The Harvest (Book 1) (30 page)

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Authors: Anne Ferretti

Tags: #Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic

BOOK: The Harvest (Book 1)
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Madison nodded.

“What about Lamar?” Zack asked.

Austin gave a brief retell of what they saw on their way through. It was difficult even now to recall the sight and Madison shuddered.

“Is there a connection to Roth?” Zack asked.

“Roth said he communicated with the Sundogs, but I never saw any direct evidence of that...” Austin thought of the folders he had tucked in his back pack, but they would have to wait.

“You don’t have to hide things from me.” Madison said, noticing Austin’s hesitation. “What could be worse than Lamar?”

“You’d be surprised.” He reached for his backpack. “You sure you want to see this?” She nodded; not at all sure she wanted to see something that might be worse than Lamar. Her stomach twisted into a knot when Austin handed over several brown folders to her and Zack.

“Maybe we should go somewhere where we can sit down.” Zack offered.

“I’m not leaving my prisoner.” Austin said.

“I guess we can sit out here.” Zack indicated the hallway floor.

They sat on the floor while Austin leaned on the wall near the doorway.  His prisoner hadn’t moved from where he sat on the cot, not even to remove the sack from his head. This was fine with Austin, who was sickened by the sight him and happy to not see his face. 

Zack opened one of the manila folders. His eyes moved up and down and all around as he took in the images in the black and white eight by ten photo. There were several large mounds of debris scattered about alongside a row of large warehouse. Zack focused first on the warehouses. They looked to be painted white, and had a row of windows placed a few feet under the eave. The sky was a brilliant blue and the surrounding trees lush and green.

His eyes drifted back to the piles, which at first glance appeared to be building rubble. He counted fifteen piles and by comparing their height against the warehouse he guessed they were about ten feet high. A whole lot of garbage he mused, but then something caught his attention. He brought the photo up for closer inspection.

“Oh shit.” Zack said under his breath. “Those are bodies.”

Madison, who was staring at a similar picture, nodded in agreement. Her hand went to cover her eyes. Zack reached out, squeezed her shoulder. Madison dropped her hand on top of his and squeezed back, giving him an ‘I’m glad you’re here’ look.   

Suddenly Zack’s radio came to life, making them both jump. Colin’s worried voice called out. Zack assured him everything was ok and they would meet up with everyone in the diner in about an hour. Zack absently set the radio down and continued to flip through the photos. There were close up shots of the piles, leaving no doubt that every inch of every square foot consisted of human body parts.

“Where’d you get these?” Zack asked.

“They were in a filing cabinet outside Roth’s office.” Austin answered. He didn’t share that he’d searched five of the ten cabinets outside Roth’s office and all were filled with the same type of folders. A quick peek verified they were filled with photos.

Feeling a bit green and unable to stomach the images any longer, Madison closed the folder. She stood up and handed it back to Austin, hoping he didn’t notice the shake in her hand. Being tough had its limitations and Madison reached hers back in Lamar.

“You said Roth killed that man for stealing a girl. What did you mean a girl? I thought there weren’t any in the mountain.” She asked, pulling her thoughts back to the present.

“They aren’t in the mountain. They’re kept at an offsite camp. Or at least that’s what Captain Chase told me.” He pointed to the prisoner.

“They?” Zack looked up from the photos. “As in more than one?”

“According to Captain Chase, or Disciple Morgan as he likes to be called,” Austin dipped his head towards his prisoner, “there are two girls in their twenties and two teenagers. These are the available women. There are three others, two pregnant girls and one preteen who are not in the rotation.”

“In the rotation?” Madison asked.

“The elusive program I mentioned earlier involves a daily drawing. Each day a disciple is chosen. Each night he chooses one of the girls.”

“Chooses them for what?” Madison asked, fearing what he was going to tell her.

“For procreation is how scumbag explained it. Seems Roth’s convinced them they’re the chosen ones. Chosen to repopulate the Earth with all that’s good, now that the Sundogs have purged the land of all that was wicked.” Austin answered dryly.

“And the women? Are they willing participants in the program?” She pressed.

Austin shook his head. “Roth’s brainwashed the men into thinking so, but apparently Disciple Thomas didn’t believe him.”

