The Millionaire Falls Hard (17 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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Jake put his hand on her arm to hold her back.
'Are you on commission for the local hospitals Carrie?'
Carrie just stared at him confused. 'What do you mean?'
'Your dress. Or the lack of it. It's enough to give every man in the room heart failure. I thought the back provocative enough, with your bare back and the peak through to your shoes, but good grief, Carrie, there's next to nothing of the front!'
From the waistband two pieces of material rose up like elongated pyramids and covered her breasts, each piece gathered in a gold ring at her collar bone before going up round the back of her neck to be caught in a clasp just below her hairline. The front of the dress from the waist fell straight to the floor like the back, only instead of a calf-high slit up the centre, this one seemed to go all the way to the top of her legs.
Carrie bristled at the criticism. She'd had second thoughts herself when she'd studied the dress in the privacy of her bedroom but there was no way she would admit that to Jake.
'This dress is the height of fashion just now. The saleswoman assured me….'
'That you'd get a good lay tonight? It looks more in keeping with something a cheap tart would wear than someone mingling with the elite of Miami society!'
'How dare you!' Jake blocked her hand as it instinctively rose to slap him.
'Not here sweetheart. Unless you mean to cause a scene tonight and embarrass your mother and Glenn?' Jake raised his eyebrows and waited for her answer.
Carrie felt herself go a deep red as she realised what she had been about to do. She lowered her hand.
With as much dignity as she could muster, she said. 'You're very wrong about the dress Jake. With an exorbitant price tag, not even a high class prostitute could afford this dress. Look around you. Other women are similarly attired.'
Jake seethed with sexual frustration as he fought his desire to strip her of the dress now to prove his point.
'No-one else is garnering the looks you are Carrie. I hope you're ready for the consequences of wearing that dress tonight.'
With that obscure threat, Jake put his hand under her elbow and all but dragged her to their table.
Carrie sat in her seat, desperately trying to pull the front panels together over her lap. Because of the slit they kept falling either side, exposing both her legs.
What the hell had I been thinking when I bought this dress?'
Trouble was, she hadn't been. She'd allowed herself to be carried along by the sales assistant, on her first fashion shopping trip in months. She'd been like a kid in a candy store. If she'd only sat down in it in the shop she definitely wouldn't have bought it. Jake was right, although she'd never tell him. It was clearly saying 'take me, I'm yours'. The material was so sheer she hadn't even been able to wear a thong, never mind panties. This was so not the event to make such an exhibition of herself. Not that she was the sort of person to do that anywhere. She was surprised her mother hadn't said anything at the house.
Jake watched Carrie's futile attempt to cover her legs. As he watched her hands on her thighs, he turned as hard as stone. If he didn't know better, he'd swear Carrie was flaunting herself in front of him. But he did at least know her well enough to know she wouldn't do that. He took a deep breath, trying to get his sexual urges under control. It would be all too easy to rest his hand at the top of her thighs. The sexual tension between them was so strong, he'd bet the new company she'd orgasm in seconds. He groaned. The dress was driving him crazy with pent up need.
He forced himself to look away from her lap. Everyone else seemed deep in conversation, except the man the other side of Carrie, who was all but salivating at what Carrie was doing.
Jake reached out and grabbed her hands.
'Enough! No amount of fiddling is going to get that dress to stay together.' He hissed at her. 'Your giving your neighbour a hard-on. I know that because it's precisely what I've got. So unless you want me to drag you out of here right this minute, I suggest you tuck yourself right in under the table cloth to cover up.'
Carrie gave him a hard glare but did as he suggested. Jake glared across at the man the other side and raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement of what he'd been doing. The man reddened and hastily turned to his wife.
'Wine madam?'
'Oh, thank heavens for the wine waiter
,' thought Carrie. 'A small glass of red please.'
The meal seemed endless. Every time Carrie looked down at her plate, all she saw was her cleavage. The panels at the front of the dress were widely cut to show the swell of her breasts. She groaned again at her idiocy in buying the dress. It had looked fine when she'd stood up straight with her legs together in front of the dressing room mirror but it turned her into an invitation on legs when she walked in it. And when she sat down! Well she may as well have just stripped it off for all the good it was doing as an item of clothing!
Out of the corner of his eye, Jake could see Carrie playing with her food and sipping her wine. He couldn't bring himself to turn to her. Looking at her turned him instantly hard and he was so sexually frustrated and mad at her that he didn't trust himself not to throw her across the table and take her in front of everyone here. He continued to make meaningless small talk with the woman next to him, who despite looking at least fifty, was coming on to him strong.
For a while, the whole table shared one topic of conversation and Glenn introduced him as the new owner.
Finally, the interminably tedious meal came to an end. Jake had no recollection of what he'd eaten, nor what it had tasted like. Whilst his mouth had been talking business, his brain had stayed in his pants.
Jake sat back in his seat and glanced across at Carrie. Big mistake! She was sitting forward resting her forearms on the table which gave him a glimpse of the side of her breast. He closed his eyes. There didn't seem to be one part of that dress that decently covered her. He scraped back his chair and grabbed her arm.
Lost in her own thoughts, Carrie jumped at the intrusion.
'I see your manners haven't improved since the last dance we were at Jake.'
'Didn't feel then as if you minded,' he muttered.
'And that isn't all that hasn't improved, so unless you want to make a public spectacle of yourself, you'll dance. Now.'
Carrie stood and went with him to the dance floor. He held her in his arms for a slow waltz.
