The Lion's Den (35 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Gabriel’s breathing was still coming quickly. He was still aroused by the lingering scent in the room. “I wanted her so badly! I … I couldn’t help myself.” He was completely bewildered.

We know,” Tatiana said. “It’s that way with us all. But if you noticed, you two were the only ones who were going for her, while the other men in the room remained where they were.”

Both Gabriel and Barry looked around the room. Tatiana was right, none of them seemed to be affected at all by the aroma of the female the way they had been.

Barry nodded. “Okay, I’m convinced.”

I know a smart man
be. I’ve always felt that seeing is believing and one step from seeing is experiencing, which is why I allowed you two to have that interaction,” Adan said.

I see why they made you boss,” Barry said, smiling slightly.

We didn’t make him boss,” Devin said, slightly insulted.

It’s just a saying,” Barry clarified himself, not wanting to be misunderstood. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

Oh,” Devin. “It, settling back into his chair. “I knew that.”

Down boy,” Carmen teased the younger shifter. Devin rolled his eyes, but remained silent.

Barry looked at his wife, who was still standing beside Xander. “Darling, I’m sorry … I … .” His voice trailed off, unable to explain his actions. He felt ashamed over his lack of control.

Leanne walked over to her husband, slipping her arms around his neck. “It’s okay, I think I understand. I
watched the Animal Discovery Channel. From what I saw, it was very raw … in a way, natural. Not that I liked seeing what I saw, but, I think I understand.”

I don’t ever want to hurt you in any way. I … I think … .” He shook his head, his voice trailing off in confusion. He was wondering if the next thing he was going to say was a smart decision.

His wife, knowing her husband very well, seeming to read his mind, finished his sentence. “You think it’s best if you stayed away from me and the kids right now, don’t you?”

Barry looked at his wife, their eyes locked. “I do. What just happened was an eye-opener for me. There’s so much I don’t know, and hiding my head in the sand hoping it will all go away isn’t going to help. Do you mind?”

Leanne shook her head. “If you need to learn control so you don’t screw any other strange females in heat, or eat the kids and me … I’m good with that.”

Arrrg, don’t remind me.” Barry leaned forward, kissing her gently.

Warren turned toward Gabriel. “Gabe, what about you? Are you willing to stay with Adan?”

Gabriel looked at the others then he nodded. “Yeah. To say I don’t have much of a choice is an understatement.”

You have a choice, but the alternative isn’t the wisest choice one could make in your situation,” Adan said.

Gabriel nodded. “I get your point. Thanks for helping me.”

Besides, if you want any chance of getting your jobs back, or any job at all, you’re going to need his help,” Sergio said, pointing at Adan.

As far as I’m concerned, you two are the least of our worries. We still don’t know what the fuck’s going on with Marcus and his coven.” Adrian said.

Yeah, they’ve been playing nice for two days now. Do you think they’re still here?” Devin asked.

Is Marcus the name of the Master vampire we’re looking for?” Barry asked, getting back into his detective swing.

Yeah, we’ve been trying like hell to take him out, but it’s difficult. He’s old, ancient and the shifter in his gang, the one who bit you is one powerful son-of-a-bitch,” Adrian said.

The others watched Gabriel’s expression at the mentioning of the shifter who attacked him. They could all still smell iren’s sexual scent all over him. They suspected Gabriel was sexually assaulted, but none dared to bring it up, understanding all to well what a sensitive subject that was. They could still see the pain and humiliation in Gabriel’s eyes, even as he lowered his head. Barry could smell the scent too and knew it was sexual. He had suspected Gabriel was violated when they reunited at the hospital, but neither man said anything. He figured, when Gabriel was more comfortable with the subject, he’d talk when he was ready.

Where are you now with your investigation?” Barry asked.

For the first time ever, we’re right were the S.U.I.T. is. We don’t know where they are or even if they’re still here,” Sergio said.

The good news is, there hasn’t been any more attacks against the S.U.I.T. or civilians,” Warren said.

That’s not to say they’ve gone,” Adan added. “The question is, do we stay?”

Elise looked at him. “You’re going to have to stay, at least for the time being as you train these two.” She pointed to Gabriel and Barry.

Besides, you abandoned your territory, do you think it’s still there for you to reclaim?” Sergio asked.

There’s no way for me to tell right now. It’s a possibility that another community has already taken over,” Adan said.

It’s kind of funny, shifters are almost like hermit crabs in the way we move into others’ territory,” Sebastian comment.

bring up something like that,” Devin said, chuckling.

Enough you two,” Madeleine said, quieting the two young men.

What are we going to do?” Gabriel asked, looking around the room.

I wish I could tell you that we’re going to do something spectacular, but the truth of the matter is … nothing,” Sergio said.

We’re trying to see what’s going to be their next move. We don’t think they’ve left, but we’re not sure. So we wait,” Elise added.

Oh,” Gabriel looked at Warren. “Are you going to work, now?”

Warren nodded. “Yeah, Matthew’s already there

” He was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. He answered it. “What’s up Matt?”

We’ve got a problem, I’m on my way to your hotel now,” Matthew said, sounding extremely nervous, which was rare for him.

Matthew, calm down, what’s going on?”

The shit’s hit the fan. I just got off the phone with Brian. He’s just been fired! They tried to arrest him, but he got away.”

What the fuck? Why? What happened? How’d they know?”

Colin outted him.”

Why? Did he do it on purpose?”

Brian said it was an accident. He went to visit him once he came to, and Colin recognized him for what he was. Unfortunately, he blurted out, ‘He got you, too?’ in front of their captain.”