“Disciple Thomas?”

“The man Roth killed. He didn’t actually steal a girl. He only helped her escape. Which is why I’m back.” He glanced in at Chase. “We’re supposed to be looking for her. Disciples Morgan and two others lost her in the woods some fifty miles north of here.” He lied about the distance, knowing Chase was listening even if he wasn’t moving.

Zack and Madison shared a look. Madison held her finger to her lips motioning for Zack to be quiet. Austin gathered from their expressions they must know something about the girl.

“We would have seen them if they came through this way.” Madison said. “And it’s been extremely quiet since you left.”

“I doubt they would have come this way.” Austin added. “Doesn’t matter. If she’s dead she’s better off.”

“Do you know where the camp is?” Zack was through looking at pictures and stood up.

“Not yet. But he’s going to tell me.” Austin nodded towards Chase. “Or he’s going to die in a much worse manner than Thomas. That’s a promise.” At this comment Chase turned his head in Austin’s direction and chuckled. Austin clenched his fists, holding back from going in there and making good on his promise. 

 “Hey man. Can she guard him for a while?” Zack jerked his thumb at Madison. “I need some help fixing the generator.”

This caught Austin’s attention for many reasons, but mainly because even if there had been a generator Zack wouldn’t need his help fixing it. “Sure.” He turned to Madison. “Do not talk to him. Do not listen to any of his bullshit. Got it?”

“Not my first prisoner.” She reminded him, slightly stung by his harsh tone.

Austin was about to say something, but changed his mind and instead went back into the room where he unlocked the cell door. Chase stood up when Austin walked in. “You’re a dead man Captain Reynolds.” This comment earned him a hard smack to the head.

“The only thing I want to hear from you is the location of that camp. Otherwise keep your fucking mouth shut.” He grabbed Chase’s arm and spun him around.

“When are you going to look in the file Captain? See Roxy’s picture?” Chase spoke low.

Chase found himself on the ground with Austin’s knee firmly planted on his arm. Austin spread out Chase’s fingers and pulled out his knife. He slammed the blade down, cutting off Chase’s index finger.  Chase yelled out, squirming to get free. Austin buried his knee in Chase’s back, forcing him to lie still. “You ever say her name again I’ll cut your balls off. Do you understand me?” Chase groaned. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Austin stood, bringing Chase up with him.

He yanked the bag from Chase’s head. Behind him Madison gasped at the sight of the prisoner’s bloody face. “You give her any shit I’ll cut off another.” He yanked the sack back over Chase’s head and walked out of the cell, slamming the gate closed.

“Give him some bandages, but do not go in there under any circumstances. Do you understand?”

“For heaven’s sake’s I get it.” Madison sighed, agitated by his condescending tone.

Austin grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. “I mean it.”

“Ok.” She stared him in the eyes and for a split second thought she recognized the Austin she knew before he left for the mountain, but then he was gone, replaced by this cold hardened man. 

“Here Maddie, take this. If you need anything call Colin. He’ll know where to find us.” Zack handed the radio to Madison. “We won’t be long.” He squeezed her arm for added reassurance, gave Chase a wary glance before leaving to join Austin out in the hall.


Chase wasted no time removing the bag from his head after the men left so he could get a look at Madison. Oh yes, he thought, his beady eyes gleaming a little too much. She would be perfect for the program. Tall and slender with light brown skin. He licked his lips in anticipation. He watched her gather the items needed to tend to his wound, which she then handed to him through the bars without a word. Yes, he thought with relish, she would be an excellent addition and given the time he felt certain he could integrate her into the fold, after all Chase had a special knack with women.

Father Roth had recognized his abilities with the weaker sex and placed him as overseer of the program. More important than this promotion, in his mind, was that he had been granted special privileges. Privileges that no other disciple had been given and being they came from the Father, he felt it was his duty to exercise his rights on a regular basis. The women didn’t mind. Not that he cared what they minded, because if they did, well then a leather belt was very useful in adjusting the most stubborn of attitudes.

