The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (137 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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83 “We were going …”: Aubrey H. Whitelaw to John F. Kennedy, June 26, 1958, JFKPP.
83 “far beyond his …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., May 4, 1934, HTF, p. 133.
83 “Joe came back …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, July 25, 1934, JFKPL.
83 “Joe, if you feel …”: interview, Rose Kennedy, RCP.
84 “At first his [Jack’s] attitude …”: Hamilton, p. 106.
84 “I’m afraid it …”: Seymour St. John, “JFK Fiftieth Reunion.”
84 “There is … little …”: St. John, “JFK Fiftieth Reunion.”
84 “I can’t tell you how …”: JPKP, HTF, p. 120.
84 “I thought I would …”: John F. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy, December 2, 1934, JFKPP.
85 “I would be lacking …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to John F. Kennedy, December 7, 1934, RCP.
85 “possibly contributed …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to George Steele, January 5, 1935, AAML.
85 “I have no memory …”: LL interview with Hugh Sidey.
86 One of Jack’s: LL interview with Larry Baker.
86 “Maury Shea, Maury Shea …”: Joan and Clay Blair Jr.,
The Search for JFK
(1976), p. 35.
86 “We damn near …”: interview, Ralph Horton, BP.
87 “They made fun of me”: LL interview with Larry Baker.
87 spoiled snob: St. John recollections, AAML.
87 “It is only one …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., May 4, 1934, HTF, p. 134.
87 a prayer for Jack: Lem Billings, KLOH.
87-88 “Well, you know, Jack …”: Mrs. George St. John to Rose Kennedy, February 6, 1934, AAML.
88 “If this had happened …”: ibid.
88 “The reason …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, June 27, 1934, JFKPL.
88 “God what a beating …”: ibid., June 22, 1934.
88 “You’ve never smelt …”: ibid., June 21, 1934.
89 “Yesterday I went through …”: ibid., June 27, 1934.
91 “Will you please …”: George St. John to Joseph P. Kennedy, February 11, 1935, AAML.
91 other faculty members: Sheldon Stern’s notes of his JFKPL interview with Harold Taylor.
91 “My God, my son”: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 488.
91 “We reduced Jack’s conceit”: Goddard Lieberson,
John F. Kennedy: As We Remember Him
(1965), p. 17.
92 “definitely in a …”: St. John, “JFK Fiftieth Reunion.”
92 “this silly episode …”: TR, p. 183.
92 did not receive: Choate records for John F. Kennedy, RWC.
92 “Jack has rather …”: John F. Kennedy, Princeton application, RWC.
93 “Finally, Pete Caesar came …”: Lem Billings, KLOH.

