The Millionaire Falls Hard (8 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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'Thank you for sharing that Jake. You make me feel ashamed that I wouldn't share what I've always considered to be private. Virtually no-one knows about my past and I wouldn't want it to get into the hands of the press.'
'It wouldn't get there through me, of that you can be assured.'
Jake was quickly feeling on safer ground and waited for Carrie to continue. He picked up his knife and fork, ready now to do justice to the meal in front of him.
With a deep breath, Carrie dropped her bombshell. 'Lord Gemmell was my father.'
To say that stopped Jake in his tracks was an understatement. He looked completely dumbfounded as she continued.
'My mother worked for him and in comforting him after the loss of his wife, ended up pregnant with me. She left, a bit like your father did I suppose. He eventually found out from something his son said in a drunken moment and tracked us down. He helped us escape from an abusive family situation here to family in the States. I was fourteen when we arrived over there. I only found out the truth when he died.'
She realised that talking about it hadn't been as bad as she thought it might be.
'That's it in a nutshell. It's been a night for surprises hasn't it?' Carrie smiled at him.
Before Jake could reply, he spotted a familiar figure come into the restaurant and glance over at them. 'What's he doing here!'
Carrie followed his gaze and realised Alan had come in to check everything was still alright. He hadn't been happy letting Carrie go out unchaperoned when the threats were still active, but he'd checked the place over and stayed discretely out of sight.
Without waiting for a reply, Jake jumped to his feet. 'Oh, you've really played me for a fool haven't you?' He ground out.
He flung some money onto the table and told her to go back to lover boy.
'My God, I was taken in by you! Never again.'
With that he stormed out of the restaurant, leaving Carrie sitting there, too stunned to speak.
Alan watched Jake go and came over to her. 'What's going on? What's happened?'
When Carrie didn't respond, 'Carrie, are you OK?'
What had been a lovely evening had turned to dust and Carrie didn't have any idea what she'd done. Tears silently trickled down her face. Alan arranged for the bill to be settled. Two meals remained on the table, neither of them looking as if the diners had had much from them. The other diners returned to eating their own meals as they realised the show was over. Carrie was mortified at the public display Jake had put her through. She'd succeeded in avoiding negative media interest in her since she'd been in Scotland and now there was a risk that this argument with another public figure would get into the papers.
Out in the car park, Jake watched from the darkness of his car as Alan helped Carrie into her car and drove her away. Jake crashed both hands down onto his steering wheel, anger seething out of every pore.
He blindly drove off, not knowing where he was going, or caring. He just felt the need to put as much distance as possible between himself and that woman. How could he have allowed himself to be taken in by her. He felt sick when he thought about the inner secrets he'd shared.
He found himself in a little bay and just sat there staring out across the dark sea as it lapped against the shore.
What seemed like hours later, his mobile phone rang and shook him out of his thoughts. 'Calderwood' he snapped down the phone.
'Whoa! what's going on with you buddy?'
Jake took a deep breath and calmed instantly, remembering the real reason he'd set out this evening.
'Nothing. Hi Phil. You sound like you're back in the land of the living.'
'Yeah. I need a best man, a few weeks off and a godfather in that order.' Phil waited for the news to sink in. When Jake didn't answer, 'Jake? You still there?'
'Run that by me again, I thought you asked for a be…'
'I did,' Phil interrupted. 'Lynne's finally agreed to marry me and she's expecting our baby. We don't need tomorrow off to sort everything out but we're taking it off anyway, to celebrate. See you Monday, and, thank you Jake. I owe you.' Phil hung up.
Jake stared at the silent phone. It was bitter sweet news. He was happy for Phil but felt a stab of jealousy for the news he'd just heard.
Jake wasn't sure when he'd shifted from rejecting all the happy ever after stuff and not getting involved with a woman who had a child but now he was the one in the depths of despair and didn't have a damned clue what to do about it. He'd started out wanting Carrie in his bed, but somehow it had turned into more than that and now he didn't think he could face seeing her again.
He started his car and set off for home, feeling a loneliness that he hadn't felt in over ten years. It certainly didn't take much for it to feel as if life was crashing down around you, he thought.
Carrie had never been so glad to have company as she was that weekend. Rob had phoned out of the blue and invited himself and a few fellow musicians for the weekend. They were finding London too stifling for creative writing and wanted to borrow Carrie's sound-proofed exercise room for a few days, where they could hole up with their instruments and create music without disturbing anyone. She'd met them all in the past and they were a great bunch of guys.
Carrie also suspected that they hoped to be spoilt rotten with Moira's wonderful home cooking. This unexpected visit was a blessing after the disaster of the previous evening. Carrie spent the day helping Moira get the house ready, keeping her mind off Jake.
They arrived late afternoon, full of spirits and with enough luggage for a month never mind a weekend! They proved to be great company as they enjoyed grilled wild salmon and Moira's infamous home made apple pie with custard. It was something Rob insisted on whenever he stayed.
She spent friday evening catching up with Rob's news and as usual, they ended up around the piano. With other musicians there too, it sounded as if she had an orchestra in her living room. Just as well she didn't have any neighbours, she thought at one point during a particularly loud burst!
Singing always helped her forget and for a while tonight, it worked its magic again. Carrie sang some of her favourite numbers completely unaware that Jake was walking along the Estate road by her house. The sound of her voice carried in the silence of the night, and he thought she sounded like an angel.
