The Making of a Princess (18 page)

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Authors: Teresa Carpenter

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Making of a Princess
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“Cute or not, I’m going to need more proof than your say-so,”
he answered. Yet he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the fringe of dark hair.
Avery was blonde. Crystal had been blonde. The baby had dark brown hair, like

Which proved absolutely nothing, he reminded himself.

“Could we at least come in?” she asked softly. “It’s silly to
be standing on your doorstep.” She fluttered her hand. “The mosquitoes are out
and I don’t want Nell getting bit.”


Avery nodded. “Short for Janell. It was the name of Crystal’s
nurse at the hospital.”

Something strange passed over Avery’s face as she said the
words. Callum’s jaw tightened as he recognized the emotion. Pain. Grief. Lord
knew he was familiar enough with them both. The longer this conversation went
on, the more he was inclined to think she might be telling the truth.

He wondered what had happened to Crystal. He’d barely known
her, but he did have enough humanity left in his soul to feel sorry she was
gone. And to feel sorry for Avery, who had clearly loved her.

Reluctantly he stood back and pushed the door open. “Come on
in, then. Don’t mind the mess.”

She’d soon learn that he came just as he was. And that would
have her leaving soon enough.

* * *

Shepard’s house was a disaster. Well,
perhaps not a disaster, but it was clear it was a bachelor’s house and that he
couldn’t be bothered with housework. Dirty dishes were piled in the sink, a
basket piled with dirty clothes was left in the hall and bits of newspapers were
scattered over what sparse furniture he had. “Sorry about the mess,” he offered
again, but his voice was missing any sort of sincerity. He wasn’t sorry at all,
she realized. And more than ever she was certain that she could leave Alberta
and go back home to Ontario with a clear conscience after today. Nell certainly
did not belong here.

Along with the guilt came an intense wave of relief. Because
while she’d felt all along that telling Callum about Nell was the
thing, it certainly wasn’t the
thing. Growing up without a father had affected
Avery profoundly and she didn’t want that for Nell. But telling Callum was
risky, too. Crystal had named her guardian but a biological father could
challenge that arrangement, couldn’t he?

But Callum Shepard had no interest in being a father. That was
as plain as the nose on her face. And Avery wanted to keep Nell with her for
always. Setting the guidelines was the second reason she was here in Cadence

She perched on a corner of the couch, the only space free of
papers or random clothing that hadn’t been put away. With Nell tucked in the
crook of her arm, she sat her purse on her knee and took out her wallet. “Here,”
she said, handing out the plastic-covered card. “This is her birth

He took the card from her fingers and looked at it a moment
before handing it back. “That doesn’t prove anything.”

“You’re listed as the father.”

“She could have put anyone’s name on there.”

Indignation burned through Avery’s veins and she fought to keep
her voice down. “But she didn’t put anyone’s name. She put
. And you know the dates add up. Crystal wouldn’t lie about
something like that.” She shifted a little. Truth was, Crystal had been going to
leave it blank. One of the last conversations they’d had was when Avery had
finally convinced her to name Callum as the father on record.

He took a seat in a chair across from her and rested his elbows
on his knees. “I beg your pardon because this is going to sound harsh, so let’s
just get it out of the way, shall we? Yes, I had a weekend fling with your
sister. But it wasn’t one-sided. She was just as willing as I was. And as far as
her not lying about something like that, what makes you so sure? She certainly
kept the existence of her baby a secret. A lie of omission is still a lie, you
know. Why not lie on the birth certificate as well?”

Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she struggled to
find the right words to respond.

“I know that probably makes you angry,” he continued, “but
there it is.”

The baby started to squirm in her arms and Avery shifted Nell’s
weight, hoping to keep her quiet a little while longer. She’d done what she’d
set out to do. She’d told him. She’d given him a chance. Nothing else was
required to keep her conscience clean. “That’s it, then?”

“Was there more you wanted from me? Child support,

The cool tone of his voice eradicated any hope of them dealing
with this amicably. He thought she was a lying money grubber even though he
hadn’t put it in those exact terms. Her nostrils flared as the words of a
crushing set-down trembled on her tongue. There was no point stirring up any
more of a hornet’s nest, not when she was close to having what she wanted. She
held Nell closer. “There’s nothing I want from you, Mr. Shepard. I just thought
you deserved to know you had a daughter. I didn’t agree with Crystal’s stance to
not tell you. Now that I have, I’ll be on my way.”

On her way. Like it was a short drive around the corner to go
home. It hadn’t been easy to find him and in the end someone she knew had broken
a few rules as a personal favor to get his contact information. Avery had taken
a week off work—unpaid—in order to fly out here because how did you deliver this
sort of news by phone or in a letter?

