The Goodbye Summer (7 page)

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Authors: Patricia Gaffney

BOOK: The Goodbye Summer
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Caddie nodded, although she hadn’t known that.

“It’s good to be able to back up what we do with data, but once you’ve observed a well-run pet visit at a hospital or a nursing home or a psych unit, you don’t need any more proof. It’s right there in front of your eyes.” He leaned forward on his elbows, ignoring his dinner. Candlelight sparkled on his glasses and made his eyes dance. “I’ve seen folks come back almost from the
because a dog put his head in their lap. Disoriented people, people sick with pain or hopelessness, crazy people, violent, disconnected—you can see their
clear. An animal is such a pure thing, Caddie, it’s got no motivation except to be with these people, and they know it. It breaks through. Touch. That’s all they want. Bring a dog into a roomful of old folks, everybody’s in their own little world, it’s fifteen or twenty separate brains on autopilot. Bring that dog in—something happens. People start talking, first to the animal, then to each other. They even sing to it. The dog or the cat, whatever it is, unlocks memories, associations. Everybody has a story—all of a sudden there’s community.”

“It’s wonderful.”

“Trust. The animal has no agenda, it just wants to lick your face, hear your voice. Barriers these people have erected against the outside world come crashing down without a fight, and it’s just warmth and two-way gentleness. The innocent animal-human bond. It’s powerful, it’s beyond words. Deeper than words.”

“Wow,” Caddie breathed. “What wonderful work. You must find it so satisfying.”

“There are frustrations, too, of course. Nothing happens as fast as you’d like it to. People resist out of ignorance, so you have to start from page one all the time, educating and reeducating—it’s frustrating.”

“I can imagine.”

He sat back suddenly and took off his eyeglasses. “Is this boring?”


“I’m sorry, I get on a roll and forget this isn’t the most important thing in everyone else’s life, too.”

“It’s not boring at all! You’re so lucky to have work that means the world to you. How did you get into it? How did you start out?”

He’d grown up in Iowa on a farm, so there had always been lots of animals around the house, cats and dogs, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, a duck, and, once, a llama. But especially dogs—dogs were his passion. He was the baby, with three older sisters who spoiled him. One was a lawyer now, but the other two were veterinarians, and that’s what he’d wanted to be, too. In college he did a little too much partying, though, and when it was time to go to grad school in vet med, his grades weren’t good enough.

“I ended up with a degree in business I didn’t know what to do with. I backpacked in Europe for a year, came home, worked a couple of dead-end jobs. I started going out with a woman whose brother trained dogs to be companion animals for handicapped people, and he took me on as an assistant.”

That ended when the relationship with the sister ended, but by then he’d acquired one-year-old King, who’d flunked out of the brother’s assistance dog school for being too “scattered.”

“By then I’d heard about CAT, which had a chapter in Columbus, where I happened to be living. I signed up to be a volunteer, took the training with King, and became a visitation team leader. For no pay—I paid the rent by working in the accounting office of a big insurance firm, which I hated. I was praying for the day I could quit. Which I did when CAT hired me to be chapter coordinator for the eastern region—thirteen states and the District of Columbia. So that’s my life story.”

“But what do you

“I open chapters, get them up and running and independent enough
so they can be administered from headquarters instead of on-site. Then move on to the next place.”

“How long have you been here?”

“A couple of weeks.”

“How long does it usually take to get a chapter going?”

“Depends. I’ve done it in a month, I’ve done it in six months. Lot of variables.”

“Michaelstown is so small,” Caddie noted, dispirited.

“But there’s a lot of opportunity here. It’s small, but it’s in the center of a bigger region we haven’t organized yet. We’re hoping to use Michaelstown as a base for establishing a number of satellite chapters.”

“Wonderful,” she said. Christopher smiled knowingly. She blushed. They finished drinking their coffees in a pleasurably self-conscious silence.

They were the last to leave the restaurant. “Too bad it’s too late to take a walk,” Christopher said, opening his car door for her. “I could use one—I ate too much.” He patted his hard, flat stomach. “Show-off,” Caddie said, and he threw back his head and laughed. She blushed again, this time with delight.

They drove through the all-but-deserted streets with the radio on low to a classical music station he’d preprogrammed into his selections. A good sign, she thought.
good sign. On the west side of town, the pretty shops and renovated town houses gave way within a block or two to less attractive buildings and more haphazard zoning. More bars. The commercial section of her neighborhood was a single intersection of one- and two-story convenience marts, a couple of taverns, a store for uniforms and trophies, a Chinese takeout. It wasn’t very dangerous, but every year it got a little seedier. She saw it through Christopher’s eyes, how low and gritty and squat everything looked. At least her street still had plenty of trees on both sides, big green maples in their full spring glory. There was nothing like leaves to hide a neighborhood’s imperfections, especially at night.

