The Kari's Lessons Collection (6 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Zara,Lucinda Lane

BOOK: The Kari's Lessons Collection
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I crawled out of bed, put some
pillows where I had been laying and covered them back up with the blanket. My
imitation at a sleeping form looked believable, so I picked up my shoes and
opened the door to peek out. The hallway was quiet, but I could hear the TV on
in my parent's bedroom. The light flickered under the door, and I gave a small smile.
I would be out the front door and on my way before the show even ended.

I tiptoed down the hall, avoiding
the creaky floorboards with ease. I practically floated down the stairs, not
even making a whisper of a sound. I could see the front door. If I could get
through that, I would be home free.

My fingers brushed the cool metal
doorknob, when the main overhead light flashed to life. The room went from gray
evening light to warm yellow in a split second.

"Going somewhere?" The
disappointment was evident in Max's voice. My hand dropped to my side, and I
guiltily turned around.

"Um, yeah, I was going to go
meet Jenny." The words sounded lame in my head, especially since I had
just told him I was going to go to bed. Max stepped slowly down the stairs, pausing
at each one as he looked at his lying daughter.

"Not wearing that you
aren't," he said quietly as he reached the last step. He was wearing a
white cotton shirt and gym shorts and I couldn't help but check out his body. I
bit my lip as he kept his slow pace toward me. With every step he took, my
heart pounded harder. "Why is it that five minutes ago, you were tucked
into bed, but all of a sudden you've decided to go meet up with Jenny?"

I didn't know what to say, I just
looked down. When he got to me, he grabbed my purse without hesitation.

"Hey!" I cried out as
he opened it up and stuck his hand in. I couldn't believe it when he started
rifling through my belongings, as if my privacy meant nothing to him. I
shouldn't have been surprised, though. I knew that my privacy didn't mean
anything to him, actually. He already knew my ass cheeks and my pubic hair
intimately, what was looking through my purse to him?

He pulled out my mascara, then
took another look at my face. "Makeup to see Jenny?" he asked sarcastically.
I kept silent. He snickered when he found the lipstick, tossing it on the
ground. I remained quiet.

He froze. I knew what it was that
he found. He dropped my purse entirely, his hand on only one object. As it
clattered to the ground, coins clattering all over the phone, I had never been
more embarrassed.

He was holding a square, yellow

"I'm sure you'll need this
when you go see Jenny," he said.

"Max, I can explain..."
I started.

"Oh, so now it's back to
Max. I can see now that you haven't learned a thing from our lessons," he
said. "Do you know how I caught you on the way out?"

I had no idea, so I shook my
head. Max grabbed me by the hair and began to lead me up the stairs. I tried to
struggle away from him, but he walked up the stairs toward my room. As we
entered, he flipped on the light and let go of my hair.

I looked on the bed. It looked
nothing like a sleeping body in the light. "You're a terrible liar, Kari,
and you can't even make a proper body in a bed. I watched you sneak past my room.
Now you're going to start telling the truth."

I withered under his piercing
gaze. "Ok, Max."

"I'm sorry, what was
that?" he asked.

I knew what he wanted, and I
could already feel the want growing in the pit of my stomach. "Yes,

"Much better. Now, how many
guys have you let run through you?" Max asked.

My mouth dropped.

Max laughed.  "None. That's a joke. I've seen how you
act. Remember the video? You have no problem drinking, making out with others,
and jumping in a pool naked."

I shook my head. "I'm
serious, I'm a virgin." I couldn't believe I was telling this to my
stepfather, but there had to be some way to convince him. I walked over to my
closet, where the box of condoms was. I grabbed the box and handed it to him.

"Check it, it's a box of ten
and there should be nine left in it," I said.

"Oh, so you've already
worked your way through an entire box and are working at your second?" he
asked accusingly.

I groaned. "Max-"

He grabbed my hair again and
pulled. "Don't you 'Max' me," he said through gritted teeth.

"You're hurting me,
Daddy," I said. I just wanted this conversation to be over so I could go
to bed.

He let go of me, then looked at
me up and down. In my short black skirt and silver top, I knew I was a sight to
behold. I loved the way he was looking at me right now.

