Read The Indestructibles (Book 3): The Entropy of Everything Online
Authors: Matthew Phillion
Tags: #Science Fiction | Superheroes
Some Other Books By PFP / AJAR Contemporaries
a four-sided bed
- Elizabeth Searle
A Russian Requiem
- Roland Merullo
Ambassador of the Dead
- Askold Melnyczuk
Blind Tongues
- Sterling Watson
Celebrities in Disgrace
(eBook version only) - Elizabeth Searle
Demons of the Blank Page
- Roland Merullo
Fighting Gravity
- Peggy Rambach
"Gifted: An Indestructibles Christmas Story" - Matthew Phillion
Girl to Girl: The Real Deal on Being A Girl Today
- Anne Driscoll
"Last Call"
(eBook "single")
- Roland Merullo
Leaving Losapas
- Roland Merullo
Lunch with Buddha
- Roland Merullo
Make A Wish But Not For Money -
Suzanne Strempek Shea
Music In and On the Air
- Lloyd Schwartz
My Ground Trilogy
- Joseph Torra
Passion for Golf: In Pursuit of the Innermost Game
- Roland Merullo
Revere Beach Boulevard
- Roland Merullo
Revere Beach Elegy
- Roland Merullo
Taking the Kids to Italy
- Roland Merullo
Talk Show
- Jaime Clarke
Temporary Sojourner
- Tony Eprile
the Book of Dreams
- Craig Nova
The Calling
- Sterling Watson
The Family Business
- John DiNatale
The Indestructibles
- Matthew Phillion
The Indestructibles: Breakout
- Matthew Phillion
The Return
- Roland Merullo
The Ten Commandments of Golf Etiquette: How to Make the Game More
Enjoyable for Yourself and for Everyone Else on the Course
- Roland Merullo
The Winding Stream: The Carters, the Cashes and the Course
of Country Music
- Beth Harrington
"The Young and the Rest of Us"
(eBook "single")
- Elizabeth Searle
This is Paradise: An Irish Mother's Grief, an African Village's Plight and the Medical Clinic That Brought Fresh Hope to Both
- Suzanne Strempek Shea
Tornado Alley
- Craig Nova
"What A Father Leaves"
(eBook "single" & audio book)
- Roland Merullo
What Is Told
- Askold Melnyczuk