He thought of the girl, frowning, which turned his homely face into something hideous. A girl he had gone through great lengths in his attempt to integrate her, but she had refused. There had been many wasted prayers and hours of discussions on what should be done with her. All to no avail. She had stubbornly refused, jutting out her pretty little chin each time he demanded she submit to the rules. That chin he wanted so desperately to hit with his fist. Instead he had beaten her mercilessly, but she never cried out. Not even a whimper. Stubborn little whore.

Looking out at Madison, Chase felt certain she too would require the belt and probably often. He had no use for stubborn women and hoped they never found the girl. Of course he kept this hope to himself and bemoaned her loss along with the Father, all the while thinking him a fool to put up with her. Chase didn’t give a rat’s ass that the girl was Father Roth’s daughter. She was a useless whore, the same as that thing Roth kept locked in the glass box. And Thomas, another traitor, did him a favor, but still got what he deserved.

“Can I have a drink of water?” Chase asked.

Madison looked up from the magazine she was reading and eyed the prisoner. Something was not right about this man. The constant smirk across his thin lips, silently spoke to her his vile thoughts. His beady eyes, void of intelligence, but full of cunning, followed her around the room making her feel dirty. She wished he would put the bag over his head, but he didn’t. She took him a glass of water careful not to touch his hand.

“What’s your name love?” He asked, openly eyeing her up and down.

“Don’t bother.” Madison replied on her way back to the desk where a fly fishing magazine waited.

“Just trying to pass the time dear girl.” He crooned.

“I know what you’re trying and you can forget it.”  She sat in the chair and swiveled around facing away from the disgusting little twerp.

Chase walked over to the bars. “Don’t you want to know what’s in the file?” He purred.

Madison paused in her reading, but still did not turn to face him. “I saw the files. I’m not interested.”

“You didn’t see all of the files. You didn’t see the file Captain Reynolds has stuffed away in his back pack.”

“Shut up. Or I’ll cut off your other fingers.” Madison focused on the magazine. She hoped Austin would come back soon.

“The file has pictures of his wife and son.” Chase felt certain this would get the whore’s attention, but she didn’t show the slightest response. Oh what he wouldn’t give to have his belt. She would respond then. They always responded when he brought out the belt, just as Chase did whenever his father brought out the strap. He’d listened and did as he was told. “They’re alive you know.”

Madison swiveled her chair around to face Chase. “You say one more fucking word and I’m going to shoot you in the knee. You ever been shot?” Madison leaned forward. “I have. And let me tell you. It hurts like hell.” She swiveled back around.

They’re alive? He has a son? The words echoed in her head. Was the weasel telling the truth? Her eyes drifted over to Austin’s back pack and she immediately hated herself for even thinking of looking inside. She opened the magazine again, but the details of fly fishing failed to hold her attention, unable to compete with Austin’s bag that beckoned for her to come see its secrets.

Sighing, she set the magazine down and closed her eyes. Behind her Chase chuckled loud enough to be heard. She pulled out her gun and set it on the desk. “I might shoot you in both knees just for fun.” Mercifully he shut up, allowing Madison to think, to find reason in her feelings.       

Chase sat down on the cot. His hand throbbed something horrible, but he enjoyed the pain. What he didn’t care for was being kept in a cell like an animal, like that thing, Roth’s pet project. He stewed over this and decided he was going to take care of things when got back to the mountain. He was going to take care of that thing for good. He knew just how to kill it.

Captain Reynolds was going to regret turning his back on them, on the Program. The Captain was a fool. Chase knew this from the start, tried to warn the Father, but again, like with the girl, like with the creature, his advice was ignored. These minor inconveniences were not important. Reynolds wasn’t important. He didn’t realize General Roth was the father of the future and his Disciples would ride the wave of glory alongside him as they repopulated the planet with their offspring. 

The Captain knew very little of the Program and Chase was secretly thrilled over his defection. Chase smiled. Not his usual smirk, but a full out grin that did nothing to improve his ugliness. Being ugly didn’t matter to him anymore. Once the Sundogs departed, Chase had been promised the southern section of the country from Texas to Florida, a new life he was bursting to start. The details, which he’d meticulously worked out in manic fashion, became a vortex in his mind. Accompanying him would be the three women he’d chosen to be the mothers of his children. But not three, now only two were left. His grin faded, replaced by a scowl. He needed a replacement. His eyes drifted over to Madison.

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