The Heart-Shaped Emblor (The Ewlishash Series) (6 page)

BOOK: The Heart-Shaped Emblor (The Ewlishash Series)
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A rock hit me in the pit of my stomach. Not only had Jaden betrayed me by kissing Cooper, but she had also told him my secret. All of which made it harder when I realized he might still have feelings for her.

“What if she
been raped? Would you have let things go?”

“What do you mean?” Cooper’s demeanor hardened and he sat up straighter, anger vivid in his eyes.

“I don’t know how to say this, Cooper. I’m not even supposed to say this, but you need to know. Jaden
raped. As far as I can tell, it took place in her parents’ bed. Jaden and I became friends because I saw her trying to commit suicide in a dream, and I went to her. I can’t say why she never told me about dating you, or why she didn’t tell you about the rape. But I can guarantee you that Jaden has definitely been a victim of a violent crime.”

“Well.” Cooper got up, and an unrecognizable look crossed his face. He seemed enraged. “None of this matters now. She let me think I hurt her. How could she?”

I got up too. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He kissed my forehead, but was emotionally miles away. “Thank you for telling me. All this time, I’ve been ashamed because she made me think I did something terrible to her. This has haunted me for a year now. Sorry I didn’t tell you the truth, but it was too humiliating.”

I didn’t say anything. Part of me already regretted telling him. What would happen now?

“I need to get going.” His gaze grew in intensity. “I have some things I need to take care of, and my throat feels scratchy.”

“Okay,” I murmured, afraid to let my fears come forth. “See you tomorrow.”

“If I’m not sick.”

As I watched Cooper walk away from me, some part of me felt I had made a mistake. I worked late into the evening, not wanting to face what had happened. By the time I got home, my exhausted body barely made it inside. Unfortunately, Mel was waiting at the top of the stairs.

“Is everything okay, Aislinn? You look upset.”

“I’m tired,” I mumbled. “Did you need something?”

Her eyes darted back and forth between the wall and me. “I have something to tell you. Both Evan and I do, but he’s too chicken to tell you to your face, so I am.”

“What is it? Is everything okay?”

“Oh yes, very okay.” She looked down. “Why don’t we sit?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not. I’ve had a long day and really want to go to bed.”

“Oh,” she said with surprise. “Is this a bad time?”

“Kind of, but go ahead. Just, be quick, please.” I wasn’t meaning to come off short. I just felt overwhelmed and didn’t know how much more I could take.

“Okay, I’m just going to spit it out. Evan and I are dating again.” Her face contorted in worry as I took in her words.


“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad? I don’t care, as long as it’s what you both want. I just don’t want you to get hurt again. He cheated on you before, and it would be hard with us all living together if he did that again. But maybe he won’t.”

“That’s why we assumed you’d be mad, because he did hurt me. But we realized we still love each other,” she admitted. “So I’m glad you don’t disapprove.”

“Of course I don’t,” I assured her. “My only hope for you both is that you’re happy. If being together makes you happy, I support you one hundred percent, okay?”

“Thanks, Aislinn!” Mel hurried down the stairs, and engulfed me in a hug. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“Not really.” The words caught in the back of my throat. “I just want to get to bed.”

“Sure.” She softened her expression. “Thanks for listening. See you in the morning.”

“Goodnight.” She sauntered into the hallway, and I quickly made my way downstairs before anything else could pop up and bite me.



barely made it to my futon before collapsing. My heart ached when I thought about the possibility of losing Cooper, so I tried not to think about it. I forced my eyes to stay shut until I finally fell asleep.

My dreams visited in choppy versions of what Cooper and I had discussed. By the time my alarm blared in the morning, I felt like I’d had two hours of sleep.

Even if Cooper denied having feelings for Jaden, in my own heart, I suspected otherwise. Now that he knew she’d reacted out of fear, would he realize he still loved her?

I couldn’t think about Cooper anymore. My future depended on a successful art show, and I still had a lot to do. So, with great lethargy, I left without breakfast.

When I arrived in the pottery room, a pleasant surprise awaited me. Cooper had already been there, as evidenced by the photos he’d removed from the hall and the new pile he’d left on the counter for me. He even left a note with them.

Hey Aislinn,

I left these for you to replace the others I removed. Please don’t be angry. I just don’t want to be associated with Jaden right now. I hope that’s okay. I’m heading home. Not feeling well.


His desire to be distanced from her pleased me. I made sure to place the new photos as far away from Jaden’s work as possible.

The morning flew by quickly. I got almost everything done. The only tasks that remained were incorporating any last-minute items added, and printing the flyers. I already had music lined up for the event and had even gotten word back on the culinary classes’ additions. They were going to supply artful food for everyone to eat.

Everything was coming together so well. All I had to do was wrap up a few loose ends, and wait for the weekend. Mr. Wellner would be pleased.

Just as my thoughts drifted to my instructor, he approached. “This looks great.”


“So,” he paused. “I know you want an apprenticeship after your semester with me is finished—”

“No, I—” I tried to interrupt, not wanting him to misunderstand my intent, but he shushed me.

