The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (139 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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177 “may call for us …”: ibid.
178 “all around us…”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, February 12, 1942, JFKPL.
178 “Washington is begginning
John F. Kennedy to Rip Horton, n.d., NHP.
178 talked to the Church: FBI memo, February 17, 1942, FBIFOI.
179 “go to bed with him”: FBI ARV translation, February 24, 1942, FBIFOI.
179 “If I were but…”: Inga Arvad to John F. Kennedy, March 11, 1942, JFKPP.
179 “If you feel anything …”: ibid.
180 “For God’s sake!”: Hamilton, p. 488.
180 “could be of real…”: Franklin Roosevelt to Joseph P. Kennedy, March 7, 1942, RL.
180 He also had: James Landis to Joseph P. Kennedy, March 10, 1942, Landers Papers, LC.
180 “just be a hindrance…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Franklin Roosevelt, March 12, 1942, RL.
180 “unknown reliability”: J. Edgar Hoover to Edwin M. Watson, April 20, 1942, FBIFOI.
181 “In the moving picture …”: Joseph P. Kennedy, special service contact, Boston field office, October 11, 1945, FBIFOI.
181 “When I saw Mr. Roosevelt…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Lord Beaverbrook, August 12, 1942, Beaverbrook papers, KP.
181 “He has become disgusted…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., June 20, 1942, JFKPL.
181 “limping monkey …”: ARV summary, July 24, 1942, FBIFOI.
182 an eighty-foot armed vessel: Dick Keresey, “Farthest Forward,”
American Heritage,
July-August 1998.
183 “I swear to God …”: Torbert Macdonald to John F. Kennedy, June 20, 1942, JFKPP.
183 “going into the Quartermaster Corps”: Hamilton, p. 512.
183 “It was wintertime …”: LL interview with Holton Wood.

