The Mechanic's Mate (10 page)

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Authors: Mikea Howard

BOOK: The Mechanic's Mate
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Chapter 14

Sadie spent the whole next day in a daze. Her morning in the shop flew by so she wasn’t even sure that she accomplished everything she’d set out to do. She enjoyed working with Smitty though. He’d come over from time to time and curiously ask about techniques. Being the first smith he’d worked with who hadn’t learned their actual skills from him within this shop, Sadie came in with different methods. He said it breathed new life into the workshop. If her thoughts hadn’t been so preoccupied about tomorrow, she may have cried.

Assuming she had done a good job hiding her wandering mind, Smitty interjected, “So you’re spending the day in the alpha’s office tomorrow? Guessing you’re a tad bit nervous about it?” He chuckled lightly.

“Umm, no . . . yes. Is it obvious?”

“No more obvious than his interest in you. Why don’t you go grab lunch for us both. We’ll take an early break, and then you can head off to play with the pups. I think we’ve done enough for this morning already and when you’re more focused, I’d like you to show me how you get those hinges banged out so quickly.”

“Okay, you might be waiting awhile for that focus part though.” She laughed, heading across the commons to grab food.

After lunch with Smitty, which she spent finding out more about him and how he courted Helena, Sadie headed off to daycare. Smitty, holding his arms up for a quick hug, said, “It’s nice having you around, so don’t be taking a full time position with them politics, okay?”

“No way would I quit this place Smitty . . . I like being around you too.” It reminded her of working with Pop, and it made her happy.

Thankfully the daycare went as smooth as taking care of a room full of rambunctious pups can. Once the kids went down for their naps, Sadie took the time to mull over the idea of asking for Kara’s help with what she’d overheard Domek telling Marek yesterday.

Sadie had always tackled issues on her own. She wasn’t even sure how she’d be able to involve her new friend. Where Kara would probably assist her, it would put her friend in danger. Not to mention if they both left for Eureka and failed to return, Sadie would have not only let Domek down, but Marek too.

She knew the answer, in order to keep Kara safe, she would need to keep her in the dark. At the thought of how important this woman had become to her, Sadie gave Kara an impromptu hug, the first she had ever initiated with anyone other than family. Normal for werewolves, Kara returned the embrace easily, unaware of this pivotal moment in Sadie’s life.

I belong here, this is my pack.
She tried to stop the tears, but Kara saw them, wiping Sadie’s face and smiling, making her cry even more.

“Are you ok, Sadie?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m just so happy to have a great friend.”

“I’m happy that you’ve come into my life as a friend too. Now, enough of that! Let’s get back to work.” She continued with a cheeky smirk, “We need to get you prepared for tomorrow in our alpha’s office. Best save your energy for that environment. Thankfully, I never had to work there, but I hear Dom can be quite the taskmaster.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” She laughed following her friend out the door.

When Domek picked Sadie up at shift’s end her anxiety for the next day almost overwhelmed her. While more concern focused on the deception of the city trip, she led him to believe working in the office with him caused her nerves. Technically it wasn’t a lie. Thinking of accepting Domek’s punishment filled her stomach with butterflies.

Once she met up with her alpha they hiked out without eating first. Sadie inquired about his plan for the night.

“We’ll hunt as wolves, then I’ll get you home and into bed early. You’ll need plenty of sleep to prepare yourself for your busy day tomorrow, especially if you decide to go forward with your punishment.” Never one to sugarcoat, he added, “You’ll also not be distracted during your shift tonight.”

She took a moment as what he implied sank in, replying with worry lacing her voice, “By no distractions you mean no sex?”

“Yes, little rabbit. No sex. You need to learn to do this yourself, just like every other member of your new pack. As I explained, we don’t have the luxury of doing this gradually.” He softened his words with a slow sweet kiss.

During the hike up, Sadie tried to keep from obsessing about the pain of doing this without his help, instead distracting herself by mulling over questions from when she first told Domek about her mating. “Alpha, can I ask you something?”

“Always, Sadie.”

She smiled at his easy response. “Remember when you told me I was a natural submissive?”

“Yes, I do remember. But to clarify what I meant, I would need to . . . well, I would need to show you. But I guess a short explanation would be, it’s those feelings that pulled you to want to please . . .” He struggled, saying, “your mate, even before he was . . . your mate. You could never explain why, but you just knew you felt the desire deep inside to make him happy. Those make you submissive by your nature.”

Sadie didn’t want to remember that time. About how she used to want to please Eridon, doing anything he told her. Wanting to do better, just because he said she needed to.

Domek laid his hand on her shoulder. “We’re here, Sadie. You can do this. Call your wolf.”

Her wolf responded quickly, always ready to be let out again. While she previously pulled back with ease, Sadie would have destroyed that trust had she not kept her promise by calling her out this evening. They played much the same as last night, but with an exhilarating hunt. When the time came to stop she vowed another shift soon, but not tomorrow.

Her wolf conveyed trust and affection as soft fur brushed gently against her insides. The sensation filled Sadie with another purpose. She endeavored to find out how to pull her other half forward while human, allowing her a different type of freedom when she couldn’t make a full shift feasible for both parts of her. They had the same soul, and were quick to trust. She needed to know, for both of their sakes that good things could happen from a leap of faith.