Christopher coasted the car to a stop in front of her house and turned off the engine. He angled his body toward her, throwing one arm across the steering wheel, one over the back of the seat. She turned to him, happy to block his view of Nana’s shadowy, lumpen lawn sculptures with
her head and upper torso. If he’d noticed them earlier when he’d picked her up, he hadn’t said, but in the dark he might’ve mistaken them for shrubbery. It didn’t really matter, but she wasn’t up to explaining
Birth Canal
to him on their first date.

If this was a date.

“Well,” he said, “what do you think?”

“About what?”

“Becoming a volunteer.”

“Um, well, I think it sounds…”


“Yes. Because…”

“You’re not sure you’d be good at it.”

“Yes.” It was good to have her reservations articulated for her.

“Here’s something I tell all the volunteers, Caddie.
It’s not about you.
As soon as that sinks in, the pressure’s off. There’s a lot to being a good visitor, I won’t minimize it, but at the same time, most of it boils down to common sense. But where the real action is—you’re not there. It’s between the animal and the client. The dog and the little old lady, the cat and the bald kid with cancer. You’re just the person on the other end of the leash.”

“I see. Yes, that’s helpful, but the thing is…”


She laughed. “You have to quit reading my mind!”

“You’re not sure you can fit in a new responsibility.”

“Yes, time is definitely—I’m thinking of taking a part-time job at Winslow’s this summer, because I’ll probably be losing some of my students for the holiday—music teaching is a seasonal business, believe it or not.”

“What’s Winslow’s?”

“The music store downtown. I worked there last summer, and I’m almost sure I can this summer if I want to.”

“Okay.” He was smiling, not at all disapproving. She couldn’t have stood it if he’d tried to make her feel guilty about this. If he’d pressed her at all, she’d have agreed to anything, the way she did with charity solicitors on the telephone.

“And another thing,” she felt bold enough to admit. “I’m not sure I’d
be any good as an animal handler anyway. To tell you the truth, dogs never do what I say. I’m not forceful. They ignore me.”

“All of them?”


“Turn around and look the other way?”

“They turn their backs on me.”

“It must hurt your feelings.”

“It’s devastating.”

The light from the streetlamp cast interesting shadows on his broad, reassuring, Midwestern face. She smiled at him, feeling safe and accepted, not judged. He was so easy to talk to. She didn’t want this to end yet, she wanted to sit in the close, ticking car and talk and talk, establish herself in his mind as a viable person, someone he might be interested in.

But he was turning away, unbuckling his seat belt, unlocking his door. “You haven’t met the right dogs, that’s your problem. You don’t know how easy this could be if you were paired with the right animal.”

He got out of the car and came around, opened her door for her. They ambled up the walk, and she forgot to be embarrassed about the sculptures when he suddenly said, “What are you doing Saturday afternoon?”

“Oh, I have lessons. All day. Saturday’s my longest day.”


“Sunday. Sunday I’m not doing anything.”

“Meet me in the park. About two o’clock, is that a good time?”

“Two, yes, two is great.”

“If it doesn’t rain, you’ll see King in action.”

She took her bag off her shoulder to fumble in it for the key, and also to hide her expression, which she imagined was confused. Even now, when it was almost over, she couldn’t be sure what sort of evening they were having, business or social. About dogs or about them. “Thanks so much for dinner,” she said, trying for a breezy tone to cover all the possibilities. “I really enjoyed hearing about what you do, what your job is like.”

“Don’t rub it in.”


“That I monopolized the conversation.”

“You didn’t!”

“I’m not really like this. Your fault, you’re too good a listener.”

She’d heard that before. She never felt especially complimented by it, since people who were good listeners usually weren’t very good talkers.

“Next time,” Christopher said. He brushed the backs of her fingers with his. “I’ll shut up and you can tell me all about yourself.”

“Oh, well. I’m not that interesting.”

“I disagree.” He caught her hand and swung it between them—a chummy, lighthearted gesture, she thought, until he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it. Then everything fell into place. Like playing computer solitaire, you put the last king up and all the cards flapped down in triumphant spirals. The end.
Want to play again?

