The Holocaust Industry (33 page)

Read The Holocaust Industry Online

Authors: Norman Finkelstein

Tags: #History, #Holocaust

BOOK: The Holocaust Industry
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Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:24:55 +0200

Dear Mr. Finkelstein,

Thank you for having the courage to speak out against powerful

instututions. I think in time people will understand the importance

and value of your writings. I am a student of History myself and even here

at university there are only a few teachers who dare to say anything

about Holocaust history which is not in favour of them.

Your new book has recently been published in Holland and I am sure you

were aware of the Jewish community who requested and advised that it

would be best if your book would not be published. That is pure

censorship! Besides, I doubt whether those critics actually have read

your book at all. The inteview which was broadcasted suggested that

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you were against Anne Frank's memoration and other such non-sence. Your

book is not written in favour of those who are against memoration of the

Shoah, I think it is far more about those organistions who proclaim to

'serve' the survivors, but in fact simply blackmail other organisations

and countries to benefit their own pocket over the backs of those who

suffered immensly.

I hope you will never loose the courage and inspiration to keep on

fighting against this injustice. Thank you for taking time to read my


Your sincerely, Barbara (a Dutch student)


new book

Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:10:36 -0600

"Zachary L. Stauber"

[email protected]

Hello Mr. Finkelstein,

I had the pleasure of hearing the last few moments of your interview on Democracy NOW! and have just finished

The Holocaust Industry
. I'm glad that somebody out there is not afraid of bad P.R. in their quest to right

some wrongs in this world. You're one of the best, keep up the excellent work. That was the most well

documented, and still nicely flowing piece of work I've read in many years.

It was new to me when you started giving examples of how Jews in America are not a disadvantaged victimized

party, unlike Blacks, women, Latinos, etc. It explains a lot of things, like how a serious contender to the vice

presidency is one of them, like how they are the only group to have their victimization addressed. After reading it,

the statements about how great it was that Joseph Lieberman was going to be the first Jew to hold such a high

office started sounding like a golf country club claiming that they now proudly have dropped their prejudices and

allow rich white Catholics into their ranks (no more WASP-only!).

It's frightening though, and in a way I do blame the Nazi holocaust for this lashing out, an overcompensation, if

you will, against any criticism of Israel, of American policy in the Middle East, of Jewish supremacy. The fight to

end the siege on Iraq is very dear to my own heart. I know plenty of Iraqis here in the states, and they're such

forgiving people, if the siege ended today they wouldn't turn into terrorists but be delighted to be left alone to go

back to what they were doing before the war (that is, until this new generation, growing up without a life apart from

war, takes hold). But I wonder, if the U.S. was finally able to install a puppet dictator (Saddam Hussein II) in Iraq

through some well CIA-funded resistance group, a dictator who would give away Iraqi oil to American

stockholders and make Iraq once again a pillar of American interests, is it likely the people I care so much for

would turn into intolerant, self-righteous persecutors who could do no wrong? Not that it'll happen anytime soon,

but I think the answer is yes, and how does one guard against it beforehand?


Zack Stauber


24 October 2000

Dear Mr Finkelstein,

Let me begin by saying that I admire your courage in view of the opposition that you have to face in your own

country. I have read a lot of holocaust literature (including your books), I have visited various camps in Poland

I thought I had a vague idea of what was (and is) going on, but your book was an eye-opener. Incidentally, I read

your latest book last week and events in Israel supported what you had to say for 100%! I am a high school

teacher (and writer) and your book confirms one of the things that I try to teach my students, namely: always be

critical, never believe something you read or hear without at least hearing counteraguments and always ask

yourself why does this person write or say what he writes or says. This may sound cynical, but your excellent

book proves that no subject is beyond cynicism.

Now, of course, the US being what it is, namely a country that is about MONEY and little else, your revelations on

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second thought did not really surprise me. As many American writers have stated: the American dream long ago

became the American nightmare. I still feel deep sympathy for genuine holocaust victims and I still dislike racism

of any kind (something else I try teach my students) but from now on I will take a much more careful look at any

study (or so-called study) of the Holocaust. Finally: one thing that I have always found impossible to accept was

the so-called uniqueness of the Holocaust; thanks to your latest book (and the previous one) I now understand

insistence on this.

