The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex

Read The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex Online

Authors: Cathy Winks,Anne Semans

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality, #Psychology, #Human Sexuality, #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

BOOK: The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex
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Table of Contents


Title Page





CHAPTER 1 - About Good Vibrations

The Good Vibrations Philosophy
What’s Between These Covers
Our Contributors
Who We Are
How to Use This Book


CHAPTER 2 - Sexual Self-Image

Body Image
Attitudes about Sex and Pleasure
Confidence Boosters
On the Road to a Soaring Self-Image


CHAPTER 3 - Sexual Anatomy 101

Female Anatomy
Male Anatomy
Male and Female Anatomy
The Sexual Response Cycle
Gender versus Anatomy
Sex and Your Doctor


CHAPTER 4 - Sex Over a Lifetime

Childhood and Adolescence
Coming Out
Midlife Changes
Senior Sex
Medical Issues
Surviving Sexual Abuse and Assault
Maturity Has Its Rewards


CHAPTER 5 - Communication

Common Challenges
Prerequisites to Good Communication
Improving Communication
Common Concerns
Troubleshooting Problem Areas


CHAPTER 6 - Masturbation

To Know Me Is to Love Me
Historical Perspectives
Why Is Masturbation Still a Four-Letter Word?
Masturbation and the Next Generation
How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways...
Masturbation and Partners
Masturbators, Unite!


CHAPTER 7 - Lubrication

Who Needs a Lubricant?
What’s in a Lube?
Buying a Lubricant
Lubes and Anal Play
Lubes and Safer Sex
Last Lube Words


CHAPTER 8 - Creative Touching

Erotic Massage
Tips and Techniques
Sensate Focus
The Universal Language


CHAPTER 9 - Oral Sex

Tips and Techniques
Safer Sex


CHAPTER 10 - Vibrators

A Brief History of Vibrators
Why Would I Use a Vibrator?
Playing with Vibrators
Electric Vibrators
Battery Vibrators
Cylindrical Vibrators
Buying a Vibrator
Vibrators and Partners
Common Questions about Vibrators


CHAPTER 11 - Penetration

Vaginal Penetration
Anal Penetration
Intercourse Enhancers
Safer Sex
Intercourse without Penetration


CHAPTER 12 - Dildos

Why Would I Use a Dildo?
Dildo Do’s
Buying a Dildo
Playing with Dildos
Dildos and Genderplay


CHAPTER 13 - Anal Toys

Once More with Feeling
Butt Plugs
Anal Beads
Buying an Anal Toy
Playing with Anal Toys


CHAPTER 14 - Fantasies

Popular Themes
Enjoying Your Fantasies
Acting Out Fantasies
Concerns about Fantasies
What Now?


CHAPTER 15 - Books, Magazines, and Videos

Enjoying Porn
A Note on Censorship


CHAPTER 16 - World Wide Web

For the Newcomer
Sex Information and Education
Erotic Entertainment
Chatting, Cybersex, and Romance
The Communications Revolution


CHAPTER 17 - S/M and Power Play

Let’s Define Our Terms
What’s the Appeal of S/M?
Getting Started
Toys and Techniques
Emotional Issues


CHAPTER 18 - Where Sex Toys Come From

When Is a Sex Toy Not a Sex Toy?
Adult Novelty Manufacturers


CHAPTER 19 - Safer Sex

Just the Facts, Ma’am
Dental Dams
Finger Cots
Erotic Safer Sex
Risk Management
Beyond the Guidelines
Sex for Fun


CHAPTER 20 - Censorship

“Unnatural” Acts
Obscenity and the Law
What You Can Do



Let’s Talk About Sex—Take Our Survey!





Copyright Page


Thanks first and foremost to all our survey respondents, to Joani Blank for creating Good Vibrations, and to all the Good Vibrations employees past and present who shared information, anecdotes, and practical support over the years, particularly Krissy Cababa, Constance Clare, Kate Cunningham, Scout Festa, Staci Haines, Eve Meelan, Laura Miller, Carol Queen, Thomas Roche, Joyce Solano, and Ann Whidden. Thanks also to the many individuals in the sex-positive community who provided resources, referrals, and interviews for the different editions of this book, including Eric Albert, Isadora Alman, Chris Bridges, Ken Dorfman, Gosnell Duncan, M. J. Ecker of
, Jenne of
, Eleanor Hamilton, Chris Mann, Dan Martin, Dr. Marc Nelson, Cory Silverberg, Leonore Tiefer, and Cheri Van Hoover, C.N.M.


We’re very grateful to our profile subjects, who were so generous with their time and wisdom: Adrienne Benedicks, Marilyn Bishara, Joani Blank, Susie Bright, Susan Colvin, Betty Dodson, Nina Hartley, Jack Morin, Shar Rednour, Candida Royalle, Russell of
, Annie Sprinkle, Jackie Strano, Kat Sunlove, and Tristan Taormino.


Heartfelt thanks to our friends and mentors Susie Bright, Michael Castleman, and Ray Potter for many years of inspiration, encouragement, and advice; to MB Condon for illustrating the first edition of this book; and to Phoebe Gloeckner for illustrating this third edition.


We appreciate the work of our agent, Timothy Seldes, and of Frédérique Delacoste, Felice Newman, and Don Weise at Cleis Press.


Finally, lots of love and thanks to Becky, Jeffrey, Sheila, Trish, and the Semans and Winks families for their support and patience.


When Good Vibrations was founded in 1977, it was a very different world than it is now. Founder Joani Blank wanted to establish a clean, comfortable place for women to shop for sex toys.

Since then, we’ve changed profoundly—but our mission is still founded on the basic principle that accurate sex information and access to sexual pleasure is a birthright for everyone on this planet.

Today, Good Vibrations has grown much larger than its tiny 1977 site in San Francisco’s Mission district. We operate two stores (in San Francisco and Berkeley) and a thriving mail order and web business. Our customers are women, men, and transgendered folks from every walk of life and all over the world. We don’t just sell erotic products—we manufacture them, with a full line of toys, GV Exclusives, that aren’t available anywhere else. We’ve been publishing erotic and educational sex books since the beginning with our in-house publisher Down There Press; in 2000, we acquired audiobook publisher Passion Press and started our own in-house video department, Sexpositive Productions, which has released four videos to date.

Our sales associates, in the stores and on the phone, are fully trained sex educators, receiving more formal sex education than the vast majority of physicians. They’ll answer questions that would get you a blank stare in most college health classrooms, and they’ll tell you everything you need to know to use our products safely and effectively. In contrast to other adult businesses, we don’t sell our products as “novelties”—they are what they are,
, designed to be fun and life-affirming, to augment your explorations of sexuality.

Similarly, our books, audiobooks, videos, and DVDs are selected with an eye toward accurate sex information that is helpful to the practical user. Erotica and sex instruction videos and books can be hot
sex-positive—and, in many cases, can be hot
they’re sex-positive. Our philosophy is to seek out the best of what’s available and, if it’s not available, do it ourselves.

The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex
has long been one of the cornerstones of that philosophy. It’s used in college classrooms and each edition has taken its honored place in many sexuality libraries. This newest revision contains the most up-to-date sexual information available. Authors Anne Semans and Cathy Winks have brought their experiences at Good Vibrations—and the firsthand anecdotes and feedback of our customers—to the task of creating the most comprehensive sex guide ever written. We’re proud to present this new volume, and to further our mission every day by offering toys, books, and videos that reflect a positive outlook on sexuality.

Enjoy this newest edition of
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex
, and let it guide you in your explorations!


The Staff of Good Vibrations

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