The Immortal Compromise (The Mortal One Series Book 3)

BOOK: The Immortal Compromise (The Mortal One Series Book 3)
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The Immortal Compromise



Shannon Bell


The Immortal Compromise

Copyright © 2015 by Shannon Bell

All rights reserved.



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Book design by Sprinkles on Top


ISBN: 978-0-9913341-5-5




To my husband, who spends a lot of nights alone while I get the voices out of my head and to my daughter, who has finally learned the importance of allowing mommy time to write.



The Immortal Compromise





Thanks to everyone who has made The Mortal One Series possible, including my family, and of course, my readers.








Chapter 1


BOXES WERE SURROUNDING me. Just as I had made a life for myself in Florence with friends, a job, and a vampire for a husband, it was being ripped out from under me. Costin had ordered Nico to go to Paris to be the sovereign. Ordered may be a strong word because, technically, Nico was given the choice. But really, when you’re a vampire and there’s the whole immortality thing up for grabs, it’s not like opportunities like this appear all the time.

Nico was a lover, not a fighter, which meant he would never kill Costin to get the sovereignty over Tuscany.

I liked Paris, don’t get me wrong, but moving there was a whole new set of problems. There were vampires there that didn’t know me. I had one hell of a language barrier, and then there was Olivier. Foe at first, then friend. He did things to me, the truly feminine parts of me that I didn’t like. Okay, I liked them – and liked them a lot of if I was really being honest – but I was married and that made it not okay.

“Get your ass out here,” Antonio yelled from the living room.

I had gotten lost in thought in my room.

“Nice way to talk to me,” I laughed.

He added a box to the pile. “A going away present.”

I looked up at him and then reached for the flap on the box. It was a case of Chianti.

“You won’t find this stuff in Paris.”

“They are known for wine,” I said.

“Not Italian wine. It’s that damn French stuff and you’re not going to like it as much.”

“You know you can visit.”

“And drink French wine? Never,” he joked.

We hugged and I thanked him for the case of wine. It would last me for a little while.

“Okay, I’m going to get out of here. Goodbyes suck.” Antonio held me tight and then headed towards the door.

“I expect a visit within the month,” I said and watched the door close.

It was still daylight. I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do with myself. The moving truck would be here in a few hours and it was all my responsibility since someone was still sleeping.

I never even had a chance to move into his place. He was there now and would meet me at the apartment as soon as he woke for the day. Until then, I had a few hours to say goodbye to the city I fell in love with.

While I didn’t want to go to Yankee Bar because it would make me sad, I knew I had to say goodbyes one last time. I headed down there knowing that Matt would be doing inventory and Giancarlo would be preparing for the busy Friday night. When I gave notice last week, they were less than thrilled but understood. Giancarlo was pissed more than anything and hadn’t understood why I was moving. It wasn’t like I could tell him that my vampire husband was going to be the boss of a city, so I left it at wanting to explore more of Europe. He bought it, but he didn’t understand it.

When I got there, Giancarlo was dancing behind the bar.

“Hey,” I said, walking over to where he was, in his own little world.

“Hello,” he said.

“You’re in a good mood.”

“I have a date tomorrow night,” he said and turned the music down.

“You do?”

“Yes, and you know her.”

This had my attention. “What do you mean I know her?”

Giancarlo smiled. “She’s come into the bar a few times to see you. The one with the gorgeous long hair. Violante.”

My jaw dropped and my heart sped up. “What? What do you mean you have a date with her?”

Giancarlo frowned. “You know I can date without your permission. I thought you’d be happy with me since she’s so hot.”

I shook my head. “I also told you she’s trouble.” I couldn’t figure out why she would want anything to do with Giancarlo unless it was purely meant to fuck with me. The vampire bitch couldn’t have Nico and so she would go after one of my closest friends.

“I can handle it,” Giancarlo said defiantly.

Oh if only you knew.

Matt came from the back and looked at me. “You’re coming to say goodbye?”

I nodded. Matt and Giancarlo surrounded me with hugs and I did all I could to not break down and cry in their arms. Florence would be missed.




The door opened and Nico strolled in. The movers had come and gone. My clothes and all of my belongings were on their way to Paris. As for the furniture, well it was still here. Nico knew I was never thrilled about his choice of furnishings. The house that Nico had acquired for us just outside of Paris was unfurnished and that would be my first order of business.

“We have problems,” I greeted him.

“It is nice to see you as well. Did the movers not come?”

I shook my head. “Movers came. They took everything.”