Once again, thank you, and keep up the good work!


Jack Didden




Dear Norman:

We all realize that the survivor's assets are being robbed the 2nd time

in the ongoing Holocaust industry but there is no point in just

complaining when those in charge enrich themselves at our expense and

are unwilling to come clean.

This is a call to all who are interested in seeing that this madness

stops and those responsible account for their actions. We urge all to

write to the US Attorney General and to the FBI (both in Washington, DC)

and request an investigation as follows in both the Swiss and German

Settlement cases as well as other similar cases:

1. That Judge Korman disclose his past and present affiliation with

any organization that is part of any settlement before him.

2. That Judge Judah Gribitz disclose his past and present affiliation

with any organization that is part of any settlement before him.

3. We request an investigation of Judge Korman, Judge Gribitz and Burt

Neuborn why they acted to seal the court records in these settlements

and the immediate opening to the public of the same records.

4. Full disclosure of all compensation or payment to any organization

or individual for whatever reason that has been or is to be paid out of

any settlement money in the Swiss and other cases.

5. Please investigate and assure that Judge Korman, Judge Gribitz ,

Senator D'Amato, Burt Neuborn, Mr. Engelberger, Mr. Stuart Eisenstat and

all other officials in any capacity serving on any Settlement disclose

what official or private dealings each of them had with one another.

Were they responsible for the promotion advancement, appointment to any

past or current position of any official tied to the Swiss, German or

the Austrian and Insurance Claims.

6. All advertising, mailing or other companies that participated in

these Settlements disclose the amount of the fees/expenses or

compensation for which they invoiced the Settlements for work done on

these cases and provide copies of contracts, agreements and disclose the

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method whether competitively or not they were awarded the job.

7. As the Swiss Settlement amount by now equals $1,260,521,000 ($1.25

billion plus $10,521,000 interest to date --see announcement by Burt

Neuborn dated September 11, 2000), of which $800 million has been

"allocated to the Deposit Class to repay the claims of depositors or,

far more likely, their heirs."( see Announcement

dated September 11, 2000, by Judah Gribitz, Special Master "Swiss Banks"




names of the organizations, the

individuals, positions held, work performed, the basis and who

authorized the amounts that is to be paid out of the later balance, and

who will receive additional interest that may accrue.

8. We demand full disclosure of the names, amounts and reason for the

entitlement by the Swiss Banks of the roughly 26,000 undisclosed

accounts remaining in Swiss Bank accounts belonging to victims.

9. We ask for an investigation and disclosure of Mr. Volcker's

affiliation in any capacity with any Swiss company, such as on the board

of directors, etc. and the disclosure of the names of all individuals,

with past or present positions held in any Swiss entity, who served with

Mr. Volcker in any capacity on any entity.

10. We request an investigation and full disclosure of Mr. Stuart

Eisenstat, formerly of the State Department, of what legal statute

authorizes him, as a paid US Government employee, to personally

intervene in the German Class Action Suits by appearing before the

courts and testifying against the merit of the cases to be tried as a

class or as individual cases. More specifically, what US Statute gives

Mr. Eisenstat the authority to prevent and deprive individual US

citizens of the right to seek legal redress in these cases.

11. We ask for a full investigation of the German Slave Labor

Settlement, the Austrian Settlement and the Insurance Claim Settlements

along the specifics listed above in the Swiss case. As more data

becomes available we will make these available to the

Department and the FBI.

12. Respectfully request that a full investigation be conducted in the

current Settlement cases (Swiss Banks Master Docket No: CV -96-4849,

(ERK)(MDG) US Dist. Court-Eastern Dist. NY. and all proceedings halted

until full protection of the victim's rights is assured through the

appointment of an unaffiliated, unbiased, pro-bono authority that will

remedy the current tainted process.

P.F. (name withheld by request)


From: "J. Appell" <
[email protected]

[email protected]

Subject: The Holocaust Industry (what else?)

Wed, 01 Nov 2000

Dear Dr. Finkelstein:

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I am a mathematician working at the

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