The Gypsy King (7 page)

Read The Gypsy King Online

Authors: Morgan Rush

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: The Gypsy King
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He bit into her delicate skin hard, then lightly like the setting sun on the water.

She thought she could hear small explosions in the back of her mind and she smiled and increased her pace. “I’ll bring the champagne and cigarettes.

No gypsies on horses though.” They laughed

together. As they huddled together in their alley, Veronique’s emotions were raw and bumping

around in her head, but she managed to push them all aside and concentrate on him and his building climax.

“I love you, Ahndray. I’m willing to keep doing this, and
, and I don’t care for how long, but I need to feel you next to me for more than thirty minutes in an alley, or even two hours out in the woods.” She stroked him evenly and steady while she explained what she wanted, enjoying the pleasure of having someone really listen to her desires. “I need to fall asleep in your arms. I need to wake up with you beside me, knowing that no matter what happens, it will be you and me

making the decision together. I need to know this 63

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will all make sense eventually and that I’m doing the right thing.”

He didn’t question her. She watched him

struggle to open his eyes for a second and look up at her.

* * * *

“Keep going, my Chamois Mermaid, and I’ll find a way for us to finally spend the night together, in a real bed!” He coaxed her along eagerly now, her warm palm circling his erection. He needed her to finish what she started as he felt his orgasm roaring upward like a freight train.

“It’s our best opportunity yet,” she responded, her now-slick hand pumping furiously. Ahndray welcomed the possibility of spending the whole night with her as well as the attention his cock was enjoying. His mind went blank. “We could do it if I can find a way to get you into my bedroom. You could spend the night and then leave early, before anybody wakes up.”

“Uh huh…” he replied, lost in the moment. The thought of being wrapped up in Veronique all night made him push his hips into her hand faster and soon their rhythm was perfect. He felt the stirrings in his toes that spread like fire up through his tensed, muscular legs.

“Yes, but you would need to come very late, after eleven. There is a gardener’s table along with 64

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an old stool that I can pull closer to the outside veranda windowsill. Use the table and stool and, if you are willing to crawl up the side of the house, we could make this work.”

“We’ll make it work,” he managed to sputter as her hand pulled his shaft with just the right amount of pressure to send him over the edge. He collapsed into her neck and exhaled loudly as he spewed burst after hot burst of his cream all over her fingers and over the top of his trousers. Thick cream spit from between her fingers, sailing out of his pants and splattering onto the wall, her tummy and the bottom of his shirt.

Seven, eight, nine, ten gushes poured forth and Veronique watched him in amazement and

admiration as he jerked uncontrollably with each gush. She pulled at him lightly now, purring into his ear as he shook and groaned with each post-explosion stroke. She pulled the last bit of finger frosting up from his balls, leaving him gasping and grunting in hypersensitivity that he knew she understood completely.

She laughed out loud.

“Tonight at twelve then?” he muttered,

completely spent.

* * * *

“Sure.” She laughed and played along with the

whole idea. It was physically impossible for him 65

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to climb the wall to her bedroom. She stared at him and kissed him hard, ran her fingers down his aching member, then slowly slid her back against the wall until she was squatting on her calves cupping his ass. She loved feeling him in her mouth whether he was growing and throbbing, or retreating from blissful exhaustion, and she opened wide and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, he turned violently, grabbed her

shoulders and jerked her up to her feet. He pushed her swiftly down the alley before she knew what was happening. They were almost

running and he was pushing her left, then another left and soon they were on the other side of the street.

Ahndray was still tucking his cum-stained shirt into his trousers when he finally started

whispering to her in hurried gasps, his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to his face.

“Your sister! She was walking toward us in the alley!” His voice was excited and full of


“My sister! Oh my god, did she see us? Did she see us?” Veronique’s heart was pounding and her stomach felt like a fountain of cold water had been poured down her throat. “What did she see,

Ahndray, did she see us together?” she asked frantically.

“I don’t know, she was walking toward us and she had a small rack of perfumes in her arms. She 66

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was looking down at one of the bottles, or reading some papers or something. I saw her before she saw us. I think.”

“We have to go! What if she did see us! Oh my god!” Veronique was almost at her breaking point and started walking away, talking to herself. She was frustrated and scared beyond speech now.

She sighed, realizing that as fast and beautiful as the passion they had just shared came rolling over them, it had been destroyed just as quickly. All she could think of now was the terror in her gut.

“Veronique!” he yelled.

She turned toward him.

“See you tonight.” He was smiling, but

hurrying up the street, whisking by townspeople going home for the evening.

All she could do was avert her eyes in case anybody was watching and try not to look

physically sick. She was dazed and needed to sit down somewhere. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and it slowed somewhat when she

remembered that Leone wasn’t in town today or tomorrow and maybe not even Sunday. She took a deep breath and tried to free up more room in her tightening chest.

Thinking seemed to be what hurt the most. She barely remembered walking home, saying hello to her mother, walking up to her bedroom and

feeling her whole body shut down entirely. She undressed and collapsed into a deep sleep, not 67

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even taking the time to wipe the filmy residuals of Ahndray’s
little death
off her hands or her skirt.

The tapping at her window startled her and she woke up frightened and breathing hard. She

blinked her eyes tightly, remembered where she was and saw it was dark outside. Her clock said it was midnight, which meant she slept for almost five hours.

Rubbing her swollen eyes, she crawled out of bed, walked to the window completely naked and smiled. Ahndray was delicately perched below the window hugging the stone garden wall, but still managed a smile of his own through the thick, leaded glass. She threw back the sash and opened the window. Within seconds, he was standing in front of her, breathing heavily, still smiling. They held each other tightly and shuffled over to the bed as Ahndray undressed. They fell into

Veronique’s bed together for the first time ever.


