The Gold Diggers (35 page)

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Authors: Paul Monette

BOOK: The Gold Diggers
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“Ready?” she asked, holding a finger up like a magic wand.

“Does Nick know?”


“Who else?”

“Nobody else.”

“Go ahead.”

She was standing with her back to the door. She brought her finger down to her side and touched it against the button in the doorknob. Click. As the mirror swung open, Peter became aware of a smell that he knew and couldn't name. In a way it was the smell of money, but later he would place it more precisely. A certain kind of Brooklyn Heights apartment, full of the goods of Europe and smuggled haphazardly out of Russia. Louis XVI painted furniture, polished silver, and old masters—the smell of all the princely quarters of Saint Petersburg.

She lit the candles, and they wandered in like Hansel and Gretel at the edge of the Black Forest. For the longest time they said nothing at all. She didn't, of course, have to identify anything to Peter, who supplied a running commentary in his own head, mentally fixing a label and a price on every piece. Rita had by this time sent off twenty or twenty-five packages, but she'd hardly made an appreciable dent. Lots of it was very big. It was one thing to drag a totem pole out to the hallway, quite another to put it through a mail slot. Rita knew she had to expand her operation, which was the main reason she'd decided to let Peter in on it.

But practical matters aside, being there with Peter was like being there the first time again. Rusty Varda couldn't have asked for a better audience. They were kids in a toy shop, kids in an attic, but because they knew the magnitude of the power they stood at the center of, they could hardly get more grown-up either. They were like a king looking out from a mountain at miles and miles of his land. Some of it was sheer possession, of course:All the world they can imagine is theirs, look at the proof, or perhaps there isn't a meaningful line anymore between them and the world. But mostly, in their case as with a kingdom, it had to do with being overwhelmed by a glut of beauty. Nick had told them both that, when he walked up north through a redwood grove, he found himself in the presence of superior beings. For Peter and Rita, it was as if all the artists who did these things were in the room with them, from Rembrandt standing like a tragic philosopher all the way down to the Chinese weaver embroidering, stitch by stitch, the cloth of gold draped on the stone table. It was how Rusty Varda must have seen it, as a meeting ground for artful spirits.

“Where's it all from?” Peter asked quietly, moving off by himself from one thing to another while Rita followed behind, content to go his way and watch it all discovered.

“Everywhere,” she said. “Museums, colleges, libraries. A lot of it belonged to the anonymous rich. It's all in a book he kept.”


“Keep going. That's my office up there.”

She sat him down on the sofa, brought over the book, and put on his head the miner's lamp she'd found in the desk's file drawer. She faced him in the wizard's chair. He was turning to the book, she knew, to take a break, so his mind could adjust to the size of the treasure ground. He wanted to anchor himself in details. And with
background, even the diary was gripping, a
Gone with the Wind
reduced to its lists of damages. It could have been an accounting of the Kirkov losses in '17. Rita watched him to be sure she'd been right to tell him. Oh yes, she thought, no problem. Of course, she still had to convince him to agree to keep returning what was returnable. Nothing prevented him from calling a halt to the mail-order business. He could hoard the room from now on as the closest he was ever going to get to the inheritance modern politics stole from him. But Rita didn't think he would. What made the secret room serene was the feeling of being touched by a fabulous story. No matter what else was closing in outside on their actual lives, Rusty Varda's dream sat them down and promised that life wasn't boring at all to those who went after something. Peter was the acid test, since he would appreciate everything here so much, but Rita believed all along that the experience of the place didn't make a person feel possessive. She would let Peter see that they had enough work to do in here to keep them busy for weeks. And the work was enough. It was power over things without the responsibility of owning them.

“There's a Rembrandt?” Peter asked, looking over at her a moment so that the miner's light shone in her eyes.

“You went right by it,” she said, as if that in itself was something of an event. “But I put a sheet over it so I could save it for last. You won't believe it.”

