The Melier: Home World (Women of Dor Nye Book 2) (16 page)

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She didn’t like it, although the rest of the family was hard pressed to hide their amusement.

When she did venture from the suite, MoMo followed her everywhere, chuffing and chirping while his purple tongue licked the air happily. He ran into walls repeatedly due to his curly bangs, and she wasn’t sure how he had survived this long.

She found herself clipping back his fluffy bangs which revealed his almond shaped purple eyes. They were just swirly orbs with a small, rounded pupil, and it reminded her of the orana mounts that had eyes of a similar design, only green.

After MoMo could see, he ran into things a lot less. At least, when he wasn’t slipping and sliding on the polished floors. Lucia would nearly keel over with laughter every time he tried to take off too fast and ran in place as his tiny claws clicked and fought for traction.

She was quickly able to tell when the
finally dissipated. The second night after her menses stopped, Zun and Soren had nearly suffocated her in their closeness as they slept, and

She hadn’t heard them purr in over a week.

The middle of the night rolled around and it was like their bodies instantly gravitated toward her, as they had been sleeping a decent distance away, and their rumblers revved almost simultaneously. She lay there silently laughing to herself for the first while and petting their tails that draped over her middle.

But then… she began to sweat.

Their body heat was unbearable, even with the cooling system on blast.

Before she melted into the sheets she lifted one of her hands, and then the other, pulling herself from under their bodies. She imagined it looked like she was digging her way out of a Melier grave.

Twice she lost her balance and slipped, elbowing Soren in his shoulder and falling across Zun’s middle before tumbling to the hard floor below. Neither of them even flinched, and Lucia nearly purred herself as she plastered her body to the nice, cool floor and drifted off to sleep.

Not even a half hour later, Zun was peeling her off the ground and depositing her back between him and Soren. Their tails wrapped around parts of her body, and Soren’s cheek rested on her shoulder while Zun’s head lay further down on her stomach, and then a million arms cocooned her.

Lu groaned, and
fell asleep in a sweaty, hot mess.

Chapter 11



“I just received some information that we may want to look into,” Gi’Ren said as Soren, his brothers, and their father stood around the table in the war room. A vid message popped up of Ecker, a
male, and a friend of Gi’Ren’s.

Soren listened as Ecker gave details of a merchant ship sitting in Sak Pan Galaxy, far off the trade routes many would normally take. The male was escorting an ally to Melierun, and with Ecker’s naturally watchful habits, being the
he was, the ship stood out to him.

It was suspicious.

Soren rubbed his jaw as he mulled over the information. “Why would a merchant craft be idle in Sak Pan?” he mused aloud.

It didn’t make any sense, since merchants usually considered time as money. Unless they were waiting to do a private transaction, but that was too hazardous, especially with the amount of pirates roaming the outskirts of the trade routes.

“Ecker hailed the ship, but they only sent back a text transmission indicating they were not in distress,” Gi’Ren said, his brow pulled low in dubious concentration.

“This does not sit well with me,” Val’Zun added.

Soren agreed as did the others, all having a feeling there was something missing from the equation, and he wanted to know exactly what it was.

“We will keep a watch on this,” his father said with finality.


“What’s he
?” Lucia whispered to Soren and Val’Zun as she stood with them while the king and queen greeted guests from various planets that were allied with Melierun. There was some kind of ambassador meeting happening that week, and a party was planned for the next day to give the palace guests, and their family’s, time to relax and mingle.

Apparently it happened every year in order to continue good relations with trade, and military efforts. At that particular moment, a species she’d never been around before was speaking to the queen, and her implanted translator kept saying
‘error no translation’

“You cannot understand the
?” Soren looked down at her curiously, his fingertips sliding over her temple. She shook her head. “We will give your translator a language update before the party tomorrow.”

Her eyes swept back to the strange male. He stood closer to human height than the Melier, most likely just less than seven feet. She first noticed his green skin, with darker green stripes along his arms and the sides of his face. It had a shine to it, like it was a glossy material stretched over a lean body.

