The Intern: Vol. 3 (16 page)

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Authors: Brooke Cumberland

BOOK: The Intern: Vol. 3
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The End of Volume 3




P.S. She said yes.

*   *   *


Books by Brooke Cumberland


The Riverside Trilogy

Kitchen Affairs, Book #1

Kitchen Scandals, Book #2

Kitchen Promises, Book #3

or grab the complete box set!

-All available now-


The Spark Series

Spark, Book #1

Burn, Book #2

Flame, Book #3 (Companion novel)

or grab the complete box set!

-All available now-


The Intern Serials

Vol. 1-3


Coming Soon

Bad Girlfriend


About the Author


Brooke Cumberland is a
USA Today
Bestselling author who's a stay-at-home mom and writes full-time. She lives in the frozen tundra of Packer Nation with her husband, 3-year-old wild child, and two teenage stepsons. When she's not writing, you can find her reading love stories, listening to music that inspires her, and laughing with her family. Brooke is addicted to Starbucks' Caramel Macchiato’s, yoga pants, and sweets. She found her passion for telling stories during winter break one year in grad school—and she hasn't stopped since.

You can find Brooke on


Twitter @

Pinterest Page

- AuthorBCumberland

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I truly don’t even know where to start. There are just so many wonderful people that have helped me along this journey. So many
that have been with me since the start, so many new ones. It definitely takes a village to write and promote a book. This is no “one-person” task. Not only that, it takes hours and hours of hard work. And not just from me. Betas, fans, bloggers, my editor, my PR - Christine, AKA “Brooke’s Bitch,” and my cover designer, Sommer, AKA “Brooke’s Bitch #2.” They’re getting matching shirts made, too. Nicole, my new teaser-making genius. I mean, I could go on and on. It really takes a heaping amount of people to make this happen and for that, I am truly and humbly grateful.


My wonderful betas, you are truly sent from God. That’s my only explanation for how amazing you are, how you give great feedback, make me a better writer, and your unconditional support. I’m so truly thankful for you all. *Warm fuzzies*


To my author support 101 group – there are so many of you, but I feel like I “know” you. We’re not just a group of friends, we’re family. We truly want the best for each other. That’s what I love about it. We boost each other up when we’re down, fist-bump when one of us does amazing, and encourage one another when things aren’t going as planned. It’s my go-to group every day, and I love each and everyone of you. *kisses*


Erika Ashby, Christine Stanley, Megan Noelle, Tabby Coots-

I feel like I wake up talking to one of you every morning and go to bed chatting with you every night. Without you four, my life would be just a shell. You’ve been a support system, a quirky bunch, friends that are more like family.

Erika – Thanks for befriending another
Night Owl
fangirl and fangirling with me. It’s become so much more than that. Support and a good face slap when necessary. I value our friendship so much. I might have an attachment issue. Just a FYI for you.

Christine AKA BB#1 – Thanks for stalking me for your blog. Probably the best stalker in the world. Thanks for ALL you do, which is a ton! You’re an amazing friend and badass PR. Thanks for boosting me up when I’m “grumpy” and giving me virtual wine and chocolate. *Many kisses.*

Megan – You’re the J to my PB sandwich. So happy that we were able to find each other online and connect. I consider you a close friend and value all the support from you. So thank you! *hugs and kisses*

Tabby – You’ve been with me for a
time. Ever since Spark you’ve been my #1. You are so supportive, so helpful, so sweet. You’ve become my beta reader, my brainstorming partner, my friend. Thanks for putting up with me all this time. Thanks for continuing to be my friend when I have my “less than nice” moments. And I wish you the absolute best luck & wishes on your writing career. *Huggies*


Whitney G. AKA My Professional Stalker - You’re a rockstar and I look up to you so much. You’re stronger than you realize and I admire your work ethics. Thank you for sharing your secret weapon with me! You’re so nice, so sweet, and so willing to help others around you. Can’t wait to meet you (
soon!) P.S. *side eye* Andrew is mine.


Brittainy C. – I knew you could do it. You’re amazing. You’re always so sweet and willing to  help your fellow authors. You’re awesome and an amazing friend. #WisconsitesUnite! Soon we will meet and drink ourselves in Starbuck caffeine and Chinese food.


Bloggers/Reviewers – Thank you for taking a chance on a 25,000 word serial novella. I know they aren’t for everyone, so thank you for giving it a chance and for giving
a chance. You’re kindness doesn’t go unnoticed and I’m very appreciative of it.


Readers – You are the real rock stars. Your love for books and authors amaze me. The energy you give into sharing and talking about books drives Indie authors like me to keep doing what we love to do. Word of mouth is so important and you don’t
to do it, yet you do for the love of books. So thank you for all you do. Thank you for loving books and indie authors and for your reviews. Thank you for being the reason indies can self-publish and live our dreams. *Lots of hugs and kisses all around*


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