Carrie fell into bed around midnight, exhausted enough to sleep and yet it eluded her. For a second night she found her thoughts going back over the previous evening's meal. She'd seen a different side to Jake last night; had found things in common with him. She'd wanted to take him in her arms and comfort him instead of just reaching out her hand, but there was still a reserve there that had held her back.
Having opened herself up to him, she wanted more. But he'd destroyed it all with a few angry words.
She felt physically frustrated at taking what felt like ten steps backwards instead of a few steps forward. She knew, without a shadow of a doubt that moving forward would end up in his bed. Well, perhaps moving backwards was a wise move - ending up in his bed was bound to be just a short term affair and she wasn't sure she was cut out for that. Not that she loved him or wanted anything more. Love! God, she was confused. She just didn't know what she really wanted.
On top of all that, she'd received another threat today. Having Rob and his friends there had managed to lessen the effect of receiving it, even though this time it made mention of her imminent trip to London. This was the first time a letter had been so specific and the police were taking it very seriously. She was due to give the main speech of the evening at an entrepreneurial event and it was well advertised so there was no need to waste time trying to work out how the harasser had found out.
There was no way she could get out of going, and wouldn't anyway. She refused to show weakness to whoever was sending those letters. Feeling upset, frustrated and angry in quick succession over the mess her life was currently in, Carrie tossed and turned, and finally drifted off into a fitful sleep in the early hours.
Next morning, while Rob and his friends spent a fruitful few hours working on their music, Carrie spent time with Charlie and Josh, helping them to put a jigsaw together.
She thought back to the phone call she'd got from Lynne and was delighted with the news she'd heard. It hadn't taken Phil long to convince Lynne that he was different. She'd sounded so happy on the phone and Carrie had heard Phil in the background, clearly having to exercise restraint while Lynne made the call. Carrie was thrilled for her friend, she'd not had it easy over the years. Hopefully, now, with Phil, she'd be blissfully happy. Carrie couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy; her friend seemed to have everything now that Carrie secretly craved.
Having achieved what they'd set out to achieve when they decided to come to Scotland for the weekend, the guys relaxed in the swimming pool late afternoon.
Rob took Carrie for a stroll around the Estate. He didn't beat about the bush.
'What's up Carrie, you look like you haven't slept in a week. Is it the threats, or something else?'
Carrie looked at him, fighting back tears, shook her head and looked away. Rob realised she couldn't talk about it so he pulled her arm through his and kept on walking. He regaled her about what was happening in London and all the good work they'd done in less than a day spent with her. Carrie joined in with news of her own and they were both laughing at something when Carrie spotted Jake coming towards them.
She stopped dead. If she turned round to go back, Jake would know she was bothered by him and Rob would ask questions she wasn't ready to answer. She pinned a smile to her face and started walking again.
'Hello Jake.'
'Carrie.' Jake didn't seem keen to stop but Rob had other ideas.
'Hello Jake. Haven't seen you in a while. How are you enjoying this beautiful place after the hustle and bustle of London?'
Jake was staring at Carrie, wishing himself a million miles away and wasn't listening. He noticed the shadows under her eyes. He noticed her lush red lips begging to be kissed. He remembered what it felt like to have her soft lips melded with his, his tongue dancing with hers. He remembered what it felt like to hold her in his arms.
He vaguely heard a voice talking and turned to Rob. 'Sorry?'
'This place you have here Jake is very beautiful. You must be very proud of what you've achieved with it.'
Jake finally realised who was talking to him.
'Oh, hello Rob, I didn't recognise you for a moment.'
'I bet you didn't
,' thought Rob, '
as you've hardly taken your eyes off Carrie
'Yes, I love it here and I can still get down to London in a flash when I need to. Good to see you again. Bye.'
Jake carried on past them as if he'd been stung. Rob glanced at Jake's retreating back and then looked at Carrie.
He hit the jackpot. Jake must be the reason for the dark circles under her eyes.
'Want to talk about it?' he asked quietly.
Definitely the reason he thought as they continued their walk. He'd known if he saw them together it would confirm his thoughts about Carrie thinking more about Jake than she'd let on. And you could cut the tension between them with a knife. Just wait 'til he told Sylvie that Jake was THE one. It looked a long way off though before either Carrie or Jake would work that out for themselves.
Carrie had never been so relieved for a Monday morning to come round. Rob was a dear friend and she'd had a wonderful weekend. Having a house full had certainly helped distract her from her troubles. She'd even slept better last night than she had for a few days. But, with her guests gone, she could now stop putting a brave face on everything. She'd found that part of it really exhausting.
Rob had never really pried, just done his best to keep her cheerful. She did wonder though how much he'd worked out, but he'd kept his thoughts to himself.
He must have been bursting to fill Sylvie in! That brought a weak smile to her lips as she imagined Rob telling Sylvie that she wouldn't talk about Jake. Well, they could add up two and two, but they would never get the right answer, there was no future for her with Jake.
Lynne was back at her desk and full of her news. She was bubbling over with excitement, with a wedding to plan and another baby to look forward to. They wanted to get married as soon as possible before the baby started to show. Then they would look for somewhere to live and hopefully be settled by the time the baby was born.
They'd finally surfaced from the hotel room on sunday afternoon and told Josh together. He'd taken the news really well, thrilled to have a father and ecstatic that it would be Phil. Lynne had sounded mildly embarrassed that they'd stayed in the suite for over forty eight hours.

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