The shift back, while her wolf didn’t fight it, still engulfed her in excruciating pain. She had no idea how much Domek’s attentions had previously blocked the agony, but Sadie did it. Yes, she did it on her own, but still needed Domek to carry her home. He didn’t take her back to Kara’s this time, instead heading to his own place. Goddess, if not so bone deep exhausted, she may have been thrilled at him taking her to his bed.

Laying her on his soft mattress and tucking the blankets around her, she rolled toward him, almost asleep when she mumbled, “I did it alone though, right?”

“Of course you did, little rabbit. I knew you could,” he whispered as she fell fast asleep.

Chapter 15

Domek had just completed Karel’s recent ambassador briefing when he smelled Sadie, just a mere foot from him. She’d seemed apprehensive about working for him when he’d met up with her at the daycare yesterday, but he couldn’t pinpoint what caused it, fear of working in his office, or the proposed punishment.

Domek felt a small pang in his chest at the idea she might not want to work with him.

Yes, while known to be quite demanding on his staff, his expectations only served for the betterment of Blue Wolf. If any of his staff got lazy or sloppy, it could have devastating results for others in this enclave.
Besides, I’ll never be as scary as Maternal Wing schoolmarms.
That gave him an idea for an assignment he’d give Sadie.

Still standing opposite his closed door, regardless of her immense inner strength, this woman remained a natural submissive at her core. Would he have to command Sadie to enter, like every other time she’d come by his office? It appeared so.

He called out, “Sadie, either knock, or announce yourself and come in. Just standing there doing nothing unnerves me.”

It still took her a couple seconds to walk in. She must be over thinking every move, trying for perfection, and afraid of making a mistake.

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” she said
while taking her time approaching his desk.

He drew his gaze up and back down, appraising her outfit. “Ah, I see you found the clothes I laid out. When representing
office, all apparel should appear flawless.” He brought his eyes back down to the document, adding, “When considering if you will accept your punishment for your disobedience the other night, remember that your training has little to do with my status as alpha over you. I’m simply preparing you for what you should expect as a wolf, when you take lovers within the enclave.”

He heard her gasp, but refused to look up. The image of her lying naked with another wolf drove him mad and he needed a moment. Although he found himself conflicted about sleeping with a mated wolf, there were other pack members who wouldn’t be swayed by that fact. Domek changed his line of thought by finally focusing on the completely clothed Sadie who stood in front of him now.

He’d laid out a knee length form fitting black front wrap dress. It secured at her waist with a brooch. He had also acquired a black garter belt with stockings. Worn with a pair of black shoes, all of the pieces came together. The heels had just enough of a lift to lengthen her legs. Sadie’s hair had been styled up like the Hollywood silver screen starlets dieselheads like to ogle over. In fact that’s how Sadie appeared, like one of those starlets, which he’d never appreciated until now.

“Yes, Alpha. Thank you for laying out such beautiful clothes.”

Grazing her fingers over the dress’ front, she smoothed the fabric where its two panels overlapped, then clutched her hands together stilling the nervous movement. “What can I assist with today, Alpha?”

“I had just been contemplating how you could help me. I need a list of curriculum changes delivered to the North Wing and discussed with Magda, the school’s Headmistress.”

He cocked his head studying her face as she processed what he just said. He imagined the frantic inner dialogue churning through her mind.
North Wing, why does that sound familiar? Headmistress . . . Oh goddess the dreaded maternal wing!
Yes, the dreaded maternal wing.

Wolf schoolmarms, notoriously strict she-wolves, terrified him when they looked down at him as an older pup in school. He’d be lying if he said the matrons still didn’t unnerve him even now when he met with them from time to time. Even though the older women remained subordinate to his alpha, he ended conferences in their wing with great haste.

He stood, picked up a folded piece of paper off of his desk, and walked around to stand in front of Sadie. “Review this list so you can discuss it with Magda. After leaving my office find a nice quiet seat somewhere. Study this list familiarizing yourself with my changes. Once ready, head there and meet with the Headmistress. Remember that you represent the alpha’s office, so will be speaking as me, not yourself.”

Presenting an extensive list, he stopped her from opening it immediately by closing her hands in his. “As I directed, first find a quiet place to review my requests. I have a meeting with Marek, and as you know, nothing about Marek is quiet.”

Sliding his fingertips up her elbow, he pulled her forward toward him as he backed up, sitting on his desk. He drew Sadie in between his legs, and grabbed her waist. He seated her on his thigh, placing one hand at the small of her back. Domek placed his other on her knee, easing his fingers to the inside of her leg, to slide his palm up and under her dress finding the stockings lacy tops. He watched her reactions with every move he made, ensuring his advances weren’t unwelcome. Domek found it hard to control his actions when her body remained within reach, overriding any guilt about his feelings for Sadie.

He played his fingers along the edge as he spoke into Sadie’s ear in a soft timbre, “Once your task with Magda is complete, hurry back. Your punishment for coming without permission two nights ago is still pending.”