She moved into his open arms. They exchanged the lightest of kisses, more of a caress with their mouths than a kiss, but they lingered over it, drawing the moment out. Caddie felt dizzy, disembodied. “Night,” Christopher said, and she whispered it back.

She put her key in the lock, and that was the end of romance. Finney went berserk—he must’ve had his ear to the door, listening for metal on metal.

Christopher chuckled and stepped back. They waved, and she went in the house, closing the door fast so the dog couldn’t escape.

If she did what she wanted to do, which was dance around the living room, Finney would
stop barking, so she sat on the second-to-last step of the staircase in the dim hall and petted him until he settled down, got over his frantic gladness. “That’s Christopher, yes,” she told him while he sniffed her shoes, her hands, her face. “Yes, Christopher. You like him, don’t you? Me, too. We like Christopher, don’t we? Yes, we do.”

And he liked them. Christopher Dalton Fox. What a wonderful name. She felt euphoric. Very likely things would not work out, he’d realize they weren’t meant to be, or she’d find out he had a wife in Youngstown, something would happen to spoil it. But even so, she’d always remember this moment, when he was just a memory and she could contemplate all that had been and might be. “It’s perfect right now,” she told the dog, “right this minute. Even if it’s as good as it’s going to get.”

“One and
and one and
—that’s it—one and
and one and

Claudette, the activities director, bent over and slapped the floor with her palms, miming that she was winded. She wasn’t, Claudette was tireless, a machine, but she had worked herself into quite a sweat disco dancing to Madonna.

The men of Wake House never joined in the exercise class she led on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Blue Room, but they never missed it. Even if they were late, they always came slinking in eventually—as Thea Barnes said, like cats hearing the can opener. It wasn’t the music that drew them, and Caddie didn’t think it was the sight of a lot of old ladies hopping around in their socks, waving their arms in time to “Like a Virgin.” It was Claudette.

Nana cackled, taking it all in from her wheelchair by the wall, wriggling her toes at the end of her new canvas cast in time to the beat. Her red toes: Claudette had painted her nails for her in arts and crafts. “Look at Cornel,” she said to Caddie over the music. “Is that drool on his chin?”

She peered over at Cornel in alarm. “No, I don’t—oh, ha.” Good joke. Grouchy old Cornel, who complained about everything, wasn’t complaining about Claudette in her skintight bicycle shorts and one of those tank tops with the bra built in. He was spellbound. So was Bernie, his roommate, a burly, sad sack of a man who usually looked like a basset hound. Right now he looked like a basset hound on point.

Thea Barnes, who was doing slow stretching exercises by herself in the corner, heard Nana’s crack and laughed, “Ha!” the same uninhibited belt of laughter Caddie had heard from the window on the day Thea arrived.

“I should be doing those with you,” Caddie said, moving closer. “You’re so limber. Do you do yoga?”

“I used to dance—ballet. But I’ve got terrible arthritis in my big toe, so now I just stretch.” She looked like a dancer in her black leotard under a full, calf-length skirt. The gold scarf she’d tied around her head drifted over her shoulders when she bent or swayed, following her graceful movements.

“I know I should jog or something,” Caddie persisted. “I don’t really do anything.”

“You don’t need to, you’re so slim.”

“Well, I do walk the dog a lot…” She winced. Sore subject.

Thea grinned, waving her hand. “All healed. Look, not even a bruise.”

“You were so nice about that.”

“It was nothing! Forget it.”

“I didn’t tell you—I took Finney to a dog trainer. He said he’s beyond hope.”

“Oh, dear.”

“His name is Christopher Fox—the trainer. He works in town.” Caddie ran her sandal along the edge of the rug. “He’s very nice.”

Thea lifted her dark, expressive eyebrows.

“Actually.” Caddie laughed, self-conscious, keeping her eyes down. “We’ve started going out.”

“Oh, how

“It is,” she agreed.

“What’s he like?”


Thea clapped her hands, delighted. “She’s
You’ll have to bring this man over so we can get a look at him.”

“I was thinking I would.” How funny to be telling Thea about Christopher when she hadn’t even told Nana yet. “He’s got a
dog, a perfect dog, much better than Finney.”

“Well, you know, it’s not really the
we want to meet.”

Caddie grinned and examined her cuticles.

“Are you blushing? I’m sorry,” Thea said, laughing, “I shouldn’t tease. Poor Caddie, I’m afraid you’re our designated élan vital.”


“Our vital spirit. We’re too old for lives of our own, so we have to live through

She made a face. “Oh, boy. You’re in big trouble, then.”