Jake breathed in the scent of her. With those heels on, she was almost the same height as him. He rested the side of his head against hers, drew her in tight against him and closed his eyes.
At last! For the first time in what felt like forever Jake relaxed. Carrie in his arms seemed to centre him, make him feel that all was right with the world.
'Carrie.' Her name came out as a whisper as he relished holding her in his arms again.
He heard her sigh then relax against him. Seemed she felt the same. Her response spurred him on.
'Feel what you do to me Carrie.' Jake tightened the arm he held around her waist to pull her hips in against his erection. Carrie tried to pull back, embarrassed.
'Oh no you don't. Not any more. You knew this day would come.' Jake held her tight. 'Tell me you don't feel this too.'
Silence. Despite the music. Despite all the people around them. Silence. He could almost hear her brain ticking.
'Tell me Carrie!' He pulled her closer still, grinding his erection into her pelvis.
'I can't.' She whispered it so quietly he wasn't sure he heard correctly, until she said it again.
This time she looked him in the eye, and there he saw a reflection of what was surely in his own.
For all that Carrie wished she could fight the attraction, she had to admit now that she couldn't any longer. She needed to know what it would be like, just once. Instead of feeling embarrassed she was on fire. Her blood was pumping through her veins so fast she felt she would burst.
Jake waltzed her to the edge of the dance floor. Neither took their eyes from the other. He took her by the hand and led her out of the room.
As Jake punched in the code for the private lift, he placed his arm around Carrie and held her close to his side. It was a silent signal that said there was no way she was getting away this time. As the doors opened, he nudged Carrie in ahead of him. The doors were hardly closed before Jake turned her to face him and stared into her eyes.
A reflection of his own.
Holding her arms, he pulled her closer. He plundered her mouth with a hunger so fierce he didn't think he'd make it to the bedroom. Months of pent up tension rushed through him. His hands moved down to her waist. There was no gentleness. Jake was so sexually wound up he could no longer think straight never mind slow things down. But Carrie matched his need, parting her lips to give him more intimate access. Jake needed no further encouragement. His tongue seductively licked her bottom lip, then caressed her teeth, before entering into a mating dance as Carrie's tongue reached out to do the same. Carrie tasted of the mango coulis they'd had with the dessert, sharp and sweet. Dear heaven!
Jake was finding it hard to hold back. He physically ached with the need to pour his seed into Carrie, to commit the ultimate act of love.
As Jake came up for air, he eased back to rain soft, sweet kisses along her jawline and down her neck. Carrie moved her head to the side to give him better access and raised her arms behind his neck. She moaned as he nipped her neck. She felt his touch all the way to her core. This was a new experience. She hadn't known that making love could be so consuming, would make all thoughts fly from her head. Knowing the effect she was having on him gave her a sense of power as she ran her hands through his hair. His mouth found hers once more and she grasped his head with both her hands, wanting his touch, needing the raging hunger of his mouth on hers.
As her passion brought her close to release she matched Jake's need, sucking on Jake's tongue, holding it captive for a moment in her mouth.
Jake thrust his tongue in and out as Carrie sucked and licked. Jake groaned as their mouths simulated what he wanted to do with his rigid shaft. He moved his hands up her sides and felt the soft swell of the sides of her breasts. Bare flesh! His thumbs moved inside the front panels of her dress, across her breasts and stroked her nipples. Hard buds met his touch.
Desire flashed through him like sheet lightening. Pushing Carrie against the wall of the lift, he unzipped himself and released his engorged flesh. With his other hand he reached for the front of Carrie's dress intent on ripping off her panties.
Red hot lust shot through his body like a bullet torn from a gun when he realised she was naked beneath. Naked and soaking wet.
He rammed into her, unable to hold back. Unable to be gentle their first time. Carrie cried out with pleasured shock. Her hands spread out against the wall behind her to keep herself upright.
He pulled back and thrust again, slamming her back against the wall. One more thrust and Carrie screamed her release. Another one and Jake exploded inside her. His aching shaft pulsed as he poured his seed into her hot body. Time seemed to stand still as he emptied himself.
Finally, with that slaking of desire Jake felt all his pent up emotion drain away.
He fought to get his breathing under control whilst continuing to feel the aftershocks of Carrie's orgasm.
He could feel himself softening but didn't want to lose the intimacy of being physically joined. He rested his head on her shoulder. He lightly nibbled her earlobe and Carrie instinctively moved her head closer for more.They stood there, joined, until Carrie's knees buckled from under her as she drifted back to reality, and she fell limp in his embrace.
At that moment, reality hit Jake like a ten ton truck.
Chapter 11
He tightened his grip on her to prevent her from falling and rested his forehead against hers.
'Mmm, I never knew….'
'I'm sorry.'
They both spoke at once.
Carrie moved back slightly to look at him. Still in a post-coital haze, she didn't understand what his apology was for.
'What are you apologising for?'
'What didn't you know?'
Jake smiled, as for a second time, they spoke together. He reluctantly broke away from their union, tucked himself back into his trousers, opened the lift door and, putting his left arm under Carrie's knees, carried her into the suite.
As he put her down on her feet beside one of the sofas, he noticed the dress, how the front panels exposed her breasts and how the skirt had ridden up a couple of inches over her hips, exposing her mound. Despite the release of emotion in the lift, and his remorse at the way he'd just taken her, he felt the anger rise again and tried to tamp it down.

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