The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) (11 page)

BOOK: The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)
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They must have dozed. Leo woke them some time later. The fire had burned low. He was tucked back into his khakis, and the floor was clean. ‘Come on, girls. It’s bedtime.’

Blossom followed Leo and Rita followed Blossom up to the big master bedroom. The bed was nearly as big as Edward’s. It was covered in rich Asian prints. Both pets sat on the floor near a large wardrobe and watched. Leo undressed slowly, placing all his clothing neatly over a straight-back chair, lingering to examine the hard planes of his large, well-muscled body in front of a full-length mirror, cupping the weight of his balls and penis, looking over his shoulder at the mounds of his buttocks. Rita was sure he was doing it for their benefit, and she was happy to watch. He had a wonderful body, one she would have gladly pleasured. She wondered at his refusal to fuck his pets.

At last he pulled back the duvet and sat for a minute on the edge of the bed, penis lying heavy, but relaxed against his thigh, then he cupped each pet’s cheek, gave their breasts a stroke and patted the mattress. ‘Come girls. To bed with you.’

He slid down between the sheets. Blossom crawled onto the foot of the bed, on top of the duvet and curled up with a satisfied sigh. Rita followed suit. There, blanketed in moonlight, Blossom’s fingers found their way to Rita’s pussy, relieving the tension that had returned as she had watched Leo undress. Then both pets curled around each other and slept.

Chapter Ten

two pets followed Leo to a heavily laden breakfast table and sat on the floor near his chair. No kibbles for these pets. From his plate, he hand-fed them
, strawberries and melon and fresh
pain au chocolat
, caressing them and praising them as he did so. The hand-feeding Rita liked, but learning to lap water from the silver bowl with her tongue was a challenge. When Leo saw her struggles, he lifted the bowl to her lips with a smile. ‘Never mind, darling, you will get the hang of it. In the meantime we don’t want you dehydrated since you have busy day ahead of you.’

Blossom looked as dark and exotic in the morning sunshine as she had in the firelight. She had closely cropped dark curls that showcased the strong bone structure of a very African face. She was more interested in Rita than she was in her breakfast, licking and sniffing until Rita found it hard to concentrate on the lovely food.

Not that she was complaining. She found it difficult to keep her mouth off Blossom’s luscious nipples. Smeared with chocolate from the
pain au chocolat
, they reminded her of the delicious truffles Edward had fed her on the Eurostar.

At last, Leo pulled them apart chuckling. ‘Stop it, you two. You’re getting food all over. Such a mess you are making. This will not make Millicent happy.’

When breakfast was over, Leo delivered Rita, via a more private route, to the pet groomer back at the annexe. He explained that the other pets would be up and about by now and one sight of her would set the more high-strung males off. ‘There will be no keeping their hands off their penises if they see you. It will be practically orgy. Of course I don’t mind orgies. My pets need lots of sex. Is good for them, but all in good time, my dear Ritichka, all in good time.’

Blossom had been allowed to accompany them, and, at the sight of the groomer – another man who looked as if he could be in porn films, she ran to meet him, dropped to her knees and buried her face in his crotch, sniffing and nuzzling wildly. He didn’t try to stop her. Instead he stroked her neck and the top of her head, not bothered that he was bulging by the time Rita and Leo approached him more sedately.

‘Pets live through their noses,’ Leo explained. ‘Most of the mammals do. There is reason why dogs and cats like to sniff crotches and bottoms. Our identity is all tied up in our scent. No two of us smell the same. Only we humans have forgotten how to use gift of smell. But,’ he nodded at Blossom, ‘it all comes back quickly when we are given opportunity. Most pets find the world is more interesting place when they experience through their noses.’

On the Eurostar, hadn’t Edward talked about all the wonderful senses humans take for granted? The thought made her ache slightly. Why did everything make her think of Edward? It would be so much easier if she didn’t. She forced her attention back to Leo. ‘Go on,’ he was saying. ‘Give it a try.’ He gave her bottom a little smack and nodded toward the groomer who was smiling at her expectantly.

This was just too strange, Rita thought, but she shrugged and dropped to her knees in front of the groomer, who chuckled softly and stroked her neck. ‘Hello there. Aren’t you a beautiful thing?’

Mostly she could smell Blossom against the man’s crotch. Of course, Blossom smelled like her, after spending so much time with her face between Rita’s legs, but as the groomer’s cock surged beneath khaki shorts, she caught the scent of a man who enjoyed his work. ‘Mmm,’ the groomer sniffed. ‘Don’t you two smell like pussy this morning?’

