The Goblin Corps (47 page)

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Authors: Ari Marmell

Tags: #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: The Goblin Corps
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Katim’s nostrils flared. “So Queen Anne is…casting a spell. This is…not a great surprise, Gimmol. We…suspected as much.”

“Yeah,” the gremlin breathed. “But it’s her choice of spells that terrifies me.

“This spell is called the Rite of Twilight Ascension. It suspends the wizard between life and death. Permanently.”

He nearly screamed in frustration at the incomprehension on their faces. “Don’t you see?” he shrieked, his voice echoing maniacally in the corners of the lofty chamber. “We’ve seen the results of this spell! We
the results of this spell!”

Understanding finally dawned. “You mean…” Cræosh began haltingly.

“Yes,” the gremlin told them all. “This is the spell that made the Charnel King what he is.

“And Queen Anne wants to be just like him.”

Chapter Eight
The Liar, The Lich,
And The Brown Robe

he dawning sun peeked over the sharp crags of the Brimstone Mountains, spreading its growing light over the kingdom of Kirol Syrreth. Over the mountains, over the doppelganger city of Grault, over the forest of Ymmech Thewl and its newly inanimate trees, the day crept. And then, reluctantly, it alighted upon the festering sore that was Darsus.

It was an ugly city, was Darsus. In the days of King Sabryen, it had been home to one of his army’s largest keeps: a hulking monstrosity apparently built on the theory that there would be no need to fight if the foe was too terrified of the fortress to risk a siege. Jagged, toothy battlements sawed at the clouds, towers extended in directions that could serve no purpose but to demonstrate the insanity of the architects. The name of the place was long since lost, and much of the fortress itself had followed. What remained was a gaunt, skeletal thing, less a keep than a stone tree grown from the depths of hell. It was useless to have around, and yet none of the citizens of Darsus would ever contemplate tearing it down. There was too much weight behind it, too much history, too many ghosts of times long past.

But it wasn’t that ugliness that made Darsus such an eyesore on the plains of Kirol Syrreth. Darsus was a human city, and could never compare to the twisted and alien towers of Grault, the sheer military-minded efficiency of the orcs, or the looming spires of the Iron Keep itself. No, it was that the city itself had begun to resemble that cadaverous keep, or the equally cadaverous king who ruled them now. Once a thriving center of commerce, travel, and trade, Darsus had fallen not to cataclysm and not to war, but to time. Merchants and traders drifted elsewhere, routes shifted to pass through Timas Khoreth or other cities, and Darsus withered.

Some few of its citizens acknowledged reality and departed, seeking new lives elsewhere. But many couldn’t bring themselves to leave, to believe that the good times had truly passed.
Wait it out
, they said.
Wait it out, and things will be as they were.

So many generations had passed since then that no one living in Darsus had ever actually experienced the “good times” that were surely coming back any day now. But it had become a religion, a way of life, and the citizens of Darsus today were no more willing to face reality and leave than their ancestors had been. And so Darsus continued on, a wound on civilization—an ugly, rotten little town of no means, no future, and no hope.

Well, no hope for most. As with everywhere else, a select few managed to thrive, even in the cesspool of despair that was Darsus. Like leeches or vultures, such people grow healthy as those around them sicken.

Sergin was just such a man. He’d always been one of the lucky ones. He was taller than average, although his rather extensive paunch and broad shoulders made him appear a little squat. His hair was greased black to hide the gray that everyone knew lurked beneath, and he had a perpetual squint.

Now while Sergin was neither a kind nor a generous man, it must be said in his defense that he wasn’t particularly malicious, either. He was no happier to see the constant rot and ruin than anyone else, and he wasn’t at all conscious of the fact that he was figuratively—perhaps even literally—feeding off the despair of those around him. Sergin was merely trying to survive, just as everyone else was; it was just that he was in a better position to do so.

Sergin was the proprietor of the Rusty Piton, Darsus’s only remaining tavern, and that made him one of the richest men in town. His ale was weak and thin, his liquors of inferior vintage, his meals greasy and poorly cooked. A tavern like the Rusty Piton wouldn’t have lasted a month in Timas Khoreth, but it was the only source of liquid solace available to Darsus’s depressed masses, and those masses drank. A lot. On average, they spent more of their earnings on drink than they did on food. Sergin did his part to help; he kept his prices relatively reasonable, even going so far as to occasionally offer a free meal to the truly destitute. (Said meal served with murky water; alcohol, he
gave away.)

