The Immortal Compromise (The Mortal One Series Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: The Immortal Compromise (The Mortal One Series Book 3)
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I did as he said. Quickly. I wanted to get out of here just as fast as they did, and maybe a little faster.











Chapter 13


I WAS SO thankful to be out of that fucking castle. There would never be a reason why I would opt to go to Wurzburg ever again. There may be wineries within that region, but I would have to settle for having the bottles shipped. Seeing Wenzel in person again was not an option, especially as a mortal.

“What the hell?” I asked, as we made our way down the road. The castle was a blur in the background as Olivier drove back up to Berlin.

“That, Dylan, was the Arctic bloodline,” Olivier said.

We didn’t talk about it, but I was fairly certain that the sovereign’s display of anger spooked Nico and Olivier a bit, too. They didn’t let it show, but they were eager to leave, just as I was. I now knew why both Nico and Olivier had warned that Arctic vampires were not ones to mess around with. They were rare, yet there was one in Germany, not that far away from France. It made sense as to why all of the mortals and vampires under him obeyed. If that was the fate I was presented with, I would obey without a moment’s hesitation, too.

“This is why we need to have security on you,” Nico said.

I nodded and I knew he was right.

“Things are going to be different once we get back to Paris,” Olivier said.

“People are learning that you are not just my pet, but also my wife. This is causing curiosity. We have already learned that vampires will do whatever they find necessary to get my attention,” Nico said.

“Okay,” I said, staring out the window and watching the traffic pass by. It was lonely in the backseat. Both of them were in the front seat and I felt like a child.

“It is nothing you could have stopped,” Olivier said.

“I know,” I said.

“Still spooked?” Nico asked.

“Did you see those fangs?” I asked.

Nico nodded. “It was the first time I saw an Arctic vampire for myself. I am not sure if even Costin is aware of what he is. We have never spoken of him before.”

It didn’t surprise me. Vampires had their rules, but they weren’t a very social group for the most part. They maintained their small circles under their sovereignty, but they didn’t make it a habit of getting together. The only thing they all had in common was immortality. Otherwise, they were just as different as humans.

“He didn’t seem to have many powers,” I said, leaning back into the seat.

“What do you mean?” Olivier said.

I shrugged. “He can’t read minds.”

“I’m sure the fangs make up for a lot,” Nico said.

“True,” I said, shivering at the thought of them once again. Dear God, I really hope I never have to see another Arctic vampire ever again.

Nico’s phone rang and he stared at the screen.

“Are you going to answer it?” I asked. It wasn’t like him to ignore phone calls because he didn’t get them very often.

He let out a sigh and swiped the screen before holding it up to his ear. Whomever was on the other end was upset. “I understand” and “I will take care of it” was said frequently throughout the call. Nico threw the phone in the cup holder in frustration after the call ended.

“Violante strikes again?” Olivier said.

“What’s going on?” I asked, leaning forward to the front seat.

Nico ran his hand through his hair. “Violante is holding Paris down for us.”

“That’s not all she’s doing,” Olivier said under his breath.

“Nico, what is going on?” I asked again, hoping to get a straight answer this time.

“She is supposed to be merely watching the city. Instead, she has decided to be a vocal participant in the way the city is being run,” Nico said.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I asked. Violante was always putting her nose where it didn’t belong. I understood that Costin meant well by sending her to the city as a way of overseeing things for a few days, but she should be overseeing, not taking over.

“It means that she’s causing ripples and that’s the fourth vampire that’s called Nico since we’ve left to complain about her overbearing demands,” Olivier said, looking in Nico’s direction.

I sighed. Nico was always quick to defend Violante. I didn’t even know what else to say about the situation, but was happy to hear that Olivier wasn’t enjoying her in the city any more than I was.

My phone rang, breaking through my thoughts. I looked everywhere for it and it was Olivier who handed it to me from the front seat. Last I remember, Gregorio had picked up my messenger bag from where it was thrown from the van.

It was Giancarlo. Not the best timing, but I answered it anyways.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey, yourself. I wanted to touch base with you about Violante.”

My whole body froze, wondering what the crazy bitch was up to now. “What happened?”

“Oh nothing,” he said. “Violante stopped by to tell me she was going out of town.”

I nodded, knowing full well where she was. “Have you gone out with her since the first time?”

“No, we haven’t had the chance. But I met a girl at the bar the other night and her and I went to a club across town for drinks.”

“Oh that’s awesome,” I said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

“You sound tired.”

“I am,” I said, yawning as if on cue.

“I will let you go then, I just wanted to touch base. You seemed concerned about Violante, but I don’t think I’m going to see her again.”

I smiled, hoping that I wouldn’t hear about the two of them trying to go out on another date. I just didn’t trust her. “Glad to hear it. I promise to be in touch with you soon.”

We hung up and I put the phone next to me. My head rested against the cold glass of the SUV and I shut my eyes, trying to tune out the rest of the world.




“Oh My God!” I said, startling awake. “Where is Jen? Was Gregorio able to pick her up at the airport?” It suddenly hit me that she flew in today, or was supposed to.

