The Heiress's Secret Baby (16 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gilmore

BOOK: The Heiress's Secret Baby
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.’” Lauren Randall read the early detection instructions. “‘One line, not pregnant.’”

Simple enough. Perched on the side of the bed in a long blue robe, heart beating a mile a millisecond, she scrunched her eyes closed—a cowardly act entirely unlike her—and then opened them to look at the stick.

Two lines.

She blinked. Looked again. Still two lines.

“Oh, boy.” She blew out a pent-up breath. Her mind spun with the news. She was going to be a mother. Strolling to the bedroom’s picture window, she stared unseeing at the Pacific Ocean.

Her hand went to her waist. She was expecting a baby.

Ray Donovan’s baby. Mind-boggling. This type of thing didn’t happen to her. She was too organized, too controlled. She didn’t have unprotected sex. She
had unprotected sex. But a broken condom might have changed her life...forever.

She glanced at the stick in her hand. Yep, still two lines.

“Oh, my.” A baby.

A tiny part of her was thrilled at the knowledge. She was having a
! Would he or she have Lauren’s blond hair and light brown eyes? Or Ray’s sandy, slightly darker locks and blue eyes?

Just thinking about it sent the more rational side of her reeling. A child was not in her current five-year plan. Certainly not a child with a domineering man incapable of standing still for two whole minutes.

The sound of pounding drew her gaze down. Below her the lush garden of the Santa Barbara estate was being transformed into a wedding paradise. The day had dawned sunny and bright and, according to the meteorologists, might reach seventy degrees. Given it was Valentine’s Day, they were lucky. February weather could be unpredictable in Southern California.

The event promised to be spectacular. On the edge of the property a white-columned gazebo stood against a backdrop of green hedges and long-standing trees, beyond which the vast Pacific Ocean flowed on forever, symbolic of the unending devotion about to be declared.

Short columns on which sat rose ball topiaries created the aisle. White chairs with silver sashes provided seating for the guests. A huge white tent graced the middle of the lawn and wood flooring had been put down. The tentpoles had been encased in columns to match the gazebo and thousands of white lights were being draped across the ceiling to give the impression of dancing under the stars.

More rose topiaries acted as centerpieces on the round tables at the dining end. Curved couches ringed the dance floor at the other end. The overall vision was elegant, yet understated, and
By Arrangement team had pulled it off beautifully.

Co-owners of By Arrangement, Lauren and Tori had both taken on new assistants at the start of the year. They were working the event, but the rest of the jobs had vendors in place, thus freeing their staff to attend as guests.

Shortly Lauren would be walking down the aisle toward Ray. Not as bride to his groom, but as maid of honor to his best man. Today was not her big day, but her twin’s. Tori would marry the man she loved in a romantic ocean-view ceremony in a little over two hours.

If that gave Lauren a pinch of envy it was only because her sister was so happy. Difficult not to want that for herself.

But it was only a pinch. After a bad scare in college, she’d put her career in front of romance. So far she had few regrets. Lauren liked where she was in life. Of course she’d need to recalibrate now she was going to have a child to consider.

So, a wedding for her sister and a baby for her. The timing of the discovery was extraordinary. Was this some kind of karmic message? Or perhaps a spiritual nudge?

was a cosmic joke—because “marriage” and “Ray” were two words that didn’t belong in the same sentence, or even paragraph. Heck, they wouldn’t be in the same novel.

And if she hadn’t been playing ostrich—again, totally unlike her—she would have known she was pregnant a week ago. She’d certainly suspected, with the nausea and the tenderness in her breasts. But she’d been busy and in denial—a slick combination for avoiding the inevitable.

There’d been too much to do, what with last-minute details for the wedding and family coming into town for the rehearsal. Seeing Ray again was what had prompted her to pick up the early pregnancy testing kit. She couldn’t contemplate walking down the aisle to him without knowing the truth. Not that knowing the truth helped now that it was a yes.

Well, no time to brood about it now.

Tossing the stick in the trash, she moved to the closet to take down her dress. It was past time to join Tori and their mother in Tori’s room to get ready.

A knock sounded at the door. Carrying the dress, she opened the door to her mother.