On this particular morning, Sergin was not a happy man. Last evening, he had unwillingly played host to a substantial brawl—not an uncommon occurrence, but neither was it an enjoyable one—and he’d lost several chairs, one of his best tables, and an uncountable number of tankards. It had been a profitable afternoon up to that point, one of the best that month; now, because that damn drunkard Lomis couldn’t keep his damn hands off women with large brothers, the whole night was a loss. Maybe even the entire week.

Cursing under his breath, Sergin stomped out the back door of the Rusty Piton, a spent ale barrel loaded with garbage on each shoulder. He didn’t bother to hold his breath anymore; most people couldn’t set one foot in that alley without gagging or even retching outright, but Sergin had grown accustomed to the near-tangible stench. This alley had been his refuse pit for years now, and it had been cleaned out only on those occasions when it rained really,
hard. The miasma was enough to nauseate the roaches, and the rats’ eyes watered constantly.

This, to Sergin, was a
thing. The walls of the tavern were thick, so the smell never troubled the paying patrons, and that scent kept the drunks from staggering into the alley to pass out. He
when they did that.

And thus, when he tripped over someone lying not four feet from the door, nearly causing him to drop his barrels of refuse, it was enough to set him screaming.

“You bastard!” Sergin dropped the barrels where he stood, despite the fact that he’d just pulled something trying
to drop them. “You get the hell out of my alley, you hear? You get out right now! You…”

The bartender gasped as he recognized the body. He couldn’t see the man’s face, of course; but that shape, that shirt, that hair…

Lomis. It was Lomis.

Sergin began to kick him. “You bastard! You—you damn bastard!” Sergin, it should be noted, was not the most creative-minded of men. “You wrecked my tavern, you bastard! You owe me! Oh, gods, do you owe me! And I’m gonna collect every stinking copper, you hear me?” Another kick. “Every stinking one!” Kick. “Now you get the hell out of my alley!” Kick, kick.


It was just about this point that reason began to slowly seep through the righteous rage enshrouding Sergin’s mind. The owner of the Rusty Piton paused in midkick, staring down at the body. And body, he admitted reluctantly, is just what it was. Not even Lomis could possibly be so drunk as to have failed to notice the shoe-leather hailstorm. For a moment, the bartender felt the first surges of panic. Had he killed the man?

No. No, Lomis hadn’t moved at all. Hadn’t even twitched, not from the very first kick. The man had been dead before Sergin even entered the ally. The large barkeep breathed a quick sigh of relief, and then set about pondering what to do next.

Obviously, he would have to report this. Darsus didn’t have a formal watch, but the council of merchants who made decisions for the city occasionally assigned their private guards as a part-time police force. (It had been they, in fact, who had finally broken up the previous night’s brawl.) It was highly doubtful that they’d bother with any serious investigation into Lomis’s death, but still, they’d have to be informed.

But first there was something else to do. The man was dead, and dead men, for the most part, are not known for paying reparations. Sergin would have to settle for whatever Lomis had on him at the moment. Probably not more than a few stray coppers, maybe a little silver if he was lucky—but it was
, and as far as the barkeep was concerned, it was morally his. Carefully, Sergin dug both hands into the tunic that covered the corpse’s right shoulder and heaved him over….

The naked, empty skull peered up accusingly at him as a small horde of maggots tunneled, squirming, through its running, viscous eyes. A thin dusting of blood dyed the sharp white of bone a stomach-churning pink. Here and there, some few strips of matter dangled between the ribs, swaying slightly as the body shifted.

Sergin felt his gorge rising and choked it back more by luck than by effort of will. Too stunned even to scream, he could only stare, paralyzed, at the hideous sight. So horrified was he at the gory thing that had once been a frequent customer, it took him a moment to notice the swarm of worms and maggots—coated in blood and other, less readily identifiable substances—that poured from the body. It was only when the first one, a bloated maggot coated in black slime, had begun to wriggle up his hand and into his sleeve that he finally reacted.

