The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) (8 page)

BOOK: The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)
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Chapter Seven

was happening, Alex escorted her to an elevator hidden behind stacks of spare tables and chairs near the kitchen.

Inside, she broke into a cold sweat and would have found it difficult to stand if not for Alex’s supporting arm. She always took the stairs, which was great for the cardiovascular system, and cut way down on embarrassing incidents of hyperventilation in tight spaces.

She vice-gripped Alex’s arm and tried to focus. ‘Owen’s been drugged.’

‘I know. It wasn’t supposed to happen.’ He mistook her distress for concern. ‘He’ll be all right. Don’t worry. Aurora will take good care of him.’

‘Vivienne did this.’

Alex didn’t answer, but the muscles twitched and knotted along his jaw bone. Just as the elevator opened into blessed space, he slipped his arm tighter around her and guided her down a carpeted hallway with doors on either side. If Rita hadn’t known better, she could have easily mistaken the place for an expensive hotel. Near the end of the hall, he punched a coded security lock and the door opened into a dimly lit suite of smoked glass and chrome.

He had barely closed the door behind them when it burst open again, and Edward appeared in his golden mask. He pulled her into a bone-crushing embrace. ‘Are you all right? You didn’t drink the wine, did you?’

She shook her head, and viciously blinked back tears. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

‘God, I was so worried.’ He pulled away so violently that for a second she thought he was angry. ‘Take the dress off,’ he commanded. ‘Alex help her. Get it off her now.’

Rita made no attempt to protest as Alex stripped her until she stood in nothing but a small lacy bra, stockings and suspenders and the horrid chastity belt.

Edward stood for a long moment taking in the sight of her. Once again the golden mask hid any emotions he might be feeling. At last, he spoke, ‘Do you have the key?’

She shook her head. ‘It’s at home. I thought if I brought it I might be tempted to –’

‘To what? Fuck your boss?’

With a move that surprised even her, she slapped him hard enough that it stung her hand, hard enough that it knocked the mask askew. If she had been a little less angry and he a little slower, she might have caught a glimpse of his face.

‘I’m claustrophobic, you bastard. Remember? And my claustrophobia’s not limited to small dark rooms. I was afraid if I brought the key, I’d be tempted just to take the damn thing off.’

He cursed under his breath. From his pocket he pulled the Vitronox knife and opened it.

‘What are you doing? What’s that for? Edward, what’s going on?’ Panic rose in her throat. She stepped back, but found her way blocked by Alex.

‘I’m getting the belt off you, that’s what I’m doing.’ Edward reached for the waist band with one hand, but she pushed him away.

‘No! Vivienne said if I take it off, I fail. Leave it alone. You’ll risk everything?’ She tried to push back farther, but Alex was like a solid wall behind her, grabbing her arms to keep her from struggling.

She kicked hard, and her left foot made contact with the muscle of Edward’s calf. He grunted and cursed, then pushed in closer and took her face in one hand. ‘Damn it, Rita! Hold still. This is no longer a part of the initiation. Vivienne broke the rules by bringing Owen into the picture and drugging him. Your task for her is now void. For God sake, let me get it off of you, sweetheart. OK?’

Edward grasped the top of the belt and with a quick downward motion that a surgeon would have envied, slit the leather allowing air to rush back into her lungs. He knelt to help her step out of the cursed belt. Then his hands were on her, examining the chafed places, caressing her pubis with a feather touch. ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered. His breath was cool and soothing against her burning skin. ‘I’m so sorry.’ He pulled her close, kissing her navel, cupping and kneading her buttocks. She curled her fingers in his hair and held him to her, dizzy with a cocktail of feelings she figured would take her until next Christmas to sort out.

Then Alex spoiled it all. He laid a hand on Edward’s shoulder. ‘I’m sorry, Edward, but the initiation’s not over.’

The sigh she felt against her belly sounded almost painful. ‘You’re right. It’s not.’ Edward stood and kissed her until her knees were weak and her head was buzzing, along with all the rest of her. Then he disentangled her arms from around his neck and offered her hand to Alex.

‘Take her, Alex,’ His voice was rough, as though every word abraded his throat. ‘Make her feel better.’

She felt as though she’d been slapped.

‘Are you sure?’ Alex held Edward’s gaze as he took Rita’s hand.

‘I’m sure.’