“No, you’re our heartbeat, we’re counting on you.”

“I think you should get a new vital spirit.”

“Too late, you’re it!” Thea’s gray eyes danced with a warm, knowing fondness that startled Caddie and set her at ease at the same time. It was so nice to be teased with affection; it felt like a friendly touch or a compliment. For some reason she felt closer to Thea than their brief acquaintances warranted, and if she wasn’t mistaken, Thea felt the same.

“Okay, people,” Claudette called out, “let’s slow it down a little! How about something from the olden days? Pair up!”

” Thea said from the side of her mouth. “I think she could’ve phrased
a little more tactfully.”

Caddie held out her hand. “Want to dance?” Claudette had put on “Don’t Be Cruel,” and the Copes sisters, Bea and Edgie, were doing a creaky, slow-motion jitterbug.

“Not me.” Thea wriggled her foot in its black ballet slipper. “Damn toe.” She lowered her voice. “Uh-oh. Caddie, look.”

“What? Oh.” Bea and Edgie had paired up, but the Harris wives, the only ladies left on the floor, had not. In fact, they’d turned their backs on each other, and now the second Mrs. Harris, a regal, silvery-haired lady whose first name was Doré—“as in do, re, mi, fa,” Nana liked to say—was leaving, striding out of the room in her mauve warm-up suit, not a hair out of place after all that exercising.

Thea rolled her eyes. “It’s so tiresome. I have to sit between them in the dining room.”

“I got stuck between them once, and it was awful. They really can’t stand each other.”

“Believe me, I know.”

One day, after Nana had been at Wake House for about a week, Caddie had come out on the front porch and found Mrs. and Mrs. Harris sitting in two chairs, with a third, empty chair between them. Without thinking, she’d taken the middle chair. At first it seemed as if they were having a normal conversation, but that was because it took her so long to notice that the Harrises only spoke to
never to each other. She’d heard that about them, of course, but it didn’t seem possible; she hadn’t quite believed it. Maxine, the original Mrs. Harris, said something about Caddie being a music teacher and how much she, Maxine, had always loved music. “It surely does soothe the savage beast,” she said with a sniffing laugh, “and there’s times in my life I’d’ve been a beast without it.”

Mrs. Doré Harris was a sharp, careful dresser; she always wore out-fits, slacks and sweaters that matched, necklaces that went with her earrings. That morning she’d had on a filmy white blouse with a black bow at the throat, a wide, droopy bow as big as a telephone, a real fashion statement. She was from the South, and she had a low, buttery accent that didn’t always sound perfectly sincere.

a frightenin’ thought,” she’d leaned closer to Caddie to say, putting a finger in her
Good Housekeeping
magazine to hold her place. “Imagine the
o’ some people if they
have music.” She gave a tinkly, ladylike laugh. “But of
us, the correct quote is savage

Maxine started a light drumming with her heels on the floor. She was older than Doré, heavyset, with graying, bowl-cut hair and squared-off bangs like Mamie Eisenhower. “Of
us,” she said—Caddie had flinched, realizing she was mocking Doré’s accent—“of
us, some people can only
‘breast’ because they’ve never
any breasts and are flat as pancakes.”

Doré might or might not be flat-chested, it was hard to tell because of the black bow. But what a thing to say! Caddie waited, horrified and fascinated, to hear how she would answer.

“Id’n it funny, Caddie, how some people who’ve let themselves
can’t resist makin’ fun o’ people who’ve kept themselves
Or it
be funny if it wadden so pathetic.”

“What’s funny, Caddie, is people who don’t
they’re pathetic.”

“Now that is certainly the truth,” Doré said, forgetting to be indirect. When she remembered, she reached over and patted Caddie on the arm, to indicate she’d been speaking only to her. “The ones who don’t know they’re pathetic ah truly the most pathetic of all.”

“My goodness, I’d better go get Nana ready for our drive,” Caddie had said, and she ran for her life.

“Claudette should’ve known better,” Thea said now, watching the exercise class break up early—not enough dancers.

“Caddie?” Nana called over, fanning her chest with a pinch of her “Oh my God, I forgot to have children!” T-shirt. “Bring me a glass of water, would you? Watching all that jumping around’s made me thirsty.”

“How about you?” Caddie asked Thea.

“No, thanks, I’m fine.”

