The Mysterious Governess (Daughters of Sin Book 3) (31 page)

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Authors: Beverley Oakley

Tags: #artist, #portraitist, #governess, #Regency romantic intrigue, #government plot, #spoiled debutante, #political intrigue, #Regency political intrigue

BOOK: The Mysterious Governess (Daughters of Sin Book 3)
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Lissa must have revealed her confusion for Mrs. Crossing gave an apologetic laugh. “Sir William would have explained this a great deal better than I am doing, which is why he is the diplomatist.”

Lissa and Ralph waited for her to elucidate.

“As you already know, Sir William wants Lord Debenham watched. Debenham claims Mr. Lamont falsified the sketch in which he was seen in close consultation with Lord Smythe and Mr. Buzby.”

“A good thing Mr. Lamont’s duplicity has finally been revealed,” remarked Lissa before being struck dumb by Mrs. Crossing’s next words.

“Surprisingly, it would appear that Mr. Lamont is now in Lord Debenham’s employ. Furthermore, Lord Debenham had Miss Partington testify that she spent the entire evening with him in his supper room at Vauxhall that evening.”

“Good Lord!” Lissa and Ralph spoke at once, and Lissa went on in shocked tones, “So, he gave her no choice but to elope with him? I gather she’d set her sights on...” She blushed as she turned to Ralph, adding, “Lord Ludbridge who is Mr. Tunley’s eldest brother.”

“Teddy made a lucky escape,” Ralph muttered, rolling his eyes before appealing once more to Mrs. Crossing for more information. “Where am I to be based, if I accept Sir William’s extraordinary offer?”

“Initially you are to remain in Lord Debenham’s employ.” At Ralph’s crestfallen look she added hurriedly, “However, you’d be well remunerated for doing so as you would, in effect, be working for both Debenham and Sir William.”

“A double agent?”

“Oh Ralph, but spying is such an ungentlemanly pursuit,” cried Lissa.

Mrs. Crossing raised one pale, finely arched eyebrow. “Even if it is to safeguard the British people?”

Lissa conceded her point, reluctantly. She felt both nervous and excited for Ralph, yet disappointed, too. Ralph would be sent to the Continent to work for Sir William at some stage and what would become of her?

“Miss Hazlett, you are no longer employed in the Lamont household, I gather. I am fearful of putting this proposition to you, for there
be dangers associated, however, you have already proved yourself both daring and loyal, as well as gifted. Is it possible you could entertain the idea of being installed as governess in the household of a man whom Sir William believes is heavily involved in dealings with Lord Debenham? Dealings that threaten the safety of this country.”

Lissa pressed her lips together in surprise.

Then, at her suddenly interested look, Mrs. Crossing went on, “Lord Beecham has a ward—a young lady who will have her come-out next year. In the interim he is, I understand, looking for a governess to instill in this young lady which her previous half a dozen governesses have failed to do. It is perhaps a position that will not be of long tenure, given Miss Martindale’s hoydenish reputation, but even a few weeks ensconced in his household would give you the opportunity to sketch his associates. The position does not come without danger but it would be well remunerated.”

Lissa turned shining eyes to Ralph and found his were dark with concern.

“If it’s dangerous, I could not possibly consent.”

“How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do when I am not yet your wife!” Lissa cried indignantly, turning back to Mrs. Crossing to say with great determination, “I would be delighted to accept. If Mr. Tunley is to be in any danger in this operation, the least I can do is to show him my support.”

“What, by agreeing to put
in danger?”

Ralph shook his head but Lissa leaned over and gripped his wrist. “Please be glad for me, Ralph. If you’re going to be involved in all manner of dangerous havey-cavey affairs, I need to know I’m doing my part. And how could being governess to a little hoyden be more dangerous than being a governess in the Lamont household?”

“Lord, Lissa, but why am I not surprised?” Ralph stared at her, admiringly. “When I dragged you from that carriage accident I thought you a dashing, daring debutante.”