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Aislinn. I know you can only work one semester with me. If I were you, I’d want to stay working in a studio too. I also know, however, that you’ve had issues finding work due to your age. I’d like to help. So after this show is over with, I’d be happy to supply you with a list of places to apply and a recommendation letter.”

“That would be amazing. Thank you!” I didn’t want Mr. Wellner to know I’d been applying, but somehow he’d found out. If I could’ve continued to work for him, I would have, but my hope was to find an apprenticeship that could also double as my internship needed for graduation. None of my friends believed I should rush through college, but that was precisely what I wanted.

“You’re welcome. Why don’t you take off now? Things look great here, and you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for all the last-minute additions.” He beamed with pleasure as he surveyed my work.

“See you later then.” I hurried, eager to get home and avoid seeing Jaden. The idea of running into her after my conversation with Cooper made me even more uneasy.


The next few days melted into one long one. I planned everything out in detail, and it all came together fabulously. A graphic-arts student even designed the flyers for me, and they looked amazing. Very professional.

As the night of the art show arrived, I felt ready. Cooper planned to meet me there since he’d been out sick the last couple of days, and I still had a lot to prepare. I even had on a dress for the event—a rare occasion for me. Fortunately, Jaden had been MIA all week, yet I was sure to see her at the show.

With Cooper out sick, I had new insight as to what it would be like if we weren’t dating. Honestly, things were more pleasant than I assumed they’d be. I’d hardly noticed his absence.

By the time six rolled around, the music had started, and the refreshments were ready for the taking. The culinary students brought food I didn’t even know existed, and in large quantities. Their instructor told me that she’d used the opportunity to test the students on how well they handled a large event.

Mr. Wellner looked very pleased with the turnout. He even took the time to slip me the list of companies and the recommendation letter he’d promised into my hand in passing. I tucked them into my purse, excited about the opportunity this event would bring.

As I walked the hall, checking on all the artists and their work, I spotted Cooper. He stood with his back to me, talking to someone while sipping at a drink. My excitement to see him was short lived, however. As I approached, I realized whom he had been laughing with. Jaden.

I wanted to spit in her face and scream at my boyfriend for all to see, but I didn’t. Some little part of me kept pleading with myself not to go any further. Just to watch them.

I tried to hide behind a large piece of wood that one of the cabinetry students had brought. I had no idea what it was supposed to be, but the piece made an excellent cover.

The minutes ticked by and I realized that Cooper wasn’t even looking for me. In fact, he hadn’t looked away from Jaden once. I could see him touching her arm occasionally, sending a twinge of envy through me like fire in my veins.

As I watched, I realized their laughs were in sync with one another. Their smiles were genuine and their laughter loving. Could it be possible that they both still loved each other? I began to go numb, as if a hot poker had just entered my brain and turned it to mush.

I was about to drop my drink when I heard a collected, masculine voice behind me.


I turned quickly to see who had spoken, but there was no one. A strange charge lingered in the air, like when lightning strikes and you can still feel the residue. My arms tingled in response, and I rubbed them.

Unnerved by the experience, I decided to move. Spying had already occupied too much of my time, and I wanted no more. My legs felt too numb to budge, making me hesitate.

No matter which way I looked at it, I knew there was something more to Cooper and Jaden. It was obvious. But did that mean I had to stand by and be miserable?

Mr. Wellner walked up behind me and pulled me from my funk. “Aislinn, you look upset. Is everything okay?”

I turned to him, stunned by his observation. Had I been that obvious? My confidence wavered as I spoke. “I’m all right.”

Mr. Wellner frowned. “You don’t have to lie to me. I can see you’re upset that Cooper is talking to Jaden. Why don’t you join them?”

“Join them?” My shock at his suggestion came out as a gasp. “No… I couldn’t. Far too much has gone on between us all.” Mr. Wellner’s insight into my love life was unsettling.

“Of course you can,” he insisted. “You’re a very strong person. Never doubt your abilities.” He nudged me in their direction. “Now go. Be brave. Things only happen when we desire them to. So there is no need to worry.”

Mr. Wellner had never spoken like that before. I wondered if I had missed something, or if I was just losing my mind. I shook it off and headed toward Cooper and Jaden.

By the time I reached them, Jaden had already seen me coming. She shied back instantly, leaning into the wall, and stopped talking. Cooper began questioning her about what was wrong, but she only pointed in my direction.

My heart nearly stopped. I felt my lips open, but no words came out. They were going to think I was insane.

“You’ll be alright. Just say hello.” The masculine voice spoke again. I turned once more to see who stood behind me. As before, no one was there. Cooper and Jaden stared at me.

“How are you two?” I forced the words from my mouth. They came slowly and hesitantly. “Are you enjoying the show?” A bead of sweat trickled down from my forehead, and I wiped it away before anyone could see it.

They had blank expressions, seeming stunned at my apparent calm demeanor. Finally, Cooper spoke. “Yes, this looks great. You’ve done a wonderful job.” His compliment gave me instant satisfaction. I turned to Jaden, awaiting her reply.

She fumbled around, delaying speaking to me. I asked again, “How about you, Jaden?”

“Looks nice. You must have put a lot of thought into all of this,” she said, gesturing to all the different types of art.