‘Edward?’ The panic was back, fear that Edward would leave. It was a stupid fear. He always left, and she never really got to see him, not really.

‘It’s all right, darling,’ It was as though he’d read her mind. ‘I’m not leaving until I’m sure you’re OK.’

She let Alex lead her into the bedroom. Edward followed close behind.

There were candles lit around the room and the bed in the middle was big enough for an orgy. Rita imagined it had probably been the venue for more than a few. Standing in front of the bed, Alex turned to face her. He stroked her cheek and kissed her ear, but she felt cold inside. As though he sensed it, he moved closer. ‘Rita, the initiation is not meant to be without pleasure or comfort.’ One hand traced the contours of her torso, down her hip, sliding a finger under the edge of the garter belt. ‘That’s what I’m here for, and you’re so desirable, so exquisite. Use me.’ He kissed her, lips parted just enough for a flick of the tongue. His breath was warm and tasted slightly of wine. ‘Edward will tell me exactly what to do, and you can pretend I’m him. Please. Let me make you feel better.’

It shouldn’t have happened, not after the trauma of the evening, not after everything she had been through this week. And yet she felt the tightening low in her belly, the bearing down, the beginnings of need that had been kindled when Edward came into her life. It was a need she could have never imagined to be so powerful, so brazen, and yet here she was about to allow herself to be fucked vicariously.

Edward nodded his approval, looking as neutral as ever from beneath the mask. He sat down in a chair close to the bed and unbuttoned his jacket.

For a few moments he simply watched while Alex reacquainted himself with Rita’s mouth, each kiss deeper and more demanding than the one before, awakening her more fully to her hunger and to the delicious fact that Edward was watching. Once again, she was performing for him. No matter how angry that made her, it was still irresistibly arousing.

‘Take off her bra, Alex. I want to see her breasts,’ Edward said.

With his mouth still deliciously engaged in the tongue dance, Alex slid his hands around her, deftly unhooked her bra, then slipped the straps off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. She thought she heard a duet of sighs as her breasts were suddenly freed, nipples pointing insistently for their share of attention.

‘That’s good, that’s perfect,’ Edward whispered. ‘Now touch them, Alex. You’ve never felt breasts so exquisite. And her nipples are so responsive. Pinch them. That’s right. See how her areolae mound and pucker, how her nipples swell and get so big. Oh God, so big.’

It was touching, and yet disconcerting just how well Edward knew her body, so well that he could tell someone else what she liked and how she would respond. They’d not been together that often, and much of that time had been in total darkness.

‘Take off your shirt,’ Edward commanded.

Alex obeyed.

‘That’s good. Now feel the way her breasts press against your chest. Incredible, isn’t it?’

Alex groaned his pleasure, and rocked his hips against her naked pubis.

‘You’re hard, aren’t you?’ Edward said. ‘Of course you are. How could you not be? Rita, stroke his cock through his trousers. Pretend it’s my cock you’re about to undress.’

Alex caught his breath in a gasp as she gave him a hard stroke she knew was almost painful. She had to remind herself, Alex wasn’t Edward. He didn’t deserve her anger. As she eased her stroking, Alex grabbed her wrist and held her tightly against him. ‘It’s all right if you want to hurt me. I know you’re angry. You have a right to be. I promise I can take it,’ he whispered.

She shot Edward a quick glance where he sat unmoving, distant, untouchable behind his golden mask. If he was aroused, he wasn’t showing it, and that made her even more angry. The concoction of feelings erupted like a volcano, and she was suddenly tearing and ripping at Alex’s trousers, growling like an angry panther. ‘Get them off, Get out of them now.’ She shoved him onto the bed and clambered on top of him just as he kicked the trousers and boxers off. ‘Put your cock in me. Fuck me. I’m tired of this bullshit. I’m tired of waiting.’ She settled onto his cock with a hard shove, so hard that she forced the breath from his lungs, and he grabbed her hips for self-preservation. ‘Once again, I’m the entertainment, Edward. Seems like I’m always just the entertainment.’

‘Rita, stop it!’ Alex bundled her to him, still fully impaled, and rolled with her until she was underneath him, spread-eagled on the bed with her wrists pinned over her head. ‘You’re talking about things you don’t understand, now leave it.’ He ground into her hard returning a bit of her anger, and she took it willingly. She wrapped her legs around him and matched him thrust for thrust, until she was holding her breath, bordering on orgasm.

