Read The Last Execution Online

Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary

The Last Execution (17 page)

BOOK: The Last Execution
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“My blood runs through his veins. I wish you hadn’t involved a detective.”

The Carrington glare darkened his father’s face. The tight jaw and narrowed eyes made other people quake in their shoes. Jason hadn’t fallen for his crap in years.

“What difference does it make?”

“Anderson said to be careful. We want to go through the courts and do everything legally. We can’t give Leigh anything to complain about.” Truth was Jason didn’t want the old man’s detective spying on the McBride household. His presence could fuck up Jason’s plans.

“I’m quite capable of hiring a PI who knows how to be discreet.” His father stood. The meeting was over.

“Dad?” Jason kept his voice calm. “Keep your detective out of my business.”

Chapter Twelve

Monday, May 3, 5:10 p.m

“Talk to me, God dammit,” Jason demanded.

“Wait a minute.” Vick spit out his words. “I’m trying to take a picture with this piece of shit phone.”

Jason tightened his grip on the receiver. Soon, very soon, the ex-con’s services wouldn’t be needed. Then he’d kill the son of a bitch for speaking to him in that tone of voice. There’d be no witnesses. Vick wouldn’t be around to talk or blackmail.

“I’m sending it right now,” Vick said. “Got a good shot of her and her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? The guy you saw at her house?” Jason’s blood pressure shot higher. “He’s there?”

“Yeah. And he’s with the FBI.”

“Fed or not, he won’t be able to keep her alive. Stay with them.”

“How long?”

“Until the bitch thinks she’s tucked safely under the covers. Is the guy we used for the break-in gone?”

“Not yet. I’ll take care of him.”

Vick’s tone had a disgusting touch of sadness. Jason refused to consider why Vick regretted having to kill the guy. “Hold off, if you can control him.”

“He’ll do what I want...when I want.”

“Stay low-key and call me when you start recording.”

“We should’ve bugged her place before that fuckin’ alarm was installed. Dude says the job’s more expensive now.”

Jason bit back a comment about disrespect. “You’re sure this electronics guy’s good enough to bypass the new system?”

“He’s robbed fancier places than hers and didn’t set off the alarm. He’s the best.”

“Has ‘the best’ done time?”

“Once. He learned a lot of cool stuff inside.”

“I’ll bet.” Jason’s gut tightened. He remembered all too well the shit that went on inside. “How are you with money?”

“Gettin’ low.”

“Call me when everything’s set up. I’ll drop off extra cash then. See how much time Leigh and her boyfriend spend together.”

“Why? What’re you thinkin’?”

“That he may to die.”

“You fuck with a Fed, you’re asking for heat. You’ll have to do the deed.”


Monday, May 3, 6:00 p.m.

Don held the door open and followed Ellen into the neighborhood café. Once seated across from her, he covered her hand with his. “The past few days have been wonderful. Thank you.”

Ellen’s cheeks flushed. “You made them special. Not me.” She wound her fingers through his. “I wish I could call off duty tonight.”

“Me, too.” He’d miss her warm body next to his.

“No one’s ever made me feel the way you do.” Her gaze met his. “I’d like to stay this happy forever.”

“Nothing’s stopping us.” He filled his lungs with air and steeled himself for possible rejection. “I may be jumping the gun. If it’s too soon, tell me. I’ll understand if you don’t want to spend all your time with me, but I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Not too soon for me. I’m fifty-four years old, and it’s high time I had love in my life.” Tears welled in her eyes. One trickled down her cheek. “A few months ago, I told you about an incident in the emergency room. I fell in love with you when I saw the pain and compassion in your eyes. You hurt for her the same way I did. I love who you are inside.”

Ellen’s love filled the empty space left in his heart.

“Don? Where’d you go? Is something wrong?” Her hand tightened on his.

“No. Something is right. I’m thinking we should get married.” His decision to propose surprised even him. The idea came from nowhere.

“I’m thinking you’re right.” She checked the time, pink rushed up her cheeks. “I have an hour before I have to report to work.”