He was very fish-like with webbed hands that were tipped in short, green claws. His eyes were overly large and black, and they kept flicking with a white film which she assumed was some type of eyelid.

Gills could be seen along his neck and whenever he smiled, a top and bottom flat enamel lining could be seen inside his mouth instead of individual teeth. When his gaze found hers, he smiled and his gills flapped slightly.

She smiled back, a silent giggle getting caught in her chest at the strange gills.

Must not hate humans then.

More species filtered in, and she recognized the
, a brutish race, and the
, a very pretty golden skinned, horned race of warriors. She had heard rumors their
curled, ribbed horns were erogenous, but she never knew for sure.

Not that she wanted to find out.

They seemed to be indifferent toward humans.

The Rooblin however, they liked humans. She remembered partying with a Rooblin at a very rowdy club Mima had dragged her to in Dor Nye’s capital.

They all had black, braided strips of hair down the center of their skulls and wiry, braided hair dangling from their chins. The most imposing thing about them, aside from their need to brawl, was the tusks that grew from the back of their jaws. They didn’t really serve a purpose though, since they didn’t protrude enough to actually gouge an opponent.

That made Lucia shiver as she continued to sweep her gaze upon the crowd, and she was pretty sure she had spotted a Boruun which were easy to discern because of their
covered bodies.

She spotted Gi’Calla and the princess gave her a slight wave, which she returned. She thought it was odd that the princess had never made good on her offer of friendship.

Every third meal with the family, she was there, and basically ignored her. Every once in a while, when she thought Gi’Calla’s friendship was a dying ember, she’d initiate a short conversation with her. By short, she really did mean short.

Most conversations had only consisted of a question or compliment and then on she moved with ignoring her. Lucia tried not to think about it, because there really weren’t any explanations other than
like her mother, whether she wanted to be or not.

The remainder of the guests continued to filter in and her mates were guiding her back to the suite.


She tasted it on her tongue. It was a very strange thing, even now, to think she had

“I suppose you’re both leaving now? Off to wherever it is you two go every day?” She scowled as they entered the suite. She felt childish as she plopped down on a cushion, and that suddenly made her all the more irritated.

When they shared a look, she snarled because she just
they weren’t telling her something.

“That is a very unbecoming sound,” Zun scowled.

“Stop avoiding my question.”

“I was stating fact.”


“Why does she always do this?” he asked Soren.

“I think it is camouflage for her
question,” Soren answered.

“Why does she not ask what she truly wants to, then?”

Soren shrugged and considered Lucia with his rich, golden gaze.

She snarled with frustration again. She was extremely tired of that niggling feeling they were keeping something huge from her. Her questions were being ignored lately at an alarming rate, and it was grating.

“Maybe she misses us,” Soren grinned and Zun eyed her dubiously.

She shook her head and flopped back on the cushion, wondering where Gi’Ren had taken Lenny before her thoughts veered back to her current concerns.

“If you would just
me, I would stop asking. Where do you run off to every day, Soren? Where do you go when you’re not training, Val’Zun? Why do you keep
me, and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!” She held up her hand when Soren began to counter her question.

“She is impossible.”

Lucia glared at Zun who glared back.

I’m impossible?
” she shrilled and shot to her feet.

They both winced, but he continued to glower at her.

“I don’t stand here having conversations
either of you to another person while ignoring your questions. I am not
. You two are hiding something!”

They looked at each other once more and then, they slowly advanced on her.

“Stop it,” she warned, tossing a finger at them as they began circling her, their pupils widening and flooding the color until only black remained.

She clenched her jaw as that familiar
of hunger morphed their entire presence. It was almost like she was chum in the water, and the predators were whirling about her, ready for attack at any moment.

The air sparked with electricity, and while her inner voice kept screaming
‘it’s a trick!’
, another part of her quaked with anticipation, knowing the pleasure she desperately
and didn’t even know it until that second, was just within reach.