Inching his fingers from under the skirt, he slid his other hand down the curve of her bottom, giving a silent command to stand. He kept Sadie from trying to turn away by placing his palm just below her belly.

He planted one firm smack to her bottom as he said, “Now go . . . I’m not known for my patience while waiting for things I love . . . and I’m going to love punishing you, and if you agree, I suspect you’re going to like it too.”

Sadie fought laughing out loud at Domek’s curriculum changes listed for Magda. Although reasonable enough, having met the marm in passing once now already, she knew this woman could be intense. Kara had mentioned how difficult working with the schoolmarms could be. While aware that he didn’t intend to give an easy assignment, she had a sneaking suspicion Domek had assigned this because he just didn’t want to deal with the marms himself.

That fathead.

She contemplated taking a different approach than he would. The women are maternal wolves and do this because they want the best for their young, right?
Should I keep myself safe from physical violence by strapping a couple pups around my neck?
Chuckling at her own joke, Sadie took a deep breath as she headed north.

Ready for business, she placed a quick and decisive knock at Magda’s door. Surprisingly, the marm didn’t call out like Domek, but instead opened the door. Greeting Sadie warmly, Magda instructed that she sit down across from her desk, instead of asking. She lowered herself down somewhat hesitantly, expecting a trap.

At Sadie’s apprehension, Magda laughed. “Really girl, I don’t bite. Your friends have scared you because they grew up with me as their headmistress. It’s clear I’m a harsh woman who’s set in my ways . . . I’ll never dispute that. They have been disciplined by me,
albeit fair
despite what those wolves believe, but I can be reasonable. I’m certain he sent more demands for me. So which item on Alpha’s list is most unreasonable? That way our negotiations will be easier as we go.”

Sadie smiled, beginning with the bullet point that would be most ill received. “On their eleventh year of school two hours will be cut from all study hours to be devoted to whichever trade or career the student chooses. This will increase to three hours in their twelfth year.”

Magda steepled her fingers. “I see the validity of this, but it’s too much. What if a young wolf skips math, however decides later accounting would make them happier than enforcing? Do you have any renegotiation

“Yes.” Domek had stressed that she spoke for him on this, besides, losing any respect with the maternal could be detrimental, forestalling this meeting. “What’s your counterproposal?”

“I propose one and a half, increased to two.”

Sadie shook her head in disagreement. “One and a half to two and a half hours.” Writing it down.

At the start, Magda appeared as though she would argue, but surprised Sadie by acquiescing with a nod. “Fair enough.”

Things seemed to progress smoothly. Sadie read out the next bullet-point. Magda relented more than Sadie believed she ever had in her entire life, when the marm raised a hand in quiet protest.

“Wait.” Studying Sadie with a raised brow she said, “I have no interest in changing my curriculum, yet we have agreed on two changes already. While there has been some negotiation, I am sure Domek ended up on top.” Rubbing both eyes she squinted, pressing the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger, appearing frustrated.

Directing all focus on Sadie she commanded, “Look me in the eye now.” Magda didn’t bark the request like Dom would, but Sadie did as asked all the same.

Sadie smiled. “What is it, Marm?” She gave her a slow blink, covering her instant response.

Magda chuckled. “Well played, Domek. Well played sending a submissive. Read all remaining items, Sadie.”

Pulling the list out, she read it aloud.

“Okay. I agree to the rest without negotiation. You did a fine job picking ones I’d disagree with most. These seem agreeable.” Pausing for a moment before saying, “Now, Sadie, tell our alpha that I battled every point. I can’t have him sending such an apt negotiator every time.” She raised her head. “I would like more visits between us, but it will ruin my reputation if you’re this much of an effective debater each time.”

“As a maternal dominant, it is instinctual for me to support a wolf’s development in any strong skill set they present, such as your ability to negotiate. You, being a submissive omega wolf, require encouragement and support for your skills to flourish. But if our alpha had sent another dominant, I would have been forced to argue every suggestion, allowing them to grow with the challenge.”

The tension in Sadie’s shoulder’s eased. “Really?” This did not go as horribly as anticipated
at all
. While stressful, the visit had been a nice time. Missing maternal influences could have caused her unexpected reaction, but Magda ended up being pleasant, even likeable.

“Again, make him believe that I ran you over the coals. Okay? My goal was to be nice, so arguing with me would be too difficult . . . then intimidation, if that didn’t work. Clearly, our situation went another way.” She chuckled adding, “You complement our alpha so well. It’s a shame . . . Well, anyway, not a word! Promise me, Sadie”

“Of course, Magda.” She smiled, disregarding what had been omitted with desperation no longer new to her. “You make all terrible and difficult women pale in comparison. Indeed, a gruesome task I just endured.”

“Good girl, Sadie. Now get back to our alpha, or he will complain that I kept his assistant
too long.”

With this going so much better than expected, Sadie considered that nerves might be one of her worst enemies. She knew she wanted his punishment but the anticipation was killing her. She concluded that demanding he discipline her now, well once in Domek’s office, would alleviate the worst of the nerves. That way they could move on to other things, especially considering her plans for tonight.

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