The Longest Holiday

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Authors: Paige Toon

BOOK: The Longest Holiday
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Praise for Paige Toon

‘Another perfect summer page-turner from Paige Toon’


‘I loved it – I couldn’t put it down!’

Marian Keyes

‘Wonderful, addictive, sharp and sexy’


‘Brilliant … one of the rising stars of chick-lit’


‘Laugh-out-loud funny and touchingly honest. This is summer’s poolside reading sorted!’


‘Charming and romantic. Real old-school chick-lit, like they used to make in the old days’

Lisa Jewell

‘Witty and sexy – perfect holiday reading material’


‘A fast-paced and funny read … Superior chick-lit with great jokes and a thoughtful heart’

Daily Express

Also by Paige Toon

Lucy in the Sky

Johnny Be Good

Chasing Daisy

Pictures of Lily

Baby Be Mine

One Perfect Summer

One Perfect Christmas

First published in Great Britain in 2013 by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd


Copyright © Paige Toon, 2013

This book is copyright under the Berne Convention.

No reproduction without permission.

All rights reserved.

The right of Paige Toon to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

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A CIP catalogue copy for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-47111-339-0

eBook ISBN: 978-1-47111-340-6

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

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For Pete – The Unc – and Gwennie

Hope you enjoy your long holiday …

(aka retirement!)


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33




He’s smiling down at me with tears in his eyes as I say my solemn vow:

‘I, Laura Rose Smythson, take thee, Matthew Christopher Perry, to be my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward …’

I thought I would never feel like this about anyone ever again. Not after Will, my first love … Not after the heartbreak and the loss and the trying to pick myself back up again … Then I met Matthew, and I know that he has my heart forever: my perfect, gorgeous, adoring Matthew.

And then I wake up. And I remember that he’s not perfect. He’s so far from perfect that my heart could surely collapse from the pain that engulfs me.

‘Sorry for waking you,’ my friend Marty apologises from beside me as she vigorously rubs at a damp patch on her jeans with a paper napkin. ‘Bridget knocked my effin’ drink over with her fat arse,’ she mutters. I groggily come to and look across at Bridget. She’s fast asleep and partially curled up towards the window, her offending arse anything but fat. Feeling like I’m still in a dream – or, more accurately, a nightmare – I bend down to retrieve my bag from under the seat in front of me. Tissues are the one thing I did remember to pack. I would have forgotten my passport if Marty hadn’t reminded me.

‘Thanks,’ Marty says, while I use my Kleenex supply to help mop up the spilt gin and tonic on the tray table. ‘How are you feeling?’ She gives me a sympathetic look and regards me over the top of her ruby-red horn-rimmed glasses.

‘Don’t,’ I warn, but it’s too late. The lump returns to lodge itself firmly in my throat.

‘Sorry, sorry!’ she says hurriedly before I cry again. ‘Here, quick!’ I take the gin and tonic that she’s proffering – what remains of it, anyway – and throw it down in one gulp. ‘Think happy thoughts!’ she urges. ‘Think of the sun! Think of the sea! Think of the cocktails on the beach and all the hot men!’

Bridget sighs loudly with annoyance at the noise, her back still turned towards us.

Marty purses her lips at me and I mirror her expression, tears kept at bay. For now.

‘Laura? Do you want another one?’ my friend asks in a loud whisper, pressing the call button on her armrest before I can reply.

‘Sure, why not?’ I nod.

‘I’m going to,’ she says, as I knew she would. ‘May as well, seeing as they’re free and all.’

‘Is everything okay, ladies?’

We look up at the air stewardess hovering in the aisle.

‘Could we get another couple of these, please?’ Marty asks.

‘Gin and tonic?’ the air stewardess asks frostily.

‘Them’s the ones,’ Marty replies jauntily, adding, ‘snooty cow,’ under her breath as soon as the woman turns her back. ‘So I reckon, when we arrive, we’ll just get the car and drive straight up to Key West.’

‘Down,’ I correct. Her geographical knowledge is probably on a par with a seven-year-old’s, which is funny, considering her job as a travel agent.

‘Whatever. You don’t want to see Miami this afternoon, do you? I know Bridge is desperate to go, but we can always do a day trip.’

‘It’s six hours there and back,’ I remind her.

‘So we’ll check it out on the return journey, like we’d planned. What do you think?’

‘Sure,’ I reply. ‘It will be good to get to our hotel and—’

‘—and get into our swimming costumes and head to the beach-slash-bar,’ she finishes my sentence for me, although that wasn’t what I was going to say.

‘We could unpack first,’ I suggest.

‘No. No,’ she says firmly. ‘You are not unpacking. Not this time. On this holiday you are going to throw caution to the wind. There will be no unpacking, no trawling through the tourist brochures, no writing of shopping lists, or anything like that. I’m not having it.’

I roll my eyes at her and say thank you to the air stewardess as she returns with our drinks.

Bridget shifts in her seat on the other side of Marty and sweeps her wavy, medium-length brown hair over her shoulder as she tries in vain to get comfortable. It’s been a long flight and we had an early start.

‘Have you managed to get any kip?’ I ask Marty quietly.

‘No. I’ll sleep on the beach. Cheers.’

We chink glasses. Matthew’s face appears in the forefront of my mind and I wince. I take a gulp of my drink.

‘Stop thinking about him,’ Marty snaps.

‘I wish I could,’ I reply, not taking offence at her tone. Anything but sympathy.

