The Moon and the Stars

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Authors: Constance O'Banyon

BOOK: The Moon and the Stars
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“O'Banyon excels at bringing the grit and harsh beauty of the West and its brave pioneers to life. . . .
Heart of Texas
gets at the heart of the West and its readers.”


“Kudos to Constance O'Banyon!”


“Ms. O'Banyon's story is well written with well-developed characters.”


“Constance O'Banyon delivers a gripping and emotionally charged tale of love, honor and betrayal.”


Texas Proud
is another good read from Ms. O'Banyon. With its excellent characters and strong plot, readers will find enough action and surprises to fill an evening.”


“Constance O'Banyon tells a tale replete with action-adventure and glorious romance.”


“Mesmerizing, engrossing, passionate yet tender and richly romantic.”


“Constance O'Banyon is dynamic. Wonderful characters. [She is] one of the best writers of romantic adventure.”



“Wade Renault doesn't shoot people,” Mr. Liggett said. “He takes them to whoever hires him.”

The others fell silent.

Caroline shivered, and this time her whole body shook. What if he had come for her? Her first instinct was to run and hide, but instead she gripped her handkerchief tightly in her hands, twisting it into a knot.

In that moment, the stranger shoved his hat back, and his gaze collided with hers. She looked into eyes that were more intense than any she had ever seen—and saw death reflected in that harsh gaze.

In that moment she knew in her heart that he had come for her!

The bounty hunter nodded the merest bit in her direction while a cruel smile curved his lips. This was no clumsy intruder like the one who had broken into the house in Savannah trying to find her. This man would know exactly what to do: And if he had come for her, she would never be able to escape those watchful eyes.





Other books by Constance O'Banyon:















Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one



For Jim,
for the years, for the love, for the children you gave me.

And for the men and women who fight for us—
God bless you.


Published by

Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

200 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10016

Copyright © 2005 by Constance O'Banyon

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author's rights is appreciated.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Trade ISBN: 978-1-4285-1732-5

E-book ISBN: 978-1-4285-1724-0

First Dorchester Publishing, Co., Inc. edition: August 2005

The “DP” logo is the property of Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

Printed in the United States of America.

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Charleston, South Carolina—1868

Autumn leaves scattered across the lawn, driven by a strong wind from the restless sea. Dark storm clouds gathered in the east, and a chill shook Caroline Duncan as she tried without success to loosen the tiny hooks at the back of her wedding gown.

This should have been the happiest day of her life, but it wasn't. Her father had refused to attend the ceremony because he did not approve of her marrying Michael Duncan. There had been a time when their families had been on friendly terms, but that was before Michael's father had remarried after his first wife's death.

Michael had been in Caroline's life for as long as she could remember. They had grown up together, and before long, childhood games of tag and hide-and-seek had given way to picnics and neighborhood dances. Most people had assumed that the two of
them would one day wed, and Caroline could not imagine being married to anyone but Michael. As a young girl, she had always shared her deepest secrets with him, and he had come to her when he was troubled about something.

Michael's life had started to go wrong three years ago when his father brought his new wife, Lilly, and his stepson, Brace, into the house.

To make matters worse, Mr. Duncan had died last December, leaving his entire fortune to Michael. But Michael's legal rights did not keep his stepbrother, Brace, from taking control of the household and becoming master of the vast estate. Michael was unequal to the task of taking his inheritance from Brace's firm grip. Brace had dismissed all the servants who had been there for years, and brought in his own people. Michael had told Caroline that the servants spied on him and reported to Brace.

Caroline had not liked Brace from the first moment she met him. The man was somewhere in his thirties, not tall, certainly not as tall as Michael. Brace had dark hair, with just a touch of gray in his sideburns. He had a beard that he kept neatly trimmed. His eyes were his most disturbing feature—they were dark, almost black, and there was never any warmth in them. She might have considered him handsome with his fine features if she had not known about his character flaws. He was vain and liked to dress well, so he freely spent Michael's money on his wardrobe.

It had not taken her long to see that Brace was jealous of everything that belonged to Michael, and that included her. That was when she first started to fear for her friend.

Caroline had come upstairs to change out of her wedding gown and into something more suitable for traveling. She stood before the mirror, focusing on the tiny seed pearls at the neck of her mother's white wedding dress. As a child she had fantasized about one day wearing this gown and walking down the aisle on her father's arm with all their friends gathered for the occasion. She had never dreamed that she and Michael would have to wed secretly.

The door opened and Lilly, Michael's stepmother, poked her head into the bedroom. “You should hurry, Caroline. My son will be back from town any time. He's been drinking, and you know how he is when he's drunk.”

Lilly Duncan was a tiny, birdlike woman with long, dark hair that she chose to wear unbound in a style better suited to a much younger woman. The stark blackness of her hair was a startling contrast to her pale complexion and dark eyes. Caroline pitied Lilly, who was a sad creature, living in the shadows of life. She had been twice widowed, and she was terrified of her own son, Brace.

Dread settled around Caroline when she heard thunder in the east, warning of a gathering thunderstorm. She cringed just thinking about what Brace's reaction would be when he learned that she and Michael were married.

Her new husband had thought that if they went on an extended honeymoon, Brace might accept their marriage by the time they returned.

But Caroline knew better. Brace would never acknowledge their marriage. She thought of the many times he had brushed against her or breathed down her
neck while cleverly making his action appear accidental, not the lewd and calculated move it actually was.

She despised him, and he knew it. But it didn't matter to him how she felt; he was determined to have her. And when Brace wanted something, he would stop at nothing to acquire it. He was the only truly evil man she had ever known.

She thought back to the first time he had come upon her when she was out riding alone. Caroline had hardly known him at the time. He had roughly pulled her from her horse and pressed his hot lips on hers before she could even object. She had struggled to get away from him, feeling sick inside, and so terrified she could hardly think. She had finally gotten her arm free and had struck him a stunning blow across the face with her riding crop.

She shuddered, remembering how he had run his blunt fingers over the cut and had disgustingly rubbed his own blood across her cheek. She could still hear him swearing and saying that they were now bound by his blood, and he would someday have her, with or without marriage. His threat still rang in her ears. He had told her that if she married anyone else, she would be a widow shortly after she became a bride.

From that day on, Caroline had carefully avoided being alone with him. Only last week he had appeared at a gala held by one of her friends. Brace didn't usually attend any local events because he was not considered acceptable by most of their neighbors. That night he had gone directly to her and grabbed her arm, taking her into the middle of the other dancers. She had smelled the whisky on his breath when he whispered in her ear that if she allowed Michael to
touch her, or if she was thinking of marrying his stepbrother, he would see them both dead.

Brace never made empty threats.

The cruel way he treated Michael had worsened since Michael's father had died. Brace never missed an opportunity to torment his stepbrother. Caroline had helplessly watched Michael slip further into gloom. He was gentle and kind, and no match for Brace's ruthlessness. Michael liked to read poetry and good books. She missed the golden days of childhood when they would spend hours reading to each other.

Three nights ago, Michael had come to her at her father's house and, with tears in his eyes, begged her to marry him. He was sure that together, the two of them could stand up against Brace.

Michael had chosen a day when Brace would be busy in town. They had spoken their vows early in the morning, and planned to depart as soon as possible, yet she was still afraid for Michael. She was also afraid for herself.

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