The MC Sinners Series 2 - Heaven's sinners (21 page)

Read The MC Sinners Series 2 - Heaven's sinners Online

Authors: Jewel Bella

Tags: #Romantica

BOOK: The MC Sinners Series 2 - Heaven's sinners
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I walk over, stopping beside the bed and starin’ down at her. She’s breathing deeply, her blonde hair fanned out over the pillow. I know I hurt her tonight, and I’ll make up for it. I won’t let her think this is on her, ‘cause it ain’t. I shrug out of my jacket, and then I strip out of my clothes. My cock is raw from all the fucking I’ve been doing, but shit, I’d go again. Ciara, she’s a wildcat. Fuck, I never knew she was so adventurous.

When I’m naked, I pull the sheets back and climb into the bed. Ciara groans and moves.

I press my lips to her shoulder, and she whimpers.

Time to make it better.


feel hot lips against my shoulder, and I slowly wake up. I can feel the heat coming from Spike’s body, so I know he’s in the bed with me. I feel his finger slide up and down the skin on my arm, gently, softly.

I flutter my eyes open, and the dim light in the room makes me blink. I turn my face, and see Spike lying next to me, his brown eyes on mine. He looks soft, gentle, sweet and not the man who just told me to fuck off. He leans down, pressing his lips to my throat, and I find myself tilting my head back and letting him. He slides his lips down over my shoulder and then he lifts my shirt up and over my head. I let him, though I’m not even sure why.

“Ciara,” he murmurs against my skin, as he slides his mouth over my breast. “So fuckin’ sorry baby, I was a cunt.”

I shudder at his words, and my body instantly forgives him when his mouth reaches the heated flesh between my legs. He spreads my thighs and then his tongue is inside me, sliding up and down my clit. I groan, and tangle my fingers in the sheets, tilting my hips up to meet his feverish licking. He sucks and nips, rolling my clit around with his tongue. He slides two fingers inside me, gently stretching my sore, sensitive flesh. He slides them out and back in, slowly, gently. I cry out, and my body tightens around his fingers as he sucks my clit harder, flicking and teasing.

“Spike,” I whimper as I begin to come.

My body spirals up and out of control, and my orgasm tears through me like wildfire. Spike growls against my flesh as he slides his fingers in and out of my damp pussy, and his tongue continues dancing on my clit.

I stop shuddering when my orgasm subsides, and Spike gently removes himself from me, and slides back up my body. He grips my arms, rolling me into his side as he lies down on the pillow beside me. I curl into him, pressing my face against his skin and sliding my tongue out and over the hard, delicious flesh on his chest. He growls as I slide my other hand down his body to find his cock, hard and pulsing. I wrap my fingers around it, and begin to stroke it gently.

“Baby,” he rasps. “You don’t need to touch me. I didn’t do that for me, I did it for you.”

“I want to,” I whisper.

“I was an ass, you should be snapping it off not...fuck...”

I squeeze his cock, cutting his sentence short. Then I begin gently massaging it again. I can feel the spikes against my fingertips; the tops of them press into my skin, but I don’t care. I keep stroking him, up and down, up and down. Every now and then I stop and give his head a little squeeze. His breathing has become harsher, and his body is wound up tight. I keep stroking, pumping my fist harder. It aches, but I don’t want to stop. I will myself to keep going. I want to feel him come in my hand, I want to know that I can get him there just by doing this.

“Baby,” he pants. “Goin’ to come.”

I jerk him harder, and then I feel his cock swell in my hand before hot spurts of come shoot out and coat my hand and his pelvis. I can feel his cock pulsing as each warm spurt releases. He releases only one groan, the rest of the time he lies with his head back, his jaw tight and his body shaking. Lovely.

When his cock begins to soften in my hand, I let him go. I pull my hand out, and reach over to the table beside me and pick up a towel. I wipe myself, and then I pull the sheets back and wipe him. He shudders again, and stares over at me, his expression content.

“Did they hurt?” I ask, as I lift his cock and wipe all around it. My fingers once again graze the piercings.

“The dick rings?”


He nods. “Fuck yeah.”

“Why the spikes?”

He shrugs as I drop the towel and pull the sheets back over us, and nestle myself back into his arms.

“Liked the idea of havin’ somethin’ different. Then I fucked a girl one night who made a point of takin’ them all out, and so it started.”

“You got them done back when I knew you, and you never told me.”

