The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale (3 page)

BOOK: The Heartwood Box: A Fairy Tale
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Several of the girls whispered their intention of avoiding Damian Black as much as they could
f they didn’t get to know him, they conjectured, there was no chance that their box would turn to his color

“Ooh,” Sally
, “there
he is, Damian Black himself.”

Everyone turned at once
He smirked when he noticed their stares, and the girls squealed and quickly turned away

Sally whispered in her ear, “Just look at those eyes of his
That is a man who knows how to get his own way, or I am much mistaken
He may be handsome, but you can bet he never forgets for a minute that he’s descended from the Black Prince.”

Genevieve couldn’t disagree
She looked at Sally more carefully
She’d forgotten how bright her old friend was
As a child she’d been a tiny spitfire of a girl who didn’t take nonsense from anyone
grown to be a very pretty woman, with pale blond hair and sharp hazel eyes, and so confident it was easy to forget she was barely over five feet tall

But unlike her friend, Genevieve felt a certain kinship with Damian Black and his brothers
They knew what it was like to be part of the town and yet feel themselves outsiders
The very thing she had feared so much had really happened to them, and yet everyone seemed to agree that they were ever am
ong the most devoted to Titania
and made great sacrifices
defending the demon gate
She couldn’t blame them for remembering their illustrious heritage
Declan was a great hero, and they seemed to be living up to his legacy
She resolved that she would not be one of the girls who avoided Damian Black

The topic soon changed, and Genevieve was able to sneak a better look at the mysterious son of the Black family
There was no difficulty picking him out
He was ta
ller and
more powerfully
than the others
and appeared older

she guessed he was at least twenty-five
He stood off to the side, away from the central group of boys who were joking and play
fighting each other
Genevieve agreed with Sally that he was handsome

very handsome
His inky black hair and almost black eyes made him seem fierce, but Genevieve saw plenty of good
humor in his expression
There was no missing the confident way he held himself, but
he wore an ordinary brown suit
and showed his color with a plain black scarf, hardly the dress of a man trying to make everyone aware of his superiority

approached him and asked after Damian’s family
Genevieve felt a moment of trepidation at the boy’s boldness but relaxed when she saw Damian smile and answer easily
She saw no contempt or impatience in his expression—nothing like cruelty in his face
But she didn’t deceive herself: he was nothing like the boys she’d grown up with
He looked like what he was, a fighter trained from his youth for war, the descendant of Declan
She must have looked t
oo long
because she realized with a start that he was looking back at her
He made a shallow bow, which made her face flame up.

Genevieve bit her lip uneasily, wondering if she could look a greater fool
Fortunately, the awkward moment was interrupted by the approach of the elderly priestess and her votary, along with various neighbors bringing picnic baskets

Sally was beaming, having exchanged a glance with Peter Crane
Genevieve couldn’t help laughing
She remembered Peter well: he had mercilessly tormented them when they were nine, loving nothing more than to pull a girl’s hair or put a spider down her back when the teacher wasn’t looking
The obnoxious skinny boy had grown into a very handsome man, with blond curly hair and dreamy blue eyes
He was an artist, a painter, and displayed his color with an outlandish blue satin scarf
He still had an infectious smile that even Genevieve couldn’t resist

Sally, who clapped her hands joyfully
Both of Sally’s parents were healers, their color green
Sally had trained as a midwife,
and her shawl was
pale green
with a vine pattern in darker green twining through it
Green and blue were harmonious shades, and she knew it would be considered a good pairing

Something in Genevieve relaxed, and all of a sudden the
Bridal Week
didn’t seem so terrifying
These were her people, her traditions
For the first time since her music changed, she could almost believe that she was on
e of Titania’s beloved children
just like all the others.

The priestess called to the boys to
each pick up a
and attach it with their color
They all
Titania’s Altar, which was in a grove
of rowan trees
about a
from town
Away from the
green, the two groups dispersed
and boys and girls gradually fell to walking together
Sally grabbed Genevieve’s arm
and pulled her along to speak to one boy after another

except for Peter
surprise, she
found it easy to make
small talk
and ask about
their crafts and families
one raised the kind of excitement that Sally seemed to feel for Peter, but the walk passed pleasantly
She couldn’t help but notice that
though the boys began to warm up to
, the girls all kept their distance

At the grove, t
he girls
and boys separated a
until the
called them all to order

Welcome all of you to the Bridal Week
As you know
our events are designed to give the girls the chance to spend time with the boys in our group
Today is simple: each girl will choose a
my bag
to know
she will share lunch with
After lunch
you can
mingle again
if you choose
walk in the
Enjoy this time together
Do not forget that we serve
Titania in all that we do here
Be true to yourselves
and respectful of each other, and Titania will smile on you
and bless t
he unions you form this week.”

There was a moment of
silence at her words,
the girls approached to cho
se their ribbon from
Soon they
were laughing and squealing, but Genevieve had lost the easiness she’d felt just a few minutes before
Everyone had been warm and friendly so far, which pleased her

it had felt like a gathering from her school days before all her troubles
But this wasn’t school

it was the
Bridal Week

and by the end of it, these laughing girls and boys would be married couples

held back as long as she could, but finally she could
no longer
To her surprise, before she could reach into the bag,
the priestess took her face in her hands and kissed her forehead
“Titania bless you, Genevieve,” she said
he placed something in her hand
and whispered
, “Don’t look
until you’ve sat down.”

Chapter Three


was too preoccupied
trying to get away from
the others and their oppressive gaiety
to notice the ribbon in her hand
She threw her shawl down beneath a tree at the far end of th
e meadow
and plopped down, fighting
to get her temper back in order before she shocked the poor boy cursed to share lunch with her

Unfortunately her valiant efforts were all for naught
She noticed
Damian Black approaching her spot
opened her hand
in it
a black ribbon
She now cursed the nerves that made her choose a spot so far from the others
e wasn’t afraid of Damian Black
precisely, but she would have
if they’d at least been within earshot of the other couples

came to t
he edge of her shawl
and just stood there
Genevieve stared up at him, blushing like a sch
girl, with no idea why he was standing there
Finally he said,
“May I join you?”

“Of course!”
she burst out,
that she would
forget her manners
As he placed the basket and took a seat, s
he fumbled for something to say
and then
remembered that they’d never been

know your name
,” she stammered

Damian of
the house of Black
People call me

She groaned inwardly

her parents and school friends called her Jenny, but she hated that
Jenny was the girl who’d existed before her music changed
“Don’t call me that,” she added hastily
“Genevieve, I’m Genevieve

“Genevieve,” he said as if testing it out
“Much better
I am indeed Damian Black, and I am
to meet you, Genevieve.”

She looked at him sharply

something in the way he spoke ma
e the words sound like more than just an
He met her eye almost like he was challenging her,
which made her flush violently
and look away
She hat
how easily
she was
and was
suddenly terrified she might burst into tears

how foolish! 

To her surprise, she felt his fingers gently grip her chin, pulling her face up to meet his gaze

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