11. A Brothers’ War

185 told a new friend: interview, James Reed, BP.
185 his favorite book: interview, John F. Kennedy, JMBP.
185 “For the chosen few …”: John Buchan,
Pilgrim’s Way: An Essay in Recollection
(1940), p. 50.
186 “We made fun …”: Ted Guthrie to John F. Kennedy, October 3, 1961, David Powers papers, JFKPL.
186 “I was only…”: ibid.
186 “He suddenly threw …”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, May 6, 1943, JFKPP.
186 “lackadaisical way …”: John F. Kennedy to “Dear Dad & Mother,” May 14, 1943, JFKPP.
187 Jack willed himself: interview, John lies, BP.
187 refusing to sign in: interview, Catherine Holway Kelley, BP.
187 That spring weekend Chuck Spalding: LL interview with Chuck Spalding.
187 “he will want to be back…”: John F. Kennedy to “Dear Dad and Mother,” May 14, 1943, JFKPL.
187 earning himself the nickname: interview, Charles Albert Harris, BP.
187 On the night of August 1, 1943: This account of the sinking of PT-109 is based primarily on interviews with the survivors conducted by Joan and Clay Blair Jr., BP; see also John Hersey, “Survival,”
New Yorker,
June 17, 1944.
188 looked like a fishing bobber: interview, George Ross, BP.
190 He stopped swimming: Hersey, “Survival.”
PT-109: John F. Kennedy in World War II (1961),
p. 179.
190 suffering from fatigue: Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Medical Records, August 9, 1943, JFKPL.
191 “I can say in all honesty …”: LL interview with Bryant Larson.
191 “There is no doubt…”: Deputy Commander, South Pacific Force, to Vice Admiral R. S. Edwards, “Subject: Lieutenant (j.g.) Jack Kennedy, Commanding Officer, PT-109,” January 11, 1944, DPP.
191 “Our reaction …”: interview, George Ross, BP.
191 “He was furious!”: interview, John lies, BP.
191 “Americans can never …”: John F. Kennedy to Inga Arvad, draft letter, RWC. Kennedy edited this phrase in his own hand and dropped it from the final letter.
192 “I received a letter …”: John F. Kennedy to Inga Arvad, September 26, 1943, NHP.
192 “A number of my illusions…”: ibid., n.d., NHP.
192 “Munda or any …”: ibid.
193 “He never really…”: John F. Kennedy to “Dear Mother and Dad,” received September 12, 1943, JFKPL.
193 “I used to have …”: John F. Kennedy to Inga Arvad, n.d., NHP.
193 “You said that…”: ibid, and RWC.
194 “Previous to that…” John F. Kennedy to “Dear Mother and Dad,” received September 12, 1943, JFKPL.
194 “When I read …”: ibid.
195 “pride in …”: quoted in Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 647.
195 “Jack, you know…”: Rose Kennedy to the family, October 9, 1942, JFKPL.
195 “When I returned home …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., August 31, 1943, JFKPP.
196 “With the great quantity…”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Dear Family,” August 29, 1943. JFKPP.
196 sinking a ship and a half a day: information available at: documents/usaaf.
196 “In their long brotherly …”: TR, p. 285.
196 almost started to cry: Doris Kearns Goodwin p. 623.
197 Joe Jr. snuck him onto: Searls, p. 196.
197 He talked about: LL interview with Mark Soden.
197 “He had a special…”: ibid.
197 “Joe was what…”: LL interview with Robert Duffy.
198 “They really don’t…”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Dear Family,” August 29, 1943, JFKPP.
198 “In my talks…”: John Daly made these comments in his original statements for
As We Remember Joe,
the memorial tribute edited by John F. Kennedy. They were edited out of the final document. JFK personal correspondence, 1933-50, JFKPP.
198 five trips cross-country: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Dear Family,” August 29, 1943, JFKPP.
198 Judge John Burns stood: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 663.
199 “To Ambassador …”: Searls, pp. 202-3.
199 seven schools: RKHT, p. 42.
199 arrived in a checked coat: LL interview with David Hackett; and David Hackett, KLOH.
199 Bobby invited friends: LL interview with Sam Adams.
200 “I played …”: quoted in RKHT, p. 46.
200 “the opportunity to meet…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Robert Kennedy, October 14, 1942, JPKP, HTF, pp. 549-50.
201 “if this
friend of
mine …”: Robert F. Kennedy to David Hackett, April 3, 1944, ASP.
201 “He would turn away …”: LL interview with Sam Adams.
201 “This boy will…”: “Norton Says,” newspaper clipping, September 10, 1943, KP.
201 Sam had a splendidly: LL interview with Sam Adams.
201 Bobby’s sister Jean felt: interview, Jean Kennedy Smith, ASP.
201 “Of course they were …”: Robert F. Kennedy to Dave Hackett, January 1945, ASP.
202 “I was paddled fifteen …”: interview, Edward Kennedy, RCP.
202 One night at Fessenden: LL interview with Dan Burns.
202 “Your youngest brother…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Kathleen Kennedy, January 17, 1944, JFKPL.
202 “I succeed in dispersing …”: Searls, p. 204.
204 “During the winter months …”: Squadron diary, JFKPL.
206 “the wind …”: Searls, pp. 221-22.
206 “My love life is still…”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Mother and Dad,” January 31, 1944, JFKPL.
206 “Several people have …”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Mother and Dad,” February 19, 1944, JFKPL.
206 “What you gonna …”: LL interview with Robert Duffy.
206 he confided: LL interview with Lynn McTaggart; and Lynne McTaggart,
Kathleen Kennedy: Her Life and Times
(1983), p. 146.
207 “I’ll still take …”:
New York Sun,
dispatch dated May 1, 1944.
208 “I wonder if the next…”: quoted in Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 676.
208 “entitled to the …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., February 21, 1944, JFKPL.
208 “let all the rest…”: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 676.
209 “Never did anyone …”: AWRJ, p. 54.
…”: quoted in Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 677.
209 “I have finished …”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. to “Dear Mother and Dad,” May 8, 1944, JFKPL.
210 On his last mission: Searls, p. 237.
210 “He seems to be …”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., July 19, 1944, JFKPL.
210 “I think at this point…”: Robert F. Kennedy to Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., n.d., ASP.
211 “pride—his sense of…”: miscellaneous JFK correspondence, n.d., JFKPL.
212 “the whole squadron …”: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr, to John F. Kennedy, August 12, 1944, JFKPL.
213 Timilty thought: interview, Joseph Timilty, BP.
213 “He … is obviously…”: “Special Examination and Treatment Request,” August 4, 1944, U.S. Navy Medical Records, JFKPL.
214 As Jack lay: interviews, Leonard and Kate Thorn, BP.
214 On the evening before: Jack Olsen,
Aphrodite: Desperate Mission
(1970), p. 223.
214 Late that afternoon: Searls, pp. 265-66.

