The Last American Cowboy (3 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: The Last American Cowboy
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The steaks arrived but no cowboy. I lifted the silver dome, my mouth watering when I saw the huge slab of meat, a baked potato, and a tossed salad sitting on the tray. I wondered if Blake had changed his mind about tonight. If that was the case, I’d be eating two steaks and spending the night with my vibrator. There was a knock on the door just as I put the lid back over the plate.

When I peered through the peephole, there stood Blake, cowboy hat on his head and a bunch of flowers…daisies, sunflowers—you name it—in his hand. I opened the door.

“These are for you, Ms. Spencer,” he said.

“Wow, I didn’t expect flowers.” I took them from him and invited him inside.

“A cowboy never fucks a lady without giving her a gift first.”

“Is that something I should include in the article?”

“Hell, no, that would spoil it for other guys.”

I laughed and smelled the flowers before setting them down on the table. Blake took a box of condoms out of his pocket and threw them onto the bed.

“We’re all set this time,” he said. He took off his jacket and placed it on the chair by the window. I walked over to him, grabbed the front of his shirt, pulled him close, and kissed him. “I’m all ready, but our steak dinners are getting cold.”

“Okay, lady, let’s get me filled with some protein, and I’ll give you a night you won’t ever forget.”







Chapter Five


The sexual tension between us was like a thunderstorm brewing in the hotel room. We played footsie under the table as we ate. As we finished off the steaks, I lifted the hem of his jeans with my toes.

“They say you shouldn’t fuck on a full stomach,” he said.

“I thought that was swimming.”

He grinned across the table at me before leaning back and rubbing his belly. “So what do you think of Montana steaks?”

“They’re as delicious as the cowboys.”

“Hey, you know what they say about flattery?”

“Gets you nowhere?”

“With me, it gets you a hell of a lot.”

He stood and offered me his hand. I placed mine in it and stood. He pulled me in close, allowing my tummy to bump into his already rock-hard cock. Blake kissed me as he lifted up my dress, put his hands underneath it, and placed them on my ass cheeks. He gave each one a playful pinch.

“Tight little ass…nice little ass,” he whispered in my ear.

“Pilates,” I whispered back.

“My, aren’t we posh. You city girls should try riding horses or, better yet, cowboys.”

“So that really tightens your butt?”

“And other things. I bet not even Pilates can tone that muscle.” He tugged at my panties, sliding them down over my ass until they fell past my knees and onto the floor by my ankles.

I unbuttoned his blue cowboy shirt and kissed his chest. The hairs tickled my nose, and I got the scent of soap and aftershave—maybe cologne. Woodsy, spicy, all man, all cowboy. Next, I pulled his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms and tossed it across the room.

He was even more delicious tonight. I couldn’t resist him as my dessert and ran my tongue up the center of his belly, its hair abrasive against my tongue. I was in charge now. He’d given me one hell of an orgasm earlier that day, so he deserved the same from me.

I pushed him backwards by pressing my hands on his chest. I stepped out of my panties as I backed him up against the wall. I hadn’t realized I’d been so aggressive until I heard his back hit the plaster with a thud.

“A lady who knows what she wants. I like that.”

I loosened the leather belt on his jeans and popped open the button. Parting both sides of the pants, I kneeled and tugged them down his legs. I looked up, noting immediately the lovely-sized bulge in his boxer shorts. I reached up and pulled them down, having a tough time getting the material over his dick. He helped me out, and soon his shorts sat atop the jeans around his ankles.

, was all that came to mind when I looked up at the view. Were all cowboys built like this? I ran my hands up his legs, feeling hair and muscle beneath my palms.

His cock sat up proudly on his belly. Shit. Was my pussy big enough to accommodate it? Guess we’d soon find out. His pubic hair was a shade darker than that on his head, and there was lots of it, too. His balls were pretty spectacular as well. They hung on his thighs and looked like they were just waiting to be touched. I brushed them with my fingertips and couldn’t wait any longer. I ran my hand up his cock, hearing him draw in his breath. Were my hands cold, or was my touch that erotic?

I took his dick into my mouth and licked the top like it was ice cream that was partially melting and dripping down the side of the cone. Blake’s hands moved through my hair as I sucked and licked the entire length then gave an extra hard one to its head.

He obviously liked that because his fingers dug into my scalp. I took him deeper inside my mouth as he started to thrust gently toward the back of my throat and moaned. I reached up, pushed my hands between the wall and his butt, and squeezed his ass. Firm and muscled like his legs. I wondered if he’d gotten into this great shape by riding horses or women.

“Where did you learn to do this? Shit, you’re driving me crazy.”