Morgan Rush

Chapter Six

eone Rodell was not a cautious man by nature.

LHe had learned at the still-innocent age of fourteen from some of the more brutal fisherman in Corsica and by the blade of several knives, to take what he wanted. Since then, he was proud of getting what he wanted when he wanted it,

regardless of the consequences. He also felt an inner pride in his patience along with being deviously calculating when the moment called for it. He knew as he poured another glass of

Cabernet and stared into his fiancé’s sister’s sparkling green eyes and at her firm, full tits, that this was one of those moments.

Leone sat calmly at the head of the long plank wood table and listened to her intently. He casually pushed the two large candelabras to the side so he could see her eyes as she talked. Leone always looked in a person’s eyes when he talked to them and it was easier with Emelie because 69

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they were bright and beautiful, just like her face and young, voluptuous body.

He drank, listened and let her talk as he basted her in his undivided attention. When she reached for her wine glass, he could clearly see her ripe nipples underneath her shirt, and he smiled when he remembered that nobody knew he was home

this evening. He was alone with his beautiful, vulnerable confessor and she was getting quite drunk.
Plenty of time for that later. First, I need to
make sure I understand what the hell is going on
around here!

“So tell me what you think you saw, Emelie.

It’s okay, this will be our secret.” Leone said in a calm and soothing voice. He poured her another glass of wine and hoped he wasn’t going to have to physically settle her down himself, although he had several nice visions of what her body would feel like if he needed to coax more story out of her.

He glanced at his mariner’s watch and was

grateful now that he had gotten a late start for the Corsican coast. By the time he had the car packed up with ochre pigments and paints along with several cases of wine and champagne for his soon to be drunken hosts, business associates of his father’s, he was running several hours behind and that’s the only reason he was still at home when Emelie came by pounding frantically on his door.

* * * *


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Emelie was shaking and she could not hide her fear or her anger. She sat across from Leone, wrapped her arms around herself for protection from his inquiring gaze and rocked gently back and forth in her chair. She reached for her goblet, took a large gulp of wine, winced, then returned the glass and wrapped herself up again. She was just eighteen but not used to drinking alcohol and had never been in the same room alone with

Leone without anybody else around.
And, it’s not
even my fault I’m here—it’s theirs!

“I’ve seen them looking at each other and

touching when they thought nobody could see them. Idiots! I saw everything and even followed them to the fountain last week,” she paused and looked upward, remembering their embrace in her mind. “But they only talked there, nothing sexual.

It is so obvious, Leone, they are laughing at you.

Yesterday, I was taking a box of perfumes over to Ms. Atherton, and I almost fell over them. They were kissing in the alley behind your wine shop, and Veronique was…”

She had heard about Leone’s temper from her sister, but all she could think about on the way over here was how angry she was, and even the trip was a blur now. Now here she was in the middle of the night sitting across from Leone Rodell about to explain how her sister was jerking off his brother.


The Gypsy King

Suddenly she wanted to get the hell out of the house and run as far from Lourmarin as she could get. But she needed to talk to Veronique first. She would know what to do. She would understand how much it hurt Emelie to see her kissing the only boy she ever really loved. She could plead with Veronique to take Leone, her choice since she was thirteen years old. But no, Veronique had to have both Leone and his brother! Emelie felt her anger rising again.

I’m not going to let her have him though
, she told herself.
Not after spending almost every day for the
last three years watching and waiting and hoping
Ahndray would finally notice me
. She gazed down at her breasts, which felt like they were getting bigger every day, and she pushed her chest out a little bit reassuringly. Her jealousy was a new feeling to her, but it burned deep within her young heart so much she could feel her skin burning from the inside out. She was confused and she wanted to lash out and explode! She had never felt anger like this and it scared her. She was about to jump up and leave when Leone spoke again.

* * * *

Her voice was breaking into high and low growls and as Leone listened carefully, he couldn’t help but feel something for the girl. Her anger and 72

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vulnerability stirred something in him, but he chuckled to himself as he admitted he was pretty damn sure it wasn’t compassion. Leone clenched his fist beneath the table, but gave no outward indication of his fury.

“It’s okay, Emelie. I appreciate what you are telling me. Nobody is going to get hurt by

anything you say. What did you see?” He found it humorous that he was so good at comforting her and he laughed to himself as he smiled at her.

“Well, they were kissing each other, wrapped up in each other’s arms, then she was, you know, reaching into his trousers and, doing it to him with her hand. Then, she must have hurt him or something because he bent over and jerked away a few times. Then she slid down on her knees and unbuttoned him and it was obvious what she was going to do. As soon as they saw me, they started running!”

Leone’s dark eyes hid his fury and he was

proud of himself for not exploding. He stared into his hands, admiring the calluses built up over years of hard work with canvases and cauldrons and paints and vines. He was proud to see they were not even shaking.
Cool and calculating, Mr.

Rodell, cool and calculating.

Emelie continued. “Veronique can be so

dramatic sometimes and she is so ungrateful for what she has, you know?” She jumped up and

screamed at him across the table. “Merde! She has 73

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the perfect life! She has you, she has her job at the shop and now she’s supposed to be getting

married and starting a family, but instead has to have Ahndray, too!” She pounded a fist onto the table hard enough to shake the wine glass and began crying. “She has always gotten everything she wants and now she is even taking Ahndray too. She is such a selfish bitch. I hate her!”

Leone understood why Emelie was so upset

and why she was telling him what she had seen instead of talking with her sister about their secret.

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