“Didn’t think it was somethin’ you would want to hear, Tom Cat.”

“True,” I laugh softly. “I would have blushed until I exploded.”

He laughs. “Yeah, you would have.”

We lay silent for a moment, and then he looks to me and says, “I’m sorry for speakin’ to you like that earlier. I was a jerk.”

“Yeah, you were.”

He grins. “Am I forgiven?”

“Aren’t you always?”

He pulls me closer, squeezing tightly. “You’re too fuckin’ good for me, Tom Cat.”

“That might be how you see it,” I whisper, feeling my eyes grow heavy. “But it’s certainly not how I see it.”

“Changin’ everything,” he says quietly.

If only he knew, he was changing everything, too.

My entire world is different because of him.


om Cat, hurry up and finish, my cock is burning for you,” Spike whispers into my ear.

I grin and spin, gripping his arms and bringing his lips to mine for a deep kiss. The music around us is pounding. It’s a Saturday night at the bar and I’m working, as always. Spike came in earlier, and has been patiently waiting for me to finish. Add in some dirty talk, and he’s officially got me worked up. He pulls back from our kiss, flashing me a grin that has my panties melting. Fuck that grin. He’s gorgeous.


That voice. Even over the music, it has my blood running cold. Spike knows it, too, because his entire body stiffens. Letting me go, we both turn to see my mother and father standing in the entryway. Oh. Shit.

I haven’t seen them since the day I ran off, nor have I heard from them, so seeing them here is a complete shock. I don’t know why they’re here, and I’m not even sure I want to. My mother, once beautiful, looks worn. Her blonde hair is dull, her blue eyes lifeless. My father, usually tall and broad, is slumping and his dark hair is filled with gray. Their eyes scan Spike and I, and for a moment, my world stops. I know how badly this is going to go down.

“Mom...Dad...” I whisper.

My father’s eyes are on Spike, and the look he’s giving him is that of pure hate. I step forward, my legs wobbly, until I stop in front of them. “W-w-what are you doing here?”

“How could you?” my mother shrieks.

I flinch. “It’s...”

My father lifts his hand, and before I realize what’s happening, it connects with my face in an almighty slap that has the entire bar grinding to a halt. My ears ring and my eyes water as my head swings to the side and I lose my footing. I stumble to the floor, smashing into a heap of tables and people.

People quickly help, reaching down and lifting me. It takes me a moment to clear my vision and when I do, I see Spike standing, fists clenched, panting with rage.

“How could you?” my mother screams.

I get to my feet, my knees wobbly, my face burning. I cup my cheek, and I open my mouth and rasp out, “I know it looks bad, but...”

“But what?” she screams. “You’re a whore! You’re a filthy whore!”

Spike lunges forward, but I manage to step in front of him.

“You ever fuckin’ speak to her like that again and I’ll put you on your ass!” he roars.

“You lowlife piece of shit,” my dad bellows. “She’s dead and you’re moving on to her sister. Is that all you think of my daughter? Is that all she meant to you?”

“She meant the motherfuckin’ world to me, but she’s gone and I can’t live the rest of my life alone.”

“So you pick her sister?” my dad hisses. “You disgusting piece of trash. It should have been you that died. I should have done it myself!”

“Dad!” I cry.

He turns his gaze to me. “
. You’re nothing but a slut. I am ashamed to call you my daughter. My beautiful Cheyenne is dead because of the two of you, and how do you honor her memory? You fuck her husband.”

His words bring me to my knees. I slowly sink down, feeling my body heave with emotion.

“You best fuckin’ leave!” Spike growls. “Now.”

“I hope you’re proud of yourself!” my mother screeches. “I hope you know what you’ve done. We came back to make things better, and we find you running around with your dead sister’s husband. You are disgusting.”

I cover my face and shake my head. My emotions are a mix of anger and frustration. I lift my face from my hands, and I meet her stony cold, blue eyes.

“I am proud of myself,” I scream so loudly that the entire bar goes silent. “I am proud of everything I’ve done, and that includes him.” I jab a finger at Spike. “He’s everything to me, and he was everything to me before Cheyenne came along. If you want to hate me, go right ahead. It’s not like I haven’t lived my entire life with the same emotion being tossed at me on a daily basis.