She changes the subject. ‘How long until we land?’

I check my watch. ‘Two hours.’

‘Just enough time to watch a movie.’

‘Good plan,’ I agree.

She reaches into the seat pocket in front of her for the entertainment guide and then presses the call button once more.

‘You haven’t finished your last one!’ I exclaim.

She sniggers like a naughty schoolgirl. ‘I know. I thought I’d ask the snooty cow if she has any popcorn …’

For all her bravado, Marty doesn’t last long before she falls fast asleep in the front passenger seat of our hired red Chevy Equinox. Bridget is driving and I’m relieved because we’d barely turned out of the airport car park before we’d had two near misses – the drivers here all seem a bit nuts.

We’re on a long, wide, straight road heading away from Miami and towards the Florida Keys. I stare out of the window at the fat palm trees planted in the central reservation. It’s a bright, sunny afternoon and in a rare uplifting moment, I think to put on my sunglasses, but then I remember that I packed them in my suitcase and I can’t even be bothered to feel irritated. It’s hard to care about anything much these days.

Jessie J comes on the radio and Bridget turns up the sound. We haven’t said more than two words to each other since Marty crashed out. We’re not friends.

That sounds wrong. What I mean is, she’s Marty’s friend, not mine. It’s not to say that I don’t like her. I do. Sort of. But Marty and I have been best friends since childhood. Bridget only dates back to Marty’s early twenties, when they shared a flat together in London. They’re great friends, but not old friends. When it comes to longevity, I win. And yes, it does feel like a competition.

I wasn’t supposed to come on this holiday. Bridget is a travel writer and Marty, as I’ve already mentioned, is a travel agent, and between the two of them they had this holiday sewn up long before I came along and ruined it.

That’s not strictly true. Marty invited me. And Bridget couldn’t exactly say no, considering 20.10.12.

20.10.12. The date of my hen night, the date of Matthew’s stag do, the date that popped up on one of his Facebook messages just two weeks ago:

Are you the Matthew Perry who was at Elation on 20.10.12?

‘There it is!’ Bridget interrupts my dark thoughts with a gleeful cry.

Before she fell asleep, Marty challenged us to be the first one to spot the ocean. Bridget thinks she’s the victor.

‘That’s not the ocean, is it?’ I say doubtfully from the back seat, although I think I can smell salt water, even through closed windows. ‘It’s a lagoon.’

‘A lagoon …’ From her side profile I can tell Bridget is looking thoughtful. ‘Do you know, I have never said that word out loud.’

‘Neither have I, come to think of it.’

‘Don’t suppose there are many lagoons in London.’ That’s where we live. ‘Or England, for that matter,’ she adds. ‘Probably the whole of Europe. Mangroves!’ she exclaims, her blue eyes widening as they look at me in the rear-view mirror. ‘Don’t they grow in swamps?’

I laugh. ‘I have no idea. But swamp or lagoon, it’s still not the ocean.’

‘I’ll beat you yet,’ she says in what I think is a joke serious voice. Perhaps she’s more competitive than I thought.

We pass a palm tree farm on our left, followed on our right by a tangled sprawl of multicoloured bungalows with boats in their back yards.

I’m struggling to keep my eyes open, but I feel bad about abandoning Bridget. She may have nabbed the driving just so she could sit in the front seat with Marty, but I won’t hold that against her. Don’t want her to fall asleep at the wheel and kill us all – much as it’s hard to imagine how I’ll ever live with the humiliation of what my husband is putting me through.

‘There!’ she shouts as we pass a huge expanse of water.

‘Nope.’ I shake my head. ‘Still a lagoon. Look, you can see land over there.’

‘Shit,’ she mutters.

I smile to myself. The sunlight on the water is blinding, but I force myself to look at it. I need some light in my life. The last two weeks have been dark.

‘Hang on,’ Bridget snaps. ‘We’re in Key bloody Largo! You can’t tell me that’s not the ocean.’

‘Okay, you win,’ I concede. I told you, it’s hard to care about much these days.

Four white sails project out of the mangrove swamps as they make their way towards open water. We pass a bank of houses on stilts and I can see the water glinting beyond them. The houses and shop fronts are painted in colours of blue, green, aqua, yellow and cream, and in front of some flies the American flag on a gentle breeze. Polystyrene buoys hang like garlands on strings over fences and outside bars, and there are a lot of scuba-diving and bait and tackle shops. I keep catching flashes of the ocean through the lush, tropical vegetation. And all the time, the long straight road goes on. How strange that it will come to a permanent stop in Key West, the southernmost point of the USA. Then all that will be left in two weeks’ time is for us to get back on this same road and come home again. The thought depresses me. Maybe I’ll hitch a boat ride to Cuba instead.

Marty lets out a loud – and I mean LOUD – snore, and Bridget and I crack up laughing.

‘What? What?’ Marty jerks awake.

‘You were snoring,’ Bridget says.

‘No, I wasn’t,’ Marty scoffs.

‘Yes, you damn well were! You sounded like a whale. Didn’t she, Laura?’

‘Whales don’t snore,’ Marty retorts, before I can answer.

‘A pig, then,’ Bridget says.

‘I’d rather be a friggin’ whale!’ Marty exclaims.

We all crack up and then Bridget lets out a huge snort at the end of one guffaw, which only makes us laugh more.

‘God, I’m tired,’ she says when we’ve all calmed down.

‘Do you want me to drive for a bit?’ I offer.

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