparent arms curved round to her ears, where they divided into an upper loop, which extended over the top of each ear and round into the earholes, and a lower section tipped by a slim metal bar that slipped through her pierced earlobes from underneath. The bars folded over, pointing forwards and locking themselves into place.

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