He took off the helmet and laid it in his lap as he leaned his head back in the pillows. He settled down to being as happy as she was, since it was turning out to be dinner at ‘21' all over again—actually much much more, because their standards had gotten higher. They'd done enough ‘21' and the like in the past few years to know the menu inside out. So they prepared to bask in the glow of this place with a vengeance, like a week flat on the beach in Hawaii. And just as Rita had predicted, the afternoon in the real world was canceled. They were going to get light in the head in the next few hours. They wouldn't be any good at other people's houses, not today, even if they could have torn themselves away. They had something amazing they had to work out.

“Do you think they used to come here and have love scenes?”

“Who?” Rita asked abruptly. She hadn't gotten as far as Rusty Varda and Frances Dean.

“Rusty Varda and Frances Dean,” he said, reading her mind down to the least inflection. “You don't go as far as
just to give yourself a little privacy. You have to have someone to do it for.” His head lolled in the goose down, and he spoke up at the rough-beamed ceiling. Rita saw a split she wasn't ready for. It sounded as if they were going to be in passionate accord about the treasure and hardly understand what each other meant by Rusty Varda and Frances Dean. “Like some of my clients,” he said. “When they do over their houses, and they feel they're doing it for me, they do a fabulous job.”

“I don't know if they were ever actually here inside,” Rita said. Which was fussy of her, since she'd fantasized any number of times about Varda showing off the masterworks to his movie star by the light of a single candle. To Peter, she seemed to be trying to say it was only a storeroom in here. But wait, she said to herself, you don't have to protect
anymore. The spirits of Varda and Frances Dean were on their own. In fact, Rita remembered just in time, she needed to hear opinions totally different from her own, if only to begin to draw her out of the story. If Peter thought it was folly and she thought it a great romance, it didn't mean either was wrong. But even if it meant they were
right, she had to admit it was a romance made up entirely of yearnings for what might have been. All doom and no all-night kisses. She knew she might have to make do with the notion that, though it was more folly than not, at least it was vast.

“Tell me about them, will you?” Peter said. He must have sensed he was intruding on something of Rita's that was very far advanced, and that she had the prior claim. Just as he didn't have to ask how she'd stumbled on the room or gotten in—it simply had to do with being Rita—he didn't wonder how accurate her information was. If it wasn't the truth, so what. It was better than the actual facts because it came so close to who the people
they were.

“I probably don't know anything you don't know,” she said, conveniently letting a little desert murder slip her mind. “But as far as I can guess, she was scared of life, and he was scared of death. So he had to think up something as ingenious as junk was for her. And this is it.” She spread her arms helplessly, trying to take in the two thousand years of art as well as the hillside room. But in the gesture there was something of a shrug, too, as if to finish up by saying nothing cheated death, even if it took the fear away.

Then she passed across to him the note that Varda left for Frances Dean's ghost. And then they began to look at the things one by one. And once they were doing that, it was easy for Rita to start detailing the method of her retrieval project. Peter understood everything right away. They went very fast. They would have gone on all day without a break, except that the air usually got tight after an hour or two. So Rita decided they'd work until one-thirty, and then they'd go out into the house for lunch, where she knew they'd be savoring higher matters than food. If they had an image of the whole of Crook House in their minds just then, it must have seemed open and bright and very alive. In the secret room, they were in the heart of something larger, and the peopled house about them was wonderfully calm and humane precisely because it
a secret heart. Neither of them could have imagined violence or chaos possible, now that they were in possession of such a completely real inner world. For a little while, they were wholly without the need of dreams.

Which is why some people get bitten by snakes when they least expect it.

Hey knew what was going on in there. He was sitting in the kitchen, his stool up close to the parrot's cage, and when he heard Peter call to Rita in the living room, he knew the two of them would be locked in her room within a few minutes, and then he could have the house to himself again for a while. Rita had told him only to stay in the kitchen till quarter after twelve, so he knew she must have it timed down to the minute. She didn't mind him watching her set up the treasure trail, and she even asked him to help her drag the Eskimo piece out of her room, though of course she didn't ask till it was already out of the closet. She wouldn't have let him see
. And Hey smiled mildly, thinking of her precautions. Why hadn't she guessed? He'd been in and out of there a thousand times.

