The Millionaire Falls Hard (6 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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Now she thought about Lynne's behaviour, it had been out of character all week. She'd done her job with her usual efficiency and she'd chatted, but she'd been quieter, lost in her own thoughts sometimes. Every time Carrie had asked if anything was wrong Lynne had put on a smile, a false one now she thought about it, and carried on with her work.
They'd been planning for the next story telling session Carrie was going to do at the primary school. Carrie loved spending time with the kids there, just as they seemed to love having her there. They lapped up the stories and had great fun dressing up as some of the characters and play acting in their own tales. Carrie was a great benefactor to the school, having donated thousands to help with much needed fundraising. It felt good to give something back to a place that Charlie clearly loved being in.
The doorbell rang again, this time more persistently. Carrie started to shake, feeling, suddenly, very isolated. She went through to her office and surreptitiously looked out the window. Relief flooded through her when she realised it was Jake until she remembered that they still didn't know who was sending the letters and she still didn't like Jake. As her body told her differently, she hoped she could trust her body, even though she wasn't comfortable with the way it responded.
She took a deep breath to calm herself and knocked against the glass to get his attention.
'What are you doing here?' She called out.
'I want to talk to you about Phil and Lynne. Will you let me in before the battery on this bell runs out?' Carrie realised he still had his finger on the bell. She also realised that his manners weren't improving. She sighed and with some reluctance and curiosity, opened the door to him.
Part of Jake didn't want to spend any time with Carrie but another part of him was excited at the prospect of seeing her in her own environment. He was getting very impatient waiting for her to open the door.
'What the hell is that woman up to?'
he thought. Probably in the middle of something with one of her 'men'. He didn't like where his thoughts were taking him as he leaned on the door bell.
Finally, she was there. He thought he caught a look of fear but it was masked so quickly he must have imagined it.
By the time Carrie finally opened the door to him, he was not in a great mood. Not that it had been very good to start with. His best friend was close to the edge because the first woman he'd ever given his heart to had rejected him and Jake wasn't going to stand by and let that happen.
'What's going on with Lynne?' he demanded pushing past her and standing in her hall.
'Good evening to you too, why don't you come in?' Carrie said sarcastically. She could do without this kind of attitude. Jake turned back to look at her.
'Phil is completely distraught because of Lynne. What's going on?' His manners were no better but at least he'd provided a bit more information.
Carrie took a few deep breaths as she shut the front door and locked it. That had become a habit since the threats had started and it never dawned on her that she was locking Jake in with her.
'I was just about to make a cup of tea, can I get you anything?' she asked smoothly.
That caught Jake off guard, he hadn't expected her to be hospitable. 'Er, yes, please, that'll be fine. Just milk.'
Carrie showed Jake into the living room. Normally she would entertain one person in the smaller garden room but she wanted to be able to create some space around her and Jake and so invited him to choose one of the seating areas in her expansive main room.
Carrie went off to the kitchen to make the tea. She couldn't believe he was in her home and fought to keep her thoughts under control. Lost in them, she jumped when she heard Jake right behind her.
'I thought I'd invited you to stay in the living room?' Carrie continued to concentrate on making the tea.
'I'm just curious about the rest of the place. Why so much space Carrie? It's no wonder you keep losing Charlie.'
Carrie's head shot up at that barb and Jake thought he saw the fear there again.
Before Carrie could respond he apologised. 'Sorry, that was out of order.'
'Go back to the living room Jake. I'll be through in a minute.' Carrie sounded weary. She didn't have the strength to fight with Jake just now. She wasn't sure why she'd let him in, except her curiosity about what he had to say regarding Lynne had got the better of her. It's funny he should ask about her just when Carrie had been thinking about her.
She carried the tray of tea into the living room and found Jake on the sofa beside the glass wall looking out into her garden that was tastefully lit in amongst the bushes and plants, giving an almost ethereal look to the view. She smiled despite herself. He'd chosen her favourite spot in the room. She sat the tray on the coffee table and took the chair to the left of the sofa. Carrie poured Jake's tea, having made herself a mug of rooibos.
'Why the different tea? Has mine got poison in it?' Despite herself Carrie laughed at that comment. If only she had thought of it she might have been tempted!
Jake was silently pleased that he'd made her laugh. There was a haunted feel about her that unsettled him. He had to remind himself that this wasn't a social call and having taken a mouthful of tea, asked again what was going on with Lynne.
'I don't know what you're talking about. Why should there be anything going on with her?'
'Oh come on now, you're her best friend, she must have talked to you. You've probably had a good laugh at Phil's expense.' Jake sounded irritated.
Carrie looked genuinely puzzled. 'I really don't know what you're talking about. I've had a lot on my plate recently so Lynne may have decided not to worry me further. Why don't you tell me what you think is up with her.'
Carrie suddenly felt guilty that her friend may have needed her support and she hadn't been there for her. She should have acted on those signs she'd noticed during the week. Lynne hadn't been herself at all, since she'd come back at the beginning of the week from a couple of days off.
Jake noticed the worry flash across her face. She really was an open book as far as her emotions were concerned. Jake just didn't understand why she displayed so many negative emotions. Maybe she was just a dolorous person. That thought didn't sit comfortably at all. He forced himself back to the task in hand. This was about his friend not himself.
