The Greek Boss's Demand (14 page)

BOOK: The Greek Boss's Demand
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Alex's eyelids flickered. ‘But…but that would mean…'

‘Exactly.' He smiled and touched her face with his fingers, stroking her skin so that she leant into his gesture.

‘I love you, Alexandra. The bitterness I felt at losing my family wouldn't let me see that until now. I had no way of realising just how much I loved you until I'd nearly lost you. And now I know I cannot live without you, without your love. Please don't make me.'

He dropped down suddenly beside the bed, onto one knee. ‘Alexandra Hammond, my love, my destiny, will you marry me?'

Misty tears filmed her eyes as the impact of his words hit home.

‘Yes,' she whispered. ‘Yes, of course I will marry you.'

His lips curled up, almost in grateful thanks, and he kissed her then, so gently and so sweetly, but with such innate power and emotion that a tear squeezed from her eye as her soul recognised that this was right, that the two of them belonged together and their love was for ever.


me, Dad!' Jason screamed with laughter as he ran along the stony shore, Nick in hot pursuit, as the sun shone down on them from the limitless Aegean sky. It was a perfect Cretan early spring day, the weather fine, with the promise of rain coming later.

Alex watched from her recliner chair, laughing along with them as Nick made unsuccessful dive after dive for his son. It was so good to watch them play together.

But her happiness went deeper than that. Watching the two of them, the two loves of her life, she knew that things could not have turned out better—for all of them.

Jason loved Nick; that was so clear. It was as if his every dream had come true. She thought back to her wedding day, after the ceremony, when Jason had asked Nick if he could call him Dad. Nick had shaken his hand solemnly and thanked him, and told him he could never have received a better wedding present. Then he'd hugged him tightly and she'd seen the sheen blur his eyes even as he'd blinked it away.

As she blinked it away now, laughing again as Nick made one last rush, collecting a screaming Jason up
over his head and declaring himself the victor. Jason giggled and squirmed in his arms before being tossed over Nick's shoulder and escaping to the shore to look for treasure from the sea.

Nick ran up puffing to her side, his glossy olive skin rising and falling in a way that held her mesmerised.

Even after being married for two months she was still struck by the beauty of the man, his sheer masculine form, that always brought a rush of blood and lust through her veins.

She shifted position slightly, noticing his own appreciative gaze on her. He made her feel so beautiful, so incredibly sexy, merely with a glance or a smile.

He squatted down alongside her and kissed her, one hand caressing her once damaged leg, sending sparks through her skin.

‘Is your leg all right? Can I get you anything?'

She smiled back at him. He was so concerned for her welfare. She wasn't used to having someone look after her, and she felt spoilt and special and very, very loved. And while he'd been disappointed at first that she hadn't become pregnant that time, before they were married, it had given the three of them a special time to bond together as a family at last.

‘I'm fine—just being lazy. I was thinking about Christmas. There was something special about having Tilly and my parents over for our wedding, and for a real Greek Christmas. A double celebration. I know
we all enjoyed it. Thank you for making all that possible.'

‘You've already thanked me, Alexandra. Not that you need to—I think families are the most important thing, and I don't think I would appreciate that as much if I hadn't lost almost everything.'

‘I'm glad Sofia could join us. She looks so much happier now. Do you think she and Dimitri will marry?'

Nick raised his eyebrows. ‘I don't know. Though I think she's realised herself that she needs time to get over her father's death before she commits to any one man.'

He traced the back of one finger down the side of her face and she drew in breath, smiling as she realised he would always have this effect on her. He would always be able to move her soul and rock her emotions, just with one touch, one word.

‘It's lovely to see you smile,' he said. ‘To see you smile without worries. In the last few weeks, even in the last few days, you have looked more beautiful than ever.'

His words fired her heart, tugged at her senses. Would she never get used to the impact he made on her?

‘That's because I'm so happy. Happy to be with you. And happy to be back here again. Thank you for deciding on Crete for this holiday.'

‘Where else could we go? This is where we began.'

She smiled. ‘Back where it all started. Back where Jason began.'

His eyes flared. ‘That thought had crossed my mind. Do you suspect you might be more fertile in Crete?'

She knew what he had in mind, and the sparks he had generated inside her moved up to a slow burn. ‘I don't know, but it's a good theory.'

He picked up her hand and kissed it softly, looking up at her through his dark lashes.

‘A theory I intend to test thoroughly.'

She moistened her lips, knowing just what was in store and looking forward to it as his lips descended purposefully towards hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

‘I was hoping you might say that.'

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6726-2


First North American Publication 2005.

Copyright © 2004 by Trish Morey.

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