The Illustrious Dead (31 page)

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Authors: Stephan Talty

Tags: #Biological History, #European History, #Science History, #Military History, #France, #Science

BOOK: The Illustrious Dead
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Richardson Glenn
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My first pilgrimage in researching this book was to the Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard University, whose staff proved immensely helpful. Jack Eckert, in particular, was patient and knowledgeable on a wide variety of arcane subjects. I’d also like to acknowledge the New York Academy of Medicine and its fabulously deep archives. And Keith Oliver, research officer at the Napoleonic Association, was a close and insightful reader of the manuscript.
Thanks to my agent, Scott Waxman, for his typically ardent efforts on behalf of my work. And to Rick Horgan and Julian Pavia at Crown, who sharpened the story’s focus and made it cleaner and tighter.
Love and thanks, as always, to my wife, Mariekarl, and my children, Asher and Delphine. Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the encouragement of Jerry Hodson, the brother-in-law every writer dreams of having.
About the Author
STEPHAN TALTY is the author of the critically acclaimed
Mulatto America
and the bestselling
Empire of Blue Water.
A widely published journalist, he has contributed to
The New York Times Magazine, GQ, Men’s Journal
, and
, among others.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephan Talty

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the
Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

CROWN and the Crown colophon are registered trademarks of
Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Talty, Stephan.
The illustrious dead / Stephan Talty.—1st ed.
1. Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1811—Campaigns—Russia.
2. Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815—Campaigns—Russia—Medical and
sanitary affairs. 3. France Armée—History—Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.
4. Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821—Military leadership.
5. Russia—History, Military—1801-1917. I. Title.
DC235.T27 2009

940.2′742—dc22                    2008050646

eISBN: 978-0-307-45975-6


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