The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle (13 page)

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In all the above schemes for grand unification it is explicitly assumed that the quarks, the leptons, the photon, the gluons and the weak bosons are the truly fundamental particles of the ultimate theory of nature. The alternative of suggesting that the quarks and leptons are themselves composite is in one sense the most conservative and the least original hypothesis. It is a strategy that has worked before, repeatedly, in going from the atom to the nucleus to the proton to the quark. In another sense the idea of quark and lepton substructure is a most radical proposal. The electron has now been studied for almost a century, and its pointlike nature has been established very well indeed. In the case of the neutrino, which may turn out to be entirely massless, it is even more d ifficult to imagine an internal structure.
The assertion that these particles and the others like them are composites will clearly have to overcome formidable obstacles if it is to have any future.

Offsetting the difficulties of the undertaking are its potential rewards. A fully successful composite model might resolve all the questions left unsettled in the standard model. Such a hypothetical theory would begin by introducing a new set of elementary particles, which I shall refer to generically as prequarks.
Ideally there would not be too many of them. Each quark and lepton in the standard model would be accounted for as a combination of prequarks, just as each hadron can be explained as a combination of quarks. The mass of a quark or a lepton would no longer be an arbitrary constant of nature; instead it would be determined by the masses of the constituent prequarks and by the strength of the force that binds the prequarks together.
The exact ratios that relate the charge of a quark to that of a lepton would be explained in a similar way:
both kinds of composite particles would derive their charges from those of the same constituent prequarks. The entire pattern of quarks and leptons within a generation would presumably reflect some simple rules for combining the prequarks.

The existence of multiple generations might also be explained in a natural way. The quarks and leptons in the higher generations might have an internal constitution similar to that of the corresponding particles of the first generation;
the d ifferences could be in the energy and the state of motion of the constituents.
Thus the s and b quarks would be excited states of the d quark, and the muon and the tau lepton would be excited states of the electron. Similar excited states are known in all other composite systems, including atoms, nuclei and hadrons. For example, at least a dozen hadrons have been identified in experiments as excited states of the proton;
they and the proton itself are all thought to have essentially the same quark composition, namely

This imaginary, ideal prequark theory accomplishes everything one might ask of it except for unifying the fundamental forces. Even there some progress is conceivable, since a new force would very likely be introduced to bind the prequarks together; the new force mightlead to a new understanding of how the known forces are related. Imagining what a successful model might be like, however, is not at all the same thing as actually constructing a realistic and internally consistent one. So far no one has done it.

What has been tacking is a satisfactory theory of prequark dynamics, a theory that would describe how the prequarks move inside a quark or a lepton and that would enable one to calculate the mass and total energy of the system.
As I shall set forth below, there are fundamental obstacles to the formulation of such a theory, although I would submit that they are not insurmountable. In the meantime, lacking any persuasive account of prequark motions, theorists have nonetheless been exploring the combinatorial possibilities of the prequark idea, that is, they have been examining the ways quarks and leptons might be built up as specific combinations of finer constituents.

In the past few years several dozen composite models have been proposed;
they can be classified in perhaps four or five main groups. No single model solves all problems, answers all questions and is widely accepted. It would be unfair to describe only one scheme, but it is impractical to enumerate them all. I shall present a few of the central ideas.

The first explicit model of quark and lepton substructure was proposed in 1974 by Jogesh C. Pati of the University of Maryland at College Park and Salam, who have since returned to the topic several times in collaboration with John Strathdee of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. It was they who introduced the term prequark, which I have adopted here as a generic name for hypothetical subconstituents of all kinds. The specific elementary particles of the model devised by Pati and Salam I shall call preons, which is another term of their invention.