“I’m sorry Cheyenne is gone, but it isn’t my fault. It was never my fault. She wanted Spike, she pushed for him, and you can blame me as much as you want for that but she was a big girl and she made her own choices. I’ll never be sorry for being with him now, because I love him. I’ve loved him far longer than she did, and I’ll love him until I stop breathing. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it’s disgusting, but it’s my happiness and you know what?” I get to my feet, my legs shaking. “I fucking deserve it!”

Then, with legs that don’t want to move, I walk out of the bar. I get to the parking lot before they catch up with me. My mother grips my arm and swings me around, her face wild with emotion.

Then suddenly, she lets me go. Her eyes widen and she takes a few steps backwards. I turn slowly, and see what she sees: Spike, Cade, Granger, Muff and about ten other bikers are standing in a massive line, glaring at her. She stumbles backwards, and clutches my father’s arm. Spike steps forward until he’s in their faces.

“You ever lay a motherfucking hand on her again, I’ll kill you,” he hisses at my father, and then he turns to my mother. “And if you ever call her another trashy name, I’ll knock you the fuck out. I will only say this once, so you fuckin’ listen, and listen good. Cheyenne made her fuckin’ choices, and her choice was me. She put herself in my life, and she chose to stay there. Ain’t Ciara’s doing, and it wasn’t my doing.

“I loved your daughter, I loved her with everything I knew how to love with at the time. I took care of her, and then I fucked up, and she’s gone because of me. I’m not sayin’ I’ll ever forgive myself for that, ‘cause I won’t, but it can’t be undone.

“As for her—” He points a finger at me. “—she’s been my fuckin’ heart since the day I laid eyes on her. She’s been treated like a fuckin’ dog by you two and her sister, and she didn’t deserve that. You have done wrong by her, and you fuckin’ know it. You will never admit it though, because you’re too fuckin’ selfish. You can call me every name under the sun, you can disown her and treat her like a dog, and you can think whatever you want about the situation, but the reality is that I fuckin’ love Ciara, and I’ve loved her from the moment I laid eyes on her. Don’t mean I didn’t love Cheyenne, ‘cause I fuckin’ did, it just means I probably didn’t love her as much as she deserved, and she did fuckin’ deserve it.

“The truth of the matter is that my heart has, and always will, belong to Ciara and there ain’t no fuckin’ way I’m livin’ another second without her because of shit that went on in the past.”

I’m crying, I mean I am blubbering and clutching my chest, staring at Spike and wanting to wrap myself around him and never let go. My mother pokes her nose to the sky and humphs, and my father stares at the bikers forming a line behind us. He turns to me, his eyes glassy with rage and part of me would like to hope, emotion. “If this is what you want, fine, Ciara,” he says. “But we won’t be a part of it.”

I swallow and stand up tall, walking over and taking Spike’s hand. “You never have been part of it.”

He stares at me, and then turns and takes my mother’s arm. She glares at me for a long moment and then turns and walks off with him. Just like that, my family leaves me, again.

Then I think of the people behind me, and I realize I’ve had the family I wanted all along. I turn to Spike, and he looks down at me, his brown eyes full of love and admiration. He lifts his hand, and he strokes my throbbing cheek.

“You love me,” I whisper.

“Yeah,” he rasps. “I was just a fuckhead and didn’t tell you sooner.”

I smile through my tears, through my pain - through it all that smile breaks through. “You make me happy, Danny. Forever.”

He leans down, gripping my face and pressing his lips to mine.

“Yeah babe, I fuckin’ know.”

“Take me home. I want in your bed until I can’t walk.”

He flashes me a devilish grin. “Babe, you know me too well.”

He grips my hand and turns to the guys. “You boys enjoy your night, and thanks. Tell Joe Ciara has gone home too, yeah?”

They all nod at him, and then turn and walk into the bar. Spike takes my hand and leads me to his bike. I climb on happy, content and feeling like finally, I might have a chance to make something of my life.

And finally, it’s with the man I adore.

Fuck yeah.


ey Addi, is Spike here?” I call to Addi as I walk through the Hell’s Knights compound two weeks later.

“He’s in with Cade, two doors on the left honey.”

“Thank you! I’ll come chat when I’m done, I just have to ask him about something.”

She waves a hand and flashes me a grin. I return it, and then head down the hall.

I smile as I walk, finally happy. Spike and I have been going great for the past few weeks. I spend most nights with him, and we spend a lot of time fucking. Oh, and what great fucking it is. I feel my cheeks heat as I move down the large hall. We haven’t found out if I’m pregnant or not yet, and I think we have kind of stopped worrying about it. At least, I have.

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