The Hidden Summer (9 page)

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Authors: Gin Phillips

BOOK: The Hidden Summer
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“Left foot first,” Mom says, when I have my chair arranged. I stick my ankle toward her, and she props my foot on her knee.

“Relax,” she says. “Lie down.”

There’s a part of me that would like to tell her about my day. I’d like to try to explain how the sky looked like a blue ceiling over the stone walls and how some of the birds’ nests had little bits of colored cloth and string—red, yellow, and even a flash of purple—woven into them. I’d like to tell her what it’s like to roll down a hill so fast that I can’t feel my arms and legs anymore. I have these impulses occasionally—the need to talk and talk until she finally understands me. The need to describe what’s inside my head and hope that if I get the words right, she’ll finally know me and like me and really
me. I don’t say anything, though. Partly that’s because I know if I confess about the golf course, I’ll probably never get to set foot there again.

But the bigger reason is that if half of me wants to tell Mom about what I’ve found, the other half of me wants to never mention a word about anything I’ve seen in the last week. That part of me feels like I should put every single sight and sound and memory into a box, dig a hole, and make sure no one can ever touch any of it. Because it’s mine.

I hand over a lot of things when I’m home. Mom tells me she doesn’t like a shirt I want to buy, and I hand it over. Not the shirt itself, but my wish for that shirt. I want to watch one television show and she wants to watch another one—I hand that over, too. It’s easier that way. I even hand over my toenails when she asks. But I think sometimes you need to put a thing in a box—even if the box is inside your head—and store it away for yourself.

When our toenails are done, Mom lies down, and it’s quiet for a while. She hums under her breath a little.

“Did you have a good day?” she asks.

“Pretty good,” I say.

“It’s not too bad there?”

“No,” I say. “It’s not bad.”

“I’m impressed that you haven’t complained once,” she says. “I’d have been a lot grumpier about summer school.”

This is why it’s worth acting happy about getting my toenails painted. Mom likes me when we’re lying like this, side by side, shiny-skinned. She’s smiling underneath her sweat mustache. I feel my shoulders relax, and I start to enjoy the stretchy feel of the chair underneath me. When she speaks, she turns her head to me without opening her eyes.

“Sometimes I think we could just pack up the car and leave one day,” she says. “Just leave the furniture behind us, fill up the car with gas, and drive until we hit the ocean. Or the mountains. I could get a job waiting tables—because there’s always a restaurant needing waitresses—and when I wasn’t working, I’d lie on the beach. And I’d have a garden.”

Have I mentioned that my mom talks about escaping, too? She likes to think about how she could just walk away from her life and start a whole new one. Sometimes those conversations are sad and a little scary—does she really hate her life here so much?—but sometimes they’re sort of fun.

“We could get a dog,” she says. “You could pick him out.”

I smile. “A big one or a little one?”

“Whatever you wanted. As long as he doesn’t dig up my garden.”

I think about Saban running along the beach, and I think he’d be afraid of the waves. “I think I’ll get an Irish setter,” I say.

“Good choice,” she says. “I like Irish setters.”

When we’re lying like this, she thinks we’re the same.

“You can have space in the garden, too,” she says. “You can grow all the strawberries you want.”

“I’d like to grow corn,” I say. I have a picture in my mind of a corn maze, which I’ve read about. I’d like to be able to get lost in my rows of corn.

“Okay,” she says. “You might need to get a job, too, of course, when you’re old enough. You could wait tables and they’d give you great tips because you’re young and pretty.”

When her eyes are closed, she thinks I’m pretty. I am warm and sleepy and I think how I like the sound of her voice.



For the next week or so, Lydia and I have a set routine. We drop off any odds and ends at the putt-putt course, and we hang out around Marvin or the rocket ship until about eleven o’clock, when the heat gets so bad we can’t stand it. We check the nests and see if anyone else has hatched. We eat our lunch somewhere shady, then we explore some more. The day we found the blackberry patch, we ate until our fingers were dyed purple. The day we found the two box turtles, we spent an hour trying to make them race. (Turtles are apparently not competitive animals.) Sometimes it’s a slow day and we wind up just playing cards or climbing trees, but, no matter what, in late afternoon we head over to Hole Four to watch the airplanes.

We’re into our second week of Lodema before we discover the clover field. We’ve just finished checking on the birds, and we decide to walk to the Chevron and treat ourselves to root beer. We usually stay on the cart path when we walk, but this time we veer across one of the long flat stretches of grass. And in the middle of that tall grass, we suddenly step into a huge patch of clover, as solid and dark as a big green swimming pool. Without a word we pull off our sandals and start wading barefoot into the field, the clover so cool and silky under our feet. I watch the clovers peek up between my toes, and I can’t help kneeling down in them and running my fingers over them. I start counting the leaves, hoping, when I hear Lydia yell.

“I found a four-leaf one!” she exclaims, and I look over and see she’s sitting cross-legged on the ground.

“Me, too!” I say, because as soon as she says it, I spot one myself. And next to my four-leaf clover, I see another four-leaf clover. And another. We keep looking and realize that about half of these clovers are four-leaf ones—it must be the luckiest spot in the world. We pick a handful each, but there’s really no point to hunting for them. It’s no challenge. But more than that, the only reason to pick a four-leaf clover is to make it yours. To claim it. We don’t have to claim these lucky clovers—they’re all ours. The whole wavy green field is ours. All of Lodema is ours.

