The Ming Dynasty Tombs (21 page)

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Authors: Captain Chris Felton

BOOK: The Ming Dynasty Tombs
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He pushed more gell inside and from the bag near the bed he removed a butt plug and lubricated that as well, then inserted it into her star. He turned her over and went down on her, licking her g spot with a firm tongue, she moaned and ejaculated a stream of musky juices into his thirsty mouth. He drank her dry and continued to milk her of every single drop, as she ejaculated strongly while empty of fluids. Then he turned her over and rolled on a condom, and sm
othered it with gell. He remove
her butt plug,
and entered her with two firm strokes.
Plunging deeply into her with every thrust, she ejaculated and he placed a towel over her clitoris.

After two hours she dilated and gasped. He caught her sister’s attention and she joined him, going onto her clitoris and sucking strongly and sometimes weakly. Her sister thrashed wildly, and writhed as she was overcome by the intensity of her whole body orgasms. He pushed her sister’s head down onto her labia and clitoris and she plunged her tongue inside. Probing and exiting her even more, then after another 30 minutes he climaxed in that girl and moved to her sister. Having her in the same manner Quoi-Chee came over and took her clitoris in her mouth and sucked hard. Drinking as she ejaculated several times, after two hours he placed her aside and took Quoi-Chee she was so turned on, so aroused her face flushed, and juiced dribbled in a steady flow from her labia.

“Fuck my ass like them” she asked loudly, he lubricated he rand popped the plug inside then entered her vaginally enjoying her hot warmth. She bade him to stop and removed the plug and dropped it on the floor.

He rolled on a condom, and entered her having to push hard four times to get really inside her. She gasped and ejaculated, he placed the towel under her clitoris and pummelled hard into her, she dilated and he continued hard into her. She grabbed her clitoris and manipulated its hood really hard he prolonged her ecstasy for hours then came and collapsed between her thighs.  He walked to the bathroom, dropped the condom into the squat toilet and urinated for a long time. Then he woke the girls and asked them to shower, Quoi-Chee first, he removed the shower head and inserted it inside her
vagina and flushed her clean. Then he inserted it in her anus and rinsed that too. Taking all manner of stuff out of her, she gasped and flushed the foul smelling detritus down the drain.

“Do the same for the girls then sleep” he asked, she nodded and the girls showered and she flushed their bodies. He watched them dry their selves and then climb into the bed and cuddle each other very closely. He showered and re-dressed and went downstairs to the lounge. He starte
d checking out Lee’s notes and
recovered a quantity of gold in 1 Kilo ingots.
All the money over $25 million dollars plus some other things, there was a lid of the people he had killed and how he had killed them, and a disgusting box of souvenirs.  They were all body parts pickled in formalin in jars, women’s breasts, men’s penis, and testicles, tongue sand gold teeth. It was grotesque. He took the chest to the boiler room drained the contents into a shovel and burnt everything.
He had filled two suitcases by the time he had finished. He left them locked in the study, the wind had died down but it was still snowing. Lee was up an about early, he went into the boiler house, and crushed grey burnt bone and picked out all the teeth. These he placed in a bag he went for a walk to the harbour and dumped them in the sea.

The ash was put inside a bin behind the house along with 100 kgs of wood ash. He smiled at Kester as he walked into the boiler house.

“We should be moving” he said softly. Lee washed his hands in a nearby sink and nodded.

“What do we do with the girls” he asked.

“We take them with us, you want to keep yours?” Kester asked, he thought for a moment.

“Might be fun” he answered.

“Then I need to give them some more drugs and a new past, I just wiped the younger ones memories” he explained, he nodded

“Are we doing that today?” he asked, Kester nodded. The first was Quoi-Chee, he wiped her recent memories, and instructed her to go home, and he would give her the back pay she was owed. Lee drove her to the ferry she had with her a holdall containing $4 million Yuan dollars. She was happy to be going home to her family.

Lee took her to a rail station and saw her aboard a train. Kester drugged Lee’s girl and gave her a
new past and character
. He obliterated her inhibitions and programmed her to do all she could to please Lee, and to be faithful always. Then he told her to shower and wait for Lee to return in bed.

He did the same with the twins, but talked to them for three hours, they retained their old names of Chi-Wen and Chi-Chen but their entire past was fictional, and then he settled into their personalities. Their sexuality, and preferences, responses and how they should orgasm. He told them they were deeply in love with him then gave them the second doze of the drug.
Then left them to recover, Lee was packing downstairs.
Kester and he wiped all surfaces they would have touched and Kester told the girls to dress in warm clothing. Then pack some clothes and come downstairs. It was just after 2pm that they left the area. They returned to the house and collected the 75 which lee drove with his new girl. Kester and the twins were in the mini bus. They drove to the ferry, and boarded it then they were on the mainland. The snow was just as bad here and it took them an hour to cover the next 20 miles. They booked into a hotel for the night, and Kester slipped past reception, Lee used an assumed identity. The next morning he had to rouse the girls after a lengthy session the night before. 

They loaded everything into the car, and abandoned the minibus, driving the car to the airport. The airport was closed so they headed northwards towards Hong Kong some 300 miles distant. They took turns driving, and stopped after 100 miles to fill up with petrol. It was bitterly cold and the ice crunched under foot. They had burned their snow suits and were wearing civilian clothes. Then when replenished they sat in a small diner and ate fiery noodles which warmed everyone up. They drove all night and arrived at the border at 3am the following morning. Then drove through the tunnel to Hong Kong It was 5am when they reached the house on the peak.

The staff was
all asleep, it took a few minutes to arouse them, then they parked the car in the garage and went inside the house, there was no snow there but it was quite cold.
There was a bitter wind blowing, Lee and the girl vanished into his suite, and Kester took his two up to his suite.