“Okay,” Nico said. “Then I don’t see a problem.”

“Do you know what Violante is up to?” I asked.

Nico took a deep inhale. “Why can the two of you not get along?”

“Because she’s a bitch,” I said defiantly.

Nico shook his head. “What did she do?”

“It’s what she’s going to do. Why would she go after Giancarlo? What does she have to gain?”

That seemed to captivate Nico’s attention. “What do you mean she’s going

“I went down to the bar to say some last goodbyes. Giancarlo said that he had a date with her.”

“It’s a date, Dylan. Don’t read too much into it,” Nico said and strolled past me.

Seriously? Why am I the bad guy for assuming she’s up to something? “You know how she hates humans. Or is it just that she hates me?”

“She doesn’t hate you.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Nico shook his head and said nothing. “Are you ready to go?” He asked and opened a few cabinets in the kitchen.

“So you’re not going to do anything about Violante?” I asked.

“I will mention it to Costin so that he is aware of anything that may occur,” Nico said.

“Can you make sure she doesn’t kill him?”

“Do you want me to request that?”

I stared at him. “Do I want to request that Violante doesn’t kill my friend?” Nico looked at me. “Yes,” I finally said. “That’s what I’m requesting.”


I grabbed my messenger bag and did a quick walk through the apartment again. “That’s it.”

Nico held the door open for me and I walked down the stairs. I was still in awe at the fact that I had to
that a friend would not be killed. So much for making assumptions.

“Is your stuff en route as well?” I asked.

“My clothes, yes. Everything else is staying,” Nico said.

“What? Why?” I asked, wondering if there was a chance we would move back to Florence.

“I’m not selling my home. It can be a place we vacation to. As for the place in Paris, that will be our home and you will furnish it accordingly. I’m a man. I do not need to surround myself with sentimentality,” Nico said.

“Oh, okay,” I said, climbing into the car.

Nico got into the driver’s seat. We were going to the airport, then to Paris. Olivier was picking us up at the airport there and taking us to our new place in
, about thirty minutes outside of central Paris. Nico already got a car delivered to the house so I would be able to get around and do all I wanted to.

I’d seen photos of the house, as had Nico. Olivier did the actual scouting with the help of a real estate agent. I was still a little shocked that Olivier had been so helpful and Nico seemed to be getting along with him a little better, too.

“You nervous?” Nico asked, breaking the silence in the car.

I looked over and nodded. “You could tell, huh?”

“It’s okay to be nervous. I’m asking you to give up a lot…again.”

There was more silence. He was right, but I wasn’t complaining. The whole reason I came here almost a year ago was for some adventure and to find myself. Things have been on fast forward since meeting Nico, and I was enjoying at least most of it. I left my home in Florida and now I was leaving my home in Florence for yet another new adventure.

“I get to decorate the whole house, right?” I smiled.

“That was the promise I made. I still think you should hire an interior designer to help. The house is considerably larger than the apartment in Florence.”

He was making light of the project. The house that Nico bought for us had six bedrooms, four bathrooms and two living rooms, as well as a balcony and one of the largest kitchens I have ever seen. It had more than enough space for the two of us. I told him we didn’t need a place that big, but he insisted.

“I may work with an interior designer on some of it,” I finally admitted. I didn’t want to do all of the painting.

“Some of it?” Nico asked as we approached the airport.

I shrugged. “Well, I want final say on all of it. I want modern for the most part and so many interior designers go for traditional.”

Nico laughed. “Whatever you want. Just make sure we have a comfortable bed. And a sturdy one.”

I smiled. “But of course.”

Nico pulled into a parking spot and I saw Antonio jog across the parking lot.

“Here’s the keys,” Nico said.

“You’re giving him the car?” I asked.

Nico nodded.

“He didn’t tell you?” Antonio said.

I shook my head. “No. Enjoy the car, I guess.”

Antonio laughed. “Don’t worry, I will.”

Antonio and I gave each other one more hug and then I followed Nico to the airport terminal.

“I’ll come visit within two weeks,” Antonio called.

I turned and waved.

Nico went to the counter and checked us in. We made short work of check in since we didn’t have any luggage and then went to wait by the gates.

“So I have a question,” I said.

“Uh oh,” Nico said, smiling.

“Can I invite Jen to come visit?”

Nico stared at me with big eyes. “Jen? As in your American friend that we thought you would never see again?”

“That would be the one,” I said, batting my eyes. “I need a friend if you want me to be happy in Paris.” I had no choice but to lay it on thick because this wasn’t an easy request.

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