The Journal (Her Master's Voice)

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Authors: Liv Honeywell,Domitri Xavier

Tags: #stories of dominance, #erotica, #Fiction, #erotic stories, #erotic fiction, #british stories, #d/s, #master/slave, #love stories, #dominance, #european

BOOK: The Journal (Her Master's Voice)
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Get comfortable...because you will likely read this cover to cover! Liv “gets it right” here with a passionate, colorful and salivating taste of the shades that lie well beyond grey. Quick pace, rich characters and no-holds-barred fun. Be ready...because “or not” is probably not an option!

~ WJL, reader ~


Strikes a good balance between graphic and stylish. It’s quite intense, and captures a scenario well. Interesting for me to read, since that type of relationship is not my style, but a good insight, and believable characters. Well done.

~ M. Pepper, reader ~


From the first page, this book will have your heart pounding. Abby is deliciously tormented by her lover. Beware, you will be terribly aroused by this account. Very, very hot!

~ joeyred, reader ~



I have to preface my review by saying I don’t read a lot of BDSM lit, so this is a bit of a departure for me. Of the three stories, the one I enjoyed was Ms. Honeywell’s, so I am really rating it on her merits and on her story. I have to admit, the others were not my cup of tea, and I find it hard to rate them as a group because they are so different. I was quite taken by Ms. Honeywell’s idea of a submissive woman who has only met her Dom online, and who meets him in person afterwards. To see the power he had over her, even via email, was powerful and inventive.

~ Rosanna Leo, Erotica Author ~


I downloaded this book after reading the sample piece a few weeks ago. I have to say, I enjoyed Liv Honeywell’s piece very much. It was well written, elegantly written actually are the right words. The story was enticing and sensual and I would have loved to read more, but alas, it was a short story. Looking forward to more.

~ Natasha Knight, Erotica Author ~



Cover design, interior book design and eBook design

by Blue Harvest Creative



The Journal

Copyright © 2013 Liv Honeywell & Domitri Xavier

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.


This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


Published by

Honeywell Press


ISBN-13: 978-1490972213

ISBN-10: 1490972218






Liv Honeywell

Coming, Ready or Not!

Imagine: A Collection of Stories from Silver Moon


Domitri Xavier

Poems published on the Bitten Press website


did you think you were being a good girl

when you were being such a bad girl?

no, don’t say a word


did you think I wouldn’t find out

that you were reading my journal

without my permission

say nothing


did you read something which hurt you?

pained you?

did any part of it speak of deceit to you?


of course not

do you think me like that?

that is the harshest cut of all

be silent and don’t pretend those tears


you know what will happen now, don’t you?

no, I will not punish you

I will not drag you over my knee

and thrash you until you beg me to stop

your trembling lip does not impress me


I shall withdraw from you

I shall leave you alone

time to think

on your wicked deception

yes weep


that is the cruellest thing I can do to you now


come back only when I tell you

you must beg my forgiveness

until your eyes tell me

you are truly sorry


say nothing




e heard the knock on the door of his study. This was her signal that she had complied with all his instructions, not a request to enter. She would come in when he said so and she would never dare to knock again.

He had asked her to dress immaculately, smartly; as if they were going to dinner. Her hair must be perfect, away from her face. Her make up flawless, perhaps to look a little tarty, but she would know how far to go and the penalties for going over the top. She would be wearing elegant, high heeled shoes.

He told her to come in, gently, softly; as if she were merely coming in for a coffee or cocktails. Immediately she stepped into the room; looking down with her hands behind her. She would never look at his face directly without his express permission.

“Come to me.”

She had no idea what to expect. Would he be soft and tender? Or would he sweep her off her feet by mauling her like an animal. She knew that her body was his and he could treat it in any way that pleased him.

He ran his fingers through her hair, gently folding it back and forth and her head moved with his every gesture. Then he thrust his fingers deep toward her skull and tugged at her hair, moving her head in all directions. She let out an involuntary squeal.

“This is no time for making such noises.”

The quiet scream stopped immediately. She was under his power, his presence; his dominance. There was never any doubt about it.

He put his hands over her eyes and closed them, turning her face downwards. With effortless ease, he bound her hands behind her by her wrists and elbows. He loved the way that this pushed her breasts forwards and outwards. He had no need to bind her but it pleased him; a bound woman was an aesthetic pleasure.

He put one hand over her mouth. The other roamed over every contour of her body; her pouting breasts, her waist, behind her neck. He moved to her pussy and felt that it was already wet. Then both hands wandered quickly and powerfully over her whole body. She let out a yelp of pleasure which he immediately silenced with his strong fingers. She was his to do with as he wished.

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