"You know that men wouldn't
be able to resist you in that outfit, don't you?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy," I

He licked his lips. He obviously
loved being called Daddy. "Then how am I supposed to believe that you're a
virgin when you're dressed like that?"

I bit my lip. "I dressed
this way because I didn't want to be a virgin anymore," I blurted out.

Max's eyes seemed to bug out a
little bit at that. He was still holding the condom in his hand. "And you
honestly think that the young punk that you were going to meet tonight was
going to use this?"

I looked back down. I hoped he
would. I wasn't on birth control.

Max grabbed my chin and made me
look up at him. His rough hands against my chin were enough to get my juices
flowing again.

"Take off your
clothes," he said, looking at me in the eyes. I almost smiled. If he
expected to shave me again, he'd find that I'd already taken care of myself. I
backed away from him, pulling the tight top off of my body. I quickly undid my
bra, my growing breasts falling free after being pushed up for the past few

I unzipped the side of the skirt
that didn't have the slit in it, and it fell right down. I pulled my shoes and
socks off, then stood there in the cute white panties I had picked out for the

"All of them," he said,
his voice commanding.

"I already shaved
myself," I said.

He seemed to laugh to himself,
then turned his gaze back to me, glowering. For a moment I saw a flash of
anger, then he said, "Either take them off, or I'll take them off."

I thought about him pulling them
off my body, slowly and sensually, and I did crack a smile. I crossed my arms
and cocked my hips. This would be a dream come true for me.

In a moment, he crossed the
distance between us. He placed his strong hand on my chest and another on my
back, practically lifting me off my feet as he threw me to my bed. In a moment,
I felt his strong hands move from around me down to my nether regions. I felt
him fumble around for a moment, then heard a sharp tearing sound as the
delicate fabric of my panties was rendered in two.

I gasped. Fear rushed through my
body. This was not as pleasant as I had hoped it would be. "Max, no!"
I cried.

"It's been too long since I
disciplined you, Kari. You've forgotten to respect me, your mother, this house.
Now, you've lied to me and told me that you're still a virgin." Max seemed
like he was seeing red.

I just wanted him to go back to
the gentle touches of the other day when he shaved me. My bare pussy was there
in front of him, the tatters of my panties completely cleared out of the way.
"Daddy, stop! I am a virgin!" I begged.

"We'll see about that,"
he said. His thumb went to my clit, touching me immediately. I moaned as
pleasure shot through my pussy, too intense for my young body to take.
"You moan like you're not a virgin," he said.

"Please, Daddy," I
begged. I didn't even know what I was begging for at this point.

He pulled his thumb away.
Suddenly, his pointer finger was rubbing at my entrance, spreading me open. It
felt a little uncomfortable, but my heart was pounding in my chest at just the
promise of sexual contact with Max.

He started going deeper and
deeper with his finger. "I have to make sure you've been a good girl,
Kari. Have you been a good girl?"

My hands went to my nipples and
touched them as he continued to spread me open. "Yes, Daddy."

"We'll see," he said as
he went deeper. Suddenly, he brushed up against something. I hissed in pain and
pulled away a little bit. He slowly pushed his finger in, placing his finger
against whatever had resisted him before. It hurt, and I looked up at him with
fear in my eyes.

"So you have been a good
girl," he said.

I nodded quickly, tears welling
in my eyes a little bit. I wanted him so badly, but this felt like nothing I
had ever experienced before.

"You're so wet, Kari,"
he said as he pulled his finger out of me. He brought it to his nose and
sniffed it. "You must really want to lose your virginity."

I bit my lip and nodded slowly.
His eyes looked my eighteen year old body up and down, hungrily eying the
willing girl in front of him. I was so nervous that I began to sweat a little

I watched him pull his shirt off,
the muscles underneath taut and strong. He pulled his pants off, his eyes
remaining on me the whole time. When he was completely naked, there was a long
moment of us looking at each other. He leaned forward and I closed my eyes...

