The Last American Cowboy (2 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: The Last American Cowboy
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Chapter Three


That wasn’t the question I’d intended to ask, but it had somehow slipped out. Holy shit, if this continued, next I’d be asking him would he like to get horizontal with me.

He took off his hat and brushed his hair back off his face. He obviously didn’t wear the hat all the time, because the sun had bleached some strands, giving him a basic, all-American-guy look.

Perfect for the article….
Perfect for me.

“Nope. I’ve never been married…much to my father’s disgust, and hence not producing any grandkids for him to spoil.”

He gave me a grin that literally made the juices weep from my pussy. Geez, I was getting hot, sticky, and, in fact, downright uncomfortable down there.

I took a deep breath, ready to get my next question out, when he jumped in.

“And in case you’re interested…I mean for the article, I don’t have a girlfriend either.”

That was the biggest shock. I couldn’t believe women weren’t lining up at the gates of the ranch to date him and maybe cook apple pies for him, hoping to become Mrs. Blake Whelan. He brushed his hair back and put his cowboy hat back on. Could a guy get any sexier? Not only was my pussy pulsating, but now my nipples were on alert, too.

The first drop of rain hit my cheek as a boom of thunder sounded over the mountain range.
At least something will cool me down.

“Maybe we should think about heading back for cover, because storms can move in pretty quick in these parts,” said Blake.

I hadn’t realized we’d walked so far away from the stables and sheds until I turned around. I’d obviously walked this far in a trance, thinking not about the article but him and what it would be like to have a cowboy between my legs.

Thank God I’d had the good sense to pack my vibrator because, when I got back to the hotel, I was going to need it and a
cold shower

We hadn’t walked fast enough, because the rain picked up intensity before we got back to safety. In fact, it was falling so hard and fast that it stung the skin on my arms.

“Let’s make a run for it,” he said.

He grabbed my hand, and we took off running toward the nearest building. We weren’t quite quick enough because, by the time Blake pulled me inside, we were both dripping wet. A stream of water ran from my hair and down my cheek, and I knew without looking in a mirror that my face was streaked with mascara.

“Did your camera get wet?” he asked.

“Just a little. I stuck it under my sweatshirt, so I think that helped.” I looked around the place. It looked like a part-office, part-storage area. There was a desk, chair, computer, couch, and boxes everywhere.

“My business nook,” he said, catching me give it the once-over. I nodded, squeezing my hair to free it of the water dripping down my neck and back. “Let’s get you out of those clothes.”

A clap of thunder sounded as he’d said that, so I was wondering if I’d heard correctly.

“I mean, you don’t want to stand there in sopping wet clothing, right?”

“No, no, I don’t.”

“There’s a bathroom through there and some towels if you want to dry yourself off.”

“That would be great.”

A streak of lightning flashed across the room as I put the camera down on the desk and headed back to the bathroom. I switched on the light and heard a crack of thunder directly overhead. Some white towels hung on a bar over the sink. Not bath-sized, but they’d do the job.

I took off my sweatshirt and set it over the sink. Next, I unclasped my bra, slipped it down my arms, and hung it on the bar. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down my legs, and they were so wet that my panties clung to them. I squeezed both pieces of clothing over the sink and hung them on the taps.

After grabbing a towel, I rubbed it over my body. The roughness of material felt amazingly good as it glided over my breasts but, then again, my body was already in a heightened state after meeting Blake.

I shut my eyes, just thinking about me being naked and him being only a few feet away behind the closed door of the bathroom. My pussy was still wet and not from the rain. I ran my index finger over my clit and down my folds and wiped my entrance. Yep, I was on fire. If I wanted to get that cowboy out there between my legs—and, oh yes, I did—maybe I’d have to show him I was interested. I wrapped the towel around me. It covered me but, because of its small size, it barely covered my ass. Perfect for showing him just what I had to offer.

I walked out of the bathroom, hearing the rain beat down on the building’s metal roof. What I saw took me by surprise. Blake had also taken off his clothes, and here he sat on an office chair with just a towel secured around his waist.

If I wasn’t convinced before that I wanted this cowboy to fuck me, once I saw his hair slicked back, the stubble on his chin, the mat of hair on his chest, and his six-pack abs, I knew I wouldn’t leave here happy until we’d done the deed.

He lifted up a beer bottle. “Can I get you one while we wait out this storm?”

“Sure, sounds perfect.”

“Sorry I can’t offer you anything but beer, but that’s all I keep in here.”

“Fine with me.”

He reached behind him, opened a mini-bar door, and pulled out a beer bottle. I walked over to the desk and leaned against it as he twisted off the top and handed it to me.

Blake glanced down at my bare legs as I took my first swig. I’m not usually a beer drinker but one, I was thirsty, and two, I thought if I drank enough of this stuff, it would give me the courage to seduce him.

It was my turn to take a sly look this time. The bulge under the towel looked very promising. Either he had a good-size dick, or he was already slightly aroused. Either way, it was good news.

“Feel better without your clothes on?” he asked.

Did that have a double meaning? “Much,” I said before taking another swig.

“Sorry about spending your time in this place drinking beer.”

“It’s not so bad, and I’m sure we could put the time to good use.”

His hand went to my knee and caressed it. His fingers were calloused and rough, but it made the feeling even more thrilling. He walked them up my leg. I closed my eyes and perched myself on the desk as he used the wheels on the chair to creep closer to me. His hand rested on my thigh as he looked up at me.

“Maybe you could continue with your interview while we’re here.” He squeezed my thigh this time.

“Sure, where did we leave off?”

“I told you I didn’t have a girlfriend.”

“That’s right.”

“You want to know about my sex life?” he said.