Like Lauren, her mom already had her hair and make-up done. Garrett, Tori’s fiancé and owner of Obsidian Studios, had arranged for three professional hairstylists and make-up artists to come to the house to prepare the wedding party for the event. Her mom looked lovely, with her hair swept up in a sleek French twist and the expert application of cosmetics. But then she looked just as pretty with no make-up and her hair in a ponytail.

To Lauren, she was just Mom.

“Oh, Mom.” She launched herself into Liz Randall’s arms, letting the scent of lavender comfort her.

The news of her baby nearly tripped off Lauren’s tongue. She pressed her lips together to prevent the words from spilling. This was Tori’s special day. Lauren would never do anything to disrupt her twin’s wedding day.

“Hey.” Her mother’s arms closed around her, careful not to crush the dress she held. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she lied. She wouldn’t be okay until this day was over and the certainty of running into Ray no longer existed. And, truthfully, the hug did make her feel better. She forced her mind to switch gears. “Our girl is getting married.”

“I know.” Liz gave her another squeeze before stepping back. “She won’t be right next door anymore, but we have to remember we’re not losing her—we’re gaining a new son and brother.” She tweaked the ends of Lauren’s hair and studied her closely. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re a little pale.”

“I’m fine.” Lauren hooked her arm through her mother’s as they walked down the hall to the master suite. “I’ll still miss her.”

“She’s your partner. You’ll see her nearly every day.”

“It won’t be the same.”

No, and their lives were going to change even more drastically than her mom knew.

“Different, yes, but in a good way.” Liz was a glass half-full gal. “Especially when we start getting little ones to play with. You two will be twenty-nine in a couple of months. I’ve waited a long time to be a grandmother.”

Yeah, well, her wait was nearly up.

“Oh!” Liz exclaimed. “Maybe she’ll have twins.”

Lauren’s stomach did a little flip. She swallowed hard. Okay, she wasn’t ready to think about having twins.

Down the way a door opened and Ray Donovan stepped into the hall. He wore jeans and a muscle-clinging green T-shirt. His shaggy dark blond hair had been trimmed considerably since she’d seen him last night. It was brushed back at the sides and a little wild on top. He looked entirely too yummy for her peace of mind.

He hesitated at the head of the stairs, his blue gaze traveling between her and her mother. He lifted his camera, aimed it in their direction.

“Ray, stop that. We’re not dressed yet. Where are you going?” Her mother pointed to the car keys in his hand. “You should be getting ready.”

He pocketed the keys. “I have an errand. I’ll be back in plenty of time.” With a last glance at Lauren, which she avoided, he headed downstairs.

For a wild moment she wondered how he would deal with twins. But her mind refused to wrap around the concept so she pulled her focus back to Tori.

“Mom, I think we should let her get through the wedding before we have her barefoot and pregnant.”

“Sweetheart...” Liz patted Lauren’s hand “...who are you kidding? Tori will be barefoot before the end of the night.”

The statement was so true they were giggling when the door in front of them opened and Tori stood there in sexy curls, a silky white robe, and bare feet. “Where have you two been?”

Lauren met her mother’s golden gaze, so like her own, and they both burst out laughing.

* * *

Ray Donovan shifted his wide shoulders in the custom-made tuxedo. Weddings gave him hives.
Been there, almost did that, never plan to do it again
. A fact not even his good buddy Garrett knew. It had happened so long ago Ray liked to pretend it had never happened at all.

Pacing the study, or “the groom’s room”, as Lauren’s new assistant had corrected him, Ray twitched at his tie. He was slowly suffocating.

Thinking of Lauren didn’t help at all. Contrary woman. The honey-eyed blond was the hottest armful he’d ever held, but way too stubborn for his taste when they weren’t locked in a clinch. Their fling, for want of a better word, was over.

Until two days ago he hadn’t seen her since Christmas, when she’d called time on their trysts.

How stunning to realize he’d actually missed her. But any hope of expending his nervous energy by reigniting the chemistry between them while they were hooked up for the wedding festivities had fizzled out when she had refused to meet his gaze at the rehearsal. Or any time since.