On one hand she’d half hoped that Callum would own up to his
responsibilities so they could come to an agreement. In her mind she’d worked up
a whole proposal for how she would raise Nell as her own but promise Callum he
could be involved in his daughter’s upbringing. It had been quite inspired,
actually, covering almost any contingency she could think of. The perfect plan
so that Nell would have a loving home with her but would also grow up knowing
her father—something Avery and Crystal had never had.

The speech was going to go to waste, but the end result was the
same. Nell was going home with her. If Callum wasn’t interested, that was his
business. She would do everything to make sure Nell had a full, happy life.

She slid her purse strap over her shoulder and stood, tucking
Nell’s blanket closer around her. Nell’s tiny dark eyes were open—at first
they’d seemed blue but now Avery was sure they were going to be brown, like
Callum’s. Avery blinked against sudden tears and made her way out of the
cluttered living room to the front door again.


Her hand was reaching for the knob when his voice stopped her.
She turned around to find him standing in the space between the living room and
kitchen, indecision marking his face.

“Why?” he asked quietly. “Why did you disagree with her about
telling me?”

“Why do you think?”

He frowned. “If I really were the father, wouldn’t Crystal have
wanted to at least ask for financial support?”

Avery studied him. “She said you were very clear during
your...brief time together, that as far as you were concerned weddings were all
a sham and you never wanted to have either a wife or kids.”

Whatever feeling she’d sensed behind the dark depths of his
eyes was quickly shuttered away. “And you didn’t agree with her?” he asked.

Did it really matter if he believed her? Perhaps it was better
if he didn’t. She could walk away free and clear without having to give up her
daughter. That’s what Nell was to her now. Avery had had her since birth and the
love she had for her was so pure, so deep...

And that was why she knew she couldn’t lie, even though telling
the truth complicated everything and risked the very relationship she cherished
most. When it came to Nell, Avery had to know that every decision she made was
true and honest. When the time came for Avery to explain about Nell’s parents,
she wanted to have a clear conscience. No white lies, no glossing over of the
truth. Avery had been brought up that way and it had sucked. If there was any
way at all that Nell could know her father, Avery wanted to make that

“Crystal and I grew up without a father,” she explained
quietly. “He took off when I was only eighteen months old—I have no memories of
him. He left my mother pregnant with Crystal. We didn’t have a bad life—I’m not
saying that,” she hurried to assure him, though it hadn’t exactly been ideal
either. “But to say I didn’t wonder what it would have been like...that
something wasn’t missing...”

She met his gaze. He was watching her curiously and she
realized that despite his radical change in appearance, the dark depths of his
eyes were the same. Mysterious and magnetic all at once.

“Even the divorce kids in school spent time with their dads and
I didn’t even know where mine was or what he looked like,” she explained. “I
don’t want Nell to have those same feelings because her mother wasn’t strong
enough to tell the truth when it mattered.”

“You’re not her mother.”

The words were like a slap, and at that moment Avery knew he’d
never understand. She rubbed her hand along Nell’s back, feeling the warmth
through the blanket. “Oh, yes, I am. In every possible way that counts.”

She opened the door, feeling the warm July air puff against her
face. The sun was just starting its descent and this side of the yard was awash
with golden light. Nell twisted her head irritably, trying to get the glare out
of her eyes.

Avery shifted her so that her small head was tucked safely into
the curve of her neck and made her way down the steps.

“Miss Spencer.”

She turned around. “What?”

He’d come outside in his stocking feet and stood at the top of
the steps, hands on his hips. He really was intimidating looking with his
scruffy beard and semi-wild hair and muscular build that Avery knew came from
years of military training and now, apparently, manual labor.

Intimidating and manly and innately sexy all at the same time.
That much hadn’t changed, either. Avery clenched her teeth together. Like that
really mattered.

“Where are you staying tonight?”

“I don’t know.” Truth be told, she’d come straight here from
the airport, wanting to get the conversation over with first. She’d probably go
back to Edmonton and find a room there. Was the town of Cadence Creek even big
enough for a hotel?

“There’s a bed-and-breakfast in town. That’s probably the
nicest. Otherwise there’s a hotel out closer to the highway.”

Avery held back a snort. His concern was so touching. Not like
was putting himself out and offering any
hospitality. She got the feeling that Callum Shepard was in it for one person
and one person only—himself, and anyone else be damned.

“Thanks,” she answered, and turned her back on him.

It took a minute to get Nell buckled into her car seat and
Avery could tell that the baby was growing more restless. They’d have to find a
place to relax and soon, because Nell was going to need a diaper change and a
bottle and some playtime.

Without saying another word to Callum she started the car and
turned it around, heading back out the driveway.

When she looked in her rearview mirror, he was still standing
on the steps, watching them leave.

ISBN: 9781460313565


Copyright © 2013 by Teresa Carpenter

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

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