“What did you have in mind?” He loved the way she blushed.

The waitress set two glasses of water and the menus on the table. Ellen smiled up at her and said, “We’re not staying. We’re going home.”


Monday, May 3, 6:30 p.m.

“The house is better secured,” J.T. announced. He’d walked through the alarm setup with the installation guy. After he left, J.T. retested the windows and doors. Over and over. His disappointment that she wouldn’t be going home with him tonight drove his need to keep busy.

“I’m sure my neighbors are happy you’ve stopped testing.” Leigh handed him a glass of tea. “You sure you won’t stay for supper?”

“Some other time. It’s been a couple of days since I checked on my grandmother.” He leaned against the kitchen counter next to her.

“She lives in Atlanta?”

“In Newnan.”

“You grew up there?”

He nodded. “Yep.”

“You don’t have an accent.”

“Too many years living in Chicago. I graduated the same high school as Alan Jackson. Although, he was a number of years ahead.”

“The country singer?” Her eyes widened.

“The same. Don’t be too impressed. I never met him.”

“Do your parents also live in Newnan?”

“No,” he snapped, hating the bitterness in his tone. She appeared to be genuinely interested, but his parents weren’t a subject he wanted to discuss. What he wanted was standing right in front of him.

Leigh had swapped the dark slacks, blue blouse, and sensible black shoes she wore to work for jean shorts, a tank top, and sandals. The knot at the base of her neck was driving him crazy. He sat the tea glass down and stepped in front of her. The noticeable stiffening of her back said she was unsure of what to expect. “That’s too tight.”

He turned her around, smiling to himself when he heard the sharp intake of air. He removed the hairpins, unwound a thick rubber band, and tossed the lot on the counter. Thick, soft curls tumbled into his hand. He tunneled his fingers underneath those curls and rubbed the base of her neck. Her soft moan sent a jolt of fire to his groin.

Leigh turned slightly. Her mouth opened, and the tip of her tongue slid across her bottom lip. If he didn’t kiss her now, his head would explode. He spun her to face him, dragged her against his body, and covered her mouth with his.

Her gasp put a knot in his gut. He jumped back, gripping her arms. “I hurt you.”

“I’m okay,” she murmured.

She cupped his scar with her soft hand, apparently unafraid to touch it. It crossed his mind that she’d never asked about it. The always-present tightness vanished as he lost himself in her tenderness.

She rose up on her toes and kissed him. Her lips were soft. Warm and sweet. Hot and hungry. Her free hand slid under his shirt, stroking up and down his back. The room shrank. The world faded away. Nothing existed except the softness of her skin, the gentle curve of her hips, and the heat from her body. He lowered his hands to her ass and lifted her higher, against his growing erection. She whimpered and ground into him.


Ethan’s yell and the door slamming jerked J.T. from his web of lust. Startled, he jumped away from Leigh and whirled toward the noise. One arm automatically pushed her behind him.

“In the kitchen,” she answered on a nervous laugh.

J.T. grabbed his tea, sat at the kitchen table, and scooted the chair as close as he could. A blind man would’ve noticed the bulge about to rip the zipper from his slacks. He closed his eyes against the sound of the rapid pounding of Ethan’s feet running across the living room floor. J.T. glanced at Leigh while she struggled to wipe the smile from her face.

“Not funny,” he whispered.

She gave him a yes-it-is nod.

Ethan burst in at a run and launched himself at his mother. She winced but caught him, sending J.T.’s respect for her higher. Damn, he hoped he hadn’t hurt her when he pulled her against his body. Leigh nuzzled the neck of the small boy in her arms. J.T.’s chest walls clenched.

Leigh’s mother entered the room and smiled when she spotted him at the table. Her presence certainly eliminated any residual erection.

“Hello again.”

“Actually, it’s hello and goodbye.” He stood, walked over, and ruffled Ethan’s curly mop of hair. “I’ve got to run. Monday hasn’t been a good day for the taskforce.”