Okay. Message received

All for the best. In spite of his hopeful initial reaction, he’d been truly unnerved as he’d watched her walk down the aisle toward him. The sight had been a punch to the gut. He hadn’t stopped twitching since. Confirmation that he’d been smart to keep it casual, to let her end things between them.

He paused in front of a gilded mirror. He smoothed his short sandy hair back into place and straightened his tie.
Pull it together,
he silently chided himself.
You’re sounding more like a wuss than a director known for going into the trenches with his stuntmen and actors

“Relax,” Garrett said from his place behind the desk. “Anyone would think it was you getting married instead of me.”

“I don’t know how you can be so calm.”

Ray dropped into the chair in front of the desk, picked up his camera and shot the groom. To occupy his hands, as well as his mind, he’d decided to give the bride and groom the gift of an insider’s perspective on their wedding: pictures and videos no photographer would have access to.

“The waiting is excruciating. How much longer before this gig gets going?”

Garrett’s gaze shifted to the mantel clock. “Soon. And it’s easy to be calm when you’re sure of what you’re doing.”

“Marriage is a trap for the unwary. Standing up there in front of everyone is a lonely place to be.”

Okay, he knew that was warped even as the words slipped out. His memories had no place here.

“I won’t be alone.” Garrett laughed off the outrageous comment. “I’ll be joined by the woman I love. Until then you’ll be by my side.”

Garrett opened the bottom drawer in the solid oak desk and pulled out a bottle of aged whiskey and a single crystal glass. After pouring a good dollop into the glass, he pushed it across the oak surface to Ray.

“Maybe this will help settle your nerves.”

“No, thanks.” Ray turned down the shot. Normally he’d accept and relish the burn. Today he’d remain stone-cold sober. The way he felt, adding alcohol was not a good idea.

“I don’t understand you, dude.” Garrett shook his head. “You’re the one who told me I’d be safe with Tori.”

“It’s easy to see she makes you happy.” Ray ran a hand over his jaw. Just because marriage wasn’t for him didn’t mean others couldn’t benefit from the bond. “And of course you have that whole Spidey sense of approval going for you.”

Apparently the twins were natural matchmakers and got a special “feeling” when they saw two people who belonged together. Lauren had gotten the feeling about Garrett and Tori, but hadn’t said anything until after they were engaged.

Garrett arched a dark eyebrow. “Mock if you want. I’m reaping the rewards.”

“Sorry. The truth is you deserve the best. Don’t mind me—weddings make me twitchy.”

“So you said when I asked you to be my best man. Thanks for doing this for me.”

“You’re the closest thing I have to a brother. Of course I’m here for you.”

“What’s your deal anyway?”

Ray shook his head. “Ancient history. Too depressing for the occasion.”

Too depressing, period. He didn’t talk or think about those times.

A knock sounded at the door and Lauren’s assistant stuck her head in. “It’s time, gentlemen.”

“We’ll be right there,” Garrett assured her, and surged to his feet. He looked at Ray as he rose too. “Are you ready for this?”

Ray waved Garrett forward, then clapped him on the back when he passed. “Let’s get you hitched.”

Outside, Ray stood at his friend’s side in the shade of the gazebo as music filled the air and the bridal party started toward them. Nick Randall escorted his mother to the front row. As soon as they were seated, Lauren began her journey down the rose-strewn runner.

Ray couldn’t take his eyes off her. She wore a strapless, figure-hugging silver gown, showing her curves to sweet advantage. The fading sun gleamed in golden curls swept to one side, leaving one creamy shoulder bare. She grew more stunning the closer she got.

He completely missed the bride walking down the aisle as his gaze lingered on the maid of honor. Watching her, he remembered their first heated encounter in the laundry room of his home on Thanksgiving. Desire stirred.

Not wanting to embarrass himself, or his friend, he turned his attention—and his camera—to the ceremony. The officiate spoke, and then Garrett and Tori exchanged the poignant vows they’d written themselves. Weddings might make Ray itch, but as a film director he recognized powerful dialogue when he heard it.

He received the signal to hand over the rings. Garrett kissed his bride. The officiate introduced the couple as Mr. and Mrs. Black. And finally the time came for Ray to touch Lauren as they moved to follow the couple up the aisle in a reverse procession.

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