His voice was husky now, his hips thrusting harder, his feet getting fidgety. He was on the edge and, as I’m not one for swallowing, I took him as close as I safely could and, the second I felt his cock pulsating on the roof of my mouth and heard him groan, I pulled his dick out of my mouth and placed it between my breasts. He climaxed onto me seconds later.

“Holy fuck, you city girls sure know how to use your mouths on a man’s dick.” I sat down and looked up at him. His head rested on the wall while he tried to get his breath back to a normal rate. “Okay, now what shall we do while I recharge my cock?”

I scooted back against the wall and brought my knees up so the soles of my feet were flat on the carpet. Blake sat down, too, and moved toward me. He pushed my knees apart.

“That obviously turned you on, because you’re glistening down there.”

“Yeah, cowboy, you know how to excite a woman even without touching her.”

He moved in closer and kissed me. His hand rested on my belly for a few seconds before taking a trip through my pubic hair and beyond. His thumb stroked my clit. I moaned even though his mouth was still on mine.

“You prefer the man to focus on your clit or your pussy before you have sex?”

“Wow, I’ve never had a guy offer me a choice before.” We both laughed. “And the answer to the question is, I love both…equally.”

“Mmm, maybe I should concentrate on them both at the same time then.”

I wasn’t sure what he was about to do when he pushed my legs farther apart, placed his left index finger on my clit, and slid two fingers of his other hand inside my pussy. Both moves made me gasp, because his fingers were cold but nevertheless felt so great. He pressed the fingers inside me upwards and pounded them into me as his other finger massaged my clit.

Shit, it was getting tingly down there already. I rested my head back on the wall, closed my eyes, and gave short, fast pants like a woman in labor.

Blake pulled the two fingers inside me apart while thrusting harder. His other finger circled my clit with more intensity. I gripped the carpet with my toes, feeling heat and a pulling sensation travel from my belly down through my vagina and back into my anus.

I couldn’t help myself now and didn’t care how it looked to him—I had to do it. I grabbed my nipples and started making circles around them as I moaned. I was pretty sure I was actually drooling as I felt a sort of double climax building.

It was almost too much for me. I got dizzy and had to let my hands slip from my tits to the floor, where I dug my nails deep into the carpet.

My orgasm hit me so hard I almost fell over sideways, but Blake caught me in time and held me as I screamed out.

“Geez, lady, you’re a noisy one. I bet the hotel manager is saying, ‘That guest really likes our steaks,’” Blake whispered in my ear. I burst out laughing and this time did fall onto my side with Blake on top of me, laughing, too.







Chapter Six


“I think I’m ready to go again,” said Blake. He tugged at my left nipple before planting a kiss on it.

“I’d better check that you’re right.” He grinned as I ran my hand down his belly and found his cock sitting up on it again. “You meet with my approval,” I said.

“I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get this dick of mine inside you.”

“I’m ready whenever you are.”

We both stood, and he took me by surprise by lifting me up and carrying me over to the bed. I hoped I wasn’t too heavy, causing him to put his back out, which would ruin everything.

Blake set me down on the mattress, took out a condom, and sheathed himself. “Any particular position you like?” he asked, climbing on the bed with me.

I shook my head. “I like sex, period, so any way is good for me, but I’ll let you choose.”

“How about the good old missionary style for beginners?”

I liked the idea that we wouldn’t be doing this just once tonight. I rolled onto my back and parted my legs for him. He slid in between them and eased inside me, inch by erotic inch. He filled me to the max, and I loved the feeling of his dick filling my entire cavity.

“Mmm, nice, tight little pussy,” he said as he began to thrust.

He’d had lots of practice—that was obvious as he glided in and out, turning his body slightly left a bit, then right, and then back to the center, hitting every little spot in my vagina. I ran my fingers down the outline his biceps made on his arms. They bulged as he held his weight above my body and fucked me harder.

I threw my head back and groaned. The tip of his dick went deeper, probing my sweet spot. I put my legs on his butt and crossed them at the ankles, allowing my pussy to swallow him further. He thrust harder, sending me toward the top of the bed, where my head now touched the wooden headboard.

I’d never realized a guy could move this hard, fuck this fast, until now. I put my hands behind my head and braced myself, knowing I was about to climax. I bit my lip when it took me. The room twirled around, and I felt a pleasurable, shooting sensation hit my pussy and anus.

Blake gave an extra hard thrust and climaxed himself.

“So how was that, city girl?”

He pulled out and flopped down next to me. He was covered in sweat now. The heat on his body intensified the smell of his aftershave and filled the air around us. I liked it and would probably remember it for the rest of my life.

