Read The Italian Inheritance Online

Authors: Louise Rose-Innes

The Italian Inheritance (13 page)

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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He shrugged and turned back to the wheel.
“I don’t want your sympathy. I’m merely telling you this so you’ll understand
I need your help tonight with Mancini.”

“Mancini? What has he got to do with all this?”

“You’ll see,” said Rafael, a
im smile on his face. “I will explain everything.”

“Good, because I am so confused.”
What on earth
to do with Rafael’s past?

After a few minutes of tricky navigation past a ferry bound for Capri, Rafael continued his story.

“Instead of arresting me, Giovanni sat me down and we had a long chat. He gave me two options. I could either go to juvenile court and be convicted, which as you can image did not appeal to a twelve year old. The other option was to be sent to boarding school for which he’d pay, on condition that I worked hard and finished school.”

“I’m guessing that’s the route you took?” stated Anna.

“Naturally. Anyway, that’s what I meant when I said Giovanni saved my life.”

“I see,” whispered Anna. So Giovanni was a good guy
at heart. That was encouraging.
He may have been absent in her life all these years
but at least he’d saved one poor lost soul. “Now I understand why you’re so loyal to him.”

Rafael nodded. “Yes. He adopted me officially some time after that and once I’d
put me to work
his Rome office. He was my mentor as well as my savour.”

“So Giovanni was a lawyer?”

“Yes. A finance lawyer. He specialised in mergers, acquisitions, property law
that type of thing. Giovanni represented some of the most ruthless businessmen in town. He had
tanto coraggio
, that man.
Much courage.

When you say ruthless, do you
mean gangsters?” Anna was wide-eyed with astonishment.

“Perhaps not gangsters, but close enough.” Rafael grinned. “This isn’t America.”

Anna gave a thin smile. She wasn’t sure how she felt about her father being mixed up with Mafioso types.

“You see Giovanni also had a tough childhood. He worked his way up the ranks with nothing but tenacity and brains. He had no benefactor. Most of his first clients were old acquaintances, from the wrong side of the tracks. When he expanded, he took on more respectable clientele, including some prominent Government officials
but by that stage he had already made a name for himself in the business.”

Anna soaked up the information. Rafael was giving her a rare insight into her father’s life. Despite never meeting him, she felt proud to be his daughter.

He sounds like an impressive
, if not a little scary,
man. I wish I’d got
the chance to meet him.” She took a deep breath. There was no point in wishing for what could never be. Focus on the present, she told herself sternly. Don’t dwell on the past. It gets you nowhere.

I assume you’ve taken over the firm
now that Giovanni’s
passed away

“Not entirely. I’m a partner in the firm. I specialise in trusts so I manage the Capri subsidiary, in addition to my larger clients in Naples. The Capri branch caters mostly for private clients on the island.”

“I see,” muttered Anna, impressed despite herself. Rafael was way out of her league.
He was a glamorous, jet-setting lawyer living in a
world that she knew
nothing about
Giovanni had been too, by the sounds of things
Her reality was the maternity ward at the hospital.
It was strange to think she could
related to a powerful man like Giovanni, and indirectly to Rafael.
In fact, if someone had told her she’d be whizzing along the Amalfi Coast on a 50 foot yacht with a guy that made Brad Pitt look
, she would
have laughed in their face

But as interesting as all this was, it didn’t provide any clues to why she was here. Rafael’s
for her to accompany him to Naples was still a mystery.

what has all this to do with Mancini?”

“I’m getting to that,” remarked Rafael
, taking a deep breath

“Once I was financially secure, I decided to open a charity for street kids like myself. Somewhere that could be a haven, where they could get a decent meal, an education or work advice, if needs be.”

Anna stared at him, filled with admiration. “What a great thing to do.”

Rafael shrugged off the compliment. “It seemed like a good idea. I could have done with a place like that when I was a kid. God knows how I would have turned out if Giovanni hadn’t rescued me.”

There was a brief pause while Rafael contemplated what could have been. Anna kept respectfully silent, waiting for him to go on.

“It’s called Streetwise,” he told her after a beat. “And it currently supports in excess of forty kids. Some only come to eat and sleep,
others talk to advisors and use
the training facilities
to get into schools and colleges.”

“That’s amazing,” commented Anna. “I had no idea you were so involved with the community.”

“You don’t know me,” replied Rafael quickly.

“No, I suppose not,” mused Anna, realising that there was so much about the enigmatic lawyer she did not know. Here was yet another level to his personality.

“The point to this story,” said Rafael more forcefully, “is that Streetwise is about to be demolished.”

“Demolished? Oh no. Why?”

“Because it stands on prime development land. A wealthy industrialist has bought up the surrounding buildings in order to build an office block and he wants the property Streetwise stands on. He’s got
permission to demolish the site. It’s going ahead next week.”

“My God,” whispered Anna. “Is there nothing you can do?”

Rafael shook his head. “No
. N
ot up until now. It seemed hopeless. I’ve been running around trying to find
an alternative location for the shelter,
but even if I d
find something now, there
wouldn’t be
enough time to relocate everyone.”

