The Lion's Den (14 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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They raped another child, Matt.” Warren fumed. “This one younger than the first. Who’s to say this isn’t their pattern? That the next child will be younger than the one before? What if their other victims are just killed to hrow us off that particular pattern?”

God, I hope not. Lord knows we can’t protect all of the children in this city. Not even their parents can … ” Matthew paused, giving real thought to what Warren was saying. “But they didn’t molest the infant. That puts a wrench in your theory, don’t you think?”

Warren sat back, thinking. “No, they didn’t.” He sighed, rubbing his temple. “Shit, Matt, I don’t know. Maybe they killed the infant to prove that they’ll do worse. Just when we think they’ve done the most depraved crime ever, they’ve got another one ten times as bad up their sleeves.”

And as soon as we catch them, we’ll make them pay for everything they’ve done. Stay focused, Warren. I need you focused. This case isn’t going to get any easier or nicer for that matter, and you need to start hardening yourself now, or your emotions will only hinder us.” Matthew looked at Warren.

Warren reflected on what Matthew said. He was right. Without further protest, he picked up the file Johnson had given him earlier and began reading it word for word. “Jesus Christ! Do you know where they found the baby?”

Matthew looked up from his monitor. “No, I hadn’t gotten to that file yet. Where?”

In a department store display laying in a bassinet.”

Oh my God!” Matthew covered his mouth, sickened. He removed his hand a moment later, shaking his head. “Stay focused,” he whispered to himself. Diligently, he went back to work on his computer.

Warren’s telephone rang and he answered it. “Supernatural Un

Yes Captain, what’s up?”

I need to see both you and Matthew in my office right now,” Captain Michelle Lawrence demanded.

Listen Capt’, Matt’s busy, I’ll just come.”

Fine.” She ended the call.

Warren replaced the receiver back on the base. “I’ll be back.” He rose and made his way to the captain’s office. He knocked and waited for the “okay” to enter. When he heard her voice grant him entrance, he entered. “What’s up Captain?”

Please have a seat,” she said, pointing to the leather chair in front of her desk.

Warren sat down and waited for her.

When I first gave this case to you and Detective Eric, it was because you’re the best I have on this team. You work hard and you’ve closed more cases than the others. But this time it’s different. Seven bodies in twenty-seven hours is far too drastic a killing spree for me to leave it in the hands of four detectives.”

Captain, we’re doing our best,” Warren said in their defense.

She held her hand up. “You don’t have to explain it to me, Davis, I know. However, we’re in a race against time here. We never know when the next body is going to pop up somewhere and we don’t know how many they’r going to kill or why they’re even killing. I’m putting this case on top priority. I’ve got the Infiltration Team out there looking for hiding spots a coven of vampires may be resting during the day. I’ve also enlisted the aide of two more detectives. They’re coming in from California, I want you to pick them up at the airport at one o’clock.”

Captain, why the other detectives?” Warren was growing more agitated with each passing second. He didn’t want Barry and Gabriel on the case and for damn sure didn’t want outsiders on the case either.

They were experiencing a rash of murders like ours two years ago. They might be able to give us some insight, we could certainly use more officers on this case.”

They obviously didn’t catch the killers in California, what makes you think they’ll be able to do any good here?”

Listen to me, Davis. I already know you’re no closer to solving this case now that you were seven bodies ago.”

Seven bodies ago, I didn’t have a case,” Warren retorted.

Now is not the time to be a smartass.”

Warren nodded, but he still didn’t like the new development.

The captain continued. “Now, I’m willing to ask for help
accept it to get the job done. All I know is, I don’t want
any more
people to die. Now, you’re going to work with these two detectives and I don’t want to hear anymore about it!” When Captain Michelle Lawrence put her foot down, it was down, or she’d put it up your ass.

Warren decided not to argue. What was done was done. “One o’clock, you say?”

She nodded. “That’s right.
airport. I want to be working on this case around the clock.”

All right, I’ll inform Matthew. Is there anything else?” he asked, unsuccessfully hiding his agitation.

Yeah, a little less attitude from you. This isn’t about you sharing your glory, this is about us catching a gang of ruthless, sadistic killers.”

Warren wanted to explain to her it wasn’t about his “glory” or “pride”, but his nature. These murders were going down in his territory, but more importantly, it involved his Pack, and all of his friends and he didn’t want or need the extra scrutiny. But he knew she wouldn’t understand, so he allowed her to think it was his pride that was still stinging. “I’ll adjust my attitude, Captain.” He left her office, rejoining Matthew less than a minute later.

Matthew looked up. “What did the captain want?”

Basically, we’re leading the case, but the ITs are already in the field, checking out locations where the coven may be resting during the day.

Okay, makes sense. We can’t do it all.” Matthew liked the newest development.

Then you’re going to love this. Two more detectives are flying in from California to assist on this case. Apparently, they went through what we’re going through now and Lawrence thinks they may have some insight to offer.”

Oh, that does kind of suck considering our situation,” Matthew agreed with Warren’s annoyance.

Warren’s telephone rang again. “Fuck, what now?!” He snatched the receiver up. “What?!”

Nice phone etiquette, Detective. I’ve got three people here who want to see you. Come around,” the office desk cop said, hanging up the phone.

Warren hung up. “I’ll be back, I want to see who these people are.” He rose, heading toward the front desk. Before he made it around the corner, he recognized the scents of these three individuals. Rounding the corner, he was able to see Adrian, Daniel and Ignacio standing by the desk.

Hey,” Warren greeted.

