The Golden Acorn (23 page)

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Authors: Catherine Cooper

Tags: #Ages 8 and up

BOOK: The Golden Acorn
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‘Take it!’ he screamed. ‘Take it all Appias, mighty Goddess of the spring, and leave me alone.’

Jack could see that Maximus was shaking, though he didn’t know if was from fear or anger. He finally spun around and burst out of the open gate.

‘Guards!’ he screamed as he left the shrine. ‘The prisoner’s escaped. Find him. He was here just now. He can’t be far away, and kill that goose, it’s out there somewhere, kill the boy, kill anything that’s flying, I’ve been attacked.’

Soldiers came running from all directions. As Jack and Camelin flew away they could see the soldier’s shocked expressions as they came to a halt in front of Maximus dressed only in his dripping wet tunic. They could still hear Maximus ordering the archers to shoot as they flew out of the camp. Medric was still only half way down the main street, running as fast as he could to get airborne.

‘Go on, go on!’ Jack shouted as Medric began to gain height.

The archers were ready with their bows. They loosed a volley of arrows as he laboured to clear the wall.

‘Did he make it?’ asked Jack.

‘I don’t know. I can’t see him,’ Camelin replied. ‘Come on, head for the window. That was too close for comfort.’

As they flew towards Glasruhen they kept scanning the sky for Medric.

‘I tried to make Maximus let go,’ explained Camelin, ‘but he wouldn’t, even though I had my claws in his neck and Medric bit his leg.’

‘It’s OK. Really. It’s over now and the plates are safe.’

‘Did you see what Jennet did to the Prefect?’ chuckled Camelin.

‘It was no more than he deserved.’

‘How much are we going to tell Elan and Nora when we get back?’

‘We ought to tell them everything.’

‘Even about Maximus trying to drown you!’ exclaimed Camelin.

‘If we don’t tell them they’re bound to find out from Jennet anyway.’

As Glasruhen hill came into sight Jack could see the glow from the smouldering remains of the Grove. The smell of burnt wood hung heavily in the air. ‘Do you think Medric’s alright?’ Jack asked.

‘I don’t know. I hope so,’ Camelin replied. ‘It won’t be long now. Are you ready to fly back through the window?’

‘Ready,’ replied Jack.

They circled around the hill, separated and took up their positions above each gateway at the opposite ends of the hill fort.

‘Ready?’ Camelin shouted.

‘Let’s fly,’ Jack shouted back.

Just as they’d practiced time and time again they started their ascent, increased their speed as they flew towards the window and at the last minute they turned their bodies and shot past each other. There was a loud crack. Jack felt his body jolt; something heavy knocked him into a spin. He lost control and flapped his wings rapidly as he fought to regain his balance. His body went hurtling through the air. He tried to cry out but he couldn’t find his voice. The jolt had winded him. Jack hit the ground hard as he crash landed.

‘So sorry, so sorry,’ cackled Medric as he waddled quickly over to where Jack lay. ‘Are you alright?’

Jack felt shaken and very surprised to see Medric.

‘You made it!’ he exclaimed.

‘Is anything broken?’ Medric fussed. ‘I’m so sorry I flew into you.’

‘I think I’m OK, but where’s Camelin? Did we come through the window?’

‘There’s no window here,’ cackled Medric. ‘We’re at the top of the hill fort.’

Jack’s heart sank; the collision must have knocked them off course. They must have missed the window in time. They’d have to try again.

‘Camelin,’ he called.

‘Jack,’ a familiar voice replied, ‘Where are you? Are you alright?’

‘Elan!’ Jack exclaimed. ‘I’m over here. Are we home, are we really home?’

‘You’re home,’ she replied.

‘We did it, we did it,’ croaked Camelin triumphantly as he landed on Nora’s shoulder. ‘We found the plates and Jack got them into the spring; now all we have to do is get them back from Jennet. We’ll be able to remake the cauldron, reopen the portal and go back into Annwn.’

‘All in good time,’ said Nora as she smiled at them both. ‘Thank goodness you’re home safe and sound.’

Medric looked confused.

‘Were you expecting us?’ he asked.

‘I was expecting two ravens but a goose is a bonus! You’ve been gone rather a long time you know.’

They sat on top of Glasruhen Hill and watched the sun rise. Nora explained to Medric how long he’d been gone and what had happened since he’d been captured.

‘Is Gerda still with you?’ he asked.

‘Oh yes,’ replied Nora.

‘Will she remember me?’ he whispered.

‘She never gave up hope of seeing you again. She’s going to be a very happy goose when she gets up this morning and finds you’re home.’

‘We were so worried about you,’ Elan said to Jack. ‘We thought you’d only be gone for a few seconds but you’ve been gone for hours.’

‘Are we ready to go home now?’ asked Nora.

‘For breakfast?’ Jack and Camelin said together.

‘For breakfast,’ she confirmed. ‘Then you can tell us everything that happened.’

‘It was alright wasn’t it?’ asked Elan. ‘Nothing bad happened to either of you?’

Jack and Camelin both laughed.

‘We had to eat pigswill,’ replied Jack. ‘I think that was probably the worst thing.’

As they flew back to Ewell House Camelin suddenly did a triple loop the loop and started to laugh.

‘You did it, Jack! You really did it; everything’s going to be alright now. I knew you were
The One
right from the beginning.’

Jack laughed too. Neither of them had believed he could possibly be
The One
but he was glad he was. They’d had the most incredible adventure. He smiled as he remembered the last line of the prophecy:

That which was lost is found again.

The cauldron could be made again now that the plates were in the safe keeping of the Water Nymphs. He knew Nora and Elan would be upset when they learned how dangerous their journey into the past had been, but none of that mattered now they were home safe. He ought to be tired, but instead he felt elated. He knew he was far too excited to sleep. He couldn’t wait to see everyone again, especially Orin.

Jack saw the trees rustle their leaves. A message was on its way to Arrana. Once the Dryads woke her she’d know they’d been successful. Jack wondered if he’d be allowed to go into Annwn and collect the Hamadryad acorns. It was too late to help the Gnori in Newton Gill but Glasruhen Forest was going to be saved. There’d be a new Hamadryad and Arrana would be able to pass on her knowledge.

He wondered how many leaves Nora would need from the Crochan tree to make the elixir? Did it mean she’d live forever once the elixir had been made again? Elan promised he’d be able to see her as she really was once she’d renewed her strength in Annwn. Did she need to drink the elixir too? She’d said she was one of the Fair Folk; he couldn’t wait to see her. He knew she wasn’t going to look like Jennet but he hoped she wasn’t going to be as tall as Arrana. Maybe she’d be like one of the statues in Nora’s garden.

Camelin swooped past Jack and interrupted his thoughts.

‘Race you,’ he croaked loudly.

They flew together at speed swerving and weaving through the trees. Jack’s eyes filled with tears. Was it the wind in his face, relief to be home or the happiness he felt as he flew with Camelin towards Ewell House? He wasn’t sure. His life changed the day the golden acorn bounced off his head. It would never be the same again, but he knew he wouldn’t want it any other way.


I’d like to thank
Dad, Molly and Geoffrey for sharing the
journey, their editorial skills, help
and encouragement,
Ron for his honesty, support and faith in me,
Colin for his tutorage
and constructive criticism,
Tom, Jess, Judy, Lin and Joan, who kindly
read the first draft, and Bill, for reading the
completed book to his grandchildren,
Daniel and Jack.

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