Coming back from the kitchen, Caddie paused in the high-ceilinged hall to gaze around at the church pew benches along the wall, the shaggy ferns on pedestals, the dusty chandelier overhead. Gone-to-seed Victorian genteel, that’s what Wake House was. J. P. Morgan, if he was slumming, could be standing on the dark staircase landing, blocking the rose light from the stained-glass window, jingling change in his pocket. All the floors slanted and the doors closed by themselves, because there were no right angles anymore. The outside was still imposing, with its black mansard roof and puffy, three-story brick tower on one side, and at least it had never been “modernized” like some of its neighbors on Calvert Street. The best feature, everybody agreed, was the porch stretching across the whole front and one side, a wide, airy, perfect porch, lined with rocking chairs and gliders, exactly the sort of porch an old folks’ home ought to have.

Caddie paused to look at the line of framed black-and-white photos on the wall—including the one Magill had broken on Nana’s first day, now repaired. Three generations of Wakes posed in formal and informal groups on the lawn and front steps of the family mansion. Old man Wake was always at the center, growing whiter, plumper, and more distinguished as time went by. Then the Wakes were gone, and the other photos were of more recent, less grand incarnations, as the house became a
boarders’ hotel, law offices, a school for therapeutic massage, a day spa, and back to a boarding-house. And now, “elder care and convalescence.” Caddie didn’t care for the lesson, the perspective on time the photographs conveyed. She’d have liked Wake House,
Wake House, to last forever, and it wasn’t going to. Nothing did, and here was the proof on the wall.

“Caddie!” Bea Copes called from the couch in the Blue Room, where she and Edgie had collapsed on the sofa, fanning their faces with their handkerchiefs. “Caddie, come and see us!” She should’ve brought
glasses of water. She brought Nana hers and went to see what the Copes sisters wanted.

They didn’t look alike. Edgie was fluffier, a more feminine sort of woman than Bea, who reminded Caddie of the farmer’s wife in the Grant Wood painting. And yet she’d have guessed they were sisters without being told, if only because their voices had the same cadence, and they spoke with the same rural Maryland accent. And something else, too, a deference in their postures, the way their bodies inclined toward each other to talk or to listen.

“Sit!” Edgie urged, patting the place next to her on the sofa. She looked like a wilted flower in her damp, light green shirtwaist and her cottony yellow hair. She was the flighty, fidgety younger sister in Caddie’s mental shorthand, the decorative one, while Bea was older and more serious and practical, the one who took care of business.

“We want to ask you a question,” Bea said, taking off her glasses to polish them on her sleeve. Her eyes had that pale, whitish ring around the irises that old people got sometimes, but they were still handsome eyes. She was tall and rawboned, with long limbs and knotty joints. Caddie loved to watch her walk. She threw out her legs in a funny, jerky way that was graceful and ungainly at the same time.

the history you made of your grandmother,” Edgie leaned toward her to say.

Were they going to ask her about the seven body fluids? Cornel had, and so had Mrs. Brill, and she couldn’t tell them. “Ask Nana,” she’d said. She just couldn’t bring herself to say the word “semen” or “urine” to these nice old people. And certainly not “vaginal secretions.”

“I can’t write anymore, you know,” Bea said.

“Arthritis,” Edgie explained. “She used to be able to type a hundred words a minute. Taught her

“Plus I can’t
So we—”

“Whereas I’ve got all my faculties and I
can’t write,” Edgie said.

“You can write, you just can’t
” Bea said. “Now, Caddie, we need to ask you a big favor. We’re so
we’re the last ones to go—”

“In our generation.”

“In our generation; all our brothers are gone, we were the youngest of the six, and now there’s nothing left but nieces and nephews.”

“But plenty of
” Edgie said, counting on her fingers. “There’s four of Edward’s, three of Jack’s, three of David’s, and Bernard’s one.”

“And don’t even start on the

“They don’t keep up, the greats, although David’s girl Sarah does visit once in a while, as does Buster, Bernard’s boy. Say what you will about Buster, he never forgets us at Christmas.”

” Bea said. “Point is, they don’t really
us, these young ones. And not that we’re all that interesting—”

“Speak for yourself.”

“But someday they might want to know about their family, things the boys didn’t pass on because they didn’t know, being too old—”

“Or didn’t care about, being boys.”

“And so—we were wondering—if you might have time to write down a little history of us if we told it to you, Edgie and me. For ‘We Remember,’ and for our kin.”

“It wouldn’t be very long,” Edgie cautioned.

“Oh, no, it would be
Just the highlights.”

“Such as they are.”

“There’s hardly anything to say.”

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