PREON MODEL assigns three properties of quarks and leptons to three groups of hypothetical constituents
called flavons, chromons and somons. A quark or a lepton is formed by choosing one preon from each group.
The flavons have the primary responsibility for determining electric charge, the chromons determine color
and the somons determine generation number. Ideally each kind of preon would carry just one property, but
some adjustment is needed to differentiate the fractional electric charges of the quarks from the integral
charges of the leptons. In the version of the model shown here the chromons carry electric charge as well as color.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

COMBINATIONS OF PREONS give rise to 24 quarks and leptons of the three generations. For example, the red
quark is made up of somon
that the composite is a second-generation particle), in combination with the red chromon and the negative flavon.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

The rationale for the preon model begins with the observation that every quark and lepton can be identified unambiguously by listing just three of its properties: electric charge, color and generation number. These properties, then, suggest a straightforward way of organizing a set of constituent particles.
Three families of preons are needed.
In one family the preons carry electric charge, in another they carry color and in the third they have some property that determines generation number. A given quark or lepton is assembled by selecting exactly one preon from each family.

The preons that determine generation number are called somons, from the Greek
, meaning body, because they have a dominant influence on the mass of the composite system. Since there are three generations of quarks and leptons, there must be three somons.
The color of the composite system is determined by preons called chromons;
there are four of them, one with the color red, one yellow, one blue and one colorless. The remaining family of preons, which is assigned the role of defining electric charge, needs to have only two members in order for every quark and lepton to be uniquely identified.
These last preons have been given the name fiavons, after flavor, the whimsical term for whatever property it is that distinguishes the u quark from the d quark, the c from the s, the neutrino from the electron and so on.

In the preon model the classification of a composite particle follows directly from its complement of preons. All leptons, for example, are distinguished by a colorless chromon, and all first-generation particles must obviously have a first-generation somon. In the allocation of electric charge, however, a complication arises. If there are only two flavons and if they are the sole carriers of electric charge, not all the charge values observed in nature can be reproduced. The u quark and the neutrino, for example, must have the same charge (because they include the same flavon), and so must the d quark and the electron. The problem can be solved in any of several ways. In one scheme electric charge is assigned to both the fiavons and the chromons, and the total charge of a composite particle is equal to the sum of the two values. Models of this kind can be made to yield the correct charge states, but only by abandoning the principle of having each kind of preon carry just one property.

Another troublesome feature of the preon model is the requirement that composites be formed only by drawing one preon from each family. Why are there no particles made up of three chromons, say, or of two somons and a flavon? The exotic properties of such particles would make them quite conspicuous. It seems likely that if they existed, they would have been detected by now.

Many variations of the preon model have been proposed by other physicists, using the same basic idea but slightly different sets of preons. Notable among the variations are the models suggested by Hidezumi Terazawa, Yoichi Chikashige and Keiichi Akama of the University of Tokyo and by O. Wallace Greenberg and Joseph Sucher of the University of M aryland.

RISHON MODEL constructs all the quarks and leptons out of just two species of fundamental particles and their
antiparticles. The rishons carry both hypercolor, a property associated with the force that binds them to one
another, and ordinary color, which they convey to the composite systems they form. One rishon is electrially charged
and the other is neutral.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

Perhaps the simplest model of quark and lepton structure is the rishon model, which I proposed in 1979. A similar idea was put forward at about the same time by Michael A. Shupe of the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.
The model has since been further developed and studied in great detail by Nathan Seiberg and me at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.
The model postulates just two species of fundamental building blocks, called rishons. (Rishon is the Hebrew adjective meaning first or primary.) One rishon has an electric charge of + 1/3 and the other is electrically neutral. I designate them respectively
, for Tohu Vavohu, Hebrew for "formless and void," the description of the initial state of the universe given in the first chapter of Genesis. The complementary antirishons have charges of -1/3 and zero and are designated

The model has one simple rule for constructing a quark or a lepton: any three rishons can be assem bled to form a composite system, or any three antirishons, but rishons and antirishons cannot be mixed in a single particle.
The rule gives rise to 16 combinations, which reproduce exactly the properties of the 16 quarks, antiquarks, leptons and antileptons in the first generation. In other words, every quark and lepton in the first generation corresponds to some allowed combination of rishons or antirishons.
(In this system of classification each color is counted separately.)

COMBINATIONS OF RISHONS taken three at a time give a correct accounting of all the quarks and leptons (and
antiquarks and antileptons) in any one generation. The pattern of electric charges noted in the standard
model, and the apparent relation between fractional charge and color, emerge as natural consequences of the way
the rishons combine. All the allowed combinations of three rishons or of three antirishons are neutral with
respect to hypercolor.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

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