Read The Italian Inheritance Online

Authors: Louise Rose-Innes

The Italian Inheritance (21 page)

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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Anna gave him a lazy smile and watched as his eyes roamed enticingly over her bikini-clad body.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“I’ve had a lovely relaxing day, thank you. How was yours?”


Rafael looked tense.

“Is something the matter?” Anna asked.

“Actually, I heard from the pathologists this afternoon.”

“That was quick.” Anna sat up.

“It’s not what you think. Apparently they don’t have the sample of Giovanni’s blood to make the DNA match. The only live sample left is in Rome. So they’re getting it sent over.”

“I see. Well
I suppose at least they have another sample.”

“Yes, but it will add a few more days, perhaps even a week onto the process.”

Anna was silent for a moment. Another week here with Rafael. Her heart surged at the thought
but then plummeted just as
. Another week and she’d be irrevocably in love with him. She didn’t bother to fool herself on that score. Her heart was only so resistant
and already he was making heavy inroads
. Eventually the nights of lovemaking would wear her down. How would she detangle herself then?

“Is that a problem for you?”

“Um... yes and no.” What could she say?
I don’t want you to ruin me for other men.
He wouldn’t understand.

Rafael sat down next to her on the sarong. There was a questioning look on his face.

“Well, it probably seems silly to you, since in your world everything is so black and white.” She ignored his frown and continued, “But after two weeks of living together and sleeping together...” she faltered, unsure of how to continue.

“I think I know what you mean.” Rafael was silent for a moment, and then he said reasonably, “Do you not think in two weeks you may well be sick of me? That
might be ready to go back to England?”

It was all so simple for him.

“Perhaps,” she smiled

“Passion fades, Anna.” His face told her all she needed to know. There would be no future for them after these two weeks and that was that. She’d better get used to the idea.

“Yes, so you said,” she uttered, lying down and closing her eyes. She heard him sigh. Serve him right for being to feelings.

“There’s something else I want to ask you,” he said after a few long minutes had passed.

Anna opened one eye. “Yes?”

“Have y
ou done any modelling lately—a
nd I don’t mean the glossy kind.”

Anna leant up on her elbows. “What are you implying?”

“I saw some photos of you today,” he admitted. “They weren’t pretty.”

“You saw photos of me?” Anna stared at him. Then the penny dropped. “How did you find out about that? It’s not public knowledge.”

“Actually, it is.” Rafael gave her a hard look. “When you pose half-naked for a trashy magazine, everybody sees it. You can’t get more public than that.”

Anna seethed. “You had me checked out, didn’t you?” Obviously, that’s how he knew about the photos. He had her investigated like a common criminal.

“I told you I would.” There was no apology in his expression. Anna gritted her teeth. Yes, he had mentioned it
but she’d forgotten about that.

“I did some part-time work for a magazine

“So it was a once-off?”

“Not that it’s anything to do with you, but yes. I posed for those photos at a time in my life when I desperately needed money. I had just finished my nurs
training and hadn’t got
a job yet.
It was the only way to pay the bills.

The fact that the agency had lied to her and she’d taken the assignment thinking it was a legitimate photo shoot, was something she didn’t mention. It would only have made her appear gullible on top of everything else.

Rafael remained silent, watching her.

“I wasn’t naked, which you probably know if you’ve seen the photos.”
She’d drawn the line at that, despite the photographer’s insistence. Topless was one thing, but spreading her legs for a top-shelf magazine was something else entirely. She had standards.

“Close enough,” he muttered.

“People do what they must to survive, Rafael,” she snapped. “You of all people should know that. And I don’t appreciate your
judging me
. What I did years ago has nothing to do with you.”

“It doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he said stubbornly. “The thought of you taking your clothes off for other men makes me furious.
Do you know what
kinds of men buy
those magazines

She didn’t need reminding.

Thanks for pointing that out.” She glared at him. That episode was firmly behind her and she did not want to revisit it. “
Like I said, it has nothing to do with you. Just because we’ve slept together doesn’t give you the right to judge me. It’s not like we’re in a relationship or anything.”

At least she could throw that back at him.

Rafael gave her a penetrating look, which she pointedly ignored. More moments ticked by and Anna resumed her position on her back, eyes shut.

A warm hand slid across her belly. Anna
opened one eye and
peered at him suspiciously.

Rafael, now lying on his side, proceeded to run his free hand slowly down the length of her body. “This body,” he murmured possessively, “is for my eyes only.”

“For now maybe...” she acknowledged, unwilling to argue. Besides, his hand felt wonderful caressing on her hot skin. As his fingers slipped under her bikini top and began to play with her nipple, Anna was beyond talking.

“Does that feel good,” enquired Rafael, a roguish glint in his eye.

Anna nodded, then gasped and
closed her eyes.
As his hand snaked down towards her bikini bottom, Anna gave up trying to think and surrendered to the glorious sensations his fingers on her clitoris were making her feel.

Sometime later, when they were both lying spent on
pink sarong, Anna turned to Rafael. “There’s something I think we need to agree on.”

“Other than how wondrous that was and that we should do it as often as possible?”

Anna laughed. “I’m serious, Rafael.” Then she sobered. “I was thinking that while we’re enjoying each other’s company so much, we should try not to ask personal questions.”

“You’re referring to the photographs?”

