The Hardest Part (9 page)

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Authors: Heather London

Tags: #romance

BOOK: The Hardest Part
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Sharon gave me your contact information yesterday." He dazzled me with a smile again, then walked out. When he was out of sight, I leaned against the chair, wondering what the hell just happened.

After gathering my thoughts, I walked down the hall and saw Christine leaning against Isabel's desk, both of them watching the front door. I was more than positive they were watching as Reed walked out of it.

Christine spotted me and waved me over. Not knowing why, I obliged.

What was that about?" she asked, her eyes wide. She and Isabel were practically frothing at the mouth as they waited for an explanation.

I shrugged innocently.
"Nothing. Reed just wanted an update on the event."

Christine narrowed her eyes on me, like she knew I was hiding something.
"Why didn't he just call?"

I shrugged again. This was all going to blow in up my face, I just knew it.

Why did he want to talk to you in private, then? We're both working on this event."

God, seriously, that man is so freaking hot." Isabel leaned her head against her hand and gazed out the door. I was thankful for her distraction.

I could still feel Christine's glare on me as I made my way back to our office. When I got back to my desk and pulled out my purse, I saw that Reed had already texted me.

Palm Restaurant - 8:00 p.m.

I knew it wasn't smart. I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I couldn't help the anticipation and excitement building in my chest, knowing I was going to see him again. There was another part of me that wondered what the hell I was doing. What I was doing was selfish and foolish. I really needed to get my head examined.


arrived at the restaurant and told the hostess whom I was meeting, she informed me that he was already here but had to step out and take a business call. Instead of sitting at the table, I took a seat at the bar to wait for him.

Well, it must be my lucky week. Twice in one week." Ben, the bartender from last night, was standing in front of me.

Hi." I smiled nervously. It was just so strange to see him here, in a different restaurant from last night. "You work here, too?"

He laughed.
"Yeah, I actually have three jobs. As I'm sure you know, rent in New York is not cheap. I do what I have to." He shrugged. "What about you? How do you afford going out to nice dinners twice in one week? I know Christine makes good money, but I didn't think it was that good."

Unease filled me. Just him mentioning Christine's name sent a shiver through me. The last thing I wanted was for her to find out about this dinner.

Last night was friends and tonight's a business dinner," I clarified.

Ah, I see." His eyes rose to something, or someone, behind me. "Mr. Alexander, what can I get for you?"

I could instantly feel his presence behind me.

I'm fine," he answered. "Emily, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Are you ready for dinner?"

Oh no. This is not good.
From the look on Ben's face, I feared Christine would know all about this before dinner was over.

Yes." I gave Ben a smile before turning around to face Reed. As I stood up, Reed's hand landed on the small of my back and stayed there as I followed the hostess to the table. Not wanting Ben to see it and get the wrong impression, I took a few steps away from his reach.

Is everything okay, Emily?" Reed asked when we were seated.

I'm fine." I swallowed deeply.

Well, I'll let you in on a little secret." He smiled playfully. "I'm sure it will help you relax a little, too."

My stomach twisted and my mouth went dry.
"What's that?"

This feels a little strange for me, too."

Um, no, actually that makes me feel worse.

I knew I wanted to see you again." He continued. "It's just been a while since I’ve asked anyone out to dinner, but you're very important to Lexi and she's very important to me, so in a way, that makes you very important to me, too." He looked at me with a serious expression. "I just wanted to get to know you a little better. That's all."

I relaxed a little. After hearing what Lexi had been through, I guess I could understand his concern for anyone who was close with her.
"You're very protective over her, aren't you?" I asked.

If I answered that honestly, I'd say that was a huge understatement. Lexi's all the family I have left. She means a lot to me."

She's been doing really well in class. She's stronger than you think. You should come see her in action one night. I think you'd be surprised."

He smiled.
"I may do that."

So where are you from?" he asked. Instantly, I felt my blood run cold. It must have shown on my face because he quickly followed up with, "You don't have to tell me. I was just trying to get to know you."

I just don't talk about my past very much."

That's fine. We all have our secrets." He smiled softly and then glanced at the menu.

I spent the rest of dinner going over the ideas that Christine and I had come up with for the event. He seemed excited about the botanical garden idea and agreed that Lexi would love it.

It sounds like you two have done quite a bit in just one day. I'm impressed."

Well, we still haven't booked anything yet. Hopefully I'll get some callbacks tomorrow."

The waiter came and placed the bill down on the table. I reached over to grab my wallet.

My treat, Emily," Reed said. "It's a business dinner after all."

I prefer to pay for my own dinner."

Please, I insist." He handed his card to the waiter.