“That, cowboy, was off the charts. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to fucking with a city guy ever again.”

“You going to put that in your article?”

“No, but I might write a separate one and sell it to a woman’s magazine.”

“Hell, no,” he said, pushing his hair back off his face. “Every woman in America will be heading this way, and I’ll be worn out.”

I ran my hand down his chest and belly. “So are all cowboys great lovers? I mean, do you all give out-of-this-world orgasms?”

“You want to try out some others and see for yourself?”

I flipped onto my back. Was he suggesting what I thought?

“You ever have a ménage à trois?” he asked.

It was one thing I’d always fantasized about but, even if I’d ever found two willing guys, I doubted I’d actually go through with it. I’d always been nervous about having sex with two guys at once.

“No…you mean you and another cowboy?”

“Sure I do, unless you’d prefer me to try and find you a cowgirl.”

“No, boys and only boys for me.”

“Okay, let me round one up for tomorrow night. How about we do it at my ranch?”

“Sounds good to me.” I was actually going to do this.

“I think I have the perfect guy in mind and, if I know him as well as I think, he’ll jump at the chance to fuck you.”

“You sure you don’t mind doing this?” I asked him.

“Hey, I’m a guy, so there’s your answer. And to round things off for your trip here, the following day I think you should have a riding lesson and also learn about tying ropes.”

I rolled onto my side, getting lightheaded from thinking about what other sexual experiences lay ahead for me.







Chapter Seven


The erotic thoughts spinning around in my head must have made me sleepy, or maybe it was the great climaxes I’d had since I’d met Blake, but I woke up realizing I’d dozed off. Blake was still beside me.

“You have a nice nap?” he asked.

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Only about fifteen minutes. I had a siesta myself. It’s the steak and having sex straight after eating it that makes you drowsy.”

I wasn’t sure if he was serious or not.

A clap of thunder sounded directly overhead, and then there was a sudden downpour of rain. Some heavy enough to making pinging sounds on the window. I guessed, by the sound of things, some hail might be thrown in there, too.

“That doesn’t sound like fun out there,” I said.

“Nope, and I was thinking of staying the night. If that’s okay with you.”

“Perfectly all right with me.” I’m not a big lover of storms, especially in a strange place, so Blake’s company was going to be welcome for several reasons. “So what do cowboys do on sleepovers? Or is it all about eating baked beans and farting round the campfire?”

“Not when we’re with a lady. Once I’ve used the little boy’s room, I’ll be back to show you.”

I rolled over on my side, grabbed the remote control, and flicked on the TV as Blake got off the bed and headed toward the bathroom. Maybe we could watch a movie together.

I still hadn’t found anything worth watching, and he was back five minutes later, standing by the bed with his hands behind his back.

“Roll over onto your belly for me, and close your eyes. No cheating.”

I flicked off the TV, put the remote control on the nightstand, and then did as he asked. I felt the bed going down and guessed Blake had climbed onto it. His body slid up next to mine, its heat radiating onto my thigh. He ran his hand over my right ass cheek then slid his fingers down between both cheeks and penetrated my pussy. He pumped a few times, withdrew his finger, and then nothing…. Just what was he planning to do back there?

“Can I open my—”

Something cold slid inside me, and I laughed when I realized what I’d accidently left on the countertop in the bathroom.

He kissed my back and neck as he twisted it around inside me a few times. “Is this what you play with when you’ve got no man to fuck you?”

“Yeah, a girl has to use something.”

“You ever played with it with a guy?” he asked.

I shook my head as he very gently pumped me with my vibrator. He licked my neck as he thrust it harder and, without warning, it brought me to climax almost too quickly.

“Hell, you must really love this thing,” he said, pulling it out.

I opened my eyes and flipped over onto my back. I thought he was done, but he slid it into me again. I sat up on my elbows, and we both seemed equally fascinated by the sight of it slowly disappearing, first into my pubic hair then my pussy.

It was driving me crazy now, and I wanted to get the next orgasm out of the way, so I took the liberty of turning it on. Blake almost dropped it as it began to buzz. I set my body down on the bed and relaxed as Blake inserted it deeper inside me.

“I want to watch you come, city girl.”

I held his other hand and squeezed it with all my might as my climax built and took me over the edge. It was better than ever, and I suspected it was because Blake was in control of my battery-operated friend instead of me…and not to mention the fact that his hand was close to my pussy, too. He seemed to be so turned on watching me climax. I wondered if he’d ever done this sort of thing to a woman before.

Next thing I knew, he’d flipped me on my belly, his cock had replaced the vibrator, and he was riding me.

“Did I tell you I once was in a rodeo?” he asked, slapping my ass.

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