12. A New Generation Offers a Leader

219 “Children, your brother …”: AWRJ, p. 207.
220 When Joe called: LL interview with Mary Lou McCarthy.
220 “Joe’s death has…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to James Forrestal, September 5, 1944, Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University.
220 “It came at a time …”: interview, John F. Kennedy, JMBP.
220 “enjoyed great health”: AWRJ, p. 5.
221 “You are the …”: Mike Grace to John F. Kennedy, n.d., JFKPL.
221 “the best ones…”: Mrs. John S. Pillsbury to John F. Kennedy, August 16, 1944, JFKPL.
221 “a completeness to …”: AWRJ, p. 5.
221 “There must be …”: Harriet Price to John F. Kennedy, n.d., JFKPL.
221 “You will have some…”: Barbara Ellen Spencer to John F. Kennedy, August 15, 1944, JFKPL.
221 “natural cynicism”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Lord Beaverbrook, October 23, 1944, NHP.
222 “Who’d you ever …”: interview, Joe Kane, KP.
222 “the Hopkins…”: diary notes on the 1944 political campaign, HTF, p. 608
222 “felt that Roosevelt”: HTF, p. 608.
222 “The people one …”: Kathleen Kennedy to “Dearest Family,” September 15, 1946, RFK papers, JFKPL.
223 “Colitis chronic”: JFK medical record, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, U.S. Navy Department, December 15, 1944, JFKPL.
223 “Sometime in the …”: John F. Kennedy to Red Fay, November 21, 1944, PFP.
223 “yellow as saffron …”: interview, J. Patrick Lannan, BP.
223 “It just seems …”: Kathleen Kennedy to John F. Kennedy, October 31, 1944, JFKPL.
223 patterned in part: interview, John F. Kennedy, JMBP.
223 “I am returning…”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, February 20, 1945, JFKPL.
224 “Oh, you mean …”: interview, J. Patrick Lannan, BP.
224 “Frankly, don’t think…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Red Fay, March 26, 1945, PFP.
224 “Everyone evidently …”: Robert Kennedy to John F. Kennedy, envelope dated January 1, 1945, JFKPL.
224 “Anyways their…”: John F. Kennedy to Lem Billings, February 20, 1945, JFKPL.
224-25 “I took a piece …”: ibid.
225 “he had it…”: interview, Chuck Spalding, BP.
226 “Kennedy will not…”: Arthur Krock, KLOH.
226 “an international…”:
New York Journal-American,
May 2, 1945, BP.
226 “throwing curves”: ibid., May 14, 1945.
226 “juggled the ball”: ibid., May 16, 1945.
226-27 “Americans can now …”: ibid., May 4, 1945.
227 “the product of…”: ibid., May 20, 1945.
227 “Our preoccupation …”: ibid.
227 tired of nothing: Hearst Newspapers, July 27, 1945.
228 They played with: interview, J. Patrick Lannan, BP.
228 “He really didn’t…”: interview, Pat Stammers, BP.
228 “All the centers …”: Deirdre Henderson, ed.,
Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy
(1995), p. 43.
228 “raping and looting”: ibid., p. 45. 228 “easily won the”: ibid., p. 15

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