"Relax, Kari, I'm not going
in yet," he said. He reached for my hair, pulling me up to a sitting
position as I whined. "You need to get me wet first," he said, his
cock right in my face. I opened up and he wasted no time sliding his cock down
my throat. I gagged immediately, pushing him back away from me.

"Is this what you wanted
those boys to do?" he asked, then pushed himself right back into my mouth.
I sucked as I tried to hold him back, his cock going deeper and deeper with
every thrust. I gagged on every thrust, finally pushing him back up.

"Oh, you're so pretty,"
he said. I could feel the tears in my eyes and I knew that my makeup was
running. He went over to my bureau and picked up my hand mirror. "You're
so fucking pretty. Bet you'd like a video of you acting like a whore now,"
he said.

I looked in the mirror. It was a
horror show. There were dark rings around my eyes where my mascara ran, along
with a trail that ran down both sides of my cheeks. My lipstick was smeared all
over my face already. I didn't have too much longer to look at myself as Max
snatched the mirror away from me and slammed his cock back in my mouth.

He pulled his cock out of my
mouth and it was dripping wet. He began to slap it against my face, stinging me
with every slap. "Is this what you wanted?" he asked. "Is this
how you wanted those boys to use your body?"

I had to admit that I was getting
turned on. When I didn't answer right away, he knew. "Yeah, you are a
little whore. Do you want Daddy to treat you like a whore?"

Again, I didn't answer. The fire
in the pit of my stomach burned even more fiercely than before. I just meekly
looked up at him.

"Do you?" he asked, the
fire in his eyes.

"Yes..." I said.

"Yes what?"

"Yes... Daddy," I
answer. "Yes, I want you to treat me like a whore, Daddy." This was
so degrading, but I'd do anything to get that cock in my pussy at this point.

He smiled. It was exactly what he
wanted to hear. He grabbed me by the back of the head and pushed his cock back
in. I sucked eagerly, wanting to get him as wet as possible. I tried to spit on
it extra, to take it deeper in my throat, but I ended up just spitting it back

That was apparently good enough
for Max. Without hesitation, he got on top of me, beginning to slide into him.
As if by reflex I tried to push him off me, but my pussy was so wet and I had
got his dick soaking. He slid in, not even hesitating at the resistance he had
felt earlier. I made a sound halfway between a scream and a gasp, unable to
believe how bad it hurt. I tried to push him off more, but he just kept going
deeper. I thought it would never end.

Finally, I felt him come to rest
inside of me. I opened my eyes to the sight of him looking down at me, his huge
frame covering my slender body.

"Are you okay?" he
asked. He didn't seem too concerned.

"Fuck, that hurt, Max,"
I said.

"I told you to watch your
mouth," he said, going even further inside of me. Again I gasped in pain,
but this time I also felt pleasure.

I was no longer a virgin
I realized. I gave a brief smile. Max must have taken this to mean that he was
good to go, and he slid out of me and back in. I began to moan with the
pleasure, and he began to move in and out of me faster.

"You are a little
whore," he said, and I looked down and watched his ass move, pumping
against me furiously. I reached down and grabbed his ass, trying to draw him
deeper within me. "You're tight, but you're a whore," he said.

"I'm your whore," I

"What was that?" he
said, pounding against me. A drop of his sweat fell from his forehead onto me.

"I'm your little whore,
Daddy," I said.

He pulled out of me and pulled me
up by my hair. My abdomen was sore from the assault that I had just suffered,
but he didn't seem to care. He shoved his cock in my face and I eagerly sucked
on it without hesitation. I could taste my own juices on it along with a hint
of copper. Still, I sucked eagerly on it.

"Yeah, show me what a whore
can do," he said. I took him as deep down my throat as I could. I could
taste a little of his cum leaking out, and I knew that was what I wanted. It
was the only thing that would sooth the fire burning in my belly.

He pulled out of my mouth,
positioning himself at my precipice again. "Wait!" I cried.
"Aren't you going to use that condom?"

He laughed. "The guy you
were going to meet wasn't going to use that condom. Whores don't use
condoms," he said, sliding back into me. I winced again at the pain, but
laid back and started to enjoy the pleasure. His muscular body was now covered
with a light sheen of sweat, and I'm sure mine was as well.

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