'Phil's looked miserable for over a week now. He refused my offer of a night of beer and shooting pool last weekend, which he has never done before without good reason, and for the last couple of days he's been shouting at everyone at work, which, also, he never does. Next to myself, Phil is one of the most mild mannered people I know. He's shut himself down and wont talk to me. So, I repeat, what's going on with Lynne?'
'And I repeat, I don't know what you're talking about.' This really was getting most tedious. Mild mannered! I bet you normally do the shouting at work.
'I've never raised my voice to my staff.'
Carrie was shocked to discover she'd spoken her thoughts out loud. Jake smiled at her embarrassment. 'You don't have a great opinion of me do you? Well I don't suppose I've given you much cause to think well of me. Much though I'd like to rectify that, that's not why I'm here just now.'
Jake realised that if he was going to get anywhere he would have to apologise for being so curt since he'd barged his way in. 'Look, I'm sorry for my behaviour so far.'
Carrie looked surprised.
'Yes, I am aware of how I've behaved and it's not beneath me to apologise.' Jake said ruefully when he noticed her face.
'Phil is my closest friend and I would lay down my life for him. That may sound melodramatic but that's the way it is. Maybe it helps you understand why I came here accusing Lynne and determined to get to the bottom of it. I know everything that has gone on in Phil's life and that's why I've reached the conclusion that his current mood must be to do with Lynne. All I know is that Phil thinks Lynne is the other half of his soul and was going to ask her to marry him.'
'What! But they've only just met!' Carrie couldn't believe how quickly the relationship could have moved forward.
'He's thirty seven years old and was giving up on the hope of settling down. I think even he was surprised at how quickly he fell. Just goes to show what can happen when you meet the right person.' Jake seemed to say the last part to himself.
As she thought back over the times she'd seen Lynne with Phil, they had looked very happy together, very much in tune with each other. And Josh seemed to adore him as well. She smiled as she recalled how Phil had patiently helped Josh build two model aeroplanes and then proceeded to re-enact world war two in the air.
'What's going on inside your head now? Do you know your emotions flash vividly across your face?'
Carrie looked down at her mug and took another sip of tea, feeling slightly embarrassed that he noticed so much. She hoped he wouldn't notice that her heart was beginning to beat faster just because he was so near.
Carrie cleared her throat. 'Lynne hasn't been herself this week either. She's been quiet. I've been so caught up with a problem that I didn't notice.'
Carrie felt tears smart her eyes as she realised she'd let her friend down, and forced them back. She would not cry in front of this man.
Jake quietly observed Carrie and noticed her bright eyes and then the struggle she seemed to be having within herself. He sensed that something was bothering her, she surely couldn't look that upset about her friend. He just couldn't make her out. She didn't seem to be anything like the picture Gemmell had painted of her, but then, since when was he a good judge of women.
'Since your body can't stop getting aroused at the sight of her
,' said a small voice in his head.
Jake knew he had to get back to the task in hand before he was unable to stand up for the next ten minutes.
'Has she ever mentioned to you how she feels about Phil?'
'Not in so many words, but she was so ecstatically happy and Josh genuinely seemed taken with him. I know they've spent a lot of time together. I teased her about not needing two houses and she blushed, so I guess she maybe felt the same way as Phil.'
'And she's said nothing in the last week to suggest that has changed?'
'No, she's just been quiet.'
Carrie damned those letters again. How could she have missed all the signs of her friend hurting so much. Lynne had always been there for her and the time she needed Carrie, she'd let her down.
Jake couldn't bear to see the anguish written all over Carrie's beautiful face. Looking at her pain twisted something deep in his gut. Determined to get her away from her troubled thoughts he asked her to tell him about Lynne.
'How has she ended up as a single parent?'
Carrie looked at him again.
'I didn't know her husband, she was already on her own when I came here. She applied for the part-time job I'd advertised. We hit it off instantly and now she works for me full time. Josh is two years older than Charlie but they're the best of friends.'
'What happened in her marriage?' Jake wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer to this question. Maybe whatever happened had been her fault and history would repeat itself if she did get together with Phil.
'I only know what Lynne has told me, but the pain of it was so raw two years later when we first met, that I have no reason to doubt the truth of it. Her husband was apparently a charmer, who charmed his way into her bed and her life. She eagerly married him and then regretted it. He didn't lift a finger, didn't work and happily spent the money Lynne earned. She was in quite a high powered banking job then. Anyway, she fell pregnant with Josh and he accused her of doing it to trap him for life and turn him into someone he didn't want to be. He walked out the day she told him and filed for divorce. He got half of everything and hasn't been seen since. Lynne's had it hard trying to climb out of the debt he left her in. But she's done it and now has a good life for herself and Josh.'
At least it hadn't been her fault, thought Jake.
'Does she still love him? Has he come back? Is that what's wrong?' More questions he was uncomfortable asking.
'I doubt it. Since Phil's been here, she's been so happy. To be honest, he's the first man I've known her to be with which must mean something.'
That last piece of information decided it for Jake. He had to do something to get them to at least talk to each other. He was prepared to run the risk of Phil hating him for interfering.
'I don't normally do this, but I've got to do something to help Phil. I'll need your help for what I have in mind. Will you help?'
'What have you got in mind?'
Jake outlined his plan to Carrie. Satisfied that they could pull it off, Jake got up to leave.
Carrie felt nervous as she walked in front of him to the door. She couldn't understand why she felt this way around this man. He was the only person she'd ever met who made her feel like a gauche teenager!

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