The Italian's Bedroom Deal (17 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

BOOK: The Italian's Bedroom Deal
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Chapter 15


Max walked through the penthouse, uncaring about anything but finding Clarissa and holding her in his arms. It had been a whole week and he wanted to make sure she was okay. The only way to do that was to feel her and hold her, kiss her and make love to her until neither of them could see straight anymore.


When he didn’t find her in her office, he looked in the bedroom, his smile turning wolfish at the anticipation of finding her in some sexy of state of dress. Or undress, he was sure would be just fine as well.


He loved the way she responded to him, no matter what pressing issue was coming up, she didn’t seem to be able to stop responding. Women in the past had been too careful of their makeup or their dress or hair, afraid of what they might look like when they went out in public. Not his Clarissa. She just wanted him. It was a secret thrill of his to know that he could have her whenever he wanted. He even tested the waters sometimes, just to make sure she was real and not a dream. So far, she’d never let him down.


The bedroom was empty and Max sighed in frustration. “Clarissa?” he finally called out.


Jimmy walked into he room and Max turned, instantly knowing that something was wrong by the tense look in Jimmy’s face. “What’s going on?” Max demanded.


“She’s gone,” Jimmy said plainly.


It was every wealthy man’s nightmare. His wife had been kidnapped? Impossible. He was jumping to conclusions, he told himself as his gut twisted and his heart ached with a pain he didn’t know was possible. “What the hell do you mean?” Nothing better have happened to Clarissa or many people were going to be in trouble.


Jimmy raised his hand to press the ear piece closer to his ear, hesitated a moment as he listened to whatever was being communicated and nodded, then looked back up at Max. “I have men trying to catch up with her but she packed up a suitcase and left the building. We weren’t aware of any plans for travel so, as you requested, we didn’t have someone stationed in the house. The elevator descending to the garage alerted us but we couldn’t get down there in time. She was already driving out before we could catch her.”


At least she was alone, he thought to himself. She hadn’t been taken away forcefully and that was a relief, if only a small one. “Where did she go?” Max demanded, his stomach clenching painfully.


“We’re not sure,” Jimmy replied.


Max could tell there was something more his security detail wanted to say but was hesitating. For the first time in the man’s life, Jimmy wasn’t telling Max everything. “What is it?” Max almost yelled.


Jimmy hesitated for only a moment longer before he explained, “You’re wife was crying.”


Max closed his eyes and pain slashed through the region of his heart. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and glared at his security chief. “Find her!” he ordered. “How many men do you have out there looking for her?”


“We have all ten men searching,” he explained


“Double it. Get her back here. She’s not safe out there by herself.”


Jimmy nodded efficiently at Max’s instructions. “We’re on it,” he said. “We’re monitoring her credit cards but so far, she hasn’t purchased anything. Eventually, she’ll have to use them because she doesn’t have any cash.”


“She could find a friend,” Max said through gritted teeth. “What was she doing before she left?”


“We’re not sure, sir. It was rather sudden. A delivery person came up and received something but he’s already been questioned. He was sent by your secretary. He’s clean. He delivered the package and was already en route to another delivery.”


“So what’s next?” he demanded. “You’re not waiting around here until she tries to buy something, are you?”


“No sir. If you could look through her personal belongings and figure out what she’s bought, we can get a better idea of how long she plans on being gone. That might give us a clue to her direction.”


Max was furious. “My wife left here without notifying her security guards, tears in her eyes and doing everything she could to avoid being found and you’re assuming she’s coming back?”


Max left in disgust, walking into his office and pacing around. He called his secretary and demanded to know what she’d had delivered. That’s when he found the documents on the floor. He’d missed them initially because they were on the floor, hidden by the large desk he used.


Bending down, he picked up the documents, sifting through them and putting them back in order. When he had them straightened out, he stood up and started reading. After the first paragraph, he finally understood. Cursing under his breath, he strode out of his office. “Jimmy!” he called out, grabbing his keys and his cell phone at the same time.


Jimmy appeared at the doorway, one hand holding a phone to his ear, the other some papers. “She just purchased gasoline up near the Scottish boarder, sir,” he called out.


“I’m going over to my father in law’s house. Have the helicopter ready as soon as you find her. Its getting dark so hurry up. She’s bound to be tired and stop at a hotel soon.” At least, he hoped so. He prayed that her anger with him and her perceived betrayal wouldn’t energize her and make the search go on for much longer. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take and it had only been less than twenty minutes since he’d found out that Clarissa had left him. Mergers, acquisitions, financial sharks wanting to beat him at the financial war; no problem. His delicate, beautiful Clarissa out in the world with no protection, hurt and confused. The idea, and the fear that image created in his mind, just about brought him to his knees.


The limousine pulled to a stop in front of James’ house and Max was already stepping out of the car. He didn’t bother to knock, just stormed into the house. “James!” he called out. When the man stepped out of his office, Max descended upon him. “What the hell have you done?” Max demanded, holding the inheritance documents up in James’ face.


James smiled as if he’d done something wonderful. “I thought you’d be surprised. What do you think?”


“I sure as hell am surprised. But what’s worse, Clarissa was surprised.”


The smile on James’ face quickly disappeared. His eyes grew concerned and he noticed the tense expression on Max’s face at the same time. “She wasn’t supposed to know anything about those papers. That’s why I sent them to your office.”


Max tried to control his temper at the man’s stupidity. “My secretary brought them to the house because I’m working at home so often lately.” Max could not believe the man was so completely obtuse.


James’ face became slightly paler with that news. “Clarissa didn’t see them, did she? She’s been against marriage, too afraid the man would only be out for her money.”