‘Bring her here,’ Edward voice sounded strangled and tight amid the chorus of grunts and moans.

With Rita still wrapped around him like a straitjacket and his cock buried to the hilt, Alex lifted her, hands under her bottom for support, and brought her before Edward, who stood and moved to sandwich her between the two men. Still fully clothed, he caressed her breasts, then traced the cleft between her buttocks, lingering to fondle her anus, his finger sinking into her tight pucker each time she thrust back. His mouth found the sensitive place along the back of her neck. Kisses became nibbles, and nibbles became bites until she thrust and bucked and squirmed in a wild frenzy, feeling like her pussy and back hole would burst into flame.

‘That’s it, Rita, pretend it’s me, pretend your initiation is over and you can use me any way you see fit. I think about that all the time. Just imagine,’ Edward whispered against her ear, shoving his middle finger fully into her anus, biting and nibbling between words. ‘I’ll be yours wholly and unreservedly.’

She came, howling and raging. Edward stepped back quickly and practically fell into the chair with a harsh grunt. Alex dropped her onto the bed with a hard bounce and pulled out just in time to turn and send a viscous arch of ejaculate into the air to land at Edward’s feet. Then he dropped to both knees on the hard wood floor gasping for breath.

For a long moment, the room was silent except for their joint struggles for breath. When the world came back into focus, Edward still sat stiffly on the chair and Alex still knelt in front of him as though he were offering fealty to his king.

At last, Edward spoke. His voice once again neutral. ‘Get dressed, Alex. Take her home. Make sure she’s OK.’

Then, just like that, he stood and left the room as though he were sleepwalking. Rita felt the burn of the anger in her stomach rekindle as she struggled back into her clothes, more determined than ever to see this bloody initiation through and get her story, though she couldn’t help wondering who would actually believe her.

A tiny Asian woman, dressed only in a string of pearls and an enormous strap-on opened the door and ushered Edward into Vivienne’s suite. She led him down the hall to the grey marble bathroom.

‘I assume you’ve been comforting your little darling?’ Vivienne sat naked on the edge of the giant marble tub, which he had often shared with her. Her legs trailed in a froth of scented bubbles. Kneeling in the tub between her thighs was an equally naked Lorelei, carefully shaving Vivienne’s pussy. The Asian woman sat down on the edge of the tub and watched the intimate ritual while stroking her strap-on.

‘You removed her chastity belt, did you? Never mind. Of course you did. You’re such a spoilsport.’ Vivienne opened her legs further while Lorelei painted thick soap from a lilac porcelain cup onto her mound and over the tops of her thighs next to the pillowed swell of her vulva. She squirmed and wriggled, adjusting her bottom until he could see the whole of her gash along with an occasional glimpse of her anus. Then she ground herself against the marble and moaned softly, pressing forward to meet the razor as Lorelei delicately scraped the blade along the edge of her thigh, holding the pouting folds of her labia first to one side then the other with perfect precision.

Vivienne loved to have her pussy shaved. Edward had done it for her often enough, and then he had fucked her until neither of them could walk straight the next morning. It was a pretty safe bet that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

She curled her fingers in Lorelei’s hair, then absently reached to stroke her own heavy breasts. The Asian woman trailed her hand in the water, then sat forward to finger her anus with the wet hand while stroking the strap-on more enthusiastically.

‘I’ll see that Alex and Rory are duly punished for helping you out.’ She shifted and Lorelei inserted two fingers into her pussy, while carefully drawing the razor over the taut mound of Vivienne’s pubis, then she lay down the razor and leaned forward placing a lingering kiss on the newly shaven skin. Edward knew how smooth it was, how soft to the touch. With her fingers still in Vivienne’s cunt, Lorelei produced a thick terry wash cloth and slowly, as though the act were deeply fascinating, washed away the remaining soap and examined her work.

‘You can’t punish them for enforcing the rules. Rules that you made, then broke.’ He tried not to watch what was going on too closely. It would do him no good to get worked up.

‘Party poopers.’ She bent and gave Lorelei a long lingering kiss, then sat back and opened her legs wide, wriggling her bottom until the her pout was within easy reach of her bather. Lorelei lowered her mouth to suckle each of Vivienne’s swollen lips in turn, slurping and licking as though she were having her favourite dessert.

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