“Who is this idiot who’s going to demolish the street haven?” Anna suspected she already knew the answer.

“The father of the girl you saved,” hissed Rafael. “Mancini is the bastard who’s going to demolish Streetwise.”

Anna sat in stunned silenc
e as they sped across the white-
crested bay. The island of Capri faded into the distance as the sleek motor yacht ate up the miles.
Conversely, the Napoli shoreline grew bigger and bigger as they approached.
The harbour area was scattered with industrial buildings and warehouses, while higher on the hill the landscape changed to closely-packed flats and houses. It was not a pretty city.

Eventually she said, “You said up until now. What did you mean by that?”

Rafael turned to face her. There was a glimmer in his eyes that was disturbing. “You, my little English rose, are in the prime position to help me save Streetwise.”

“Me? I’m not sure how I can help?” Anna got an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“You saved Mancini’s child.”


“He’s indebted to you.”

“Yes...” She didn’t like where this was headed.

“He’ll want to pay you back. Italians are like that. His debt of gratitude is such that he’ll ask you what he can do for you in return.”

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

“Come on, Anna. I need your help here. I’m not asking you to do anything underhanded. Mancini will want to repay his
to you. What could be more important than asking for Streetwise to be left standing, at least until I can secure another place and get it ready for the kids? It doesn’t have to be indefinitely. If that bastard can put his development on hold for two months, it would give me enough time to find a decent alternative, deck it out and relocate the kids so no one has to be out on the street.”

“I don’t know, Rafael. I mean
what if he doesn’t ask me anything. Perhaps dinner is his repayment. You can’t be sure he’s going to offer anything more.”

“No, that’s true, but if he does, will you at least consider what I’ve asked?”

“I can’t promise anything.” At the look on his face she added, “I’m sorry. I just don’t know how the evening is going to turn out, that’s all.
I don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep.

“Okay, well perhaps once you’ve seen the place you’ll change your mind.”


Rafael expertly steered the motor boat into Naples harbour. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but if Anna could work her special brand of magic on Mancini, he would be granted a respite for the shelter. After all, who would be able to resist someone with Anna’s looks and grace? Mancini was bound to be as taken with her as any red-blooded male.

Just look at her. The woman was a goddess. Her ethereal beauty outshone even the models he knew. Those sexy, oval eyes and high cheekbones were made to be admired, and her body, well that was made for something else, but Rafael didn’t want to dwell too long on that, else he was liable to be uncomfortable for the rest of the day.

They jumped into a taxi at the harbour and Rafael barked out an address.

“This isn’t in the best area of town, by the way,” he informed Anna, as they sped away, horn blasting continuously. “Just keep an open mind.”

They pulled to a stop so suddenly that Anna nearly got whiplash. “Good heavens, does everyone drive like a maniac around here?” she asked.

“It is the Italian way,” shrugged Rafael obviously used to it. “Come, follow me.” And he led her down the street and around a corner into a shabby, downtrodden area with litter in the gutters and paint peeling off most of the buildings.

Anna grimaced. “Is this where you grew up?”

Rafael arched an eyebrow. “Yes, this was my turf. Nice, isn’t it?”

Anna didn’t reply. It was dreadful to think of Rafael as a little boy, without parents, trying to survive in these conditions. He’d had to steal to stay alive
sake. She shuddered. And she thought her childhood was bad. It was a breeze compared to this.

They rounded one more corner and came to a halt outside a wooden door painted in bright green. Someone had graffitied ‘Streetwise’ across the side of the building in bright, funky letters. It looked very urban and modern.

“One of the kids did that,” said Rafael as if reading her thoughts. “Talented, isn’t he? He’s now at art school studying graphic design.” Anna noticed the pride in his voice.

He really cares about these kids, she thought.

He pushed open the door and a bell sounded somewhere in the depths of the house. In the hallway stood an empty desk with an open book on it and a pencil, tied to the book with string.

“This is where the kids sign in,” said Rafael, scouring the most recent entries. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the team.”

Anna followed Rafael somewhat hesitantly down the hallway and into a brightly lit room filled with tables and chairs. She really didn’t know what to expect. Anna had never been into a homeless shelter before.

It was a large room for a house, and Anna guessed Rafael had knocked through to create it. A few tatty looking teens were sitting at one table eating something that looked like stew. As they passed, Anna got a whiff. It actually smelt quite good.

“This is Cecelia,” said Rafael, waving at a homely
cheerful woman sitting at one of the tables under the window.

Cecelia stood up and smiled at Anna. “Please to meet you,” she said in halting English. “Rafael told me you were coming to visit us.”

“Please to meet you
too.” Anna smiled and shook the woman’s hand. “This is a lovely room.” She looked around her. Two huge windows let in ample sunshine, and both were framed by colourful yellow and blue chequered curtains held open with matching tiebacks. There were some threadbare but jaunty rugs on the polished wooden floor and the tables were clean and shining.

“Thank you. This
you could say
is my office,” laughed Cecelia, “I like to keep it neat and tidy.”

Rafael patted Cecelia on the shoulder. “Cecelia is the housekeeper and
ama to most of these kids. She practically runs the place.”

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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