This was how they operated lately. Whenever she wanted information on something they were unwilling to divulge, they
her with something shiny, or tasty, or…

Soren’s tail shot out to swipe along the underside of her chin, and as she was distracted with batting it away, Zun’s quick movements unsnapped her robes clasp at her hip. She didn’t even realize what he did until it fell open and she was scrambling to close the fabric back over her exposed front.

“I’m warning you both!” she hissed, and Zun began to purr lowly.

It never failed, whenever she got irritable with him, he got aroused. He had yet to be inside of her again since their first time. That didn’t stop him from doing stuff like
, much to her displeasure.

Or pleasure.

Shut up.

Soren took advantage of her momentary silence, and she felt a slight pressure, then heard a
sound as the fabric of her robe was sliced down the back by one of his claws. It fell forward and crumpled into her folded arms, her entire backside exposed.

“Soren! I happen to
this robe!”

“We will get you a new one,” he said thickly while they both continued to circle her.

Zun’s tail slithered up her leg from behind and swiped down the seam of her pussy. She yelped with surprise, and then moaned almost instantly. Soren took that chance to snatch the tatters of her robe from her arms and toss them out of reach.

She stood there, naked, trying to cover herself with her arms, and she realized how useless it was, but she wasn’t finished
to get answers from them. “I still want to know what’s going on--”

Soren slapped a hand across a cheek of her ass, causing her to jump nearly a foot off the ground as her eyes widened and her jaw sagged open in disbelief. Her hands shot to the assaulted flesh, and Zun’s tail slashed at her slit again, and to her dismay, she trembled, feeling her core grow slick with unwanted arousal.

She sucked in her lips to choke down the whimper as the sounds of their scenting hit her ears. Her traitorous body was
them when all she wanted to do was talk and get some damn answers.

Well, mostly.

,” she tried to put some conviction into it, but it was simply a pleading wail that meant exactly the
of what she was trying to convey.

Again, Soren slapped her ass, landing on the untouched cheek. A stinging pain seared her flesh, yet it seemed to shoot a direct
to her core and her knees knocked together before she got a hold of herself.

Again, Zun’s tail whipped between her legs and that time she wasn’t able to stifle the whimper fast enough. They repeated this three more times as they circled her, and by the time they were done, her trembling thighs were slippery with arousal and she found it hard to

Lucia wasn’t sure she could take anymore.

A final time, Soren’s hand came down against her flesh with a
and Zun’s tail flicked her throbbing clit. She cried out as she dropped to her hands and knees on the cushion, the tail going with her as it continued to flick back and forth on her way down. Her back arched as her body tightened and shook with a quick, strong orgasm.

They descended upon her then.

Gusts of hot breath hit places on her skin that they scented, and it turned her into a trembling, wet mess, and then just as quickly, she was being lifted. When Lucia opened her eyes next, she was on her spread knees and Soren was laying in front of her while Zun’s face was between her thighs. A bumpy, textured tongue licked up her slit and she moaned loudly.

Immediately she dropped down to place her mouth on Soren’s cock. He sucked in a hiss of air as her tongue flicked the tip, and then her lips devoured him. Lucia didn’t
him into it; she just
what she wanted.

The force of instant sensation made him groan, and growl, and give up a small gush of his tart-sweet sap. She greedily sucked it down, letting his cock feel the constricting muscles of her throat. When Zun’s tongue slid up her slick channel, she cried around the flesh in her mouth.

Zun purred as he licked, and tasted, and fucked her with his tongue. It vibrated her entire lower body, and her second orgasm crashed down upon her within seconds. She tried grinding onto his face, but he held her hips firmly in place as he continued to flick and lick her sensitive nub until she was begging him to

Lucia couldn’t move in his grip, and he continued to
her, and savor every drop she oozed onto his chin. To take out her frustration while her nerves continued to fritz and spaz with every graze of his torturous tongue, she downed Soren’s cock.

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