The three men stepped up to him. “We were sent to help you out on your investigation, unofficially, of course,” Daniel said.

Shit, great,” Warren said dryly.

Is that good or bad?” Adrian asked.

Huh? Oh! Good. Extra help is always good. Listen, did you guys sign in?” Warren looked at the three men.

They nodded.

Great, do you have your passes?”

Yeah, see.” Adrian pointed to the white sticker plastered over his left pectoral.

Warren nodded. “Okay, let’s go.” He led them back to his and Matthew’s desks.

Damn your ass is unorganized,” Adrian commented, looking at the messy stacks of papers piled up on Warren’s desk. “Why can’t you be more like your partner over there?” he asked, pointing to Matthew’s extremely organized desk where everything had its place.

Because I’m not obsessive-compulsive,” Warren answered, rolling his eyes.

You’re just messy, always have been,” Adrian smiled.

Whatever,” Warren dismissed Adrian’s comments. “Pull up some chairs.”

The three men looked around for empty chairs, finding three, they pulled them over and sat down.

You’re in a mood,” Adrian commented, making himself comfortable in his chair.

I’ve got good reasons to be. All right, I’m going to tell you guys everything we have on this case.” Warren brought them up to date.

That’s some fucked-up shit.” Adrian was the first to speak after hearing about the infant and the six-year old child.

That’s past ‘fucked-up’, Adrian. Shit, I don’t kow what it is,” Ignacio said, his Italian accent thickening in his anger.

Matthew leaned forward. “What’s more is, some Cali’ detectives are flying in to assist on the case.”

Fuck. Just what we need, a bunch of noses poking around.” Adrian was aggravated.

Like it could have been avoided. Seven bodies in twenty-seven hours. It was only logical they’d bring in more forces. Hell, I’m surprised the damn military hasn’t been called in,” Daniel said, running his hands through his hair.

What are you going to do, now?” Matthew asked.

Pretty much what you said the IT is doing. We’re going to be searching remote locations where these vamps may be hiding. We’re also going to search local hotels, motels and the like. And what I mean by local, I mean within Illinois,” Ignacio said.

Let’s get out of here, place fucking creeps me out,” Daniel said, rising from his seat.

The other two men did the same, saying their ‘goodbyes’. On their way toward the front door, the three men ran into officers Kyle
Ronen and his partner of four years, Lance Wilson. Ronen placed his hand on Daniel’s chest, stopping the three men in their tracks.

Daniel looked down at the hand violating his body, then his eyes traveled upward to the eyes of the hand’s owner. “You wanna get your fucking hand off me?”

What are you doing here?” Officer Ronen asked.

I fail to see how that’s any business of yours?” Daniel shot back.

It’s my business because I say it is. Now are you going to answer my question, or should I assume you were hunting in your little furry form just like before?” He looked at the other two. “You shifters, too?”

Neither Adrian nor Ignacio answered.

I guess so.” Officer Ronen removed his hand, tossing a glance to his partner. “I arrested this fucker several years ago when I caught him hunting off sanctioned grounds.” He pointed to Daniel, who was now stepping up to him, so close their lips were almost touching.

A low, menacing growl bubbled up from Daniel’s throat.

What are you gonna do, freak? Rip my throat out?” Officer Ronen smiled.

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Daniel retorted.

Daniel,” Adrian pulled the shifter back.

Daniel allowed him to do so.

We need to go,” Ignacio said.

I want to file a formal complaint,” Daniel said, his eyes staring at the offensive cop.

Go ahead, there’s the front desk.” Officer Ronen pointed at the offbecause Ibehind the desk. “He’ll take your complaint and file it with the others we get and flush it down the toilet with the rest of the shit.” He slapped his partner on the arm with the back of his hand. “Let’s go.” He pointed at Daniel again, “I’ll be keeping my eyes on you.” The two officers walked away.

Daniel, do you really want to file a complaint?” Ignacio asked. “I wouldn’t. Let’s just go.”

With some gentle prodding, they were able to get the enraged shifter out of the precinct. Inside the car, Adrian asked Ignacio why he suggested Daniel not file a complaint.

Because we could kill his ass later, and you don’t want a complaint recently issued to be the first thing that connects you. That shit was uncalled for,” Ignacio said.

Daniel chuckled. “The thought of me slowly ripping his head off his body is tempting, but I doubt Elise would allow me the pleasure of killing his ass.”

I’ll do it for you, I don’t think Richard would mind. Especially not after I tell him what happened,” Ignacio smiled.

I’m with you on that one,” Adrian said. “I started to fuck his ass up when he put his hand on you.”

It’s good that we didn’t. We can’t be of much use in jail, awaiting trial for assaulting an officer. Even if the officer is an asshole,” Daniel said, calming down. “Okay, where to first, boys?”

First, I call my dad, tell him what’s going on. You two do the same, then we hit up hotels and motels,” Adrian suggested.

You want me to call your dad, too?” Ignacio asked jokingly, hoping to calm Daniel down even more.

Shut up,” Adrian retorted, smirking. “You know what I meant.”

Yeah, I’ll give Richard a call.” Ignacio pulled out his cell. “We should have brought separate cars.” He accelerated to pass a yellow light.

Take me home, then and I’ll get mine,” Daniel said.

Mine is at your house,” Adrian said, gesturing to Daniel.

Let’s investigate Chicago, first. Then branch out from there.” Ignacio slammed on the breaks, unable to speed past a red light.

I know I’ll feel safer in my own car than with your crazy-ass driving,” Adrian remarked.

Ignacio rolled his eyes.

Wait, what if we find them?” Daniel asked.

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