“Yes, she is spending time with him, seeing all of the sights. She has been asking a lot of questions about where you are, though,” Nico said. “He has been keeping us up to date with what is going on.”

I rubbed the side of my face from resting against the glass for so long.

Olivier turned around in the driver’s seat. “You are going to need to explain enough to make sure she stops asking so many.”

I understood his tone of voice. If she found out too much or caused too much of a problem, she would have to be dealt with in a way that I would not be okay with.

“How long is this drive, anyways?” I said, looking at the clock and realizing it was well past midnight.

“We have about two more hours,” Olivier said.

“Are you going to call her?” Nico asked

I nodded. “Yes. She is going to be asleep by the time I get there, so it’s best to make some kind of contact with her now.

I pulled up her number and took a deep breath as I listened to it ring.

“What the hell?” She answered the phone on the second ring.

“Jen, I’m so sorry. I thought I would have been back in time to pick you up.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.


“Sorry, I was telling Gregorio it was you.”

“Are the two of you getting along well?”

I heard her sigh. “He is nice. But I came here to see you. To spend time with you.” She was laying the guilt trip on thick.

“I’m really sorry. I’m on my way back now and I’ll be there when you wake up in the morning.”

I heard her click her tongue, which was something she did when she was trying to figure out what to say next. “You have to make this up to me.”

“I wouldn’t think to do anything less,” I said, smiling.

“Okay,” she said, sounding a little more cheerful. “Good night.”

“Good night,” I said, hanging up the phone. “That’s done,” I announced to the front seat.

“She seemed to accept everything?” Olivier asked.

I shrugged. “I guess. She will probably ask me what I was doing out of town tomorrow, but I will come up with something.”

“You know how important it is that she doesn’t ask any more questions, right?” Nico asked.

“Yes,” I said. “I will make sure there are no issues.”

The rest of the drive was talk about how they would be getting security for me by the time I made it back to Paris, which wasn’t something I was looking forward to. Nico and Olivier both told me that I would still get to live my life, but the security would keep me from being kidnapped again…or anything else bad. I knew it needed to be done, but it didn’t mean I was happy about any of it.

We pulled up to the building and Nico was texting in the passenger seat.

“Gregorio?” I asked, looking over his shoulder.

He nodded.

The building was dark. There were a few street lights that lit the road, but there was no activity going on. It was close to five in the morning. A light flipped on in the building and I saw Gregorio come down.

I let out a sigh of relief at seeing him and yawned without meaning to.

“Let’s get you upstairs,” Gregorio said. “You must be exhausted.”

“You have no idea. I just want a soft bed.”

“How are you?” Gregorgio asked.

“It was rough. The sovereign is not someone you ever want to meet.”

His eyes went wide. “That bad? I heard he is a tyrant.”

“That doesn’t even begin to cover it. I will tell you more, but right now, I need a bed.”

“I understand,” he said. “Did you get any kind of sleep?”

“Off and on, more off. I spent most of my time in Wurzburg in a dungeon with nothing more than a stool at my disposal,” I said in between yawns and then shuddered at the thought of what I’d been through.

Gregorio reached in and gave me a hug, a real bear hug. “It’s hug therapy, shhh,” he whispered in my ear when I tried to pull away.

I laughed. “Okay, thanks.”

“Let us walk you up,” Nico said.

“Lead the way,” Olivier said to Gregorio.

We walked up the steps to the apartment. “Jen is still sleeping,” Gregorio said, before opening the front door.

That would have been great if he was correct about that.

“Jen!” I ran to my friend, giving her a huge hug.

She hugged me back, but she was staring over my shoulder.

Nico and Olivier stood at the door and I realized I hadn’t done any kind of introductions.

Jen looked over at them and smiled. “I know Antonio, who are you?” She never was the shy type and it made me smile.

“Olivier,” he said, taking a step forward and holding out his hand.

She held out her hand and he kissed it. She giggled like a schoolgirl and she looked over her shoulder to grin at me. I rolled my eyes.

“How are you, Jen?” Nico asked.

She smiled. “I’m good now that you returned my friend to me. I’m a little mad at you for not inviting me to the wedding, though,” she said. “I was supposed to be her maid of honor.”

“We never had a ceremony, but when we do, I promise you will be at the top of the list,” Nico turned on his charm, his blue eyes sparkling.

Ceremony? This was news to me, though I doubted it would ever really happen. Would we invite all the vampires in the city to watch us tie the knot? Maybe I would have Violante be a bridesmaid. The thought made me nauseous.

“We have to get going,” Olivier said. “We will see you in Paris in a few days.”

I nodded. “Thanks.”

Nico pulled me into his arms, kissing me. “Don’t scare me like that again,” he whispered into my ear, holding me for a few moments before letting go.

I kissed him back. “I will try my best.” I kissed him again. “I will be back home in three days.”

“Okay. Be careful,” Nico said, opening the front door.

“Will do. Love you,” I said.

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