Max gritted his teeth. “Didn’t you hear me when I mentioned she was surprised as well? She found them, man! She read through every minute detail! What’s in this document? What did she see that she wouldn’t like?”


James’ face went white. “Everything,” he said with a strangled voice. “You get everything. I knew she didn’t want it so I’m leaving everything to you to manage. And your children. If you have any children, you’ll keep the company in trust for them.”


Max cursed under his breath and looked up at the ceiling, praying for patience. How could the man be so unbelievably stupid and insensitive? Max supposed the older man had to be thinking of the future, but why make it a surprise? And an even better question, why hadn’t James discussed his intentions with Max before doing anything? Now Clarissa knew and had probably suspected the worst. Hell, he would be thinking the worst if he’d come across the document in her shoes.


Running his fingers through his hair in fear and frustration, he took a deep breath to try and calm down his raging fury so he could at least think clearly. When he felt slightly calmer, he turned back to Clarissa’s father, pointing his finger at him in frustration. “I don’t want it. I don’t want anything except Clarissa and if it means you die with no one to take over, that’s not my problem. My only problem is to make sure Clarissa is happy for the rest of her life and I’m going to make sure that happens.”


Without another word, he stormed out of the house and dove into the back of his car. Dialing Jimmy on the phone, he demanded an update.


“We’ve found her boss. We just located the information but we’re tracking down the hotel. Where are you? I’ll have the helicopter meet you. By the time you’re airborne, we’ll have her location and will contact an agency in the area to ensure she doesn’t leave again without protection. I already have a team in the air in your other helicopter on the way. We’ll give them an exact location as soon as we’ve pinged it.”


Ten minutes later, Max was in the air flying to the Scottish border, his hands gripping the document that had started this whole mad race. He relaxed only slightly when Jimmy called to say that they’d located her and his team was on the ground watching the bed and breakfast she’d stopped at.


With her safety reassured, Max started to breathe slightly more easily but there was still the problem of convincing her that the documents hadn’t been initiated by him and he’d had no intention of asking for her father’s company.

Chapter 16


Clarissa looked around at the pretty bedroom and sighed. She couldn’t cry anymore. She’d been crying for hours and she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were red rimmed and her makeup completely gone except for light streaks of mascara down each of her cheeks. She hadn’t eaten all day but she still wasn’t remotely hungry.


Looking at the large, king sized bed with the pretty quilt on it, she thought about all the nights she’d spent in Max’s arms, in his bed, feeling the warmth of his body against hers, knowing that he’d wake her up at some point during the night and make love to her at least once again.


She wished he was here right now and that she didn’t know he was a deceitful, horrible bastard. She wanted so much to believe in love again but she couldn’t. It was all an illusion that would never be a part of her future again. She’d experienced bliss but the pain of the fall was too much for her.


Sitting down on the mattress, she looked around, wondering what she was going to do next. She could go for a walk. But the idea of going outside and having someone else see her like this, or even seeing another human being period, was unappealing. She didn’t want food either, even though it had been at least twelve hours since she’d last eaten.


She laid down on the big bed, huddled into one small corner, hugging the pillow to her chest and closing her eyes. She would just relax for a few minutes, then get out and get some fresh air. She needed to think and make plans. She had to be one step ahead of Max at all times because he was slick and would convince her once again that things would be good. They wouldn’t be good. They’d never be good again.


Within moments, she was asleep.


Chapter 17


Max looked at the woman sleeping on the bed, noticed the streaks where her mascara had bled onto her face and his heart wrenched. This was his woman and he hadn’t protected her adequately. It was his fault that she was hurt but he would fix it. There was no other alternative. He couldn’t live without her. He’d thought she knew that, but her being here was evidence to the contrary. Regardless, he would show her in any way possible how vital she was to his life.


Taking off his jacket and shoes, he laid down next to her, pulling her close. He was relieved when she didn’t wake up but moved into his arms willingly. She snuggled against his chest, sighing against his neck like she always did. In her sleep, she didn’t reject him. That had to be something, he told himself as he closed his eyes, waiting for her to wake up so they could talk. In her sleep, she knew they were made for each other. Now it was just a matter of her understanding that truth consciously.


Clarissa stirred and something in her subconscious told her that something wasn’t quite right. Or maybe it was too right and a part of her mind thought things should be off center. But at this point she didn’t care. She was warm and she smelled Max, even though she knew he couldn’t be with her. She tried to snuggle down further, not wanting the fantasy of being held gently in Max’s arms to leave her.


“Max,” she sighed and snuggled against him.


“I’m here, mia cara,” Max whispered against her ear, holding her close. He felt her stiffen but wouldn’t release her. His hand slipped into her hair and he looked down into her confused eyes. That puzzlement soon turned to anger when she slowly realized what was going on.


“How did you find me?” she asked, pulling out of his arms, relieved when he let her go. She stood up and straightened her clothes, fluffing her hair and trying to not look as worn out as she probably appeared. It was devastating to feel so worn out and bedraggled when standing next to a man who literally took one’s breath away.


He didn’t stand as well. Instead, he pushed more pillows behind him and leaned against the headboard, his eyes watching her move about the small area. “You used your credit cards when you rented this room. We tracked you through the financial institution.”


“Isn’t that illegal?” she asked, her anger rising. The man didn’t live by the rules the rest of society lived by and that was infuriating.


He simply shrugged as if legalities were an afterthought. “I own controlling stock in the company so I used the resources available to me.”


Crossing her arms over her chest, she shook her head. “You’re horrible, do you know that?” She hated it when the tears filled up her eyes and started dropping onto her cheek again. Grabbing a tissue, she wiped them away angrily. Unfortunately, they didn’t stop so she turned her back on him, not wanting him to see how vulnerable she was feeling.

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