7. The Harvard Game

94 $125 a month: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., December 7, 1934, JPKP, HTF, p. 147.
94 He had his own valet: AWRJ, p. 31.
95 His picture was featured: ibid., p. 27.
95 He broke his arm: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to Joseph P. Kennedy, telegram, April 19, 1935, HTF, p. 153.
95 The police arrived: Searls, p. 93.
95 “the Life-saver”: ibid., p. 94.
95 “Get out of this room!”: AWRJ, p. 14.
96 “I always thought that”: LL interview with Robert Purdy.
96 “My impression …”: ibid.
96 he chaired the: AWRJ, p. 17.
97 Galbraith wanted to choose: John Kenneth Galbraith,
A Life in Our Times
(1981), p. 51.
97 He thanked her: interview, Mrs. Josephine Fulton, NHP.
98 When he went: AWRJ, p. 51.
98 “You didn’t go …”: undated 1963 clipping by Gene School and Mina Wetzig, HUA.
98 “I have had a very …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, September 29, 1935, JFKPP.
99 “Today was most embarrassing …”: ibid., October 1935.
99 “a very good looking …”: ibid., n.d.
99 “turning yellow …”: Hamilton, p. 144.
99 Once again it was suspected: JPKP, HTF, p. 166.
100 “the most harrowing …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, January 3, 1936, JFKPP.
100 “I don’t know …”: ibid., January 1936.
100 “I’m writing Rip …”: ibid., January 18, 1936.
100 “It seems to me …”: ibid., January 1936.
100 “The next time …”: ibid., January 3, 1936.
100 “I think he was making …”: LL interview with James Rousmanière.
101 “getting rather fed up …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, January 27, 1936, JFKPP.
101 “Eat drink and make …”: ibid.
101 gave his father’s: John F. Kennedy, Harvard application, May 8, 1935, NHP.
101 “I ended up …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, May 9, 1936, JFKPL.
102 “Dr. Wild, I want …”: Payson S. Wild, KLOH.
102 even sleeping: LL interview with Robert Purdy.
102 “Four of us had dates …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, October 16, 1936, JFKPP.
102 “I am now known …”: ibid.
103 “I swear I don’t think …”: interview, Ralph Horton Jr. BP.
103 “I was very young”: Searls, p. 99.
103 “Gertrude Niesen was …”: James Rousmanière, CUOH.
104 “I guess he [Macdonald] …”: LL interview with James Rousmanière.
104 “It was obvious …”: ibid.
105 “attached ear …”:
Harvard Crimson,
March 24, 1939, KUA.
105 “One did not cultivate …”: Galbraith, p. 53.
105 “Jack devoted himself …”: interview, John Kenneth Galbraith.
105 “Did you see …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, February 13, 1936, JFKPP.
106 “Jack, if you want …”: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 505.
106 “Mind your own …”: ibid.
106 “I suppose I knew …”: AWRJ, p. 3.
108 donated $62,500: Thornwell Jacobs, president of Oglethorpe University, to Bernard Baruch, January 15, 1937, KP.
108 “I never heard …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Bernard Baruch, n.d., KP.
108 Two years later: Jay Pierrepoint Moffat,
The Moffat Papers: Selections from the Diplomatic Journals of Jay Pierrepoint Moffat,
1919-1943 (1956), p. 156, KP.
108 “The old man hired …”: interview, Charles Houghton Jr., BP.
109 Joe was no more disloyal: Frank R. Kent, “The Great Game of Politics,” 1937, KP.
109 “a shining star …”:
Boston Sunday Post,
August 16, 1936, and Joseph P. Kennedy to Father Charles Coughlin, August 18, 1936, HTF, p. 187.
109 “dissension and division …”: Whalen, p. 183.
109 Weisl recalled: LL interview with Edwin Weisl Jr.
110 “You should think …”: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 480.
110 “He wanted to know …”: Searls, p. 102.
111 To add a modicum: ibid., p. 105.