Rita wondered if she’d ever get past blushing over the strange things that kept happening to her since her initiation began. Blossom was dismissed to play with the other pets until it was time for her own bath. Then the groomer took Rita’s collar off and guided her into a tub full of warm bubbles. ‘That’s a girl,’ he crooned. ‘Let’s get you all nice and clean.’ He knelt next to the tub. ‘Oh, such nice titties. All the males will want to play with those, and the females too, I’ll bet.’ As he ran the sponge over her, he inspected her with a running commentary. ‘Mmm, nice tight tummy muscles, pert little arse, and legs, goodness those legs go on for ever. Aren’t you a beauty?’ He turned his attention to Leo, who watched attentively. ‘Who’ll service her?’ He began to soap her breasts, paying special attention to her rising nipples. ‘Dr Marko said she needs it pretty badly.’

‘Is true. She needs male. Perhaps Brutus or Aralias could satisfy her. Would be lovely to see either of them mount her. Perhaps both. Aralias’s dark body would be stunning contrast to Rita’s pale skin. On the other hand, Brutus has nice buttocks, lovely to watch when he is thrusting.’

The groomer nodded his agreement. ‘Whichever you choose, it’ll be excellent, I’m sure.’ He turned his attention back to Rita. ‘Bend over, my lovely. Let’s get your pretty little cunny cleaned and ready for receiving guests.’

She obeyed, feeling embarrassed and insulted and incredibly horny. More so as the groomer opened her labia and dribbled warm water over her vulva. She couldn’t hold back a little sigh. ‘Oh Leo,’ the groomer gasped. ‘This is a luscious pussy and so ready she might just come on my fingers.’

‘Just bathe her, Larry. Is not your job to make her come. You know the rules.’

Fuck the rules, Rita thought. She didn’t care who serviced her, but she wished to hell somebody would. The more they talked about her as if she were a bitch in heat, the hotter she got, until she buried her wet face against the groomer’s crotch and began to lick and nip at his penis through his shorts.

Manoeuvring himself until his body obscured Leo’s view of what was going on, the groomer curled his hands in Rita’s wet hair and held her to him, his breath coming fast and furious against her back.

Thwack! Came Leo’s hand across Rita’s wet bottom. The surprise of it as much as the sting caused her to yelp and pull back. ‘Bad Rita! I told you last night, minders are off limits. Bad girl! We don’t suck our minder’s cock.’ He glared at the groomer. ‘You know better than to let her do this. If the Zoo will function smoothly, there must be rules, you know this. And those rules apply to you too, Larry. Now get her bathed.’

If anything the reprimand and the sharp smack on the bottom made Rita even more horny. She wasn’t exactly convinced that being a naughty pet was a bad thing.

By the time the groomer had her bathed and shampooed and was caressing her dry with a thick terry towel, her whole body thrummed with arousal. It wouldn’t have taken much squeezing of her girlie muscles to make her come, but the situation in which she found herself was so deliciously hot that every second of holding back, every second of waiting for Brutus or Aralias, or whoever would service her hot bitch pussy, was exquisite torture.

Leo carefully inspected her, then placed the rhinestone collar back around her neck. As he attached the lead, she felt every bit the animal she was pretending to be, rubbing her arse against his thigh and making soft little purring sounds at the back of her throat.

Leo sighed his approval. ‘Come on my beauty. Now we will introduce you to the other pets. Brutus will make your uncomfortable little pussy feel so much better.’

As they headed for the courtyard, one of the safari women came to Leo. Rita couldn’t hear what she whispered in his ear, but he nodded and handed her leash to the woman. ‘Wait here with Fila, darling.’ He stroked her neck. ‘Leo may have a surprise for you.’ Then he disappeared.

While they waited, Fila found a soft bristled brush, sat down on a metal folding chair and guided Rita to sit on the floor between her legs. Then she brushed Rita’s hair, singing to her softly in what sounded like Polish.

Rita rested her forehead on the woman’s thigh, exposed below khaki shorts. Leo was right about the sense of smell. She could just make out the salt marsh scent of the woman’s pussy beneath the perfume of lavender soap. She could feel the heat radiating from between Fila’s legs as she brushed and caressed Rita’s hair. Almost without thinking, Rita slipped her fingers between her own legs and wriggled them into the warm slippery folds of her pussy.

‘Bad girl! You mustn’t do that.’ Fila smacked the side of Rita’s bare breast with the back of the hair brush just enough to almost sting. Definitely enough to stimulate. She leaned in close to Rita’s ear, pushed the hair away and whispered. ‘Hold on just a little longer and Brutus will take very good care of your pussy.’

When Leo returned, he took up her leash. But instead of leading her into the courtyard, where the other pets were, he led her back toward the private entrance. Before they exited, he turned to Fila. ‘If Brutus cannot wait to come, then put him with Mimi. But encourage him that it will be better if he can wait.’

He led her swiftly back into the house, through a maze of hallways and corridors offering none of the running commentary she had grown used to. At last he led her into a small secluded garden and tugged her leash to pull her close to him. ‘This will be our little secret,’ he whispered. He led her along a path behind a gurgling fountain full of frolicking marble nymphs to where the foliage opened up to reveal a secluded stone bench. On the bench sat Edward resplendent in his golden mask.