“Yes,” Anna confirmed. “My personal business is my personal business and since our relationship is only temporary, I don’t think we need to delve too much into each other’s past, do you?”

“Point taken,” said Rafael looking at her fondly. “Although you must understand I had to look into your past.
Like I told you before, I have to do due diligence on everyone claiming to be Giovanni’s heir.
I didn’t expect to find those photographs. My investigator surprised me with them.”

Anna nodded. “On this point I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

“I’m not lying to you
Anna. And I’ll make you a promise. From now on, until the day you leave, we’ll live only for the moment. No more personal interrogations, no more details. Just you and me and what we have right now.”

“Perfect,” said Anna brightly although the smile did not reach her eyes.




It was after a particularly orgasmic sex session that Rafael broke the news to Anna. As he watched the satisfied smile vanish from her face he felt an odd tightening in his chest. He hated ruining the buoyant mood which had carried them through the last ten days - ten days that had been like a dream, filled with laughter, fun and obscene amounts of sex.

It was precisely the reason why Rafael had left it until today to tell her, when in fact he’d known since yesterday morning. But he couldn’t avoid the issue anymore.

The results were in.

“So what do they say?” Anna uncharacteristically wrapped the sheet around her naked body and stared at him with huge eyes. “Am I Giovanni’s daughter?”

“I don’t know yet.” Rafael met her worried gaze. “The pathology lab in Naples called and they’re sending the results over. We should know by the end of today, or latest, first thing tomorrow morning.”

Anna began to pace up and down the room in her sheet. “God, the anticipation is killing me. Can’t someone just open the damn letter and tell us?”

Rafael nearly smiled. “No, they’re not allowed to, I’m afraid. It’s against policy.” He felt her impatience, but at the same time he didn’t mind waiting another night.

Secretly he dreaded getting the results as either way it would mean things would have to change. Their relationship, or rather, affair, would come to a sudden halt and Anna would have to think about returning to England.

By this stage Rafael had really thought he’d be ready to see the back of her, but instead he found he was more attached than ever. Her beauty outshone nearly every other woman on the island and egotistically
he liked the way men stared at him enviously when he was with her.

She didn’t have any annoying habits.
she was surprisingly easy to live with. She didn’t complain or complicate his life in any way, even though she didn’t have any friends of her own on the island. She seemed content to read her book or go for long walks without demanding he accompany her.

In fact
Rafael had spent almost every day in Naples at the shelter, overseeing the renovations while Anna had remained on Capri or taken day trips to nearby Sorrento and Amalfi. Occasionally she’d accompany him to Naples, but on those occasions she was quite happy to roam around the town by herself or go shopping or sightseeing.

“I’m going to need to do something today to take my mind off the results,” Anna declared, dumping the rumpled sheet back on the bed.

Rafael stared at her naked beauty and felt himself get hard again. “I’m sure I can arrange something,” he grinned. Over the last week he’d been amazed by her sexual stamina. She never seemed to tire of him. He had an insatiable sexual appetite
but Anna managed to match him enthusiastically, revelling in his lovemaking.

“I meant get out somewhere,” she amended. “Otherwise I’m going to go mad.”

Rafael thought for a moment. “Would you like to do some sightseeing? We can visit Pompeii, then stop in Ischia for lunch, perhaps have a swim and head home in time for dinner.”

“Won’t we be too late to get the results then?”

Rafael shook his head. “I have the clinic on speed dial.” He waved his mobile phone in the air. “At least that way we’re not sitting around waiting.”

Anna smiled. “Sounds perfect.”

Despite the pending paternity results, both Anna and Rafael managed to enjoy themselves. It was almost as if they were trying desperately not to let reality intrude on their last free day together.

Pompeii was magnificent. The Roman village was perfectly preserved. Anna could see where the roads had been, how the houses were constructed and the manner in which the inhabitants had lived – and died, with their expressions of horror still frozen on their faces.

“Isn’t it funny how life can change
in an instant

“Indeed,” agreed Rafael. They were sitting at the cafe just outside the entrance to Pompeii, sipping lemonade and staring up at the shadowy mound of Mount Vesuvius.

“I mean, one moment you’re hanging washing on the line and the next you’re covered in molten lava.” Or you find you’ve got a father you never knew existed and are the heir to a vast family fortune.

Rafael laughed. “I know what you mean. I’ve visited Pompeii many times before
but it never ceases to amaze me.”

“Some of their expressions were so vivid...” Anna shuddered.

“It’s a fascinating part of history,” remarked Rafael, finishing his drink. He waited for Anna to do the same. “Shall we head back? It’s early enough to stop for a swim if you’re keen? I know an isolated little grotto...” He winked at her.

Soon they were skimming over the azure water towards Capri, leaving the busy hub of Naples far behind them.

The sun was blissfully warm as it shone down on their shoulders. Rafael anchored in a small inlet near the neighbouring island of Ischia and they spent a lazy few hours swimming in the lukewarm Mediterranean and making love on the deck. Now, as Anna sipped a glass of wine, her legs casually draped over Rafael’s, she thought she’d never been happier or more content.

Anna smiled as she thought of how relaxed and natural their love-making had become. She hardly knew herself. Her previous panic
that he was the wrong guy for her had faded. T
he intense emotions Rafa made her feel
were enlightening
. She now enjoyed surrendering to him. He brought her to orgasmic heights she’d never experienced before, never knew were possible.

BOOK: The Italian Inheritance
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