We never make it to the Chevron for those root beers. We unpack our lunches in the middle of the clover field, and I lick ham sandwich off my hands as I bury my toes in clover. Lydia pulls off long strips of cheese and drops them into her mouth. I savor every one of my strawberries, and when I notice an ant crawling over my finger, I set her down near a bread crumb. She seems pretty excited about it. I watch her tear off a bread chunk and carry it off, making her way around giant stems and leaves that must seem like a forest of redwoods to her. When you watch an ant for a while, the world seems like an enormous place.

“Do you think a day seems longer to an ant?” I ask Lydia.

“Because it’s smaller than us?” asks Lydia.

“Maybe,” I say. “I mean, an inch seems longer to them. Maybe time is sort of like distance. It all seems bigger when you’re tiny.”

“I think they probably have no sense of time.”

“When we were smaller, time went slower,” I say. “Remember how long the summer used to seem? Or how long one afternoon could seem? When we were in kindergarten, nap time took forever. And holidays felt like they lasted for years. Now everything moves faster.”

“Would you rather it move slower?” asks Lydia.

I think about that. Normally I would say no. I spend most of my life wishing for time to pass as fast as it can, hoping I’ll speed along from one grade to another and finally be a grown-up, free to go wherever I want and do whatever I want. But sometimes when we’re out here with the wind blowing and the baby birds
ing, I wouldn’t mind if I could stop it all and just sink into one perfect moment like a fizzy bubble bath and stay there for good.

“That would be a cool power to have,” says Lydia, like she’s reading my mind. “The power to freeze time. To make one single second last as long as you wanted. Like the first bite of homemade ice cream or a Krispy Kreme donut. Or sliding down a waterslide and sliding and sliding and sliding and never stopping.”

“Or rolling down the hill at Hole Six,” I say.

Lydia starts to say something else, when we hear a rustle in the grass off to our left. It’s so quiet that I think it’s the wind at first. But the rustle is coming closer, and it’s not a steady sound like the wind. It’s uneven and clumsy and sounds suspiciously like someone walking—no, stomping—through the grass. And then I hear a few words of a song.

“No matter how hard a prune may try, he’s always getting wrinkles,”
sings a high voice.
“A baby prune’s just like his dad, ’cept he don’t wrinkle half so bad.”

It’s a kid’s voice. A little kid, singing with total confidence like you do when you’re in the shower. Lydia and I look at each other and don’t move. I guess neither one of us knows where to go. And as we sit there, not making a sound, a little boy bursts through the tall grass into our clover patch.

And then he screams. Loud. Like he’s falling off a building or being attacked by bees. It’s one quick, panicked
Then he takes a breath and screams one long word, and it’s not a word we expected.

“Mo-ommmmmmmm!” he calls.

“It’s okay,” Lydia says, sounding as panicked as he does. “It’s okay. Don’t be scared.”

“We just came to pick some clover,” I say.

He stares at us, not screaming anymore, which is good. I worry that maybe he’s just catching his breath to let loose again. I figure the kid is maybe six years old. He’s got short dark hair and big brown eyes and round cheeks. He’s wearing a Chicago Bulls T-shirt that’s faded but clean. And he seems to be going out of his way to keep one hand hidden behind his back. I cannot figure out what he’s doing in the middle of an abandoned golf course. Maybe he thinks the same thing about us.

“They’re lots of four-leaf ones here,” he announces, in a surprisingly calm voice. “I thought I was the only one who knew about them.”

He knew about them? I want to take a second and think about what that might mean, but I’m too afraid that he might start screaming again if I don’t keep him talking.

“We just found them today,” I say. “I’m Nell and this is Lydia. What’s your name?”

“Jakobe,” he says.

“Are you lost, Jakobe?”

“No,” he says. “Are you?”

“No,” we say at the same time.

“It’s okay if you are,” he says. “Don’t be embarrassed. I can show you the way out.”

“Are you here by yourself?” I ask.

“Well . . . ,” he says, then stops. “I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.”

“That’s a good rule,” says Lydia. “But we introduced ourselves.”

“I found you hiding in my four-leaf clovers,” he says.

“We weren’t hiding,” I object.

He shakes his head. “You’re still strangers. And Mom says not to answer questions about us.”

“Why aren’t you supposed to answer questions?” I ask.

“That,” he says, wagging a finger at me, “is a question.”

“He’s got a point,” says Lydia.

“You’re not helping, Lydia,” I say.

“I should go now,” Jakobe says. He turns around, looking back over his shoulder at us like we can’t be trusted. He keeps looking at us while he makes his way out of the clover.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“Home,” he says.

He wades back into the grass. There’s the sound of crunching leaves and shifting grass, then there’s nothing but the sound of distant birds and bullfrogs. Only when he’s walking away do I get a good look at what he’s holding in his fist—it’s colored chalk. He’s got a handful of green, blue, and purple.

As I’m thinking about where I’ve seen those colors, I hear another voice somewhere nearby. This is an older voice, definitely a woman, sounding a little worried.

“Jakobe?” she calls.

“Coming!” he answers. And that’s all we hear for a long time.

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