“Yes and no,” I said, shrugging.

She looked at me with surprise. “How were you able to pull this all together, then? This looks like it took weeks to prepare. And what made you think to use ‘diversity’ as the theme?” Her questions seemed genuine, but I wasn’t sure if her voice had a hint of mockery.

“I guess things just come together when they’re supposed to. Like fate.” I felt old and wise, yet I had no idea where my sudden tranquility and awareness had come from. “I chose diversity because I feel that if we all began looking at our differences with acceptance, then we can pull from each other’s strengths rather than pick one another apart. It is our differences that make us stronger and help us learn how to be better people.”

“Oh.” Jaden stepped to the side. “Well, I’ll leave you two to talk. See you later.” Jaden didn’t look up as she spoke.

Cooper lowered his eyes as she walked away. I could tell he had been having a good conversation with her. No matter how much of me couldn’t stand being in the same room with Jaden, another part of me, a stronger part, kept telling me to be understanding, that I didn’t see the full picture. That internal voice grew harder and harder to ignore.

As I stared at the silent and disappointed Cooper, I regretted interrupting their conversation. I was his girlfriend, but did that give me the right to keep him from talking to Jaden? What if he asked me to stop speaking to Evan, who crushed on me before dating Mel?

The more I pondered things; I realized that I didn’t trust him because of their kiss. If I couldn’t trust Cooper to push aside a woman who wanted him to cheat, then I didn’t want him talking to her. I tried to ignore that if I couldn’t trust him not to kiss another woman, then maybe I shouldn’t be with him in the first place.

Thankfully, Cooper stayed with me for the rest of the show. He seemed solemn, but nonetheless, he stood by me. The show did extremely well, and everyone congratulated me on the way out. Despite Cooper’s apathy toward me, the art show had given me a new confidence.

After the show I still needed to help Mr. Wellner put things back in order. We were leaving the display up for a couple of weeks, but the food wouldn’t smell very good by the time Monday rolled around.

True to his nature, Cooper made some excuses for needing to head home. It took a couple of hours to clean up, and I began to feel the exhaustion from the day. Mr. Wellner looked beat as well.

“Why don’t you head out, Aislinn? I’ll come in tomorrow and finish this. Thank you for staying to help clean.” He sat on a wooden chair at the end of the hall, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“You’re welcome.” I forced the corners of my mouth upward, exerting the last of my energy.

As I made my way outside, the realization of what I had done that evening entered my mind. Not only had the art show been a success, but I had also seen Jaden and Cooper together without tackling them. I couldn’t help but be proud of my achievements.

The air outside was crisp with a wintry chill, too early for the time of year. My high heels clanked loudly as I walked down the long sidewalk. Embarrassed that the students lingering in the parking lot kept staring at me, I tried to quicken my pace.

I was just about to turn the corner to my car when a deep and warm-hearted laugh came from beside me. The voice wasn’t threatening, but the hair on my arms stood on end. My senses heightened, and I wanted desperately to turn and look at the owner of the oddly familiar voice. I slid back behind the building, wanting to see who the voice belonged to without drawing more attention to myself.

There were four men working. I couldn’t tell what they were working on, but they were holding cable. Three of them seemed to be goofing off, while the other told them what to do.

As the man stood up, a hint of light splashed across his face. My breath quickened as I slowly traced the contours of his face with my gaze. The black wavy hair, deep-set almond-shaped eyes, and a hint of a dimple on his left cheek nearly took me over my emotional edge. Could it be my dark-haired friend?

I didn’t want to assume anything, not yet. Being roughly forty feet away, I couldn’t be sure. I inched closer to the man, trying to set my feet down slowly to keep from making too much noise. The closer I got, the more my insides turned in circles.

My heart pounded when he came into better sight. I stared breathless at the man before me. It
my friend.

I wanted to move closer, to speak to him, but I felt too shocked to do anything. How could this man be standing before me? He wasn’t an illusion or a figment of my imagination. He was real.

He twirled a large spool of wire in his hands while he directed the others. He was older than I was, but not by much, and he looked strong. Not bulging-muscle strong, but strong in his actions, in the way he held himself. My dream friend stood up straight and directed the others with a sense of confidence. When the younger man fumbled with his wire cutters, my dark-haired friend encouraged him.

I was speechless. After many years of wondering if the stranger existed, my head was too numb to process much. A sense of relief and excitement washed over me, though fear made its way in as well. In truth, I didn’t know anything about him. What if he wasn’t kind and compassionate, but just the opposite? My dreams may have been warning me to stay away.

Before I could break my obvious stare, the man looked up at me, meeting my eyes. For a brief moment, he looked as shocked as I did. He stood frozen and silent as his penetrating gaze made its way over my body. The wire spool in his hands dropped to the ground. As soon as I saw him moving toward me, I panicked and hurried to my car.

My pulse refused to slow as I hopped into my car and locked the door behind me. Part of me wanted to scream at myself for being so chicken. There were plenty of students still in the parking lot. I would have been safe. Plus, the college didn’t hire people without a background check. I had no reason to fear this chance encounter.

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