There’s more, I just snuck out of our precinct in time before they could perform a saliva and silver test on me. They don’t even know I’m gone, I got out through the morgue thanks to Marshall’s help.”

Those kind of tests are new. We’re not going to be able to avoid this, Matthew. If we don’t take the test, we’re going to be suspected of being shifters, and if we do, they’ll know for sure that we are. Fuck!”

What do I do?”

Get back here. If we go in there and get tested, they’ll arrest us like they tried to do to Brian. Speaking of which, where’s he now?”

I’m on my way to pick him up. He said he can’t go back to their hotel. He sounds scared and I think he’s waiting for his Alpha to come or send someone to get him.”

We can’t go back to the precinct until Sara knows what’s going on?”

How can she switch the results when they’re instantaneous? None of us can pass a silver stamp test.”

I know, I know.”

Okay, wait, calm down, Matt. Pick Brian up and get back here, try not to speed, we don’t want to give any cop the reason to report your whereabouts.” Warren hated that one of his worst fears was now happening and it was completely out of his control.

We’ll be there soon,” Matthew said, ending his call.




Matthew was trying not to speed as he headed to pick Brian up at a fast food restaurant.

Brian climbed into the car when he saw Matthew pull in front of the restaurant. “Thanks for picking me up,” he said, closing the door behind himself.

Not a problem. Where’s Colin?”

I had to leave him at the hospital. I can’t believe this shit’s happening. Two hours ago, I was a decorated S.U.I.T. officer, now I’m a fucking fugitive,” Brian said, his face was contorted with rage and confusion.

I’m guessing this is what Marcus wanted. Pure panic and us off his ass,” Matthew said.

Brian laughed. “Were we really a threat to him? All we did was find the bodies. We were no closer to ending their killing spree here than we were when they were in California. I agree with you, I bet they’re all just sitting back laughing at our asses.”

Matthew didn’t say anything, although he felt the same way Brian did. “What are you going to do about Colin?”

He’s safe. He was a human who was turned into a shifter while on the job. I, on the other hand, was a shifter masquerading as a human. I submitted fraudulent information on federal documents. I lied under oath and everything I’ve done in the past will be brought up for questioning. They’re going to want answers. I don’t know what they’re going to do to me. When our captain ordered the other S.U.I.T. officers to arrest me, I just ran.”

I don’t blame you. For a human who scammed the government, they have jail time; for us, there’s no telling. I know first hand that the government has killed our kind for less,” Matthew said, driving the car into the hotel parking lot. When both men made it to the hotel room, Warren let them in.

Brian looked at Gabriel and Barry. “Hey guys.”

Hi. I can’t get over just how many shifters were in the S.U.I.T., ” Gabriel said.

It’s enough of us, you just don’t know we’re there. Well, at least you didn’t before,” Brian said, settling on the sofa.

Can I ask you why? I mean, if it’s such a big risk, why do it?” Gabriel asked.

Warren looked at him. “Because innocent people need protecting. It’s a universal belief. We have the abilities to help, so we do. I know that’s why I joined the S.U.I.T., to save lives.”

Gabriel was watching Warren, seeing the sincerity in his expression. He was beginning to understand why Warren didn’t want to turn himself in to help Barry and him out, not that he wasn’t a bit bitter about that.

When I got off the phone with you, I got a page from the Captain, I’m sure she wants us to come in for testing. We both know that’s not going to happen,” Warren told Matthew, getting back to the main discussion.

She’s probably suspecting something by now. Especially since I haven’t returned any of her phone calls,” Matthew added.

When I was waiting for you to pick me up, I got a call from one of my friends back at the S.U.I.T. precinct in California. They’re conducting tests there, too. This is probably happening all across the country. Seems like this was planned from the moment Colin and you two were attacked,” Brian said, pointing to Gabriel and Barry.

Holy shit! There’s no telling how many shifters have been exposed because of this,” Devin said.

Probably all of them,” Warren said.

When it rains, it pours,” Tatiana stated.

I think it’s best that you accept the fact that you might be fired from the S.U.I.T., especially if you refuse or avoid taking the test,” Xander told Warren and Matthew.

Shit,” Warren turned away, walking towards a window overlooking downtown. “I’ve worked too hard to get this far.”

Matthew came up behind him, rubbing his shoulders. “It’s going to be all right, we’ll bounce back, Warren.”

Warren turned, facing him. He pulled Matthew close, kissing him deeply.

Whoa, wait a fucking minute! You two are gay?!” Gabriel asked, shocked. He never would have thought the two men were homosexual, not to mention, lovers!

Both men turned toward him. “You’re just now figuring that out? Didn’t you catch his scent on me?” Warren asked.

You’re his partner, didn’t seem unusual from what I’ve been experiencing lately. Besides, I’ve had a lot on my mind and that was before all this shit happened, worrying about your love life wasn’t a priority of mine,” Gabriel admitted.

Well, I guess I don’t have to tell you not to tell anyone else at work. We may be out of a job soon,” Matthew said, stepping away from Warren. His cell phone rang, catching his attention. “It’s Galen.”

Answer it,” Warren said.

He did. “What’s up Galen?”

It’s not looking good for your guys. The official word is about sixteen shifters have been arrested and are now awaiting a trial, and at least forty-seven others are like you, and are staying clear.”

Fuck. It’s what I feared, what can we do about this?”

As I’m sure you already know, Michelle and I are together, we trust each other, so I decided to tell her about you,” Galen said.

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