‘Rita!’ He gasped coming up from the bench, but stifling his urge to run to her. ‘Leo told me what happened. Darling, I’m so sorry.’

A startled cry escaped before she could stop it. She nearly called his name, but quickly slapped her hand over her mouth as her pulse went into overdrive.

He took a step forward, as though he didn’t trust his own legs. ‘Are you all right?’

She stood next to Leo, frozen like the nymphs in the fountain.

‘She is fine, Edward. I promise you. I have taken good care of her.’ Leo stroked her hair. ‘Go to Edward, darling Ritichka. Greet him like a proper pet. Go on. It’s OK.’ His gaze held Edward’s. ‘No one need know.’

He turned his attention back to Rita. ‘Go on, darling, greet the nice man.’

She recalled what Blossom had done with the groomer, and bounded toward Edward, dropping to her knees in front of him and burying her face against his crotch. He let out a surprised gasped and tumbled backward onto the bench.

He was hard, so deliciously hard, and the scent of him was like the woods, like a summer storm, God he smelled like everything she wanted, and he was trying to push her away.

‘Rita stop, we can’t do this. I can’t control myself. You have to –’

‘Bad Rita! Bad girl.’ Leo’s hand came down with a stinging smack against her bare bottom, and she howled her frustration as he yanked the leash and sat down next to the panting Edward.

‘Edward. I am so sorry. She is pet, and not well trained yet. She can be unruly and over-enthusiastic. And, like most pets, she is always so horny.’

When Leo began to undo Edward’s fly, Rita wasn’t sure who was more in shock, her or Edward.

Edward shoved his hands away. ‘Leo, you know I’d happily let you do me, but not now.’ His voice cracked. ‘Not like this.’

‘Is not my intention to do you.’ He held Edward’s gaze. ‘Now be still, and allow me to discipline my pet.’

‘You voted against her. What are you doing? Is this a trick?’

‘Is no trick.’ Leo slapped Edward’s hands as though Edward were the naughty pet, and continued undoing his fly. ‘I have no agenda, Edward. You know is true. My reasons for voting against this initiation, they had nothing to do with anyone else’s wishes. But for me, admitting that I am wrong is not problem.’

‘Why the sudden change of heart?’ Edward was still trying to push Leo away. And Rita was surprised to find herself whimpering much like the needy animal she was pretending to be.

‘Pet’s don’t talk, Edward. You know this rule, yes? I have seen what she suffered to keep the rules. She is worthy.’ Both of their hands were now suspended above Edward’s crotch. ‘I know her rules too.’ He nodded to Rita. ‘I helped draft them. You may not have intercourse with the initiate. But those rules say nothing about an unruly pet who finds smell and flavour of your cock interesting.’

Edward stopped fighting and let Leo tug his trousers down until his buttocks were bare against the bench and his thick penis stood out from his body like a sleek, pussy-sized battering ram.

‘There now, is better.’ Leo inspected his work with satisfaction. ‘Now come here, darling, get Edward’s scent, that’s a girl. Leo knows that’s what you want, oh that’s my girl.’

Trembling all over exactly as she had seen excited dogs do, Rita lowered her head and took the full length of Edward’s cock into her mouth. She felt his body tense, felt his groan rumble even down through his cock. In her peripheral vision, she caught just a glimpse of him, head thrown back, mouth open, his fingers curled in her hair as he held her to him. She could feel Leo’s hand stroking her back, and his heavy breathing made her suspect his other hand might be occupied.

‘Oh God, Rita, that’s so good, so good,’ Edward grunted between barely parted lips, voice tight and breathless. ‘But it’s not fair,’ he gasped. ‘It’s not right. She deserves comfort too, Leo. Please, take care of her for me.’

‘You know the rules, Edward. I don’t fuck my pets.’ Leo’s voice came in tight little puffs against the back of her neck, and she could feel the heat radiating off his body, so close to her she could almost sense the shape of him beneath the khakis.

‘Please Leo.’ Edward pleaded, barely able to breathe. ‘Please, if you won’t do it for me, do it for her. You owe her.’

She heard Leo curse softly, and for a second, he pulled away from her. Then with a start, she felt his thick fingers slide between her parted labia to caress her clit.

‘Is all right, Darling. Lift your bottom for Leo, that’s a good girl.’ She did as she was told without losing her rhythm against Edward’s thrusting. At first there was a gentle, but insistent probing just inside her pussy lips, then she heard Leo grunt and her pussy yielded grudgingly, almost painfully, to his penetration, the very act of which made her throw back her head and howl as the orgasm she’d been holding off exploded through her.

As she lowered her mouth back onto Edward’s cock, she wasn’t sure one orgasm completely stopped before the next one blasted its way through her. She slipped both hands beneath Edward’s arse and pulled him to her in a desperate effort to get as much of him in her mouth as she could. Behind her, Leo grunted and shoved, muttering in Slavic between gasps. One hand pinched and stroked the swell of her clit while the other rested on her thrusting bottom.

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