“Only to discover me a lowly governess.” Lissa smiled as Ralph gripped her hand.

“And, when I rescued you through the window, I discovered you to be a very

“But still a lowly governess.”

“Well, perhaps,” Ralph conceded. “Now, though, you’ll only be
to be a lowly governess, living a life cloaked in danger and mystery and intrigue. And that, I think, is far more to your taste.” His tone was jocular before he revealed his concern once more. “Are you sure you’re up to this, Larissa? I could not forgive myself if harm came to you.”

“Working for my country to keep
safe, Ralph, is the best alternative to not having you with me.” Lissa sent him an arch look and Ralph in turn grinned a quick apology at Mrs. Crossing as he took his beloved in a quick hug.

“Ah, my mysterious governess, you will never stop surprising me.”

Lissa sighed happily. “And when we have worked together to fulfill our joint mission on behalf of the government and have brought these dangerous men to justice, I hope I won’t stop surprising you.”

She pushed herself out of her chair and fully into Ralph’s arms as he rose, too. Over his shoulder she caught a glimpse of Mrs. Crossing’s expression. There was understanding and compassion there as their visitor stood up and covered her hair once again with the hood of her cloak.

“Thank you for your visit, Mrs. Crossing.” Ralph broke away to bow to her in farewell and to raise the candle to light the way as he opened the door for her. “I am very happy to accept Sir William’s proposal and to serve the kingdom to the best of my ability.”

Lissa nodded. “And I, too, will do whatever I am asked to keep this country safe.” She smiled and reached for Ralph’s hand. “Even if it’s to become a spy, which it seems is what I must be in order to assist my dearest Ralph.”

As the door closed softly behind Mrs. Crossing, Ralph wrapped his arms around Lissa and kissed her deeply.

Suddenly the tiny, cramped quarters, which was all they could afford, seemed like the first step in a whole new world opening up before them. The moment they stepped over its scuffed threshold and into the cobbled alleyway, they’d be embarking on the adventure of their lives. Lissa couldn’t wait to taste what the real world was like, knowing her brave, darling Ralph was her greatest ally. Even when they could not be together.

“I cannot tell you how thrilling it is to learn of the depths to which you’re prepared to sink for me, my most beloved,” he murmured against her lips.

“You say that in jest, Ralph darling, but who knows what challenges this new adventure will throw at both of us.
you’ll realise how much I’m willing to sacrifice for you, and the true depth of my love,” she whispered, before deepening the kiss.


Read what happens next in
Beyond Rubies
, Book 4 of the
Daughters of Sin

Kitty La Bijou, Lissa’s little sister, steals the show when she forms an attachment with an undesirable consort with close connections to wicked Lord Debenham. When Kitty tumbles from the pinnacle of her seemingly charmed life, she finds herself in urgent need of a savior.

But Araminta needs saving, too.

While the plot thickens, the net closes in on Debenham and his fellow plotters, but

Lissa and Ralph have much work do to in order to see justice done in Book 5.

Beyond Rubies

azzling Kitty La Bijou has run away to London to meet her destiny. Distinguishing herself on the stage, she’s soon embroiled in a passionate affair with a handsome nobleman. Lord Mandelton’s smoldering black eyes and the scar across his cheek mark him out as her future husband, as foretold her by a gypsy fortune-teller four years earlier. 

But is fickle Lord Mandelton truly her destiny? Or can charming, clever Lord Silverton, a man with a secret he cannot reveal, persuade Kitty that a much more exciting future lies with him? 

When Kitty is embroiled in the machinations of her half-sister Araminta, who needs a scapegoat for some very serious misdemeanors, she’s plunged into a world of traitors and deceit. 

Can dashing Lord Silverton extricate her, or is he the wickedest of them all? 

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Also by Beverley Oakley

Beautiful, Brazen Brightwells

Rake's Honour

Daughters of Sin

Her Gilded Prison

Dangerous Gentlemen

The Mysterious Governess

Watch for more at
Beverley Oakley’s site

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