I glanced up to the waiter and handed him my card as well.
"Thank you, but I really prefer to pay for my own dinner."

When Lexi said you were different, she wasn't kidding." He sat back in his chair, examining me.

Lexi talked about me?" I swallowed hard, wondering what she could've said.

Just a little." He shrugged, as if it were nothing. "When Lexi told me we should hire you and your company for the event, I wanted to know a little bit about you and make sure you could handle the job. This charity event is very important to me."

I know it is and we’re working hard to make sure it’s perfect." I assured him.

I have no doubt it will be." He sat back in his chair with a crazy sexy grin on his face, assessing me while igniting feelings in me that I hadn't felt in years. Feelings that I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel again. I found myself wanting to be close to him, wanting to be touched by him. My stomach clenched and I blew out a deep breath, trying to shake the thoughts of how his hands would feel against my bare skin. It had been years since I’d wanted a man to touch me. Every time Jake would come anywhere near me, my whole body would tighten with fear and disgust.

I couldn’t help but feel a tug-of-war going on inside of me. I loved the way Reed was making me feel, loved that without even knowing it, he was showing me that I could feel this way again. After Jake, I wasn’t sure I’d ever meet someone that could give me those butterfly feelings again. Or that could make my heart beat so hard it felt like it would burst out of my chest. But even though I was happy that I was still capable of feeling those things, I knew that nothing could ever happen between us. That out of all people, he was not the right person to be with.

Can I give you a ride home?" he asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

I should've told him no.

The moment we stepped outside, I saw a car running, waiting on the curb. I took a couple steps from the restaurant and bright flashes came out of nowhere and then they were everywhere. My hands flew up to guard the bright lights from blinding me. With each flash, there were also shouts.

Emily, are you and Reed Alexander an item?"

Emily, over here."

Emily, can you tell us any details on the Black and White event?"

Emily, look right here."

I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into something hard and solid. My feet were no longer on the ground. Everything happened so fast I barely had time to process it when I heard Reed's voice loud at my ear.

I've got you. Just keep your head down." The strong arms wrapped around me tighter as the yelling and flashes continued.

What the hell is going on?

A few more steps and then I felt myself being placed inside the car. Reed climbed in quickly after me.

Let's go!" Reed yelled at the driver, and then the car lurched forward.

My breaths were coming heavy and fast, as I was trying to figure out what the hell just happened.


sped away from the restaurant as I sat in the backseat trying to catch my breath. Reed was already on his phone, looking over at me with wary eyes.

Robbins, I need you to meet me at my place." He spoke firmly, keeping his eyes on me, watching carefully. "I just walked out of a restaurant and a swarm of paparazzi and reporters were out there waiting for me and Emily. I thought I was done with this shit." He closed his eyes to hide his frustration. When he opened them back up, he was again looking at me with something new in his eyes

sympathy and pity.

He ended the call and put the phone down before scooting across the seat, coming closer to me, slow and cautious. My face must have said it all. Even I could feel the fear and confusion all over it.

Are you okay?" he asked.

He was still a few inches away, but he was close enough that I could feel the heat of his body and smell the scent of his cologne. I could still feel his arms around me. I could still smell him on me.

I'm fine," I mumbled, feeling my heart beating wildly in my chest. I didn’t know if it was still going crazy from what had happened back there, the feeling of his arms around me, or from his close proximity right now. Maybe a mixture of all three.

Quickly, I looked away, not expecting the rush of heat to my cheeks or the pain in my chest. I blew out a large breath and tried to focus on what had just happened: the flashes, the yelling, the pictures, Reed mentioning the paparazzi and reporters. Then it all fell into place and the realization sent my heart into my throat. They were all taking pictures of me. Pictures that could be published in magazines and newspapers. Pictures that could get back to Jake. He could figure out my new name. Where I was living.

Emily, you don't look so well," Reed said. I turned toward him. He scanned my face, which I was sure was white as a ghost right now.

Um." I forced down my panic. I didn't want to lose it in front of Reed. I just wanted to go home. "I'm fine." I shook my head and tried to empty the negative thoughts, at least for a few more minutes anyway. Maybe they just wanted pictures of Reed, and I had nothing to worry about. Maybe they didn't get a good picture of me. Maybe Jake wouldn't even see it. Even if they did happen to get a shot, there was a good chance they wouldn't print it. I was a nobody. "I just really need to get home," I said, shifting away from him.

Are you sure? That had to have freaked you out, considering…" His voice trailed off.

Considering what?"

He sat back, clearly regretting what he just said.

Considering what?" I asked again, this time my voice held some annoyance and anger. I didn't want him assuming anything about me.

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