8. Mr. Ambassador

112 “That neat little scheme …”: Frank Kent to Joe Kennedy, April 18, 1938, Maryland Historical Society, Frank R. Kent papers, KP.
113 “thereby breaking …”: Joseph P. Kennedy diary, March 8, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 239.
113 “An unemployed man …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Frank Kent, March 21, 1938, KP.
113 “I think it is not …”: David E Koskoff,
Joseph P. Kennedy: A Life and Times
(1974), p. 127.
113 “I have shown …”: Cordell Hull to Joseph P. Kennedy, March 13, 1938, KP.
114 “difficult to let …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Bernard Baruch, March 21, 1938, KP.
114 “parts of it fell …”: Joseph P. Kennedy diary, March 18, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 245.
114 “but rather the loud …”:
Boston Globe,
July 17, 1949.
114 “complete poppycock”: ibid
114 “his hope of …”: quoted in Carey McWilliams
A Mask for Privilege,
(1948), pp. 20-21.
115 In 1922, President: ibid, p. 38.
115 “Well, they brought …”: interview, Harvey Klemmer.
115 “been to no …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Frank Kent, March 21, 1938, KP.
116 “come to some form of”: Beschloss,
Kennedy and Roosevelt
p. 172.
116 “write a story …”: LL interview with Walter Trohan.
116 “the chilling shadow …”:
Chicago Tribune,
June 23, 1938.
117 “It was a true …”: JPKP, HTF, p. 266.
117 For all Joe’s: LL interview with Walter Trohan; KR, pp. 171-72; and Joseph P. Kennedy, unpublished diplomatic memoir, JPKP, HTF, p. 266.
118 Teddy took umbrage: interview, Edward Kennedy, RCP.
118 “Any problems …”: LL interview with Luella Hennessey Donovan.
118 “His name was connected …”: LL interview with Harvey Klemmer.
118 “Rose, this is a …”: TR, p. 221.
119 “sticking up and retrieved it”: Joseph P. Kennedy diary, April 9, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 250.
119 “for the life …”: KR, p. 174.
120 “‘slippery’ …”: John Martin Blum,
From the Morgenthau Diaries,
vol. 1 (1959), p. 518.
120 “trying to keep up …”: KR, p. 178.
120 “I don’t have …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Cordell Hull, September 10, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 274. 120 strongest in the world: Joseph P. Kennedy to Cordell Hull, September 22, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 281. 120 “not lose our heads”: KR, p. 175.
120 “I know what difficult days …”: Franklin Roosevelt to Joseph P. Kennedy, August 25, 1938, RL.
121 “Everyone unutterably shocked …”: TR, p. 238.
121 “I’m feeling very blue …”: KR, p. 176.
121 “I hope this doesn’t mean …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Cordell Hull, September 28, 1938, JPKP, HTF, p. 288.
121 “Isn’t it wonderful?”: KR, p. 177.
121 “after all…”: Koskoff, p. 159.
122 “hardly prepared”: ibid. p. 178.
122 “The Navy Day …”: John F. Kennedy to parents, n.d. (1938), JFKPP.
122 “he would be a …”: KR, p. 182.
122 “I have never made …”: ibid., p. 183.
123 “Germany is still bustling”: Searls, p. 123.
124 “Luella, I need a Band-Aid”: LL interview with Luella Hennessey Donovan.
124 “Eddie Moore came in …”: interview, Edward Kennedy, RCP.
124 “Joe Jr. used to tease …”: LL interview with Luella Hennessey Donovan.
125 Among them were a: William Koren Katz and Marc Crawford,
The Lincoln Brigade: A Picture History
(1989), p. xi.
125 At Harvard, Joe Jr. wrote: Searls, pp. 108-9.
125 “The last few weeks …”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., unpublished memoir, JFKPL.
126 “It made me sick”:
Atlantic Monthly,
October 1939.
126 Stray dogs and cats: George Hill,
The Battle for Madrid
(1976), p. 174.
127 “We were touched …”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to Joseph P. Kennedy, JPKP, HTF, p. 323.
128 “amateur and temporary …”: ibid., p. 301.
128 “the natural Jewish reaction”: Robert F. Kennedy, “Answer to Lippmann Editorial About Dad, November 14th,” RFK papers, JFKPL.
129 Young Bobby already understood: “Notes on Master Robert Kennedy’s Cornerstone Ceremony,” April 1, 1939, RFK papers, JFKPL, and
New York Herald,
April 1, 1939.
129 “Why?”: interview, Rose Kennedy, RCP.
129 “there is only one …”: unpublished memoir, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., “Germany,” RFK papers, JFKPL.
130 “I had always thought …”: ibid.
130 “Don’t get …”: Gerald Walker and Donald A. Allan, “Jack Kennedy at Harvard,”
May 1961, and Hamilton, p. 241.
130 “rather unpleasant contact …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, NHP.
131 Jack left a faucet: interview, Charles Houghton, BP.
131 “Well, we went to …”: Lem Billings, KLOH.
132 “Story of father …”: John F. Kennedy, diary entry, July 25, [1937], JFKPP.
132 “In the afternoon …”: ibid., July 26, [1937].
132 “Fascism is the thing …”: quoted in SJFK, p. 53.
133 “Jack didn’t discuss …”: interview, James Rousmanière.
133 “went to court …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, March 23, 1939, JFKPL.
134 “terrific diamond …”: ibid, April 28, 1939.

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