“You’ll call if something breaks in the case.”

“Or if he strikes again.”

“You bet.”

He understood her unspoken message. Whether she was hurt or not, she was part of the team. Hell, the entire unit stayed on the edge waiting for a break in this case with no clues.

“We’re having a picnic at Olympic Park Saturday. Why don’t you join us?” Sara asked.

“Yeah.” Ethan seconded the invitation before J.T. opened his mouth to refuse.

“I’d like that.”
What the hell?
The aroma of citrus must’ve blocked J.T.’s reasoning powers. “Should I bring something?”

“An appetite,” Sara quipped.

“Even better, bring your grandmother,” Leigh chimed in.

“What a great idea. We’ll plan on two more.” Sara carried a full laundry basket down the hall.

“Go help Mimi with your clothes.” She put Ethan down and pointed him toward the hall.

J.T. crossed the room in two strides. He cupped the back of Leigh’s neck in his hand. “Me coming to a family picnic is not a good idea.”

“Too late. Ethan’s expecting you,” Leigh whispered with a grin.

He exhaled a sigh of surrender. She rose up and dropped a kiss on his lips, causing him to damn near swallow his tongue. “Fine.”

J.T. made his way out of the house and drove to the corner, where he stopped and scratched his head. What the hell had he just agreed to? His mind told him one thing and his mouth said the exact opposite. And bring Nana? Had he gone nuts? Yet, he felt a buzz of excitement at the prospect of spending the day with Leigh and her family.

Yep, he was nuts.


Tuesday, May 4, 10:00 a.m.

Leigh dreaded answering her cell. The hang-ups had worn her patience thin. She considered not answering when caller ID came up blank. Sure enough, the screen read caller unknown.


She repeated her name knowing it was useless. She hit “End” and then slammed her cell down on the conference room table.

“How many of those have you had today?” Olivia asked.


“You think it’s the bastard who broke into your house?”

“It’s him. I just can’t prove it. The calls are coming from a throwaway.”

“Did the cops question him after the break-in?” Olivia ignored J.T.’s dirty look.

“Yeah. He had an alibi.”

“Can we get back to work?” J.T. scowled at them.

“I’m all ears.” Leigh smiled her thanks and returned to her seat. Had he known she’d wanted to change the subject?

“These men were murdered by the sniper in New York. Each had a history of spousal abuse.” He tapped the top of a stack of picture, frowning when Romeo entered. “The last was of a young policeman. The chief of police’s son. Accused, never charged with the beating death of Doyle Preston’s daughter.”

“Holy shit, this guy thinks he’s righteous.” Romeo held up a coffee pot in his hand. “I came bearing a peace offering. Anybody?”

“Keep that poison away from me,” J.T. said with a snarl. “You’ve been invisible. What’ve you been doing?”

“Working on something for Casey. I did get you pictures of Preston while he was on the NYPD force.”

“We have those and the ones out of his personnel file circulating through the local PD. Haven’t heard anything yet.” Olivia took the pictures from Romeo. “Why didn’t you do your photo magic and change his hair color or add a beard. I’ll bet he’s changed his appearance.”

“Your attitude is precisely why we’ll never be a couple.” Romeo gave Olivia a wounded face. “You’re never satisfied.”

“Please. Your young heart would give out on the first go round.”

Leigh laughed, enjoying the camaraderie. She held her cup out, which Romeo filled to the brim.

J.T.’s gaze locked onto hers. Heat swelled, charging around inside her lower belly. A picture of him kissing her and holding her against his body, flashed in her memory. Then he broke away, turned his back, and ignored the banter between Olivia and Romeo. What made him withdraw? He moved in and out of the group, sometimes joining in, and minutes later backed away.

Leigh’s cell vibrated again. Olivia and J.T. both reached across the table. He moved faster.

“Caller unknown.” J.T. handed the phone to Romeo. “Find this son of a bitch. I want a name and address. Don’t tell me you can’t because it’s a throwaway. Just do it.”

BOOK: The Last Execution
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