Now he did scream, a bellow of primal revulsion. Swallowing a second tide of nausea, Sergin shot upright and slammed his right palm over and over into his left arm, determined to crush or dislodge the creature before it climbed any further. He was rewarded, if such is the proper term, by a sudden moist pop—rather like squeezing a fermenting blueberry—beneath his fingers.

But by then, several dozen more of the vile things had begun to climb him; many had already found their way into his boots, or inside the legs of his pants. And then, finally, he let loose a true, horrified, soul-wrenching shriek. No one came in answer, but in those final instants, he imagined that he heard similar cries from other nearby alleys.

Unspeakable things writhed against his skin, biting, digging,
He tried to flinch away, but there were dozens,
of them now, all over his skin, in his hair, under his nails, filling his ears. Sergin felt himself topple, land amid the oozing refuse of the alley—and a thousand more crawling things that waited, impatient and hungry.

He was already mad by the time the bulk of the worms began to eat into his body, his throat, his face. When the end came, he was well beyond any capacity to feel it. For the others, for most of Darsus, the screaming would last for hours.

But then, Sergin always had been one of the lucky ones.

“Well,” Gork said, glancing pointedly back over his shoulder at the looming forest of Thewl, “we’re out of the woods, so to speak. Where’s this magical solution that was supposed to fall into our laps?”

Cræosh’s lips twisted in a nasty scowl. “I didn’t say we’d be handed a fucking answer when we cleared the trees, Shorty. I just said maybe something might come to us.”

“Something might have,” Katim pointed out helpfully, “if….some of us hadn’t been too…nervous to talk about it on…the way.”

As he’d been doing more and more often of late, Cræosh ignored her. It was his only option, really, other than violence, and he still wasn’t ready for that.

“Fort Rheen’s not really that far,” Fezeill said. He was once again wearing his favorite human guise. “Why not head there first?”

“And then what?” Gimmol asked from atop Belrotha’s shoulder. The gremlin still sounded on the edge of panic. “How’s that going to help us?”

“And your idea is that much better?” the doppelganger snapped. “Even if we
to go there—and I assure you that none of us who remain remotely sane have any such desire—Dendrakis is clear across Kirol Syrreth!”

“I know that! It doesn’t matter. He
to know!”

“How do you know he doesn’t

Cræosh turned a deaf ear. It was the same cycle they’d repeated half a dozen times back in the now-abandoned temple of Ymmech Thewl. In theory, he actually agreed with the gremlin: This sort of thing had to be reported. Where the consensus broke down was “To whom?”

General Falchion? That was Cræosh’s vote, but Gimmol contended, and the orc had to admit he might have a point, that one of the general’s own staff or messengers might let something slip to the wrong ears.

Sergeant Shreckt, then? They hadn’t seen the little bastard in over a month, and even if they could find him, it meant going back to Castle Eldritch. Cræosh had ended that line of conversation with a “Fuck, no!”

(It had been then, incidentally, that Gimmol had revealed that the final component of the ritual was the soul of a demon. After a twenty-minute debate—read: screaming argument—about whether a demon could, by definition, even
a soul, they all managed to agree that Shreckt was the only feasible candidate. “That’d explain why we haven’t seen him,” Fezeill had observed casually. That had, in turn, opened up a whole new line of discussion, regarding whether or not it was worth letting the loathsome little imp die. They hadn’t resolved
issue, either.)

All of which left only one other option, and most of the discussion since then had revolved around desperately trying to find a way to avoid it.
They had to carry word to the Iron Keep itself.
Cræosh could, just off the top of his head, think of about ten thousand things he’d rather do than report Queen Anne’s activities to King Morthûl in person, many of which involved being disemboweled or boiled alive in various sticky substances.

And some of the squad, of course, still weren’t sure why it was such a big deal. “Jhurpess not understand why this matter,” the bugbear said—again.

“Much as I hate to set this sort of precedent,” Gork added, “I agree with Jhurpess. I admit that King Morthûl’s more than mildly horrible, but so what? So what if Queen Anne wants to be like him? Hell, if one of them’s enough to scare the other kingdoms shitless, imagine what two of them can do for Kirol Syrreth.”

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