“Yeah. When’s the last time you had a good fuck?”
Wow, did I really ask him that?

His hand inched farther up my thigh, now almost touching my mound. He pulled on a few strands of my pubic hair. “I had sex six weeks ago with a woman I went to high school with, but it wasn’t very good. So the last great fuck… Well, it’s been so long I can’t remember. How about you?”

“I thought the interview was about you.”

I wanted to slide my legs open and let him explore, but taking it slow like this was so much more exciting.

“It is, but I’d like to know more about you, too.”

“Last great one was three years ago.”

“Then I’d say we’re both in need and due one.” His index finger slid into my curls. “I thought all city girls got waxed down here.” He ran his fingers through my hair.

“Not me. Okay, here’s a question for you. You ever touch a city girl’s pussy?”

“Nope, but I think I’m about to.” We didn’t take our eyes off one another as he ran his finger over my clit and across my slit. “You always this wet and hot down here?”

“Nope, must be because I’m near a cowboy.”

“I think you might need a little cooling down.” With his other hand, he reached up, pulled the towel off my body, and threw it on the floor.

“Like what you see?” I was brazen and leaned back on my elbows, so my breasts pushed out and hopefully looked bigger. That was assuming he liked large boobs.

“Oh, yeah, pretty dark pink nipples.”

He stood up, put his hands over my breasts, and squeezed as he kissed me. The roughness of his skin on mine sent my pussy into a frenzy. It pulsed and ached now.

Blake pushed me flat on the desk and let his mouth make a trail from my lips, down past my windpipe, and into the hollow between my breasts. He took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked while flicking the other. He pulled it, almost to the point where it hurt, but then soothed it by rubbing my tit until it turned into a hard, little stone.

His mouth left my breast and traveled down my belly. He flicked his tongue into its button then put his hands on my knees and pushed my legs apart. “Let’s see if you girls from the city look the same as the country ones.” For several minutes, he didn’t take his eyes off the spot between my legs.

“So what do you think?” I asked.

“Certainly better than a country girl’s. I don’t think I’ve seen a woman with such thick pubic hair that looks and feels like black velvet.” He ran his hand over it before sitting back down and wheeling the chair closer to me. I leaned back on my arms again, hoping I could see by the look on his face what he was thinking right that minute. I just hoped he was considering having sex.

He ran his finger down the middle of my folds, grazing my clit and slit and ending with a playful tap on my anus. Next, he spread my nether lips, and I felt cool air pass over my entrance.

“I read that you can tell how easily a woman climaxes by the size of her clit.”

“First I’ve heard of it,” I said.

He rubbed it, sending shivers—the very good kind—down my legs.

“If it’s true then I’m guessing, by the size of yours, I wouldn’t need to do much work on you down here.” This time he gave it a playful pinch between his thumb and forefinger. It hurt but then suddenly felt so very, very good.

“One way to find out,” I said. It was my turn to give him a playful grin.

I barely had a chance to catch my breath before his finger slid into me. My pussy clenched as he began sliding it back and forth. Within seconds, his middle finger had joined it. He plunged them deep inside then pulled them out almost to the point where they exited my body, only to plunge them back into me but deeper and harder on each movement.

Sensations were building down there already. I flopped back on the desk and pushed my feet down hard on its surface, squeezing my ass cheeks together to enjoy the ride he was taking me on.

I wiggled as he drove hard into me. I usually got some warning when I was about to climax, like a pulling in my belly, but this one took me by surprise.

“Shit, that was great,” I said, shaking from head to toe.

“Yeah, I’d say that article is dead accurate,” said Blake.

I sat up and looked at him through my parted legs. He was now standing over me. I pushed my leg under his towel and placed my foot on his cock. It was rock hard up on his belly and, oh my, were all cowboys this well endowed?

I gave it a playful push with my big toe.

“Hey, hey, I just realized I don’t have any condoms in this damn place.” He pushed me down and kissed me. “So don’t you dare get me worked up because, yeah, we could fuck, and I could pull out of you before the deed was over, but that felt like one hot, tight little pussy, and I don’t think I could do it. The last thing I want to do is get you pregnant.”

I slid my middle finger down the side of his face. “Nope, I wouldn’t want that to happen either.”

“Now, how about us getting one of the famous steaks at your hotel? Room service, of course. I’ll bring the condoms, and we can pick up where we left off.”







Chapter Four


Was I dreaming or what? I know I sped on my way back to the hotel. When I got there, I rushed to my room, almost knocking over the maid’s cart that sat outside the room next to mine. I swiped the entry pad with my card and swore when it wouldn’t open the first time. I was on edge, sexed up, and knew what would bring me instant relief.

The door opened, and I rushed inside, slamming it behind me. I literally ran over to my suitcase and pulled out the zippered bag containing my vibrator. I pulled the drapes, took off my jeans and panties, which were still damp, and sat on the bed.

I prayed I’d charged the batteries up enough before I’d left my house the day before. I pressed the
switch. Yep, it was humming nicely. I switched it off again.

This was all Blake’s fault, getting me all worked up like he had. I scooted myself up the bed, rested my back on the pillows, and spread my legs.

I was still wet from him giving me that great orgasm…. Yes, the ride in the car from his ranch to the hotel had been uncomfortable. I wouldn’t need to do much prepping to get myself ready for playtime today. The vibrator felt ice cold compared to my hot pussy as I gently slid it inside. My muscles clenched around it as I hit the
button with my thumb.

All the time it was going to work on me, I visualized what it would be like when Blake was between my legs, pounding into my pussy. Shit, I couldn’t wait. I turned the vibrator up a notch and pushed my butt up in the air, which brought about a fantastic climax. My vibrator was great, but I sensed Blake Whelan would do even more for me.

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