He wondered now and again why he'd never told her, since he'd told her everything else he knew. It was as if, somehow, he had to keep himself out of it entirely to give Rita more space in which to maneuver. The moment he laid eyes on her at the airport, Hey was convinced he'd found the right person to let into Rusty Varda's room. It was destiny, pure and simple. As Holy Brother had promised, he was coming into a time of great release, and Hey could tell on the spot that Rita was part of the ticket. He gave her what clues he could and was delighted to find her skimming along on the same wavelength, pursuing her own investigation before she was in the house a week. Curiously, he refrained from telling Holy Brother what a burden she lifted from his shoulders on the Monday night she figured out the trick to getting inside. But then in one way it made sense, because he'd never gotten around to mentioning Varda's room to Holy Brother in the first place. He said to himself it was all for the dead man's sake. Hey protected Varda's right to a world undelivered by holiness, a world that scorned the universe and made its own nest. But it was also true that he wanted to cover his bets. He held Holy Brother at arm's length in just this one thing, partly to have a secret shelter of his own from
, if it ever came to that, and partly as a test of Holy Brother's power to see through walls. A test Holy Brother had so far bagged.

So Hey was not as duped as the current residents of Crook House seemed to think. The really serious business between Hey and Holy Brother was limited more than anyone knew to Linda. It was the one direction of energy in his life that scared Hey, and nobody else had an explanation that comforted him so much as the notion of visits from
life. He had to sit through a lot of smoke and long white robes that faintly offended his sense of theater—he had, after all, studied under Balanchine. The philosophy of Holy Brother was brimful of fateful accidents and wild reversals, and Hey noticed that all the previous lives Brother uncovered in his congregation went on in glamorous ancient times, with Hollywood sets and costumes. No one had ever been just a farmer or a clerk. They were priests of Ra or favorites of the courts of the Louis, or they were extreme and particular people like the disciple Andrew or Marco Polo. But Hey was impressed by the psychological profile Holy Brother drew of two selves dancing in a single soul. He knew now that the presence of Linda had a beginning and an end, and he spent a lot of time just waiting for it to be over and taking it as it came. And when it was over, he planned to drop back to being a Christmas-and-Easter parishioner of Holy Brother. He'd pay his dues, of course, as insurance against another onset out of the past, but otherwise he'd had enough of holy bullshit.

And Nick was wrong when he said once that Hey would rather talk to the parrot than to other people. Wrong because Hey and the parrot didn't talk. Hey wasn't positive what the
did, but for his part he found it relaxed him just to watch the bird preen and blink and sidle back and forth on his perch. It wasn't that he watched for hours at a time, either, as if it were a fix for a glassy-eyed brand of meditation. He would amble over to the cage while he waited for water to boil, or he'd stop on his way out with the trash. A minute here and there, and it put him in touch with a world as full of form and endless movement as the ballet. The parrot suffered nothing. He wore his beauty in the open and had his million shivers and twitches to execute, and he never tired and never like Hey got so old he couldn't do it without an agony in his joints.

But today Hey sat at the cage a little longer. He was worried and a little wounded about Rita telling Peter. In his mind, he'd turned it all over to her, so he supposed he ought to trust her with all the decisions. He hadn't thought to question, for instance, where Rita was taking the loot, package by package, whenever she left the house. He could tell she knew art, and he was sure it would all get put on the proper pedestal. He would have had to admit that Peter knew art, too, but Peter was spoiled and never serious, and he certainly didn't care a jot for Rusty Varda and the old days. Unlike Nick and Rita, who seemed to feel pangs that something rare had passed for good. Hey would have told Nick months ago, long before Rita, if he could have been sure Nick would keep it to himself. Yet he knew it wouldn't be fair to demand such a vow of silence, since Nick and Peter were the deepest sort of lovers, who passed on to each other everything, no matter how trivial, to get as close as they could to being one. Or that, at least, is how it looked to Hey. And, in fact, Peter's loving Nick so well was in Hey's view what redeemed him, though not enough to make him worth entrusting with the hidden room in the hill. Peter might give it all out to his overdressed, cotton-headed clients. Even Nick might decide to keep it, if only to wrap it up for Peter. It had to go back to the people at large, and Hey was convinced that Rita alone would see it that way.

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