He showered and dumped his clothing to be incinerated in the garden waste incinerator. He shaved and washed his hair in real shampoo the girls wandered around the bathroom mouths agape, at the sheer opulence there. Kester ran the huge spa bath and Chi-Chen poured a few drops of exotic bubble bath into the water
Kester took it from her and poured the whole litre bottle into the water, and activated the bubble mechanism.
They both quickly undressed and stepped into the bath then Kester joined them both. They wallowed and played around in the bath for an hour, then got out and slept naked in the bed. He slept till 4pm, and when he awoke he felt much better. H showered
and shave
d again and dressed in smart Armani jeans and an Armani sweatshirt, with Gucci loafers on his feet.
went downstairs and called the Philippines and then called Paul and asked him to keep the high security alert going. Kester turned on the television and the news was full of Hainan. They had found frozen bodies in the garden, and the ex chief of police had been found dead, having committed suicide.

There was no sign of the other house inhabitants some were speculating they had left the man who was depressed at
his job. They put out a nationwide alert for the missing people Kester smiled to himself and knew there was no chance. Then the news changed to the pirate, who was missing with his entire family and employees.
Some family friend had discovered the house empty, and they interviewed him on camera. Kester did an involuntary shiver the guy talking was a real nutter. He had a tattoo on his right arm, which depicted the crest of the 5
Parachute regiment. He was hard Kester took a note of his name and started to record the programme.
He managed to get the last five minutes of the broadcast. Then the news changed and went to everyday items. Lee came down sleepy eyed. He sat on the settee beside Kester and looked at him.

Kester played the clip, and Lee watched the man, and gestured to Kester to freeze frame. He did so
hen walked up to the television he pointed to the image and smiled a thin lipped smile.

“Colonel Shou-Chiang, 5
Regiment, he is a fucking nutcase, mental, the original mad frog. Was captured by the Vietnamese a few years ago and I don’t know exactly what happened but he escaped and rumour has it he killed 23 guards. But after that he was never the same, discharged
the army as clinically not mentally fit. I never realised he was the pirates brother. He is an evil mother fucker, we have to go home and prepare for a visit Boss” Lee remarked. Kester realised he was trembling slightly

“Looks like a fucking slope head to me” Kester said laughing.

“You’re not afraid?” Lee asked.

“I’m only afraid if its 9 feet fucking tall with big teeth” Kester answered, but inwardly he knew this might be a tough one.

“Do you have contacts here in HK?” Kester asked.

“Yes, why”

“I need the info on this fucker, get it for me” Kester asked and tossed
Lee a huge bundle of dollar notes.

No problem boss, I will leave now, and get your info” Lee answered.

“Don’t take the car, take the Hong Kong registered Explorer” he instructed.

Lee left and it was four hours before he returned. He had with him a file some three inches thick.

“Fuck Boss I’m j
ittered, that guy is a real bad
ass” Lee said so seriously.

“He is only a man the two of us can nail this arsehole permanently. Let’s go home and prepare” Kester remarked.

The next day they flew to the Philippines with the Lear Jet. After seeing to the girls Kester went to see Paul.

“We have a problem” Kester said dropping a copy of the file onto his desk. Paul read the file and then looked at Kester.
He was the most serious Kester had ever seen him be.

“Some guys are going to die boss, this twat mother fucker is going to kill people.” he murmured.

“If this bastard gets past my security, yo
u will be going home to blighty
I pay you
£3k a week to protect my family ok. You get your guys shipshape or ship them out” Kester said softly. Kester left him to muse over what he
said, and went to the house. He went to the armoury, and se
t up the big boss, .50 calibre
Barrat light .50

And stripped it
then checked everything. He walked back into the house the twins had been set up in a suite to themselves.
had a meeting with all the girls after dinner.

“Tomorrow I am holding an exercise, I want everyone in the house to practice getting to the safe room in the quickest time, so all day tomorrow as soon as the alarm sounds I’m  timing everyone. If you’re later than two minutes your dead” Kester explained. The following day staff and household practised and by days close managed to get 1.55 seconds into the safe room, which had been upgraded and was impenetrable. The grounds were filled with state of the art surveillance radar, and motion sensors. Kester locked himself inside his study and read the file on the man for the whole night.
It was dawn when he closed the file. Then he relaxed, he knew in his hear he would waste this mother fucker. 

He had a plan, and he knew this bastard was going to die. But there were variables and he had accounted for them all. Lee was working out too hard, he was always in the gym or at the ranges. Kester went to the ranges and took with him a spare eagle. He walked over to Lee and handed the weapon to him and placed three boxes of ammunition onto the desk top.

“Get used to it, it’s the real stopper and those rounds are wad cutter hollow point, just try them out” Kester advised. He nodded and took the weapon checked it out and shouted for the next target. It appeared wrapped in a standard vest he fired twice and destroyed the target.
He gasped and continued
shooting practice
for the rest of the day. Kester left him there and returned to the house. On an off chance he had motion detectors installed the other side of his boundary wall. His private network thorough Hullian had reported a stranger in town. The whole apparatus swung into action. Even though there was no other reports, the security were on red alert and everyone was edgy. It was Kesters idea
of placing the motion sensors outside the wall paid off. Security buzzed him they had a contact on the east wall. Kester sounded the alarm that activated a pager they all carried and they rushed past him to the safe room. With everyone in the house safe he waited, the armoured shutters had been activated covering all the doors and windows. He felt re assured as they all clanked noisily shut. He was on the landing at the top of the stairs, he was a few feet back and nobody could see the rifle he had set up. Which covered the front door this guy was a pre Madonna type and would never sneak through the back door, he would come through the front door. Kester waited, and there was gunfire outside the house
, then
it became more sporadic.

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